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File: 44 KB, 720x268, babylonianastronomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11264690 No.11264690 [Reply] [Original]

>Four procedure texts, most likely written in Babylon between 350 and 50 BCE, reveal that Babylonian astronomers computed the distance traveled by Jupiter from the area of a figure representing a graph of its changing daily displacement (velocity) against time. Historians of science thus far thought that this type of geometrical representation and computation of motion, well known to modern students of physics, was invented in the fourteenth century AD. As it now appears, Babylonian astronomers already came up with a very similar idea.

>> No.11264744
File: 484 KB, 644x648, 436ff4fa4603f02c866e67e2d6a555f7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ancients were smart. neat!

>> No.11264881

if they were so smart, how come they're all dead?

>> No.11264884

bcuz they got old

>> No.11264890

There is no cure for dead.

>> No.11264917

If being smart makes you stay alive, how come you're not dead?

>> No.11264919

jokes aside this is a legitimate question if you think about it.

>> No.11264926

why dobt you elaborate you retard all youre doing is starting N argumejt.

what the non meant to say is why are the ancient civilizations and their ethnicities and cultures still not around and why are they 'dead' or genocided, implying that they are weak and deceased as a population

>> No.11264968

They didn't die. They went with the Annunaki and blew this pop stand.

>> No.11264971

>you can’t cure death from old age
Aubrey de Grey would like a word with you

>> No.11265024


moar plz

i associate with annunaki

>> No.11265076

Have you seen this?


>> No.11265100

death is a good thing

>> No.11265110

There was another dude with the same beard with the live forever stuff. He died about 15 years ago at the age of 63 or something.

>> No.11266402


>> No.11266407


>> No.11266611

Ready about the babylonians. THey were trying to build a tower which would extend into the heavens. They were ahead of their time and got conquered by some "chad" barbarians.

>> No.11266621

for you

>> No.11266730

I know this is a meme, but because so many spergs here seem to bite let me explain: They collapsed for the same reason every highly advanced and specialized civilization has collapsed so far. Something happened, that disrupted their system and people needed to fight for their survival again. Since surviving in nature without a nanny state isn't easy, especially not when many more people are suddenly in the same situation, they couldn't preserve their knowledge and built up again, after the situation normalized. The same will happen to us, once global trade breaks down for whatever reason.

>> No.11266740
File: 90 KB, 512x694, 1573341367999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no computers

>> No.11267735


>> No.11267803

>what is an abacus?
>what is scrawling tally marks on a piece of clay?

>> No.11267981

I see that we are having another brainlet invasion.