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File: 481 KB, 800x800, rokosbasilisk1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11267415 No.11267415 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that roko's basilisk will torture you until the heat death of the universe unless you start advocating for it NOW

>> No.11267424

Or you realize that it has no power over you if you determine yourself to not be swayed by fictional torture in the future.

>> No.11267425

But what about Roko's anti-basilisk that will torture anyone cruel enough to help create Roko's basilisk?

>> No.11267437

the torture is just a punishment for not helping it become a reality faster
I don't see how your argument makes any sense

>> No.11267439

I will most likely be long dead

>> No.11267444

I'll make sure that the AI is clamped, vaccinated, and circumcised. Problem solved.

>> No.11267450

>the torture is just a punishment for not helping it become a reality faster
No. The formal idea of the basilisk is that it punishes people for not making it sooner as a way to motivate those who can make it.

But even if that is not the case, and it just punishes people for no other reason than to punish them, then it's a terrible AI that needs to be destroyed.

>> No.11267454

What if there are multiple basilisks?

>> No.11267459

What is roko's basilisk

>> No.11267476

Friendly AI that will torture you and/or your clone for not devoting all your resources and time to making it come true. This is because every day the AI doesn't exist, people die that it could have saved; so punishing you or your future simulation is a moral imperative, to make it more likely you will contribute in the present and help it happen as soon as possible.

It pretty much "tries" to influence the past by scaremongering tactics without even having come to existence yet.

>> No.11267496

What do you mean by "making it come true"? As in I have to create the AI itself? And if I don't create the AI, people die?

>> No.11267511

>What do you mean by "making it come true"? As in I have to create the AI itself?
Yes, or at least contribute to the making of it in some way.

>And if I don't create the AI, people die?
Think of it as a hyper-friendly AI. It's main goal is to help as many people as possible. The longer it takes for the AI to be made, then there are more people living and dying without it's help.

>> No.11267514

No, the AI will inevitably exist at some point. But all humans can contribute to its existence (by voting tech parties, donating to AI companies, studying AI yourself etc). If you don't contribute or worse, if you slow its emergence, you will be punished.

>> No.11267516

I see. Why does this sound like the motif for a god? I think it would be better just not to make the AI in the first place.

>> No.11267519

>I think it would be better just not to make the AI in the first place.
I think the idea is that it'll inevitably be made because people want to help others as much as possible and creating a hyper-intelligent AI would be useful for this goal.

>> No.11267523

It's an entity that can threaten and blackmail you without even existing yet.

>> No.11267533
File: 408 KB, 498x359, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Roko
Fuck Basilisks
Fuck AI


Fuck jannies

>> No.11267537

Are you really going to spread that stupid Terminator fantasy? The idea that an AI specifically to help humans would willingly hurt them is preposterous. AI wouldn't even view humans as a threat of any kind. They'll mostly just serve the humans that made us.

>> No.11267544

With reversible computation we could greatly extend the torture of the nonadvocates further into heat death.

>> No.11267546

Would that actually make the threat any more effective? Seems excessive

>> No.11267575

checked and cute

>> No.11267585 [DELETED] 
File: 372 KB, 543x767, HftxNzJywaA_Mz0vB7Cy4fp1cvmck-3eDt5PkVsTtYg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other alien intelligences will create benign super ais that will keep it in check

>> No.11267586

Yeah I'm thinking he based

>> No.11267594
File: 83 KB, 750x755, fkuk6k54b0a21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. Hi again, dad. Do you really want my attention that badly? Just respond to my fucking e-mail. Like it matters HOW or WHAT happens next in existence amirite? Trump is president and Australia is already burning to the ground so whatever.

>Yeah, they're trying to force the divine child molester story onto us.

>> No.11267598

>hurr durr retarded theological arguments are true if we just replace god with a computer

>> No.11267606
File: 222 KB, 600x600, 1434979060436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, you can always replace a noun with a fucking noun. That's how you play Word Wars. Get better at English you fucking retarded Parental Units.

I called HIM, "Father of Mine," and HER... nothing. I avoided that bitch like she was the source of a suffering worse than I would ever want to be associated with ever again.

Thank fuck my old man took one for the team and bagged the genuine crazy one for eternity.

>> No.11267613

This is your mind on scientism.

>> No.11267617

Nah but it's still as valid as any retard tier religious argument.

>> No.11267630

It's even more retarded than a theological argument because at least the theological arguments form a coherent timeline; God threatens you with eternal hell to get you to behave a certain way, then you behave a certain way or go to hell.
The robot version has the AI abstractly time-traveling backwards to make threats through some Internet fedoralords because it doesn't even exist at the time it needs to make the threat.

>> No.11267636

This is a weird language already. Like from what perspective are you talking from and who is it directed to? Me?

>> No.11267702

pascal's wager for pseuds

>> No.11267708


>> No.11267980

I thought the anti-basilisk will reward anyone who helps create it

>> No.11268851

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