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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11258801 No.11258801 [Reply] [Original]

Is he /ourguy/ or cringe?

>> No.11258802

cringe just like your post.

>> No.11258818

He made some good science vids back in the day. Before I was educated I watched them and got the impression he was really good at what he does. Then as I gradually became a scientist myself, he started spending most of his time talking shit about one particular feminist and I realized he's just a sperglord.

>> No.11258841

absolutely retarded about anything outside his narrow area of expertise, but thinks he knows everything

>> No.11258862

speaking as an atheist, he's cringe and retarded

>> No.11258878

His science videos have always been good, some of his kickstarter callouts were interesting. He seems to be doing a lot of clickbait these days with shit like "Tesla batteries suck" being about how the energy density of batteries is shit.
He needs to shut the fuck up about aerospace, the average /sfg/ poster knows more about the topic than him.

>> No.11258884

based /ourguy/

>> No.11258894

so, he's like every academic then

>> No.11258897

didn't believe in brexit

>> No.11259004

Cringe as fuck
Having said that, I enjoy his startup busting work

>> No.11259009

hahahaha... oh

>> No.11259165


>> No.11259196

Fuck off you piece of shit board wrecking spam poster.

>> No.11259944

>speaking as an atheist
i think your cringe and retarded

>> No.11260016

He made me more interested in science as a teenager. His chemistry and startup busting videos are usually fun.
He's your typical arrogant fedora though.

>> No.11260031

> Then as I gradually became a scientist myself, he started spending most of his time talking shit about one particular feminist and I realized he's just a sperglord.

It’s a bit strange seeing an actual engineer buy into the edgy teenager phase of hating feminism.

>> No.11260040

pure, unadulterated cringe. Made a couple of lucky predictions and now thinks he knows everything.

>> No.11260049
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>reddit spacing
You give yourself away too easily.

>> No.11260050

a broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.11260053

>Y-you space sentences gotcha

When will this meme die?

>> No.11260058

everyone hates feminism but roasties and sōyboys

>> No.11260078

everyone hates feminists but autistically screeching about it is no better

>> No.11260141

>everyone hates feminism but roasties and sōyboys
Making dozens of videos about it on the internet is fedora cringe.

>> No.11260153

Don’t worry. You’ll grow out of it eventually.

>> No.11260238


>> No.11260241

>When will this meme die?
probably when you go back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.11260369

Feminist are the most publicly accepted authoritarian political group, they do need to be exposed as the hypocrites all authoritarians are.

>> No.11260373
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>being the newest of fags

>> No.11260382

His content is just so painfully slow to watch. He repeats himself over and over and manages to shoehorn e.g. his solar roadways beef into every video, repeating minutes of old talking points, at a pace that is far too slow even at double speed

>> No.11260419

>sill being mad about other websites
What is this, 2010?

>> No.11260422

you’re not welcome here, go back

>> No.11260427

Most of his videos are alright, besides the water dehumidifer debunking #91252346423.

>> No.11260441

White zoomers are really lacking on male role models.

>> No.11260492

I don't like his overtly propagandizing visual style, eg, the frequent use of constructing a scene only to have it leave with a slow fade to black. Then he replaces it with the new scene, the realer real, the truer Truth, the actual fact, as revealed by thunderf00t. Exit the old reality with a fade, enter the new,

I just don't like it. That type of manipulation relative to the overarching clustering of his tendencies and traits. I don't like status quo "debunkers" to begin with, and these other things are just obnoxious. He seems very brittle and narrow minded, to the detriment of the pursuit of truth and the absolute.

>> No.11260494

Sorry I must have missed this. Is it the "boomer" of gen Z kids?

>> No.11260514

Who knows.

>> No.11260540

i like his sciense videos

>> No.11260585
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>> No.11260876


I will always respect Thunderf00t. Whats the controversy with him?

>> No.11260885

Sadly, for you, most trannies kill themselves before they get the chance to grow out of it.
Enjoy the programming socks, anon

>> No.11260908

he is joke police and anti brexit and thinks that trump is a bigger threat than the s jays

>> No.11260950


A lot of Humanist / Atheists seem to have this "anti-Trump" mentality. Sam Harris as another. Why do you think this is?

>> No.11261048

He picks on easy targets, often times after someone else has already completely exposed them, then tries to make it sciency by posting really boring irrelevant videos of him in some lab doing something vaguely on topic.

He's pretty annoying in general and his videos are way too long.

>> No.11261075

>Sadly, for you, most trannies kill themselves


>> No.11261078

>and anti brexit

Why shouldn’t he be? Brexit is boomer conservative-tier.

>> No.11261313

It's not being mad about other websites. It's just that reddit in particular is retarded. And that includes you.
Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger

>> No.11261318
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>It's not most, it's only half of them. Checkmate

>> No.11261320

Cause they're retarded
Having said that, anyone who worships Trump is also retarded

>> No.11261412
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>Brexit is boomer conservative-tier.
true, but only because our supposedly 'educated' youth are not educated, but indoctrinated. Based DomCum will revitalise an already strong scientific sector too


>> No.11261448


>> No.11261451
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>> No.11261472

put more effort into your post

>> No.11261475
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>> No.11261493

holy shit did he really say that? i don't know if utterly based or deranged

>> No.11263112

literally who

>> No.11264200
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 1560305828904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump becomes the first female president
I wish he would pull something like this.
I really wish he would.

>> No.11264341


>> No.11264383
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Named Madonna.

>> No.11264879

He was right about Brexit, but he was mostly cringe otherwise. His science videos are highschool-tier shit.

>> No.11264900

>He was right about Brexit
>brexit didn't even happen yet
what did he mean by this