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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11265862 No.11265862 [Reply] [Original]

>CSfag INTP ADHD useless ~le lazy but smart
>somehow always had 1 - 3 people/group to talk about anything(a irl friend, some online ones, a gf)
>lost all of them in 2019 for no apparent reason
>starting to have absolutely 0 social interaction
>also don't really enjoy games or TV anymore
Heh, this is my time to shine. Finally embracing the misanthropy and using the pursuit of knowledge as my main dopamine sources. I'll go balls deep into my field's literature and trying new projects and stuff, actually trying and exploring my potential, adopting real hobbies like actually finishing and polishing software projects, arduino stuff for funs, etc.
People are too unreliable and fickle anyway, bunch of unpassionate NPC faggots. You'll be better giving non-family people lowest priority in life.

>> No.11265867

>has nothing valuable to say
Color me SHOCKED

>> No.11265873

>hurr blogpost
Blogposts are normal and expected in imageboards if its on-topic you plebbit faggot, go back to /r/science full of [removed] gay bullshit

>> No.11266051

are you me?

question: you ever feel like you're running out of time? Like you're already too old and need to buckle down now or you'll be a failure forever?

>> No.11266138

Yes. I'm 25 and I'm feeling the pressure to get my shit together already

>> No.11266198

bro honesty pursue knowledge full time, no more pesky people getting in the way anymore

>> No.11266356

Your determination is futile. Just play games and 'fly'.

>> No.11266359

>believes in personality bullshit like myers briggs and adhd

what are you doing on this board? faggot

>> No.11266373

you speak of motivation like its a switch mounted on your neck, a switch which you only now have thought to flip.
you will do no such thing. a week will go by and you will be back, either here or wherever else your comfort zone is located. there is no escape,

>> No.11266405

Holy shit man, I stopped feeling that a long time ago, I'm 28 now, but when I was 21 I was scared to death that I wasn't fucking excelling at anything. Maybe I don't have 3 PhDs now but I have learnt a lot and continue to learn new things every day, I'm a very accomplished person and people always tell me I'm successful and shit, I guess a lot of people stop improving in their mid 20s and never go back to it.
Moral of the story is stop comparing yourself to others and just compare yourself to your previous you, otherwise you will never have peace of mind.

>> No.11266436

>a switch which you only now have thought to flip.
Its kinda like that actually since I decided to finally get treatment for ADHD. I'm now on vyvanse and this thing act like a switch for focus and productivity, makes me actually pursue my goals and interests. Before that I used to be the typical "smart but lazy", not doing shit even when I had way higher interest in the uni subjects compared to my peers.