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File: 223 KB, 1138x838, betelgeuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11258697 No.11258697 [Reply] [Original]

it's happening.

>will be bright enough to be visible during in broad daylight
>may be bright enough to cast shadows at night

>> No.11258829
File: 44 KB, 736x434, richard+feynman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump! nobody cares about astronomy anymore do they. fucking kids these days. pic unrelated

>> No.11258830

Wasn't there meant to be a supernova going off a couple of years back that would've lit up the night for months? Shit never happened, would've been cool.

>> No.11258834

big balls of gas in space, wow it's fucking nothing.

>> No.11258839

this is the normie version of astronomy and normies suck. go back, or learn to respect stars

>> No.11258872

It's not even in its final phase before going boom, which lasts a couple hundred years. Not happening in our lifetime

>> No.11258877

astronomy has no practical use, there is nothing to respect. it's at best a hobby.

>> No.11258885


>> No.11258893

citation needed

>> No.11258905
File: 365 KB, 1531x1966, 1575590751709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the numale basedfags from redddit all seem to think we're going to be living on mars in a few years. its cringe how disconnected from reality those retards are.

>> No.11258948

Absolutely rent free. Also hide the samefagging better

>> No.11258951

the only thing more fascinating than space is how boring it is

>> No.11258954

>uses the word cringe
>accuses others of being from reddit
>calls others retards

Kill yourself

>> No.11258992

Here come our Great Filter lads

>> No.11259015

it's too far away

>> No.11259038

>astrofag I know on constant autistic rants about muh end of astronomy because space rockets
>not a single mention of THIS

Assuming it goes in our lifetimes, how bright can we expect it to be early on?

>> No.11259205


Ten years ago,
>In July 2009, images released by the European Southern Observatory, taken by the ground-based Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI), showed a vast plume of gas extending 30 AU from the star into the surrounding atmosphere.[16] This mass ejection was equal to the distance between the Sun and Neptune and is one of multiple events occurring in Betelgeuse's surrounding atmosphere. Astronomers have identified at least six shells surrounding Betelgeuse. Solving the mystery of mass loss in the late stages of a star's evolution may reveal those factors that precipitate the explosive deaths of these stellar giants.[50]

>In December 2019, astronomers reported that the star's brightness had significantly decreased and that it may therefore be in the last stages of its evolution.[57][58][59]

>will be bright enough to be visible during in broad daylight
>may be bright enough to cast shadows at night
If by "brighter" and "bright enough" you mean "dimmer" and "less visible" then yes.

>> No.11259245

If it explodes it'll be brighter, dingus.

>> No.11260188

I think it was a pair of stars they were thinking were about to collide. Further measurements since showed they were going to miss by a wide margin, unfortunately.

>> No.11260276

you'll notice he said "will be", not "is", you moron

>> No.11260288

>I don't know why people complain about tsunami.
>All the water has rushed AWAY from us!

>> No.11260295

inverse square law

>> No.11260297

law of averages

>> No.11260301

I admit Supernovae making me wet. The idea of something megabright appearing suddenly at the skies and maybe even killing off half or third of the earth's surface life is so apocalyptic final awesome.

>> No.11260304

Leaking diarrhea from your boy-pussy isn't "getting wet". Sort yourself out.

>> No.11260307

That won't happen within the time frame of what humanity has left.

>> No.11260309

you are jelly bc you are emotionless

nova's gonna kill you

>> No.11260310

there isn't any supernova candidate close enough to actually kill us, and in a reasonable timeframe of human civilization nothing will wander in closer, a possible but unlikely exception being the pole of a star further out being exactly aimed at us and intensifying the result dramatically

im sure it would look very pretty if something like betelgeuse blew though

>> No.11260315

Would it brighten gradually, or slam on like a light?

>> No.11260318

probably the latter, the final stages happen stupidly fast

>> No.11260324

I thought these things happen astronomically slow. Will everyone forget about it until it blows up five years later, or will it happen next week?

>> No.11260327

we don't know, it'll happen soon on astronomical scales but that might not be soon on human scales

>> No.11260488

>Twatter thread

>> No.11260511

unfortunately scientists like based Kinney post on twitter and not here, so if we want actual science shit to talk about you gotta find it somewhere.... there are no good threads here right now that aren't twitter threads and i'm a bit done with transhumanist schizos and /pol/ shit like greta and race threads

>> No.11262432


>> No.11262504

>transhumanist schizos and /pol/ shit like greta and race threads
Yeah wtf is going on with that, its like 5 or 10 up at all time

>> No.11262515

thread's theme music

>> No.11262629

It's a paid media campaign to imprint the approved knowledge into minds of people without own opinion on the matter through constant exposure

>> No.11262811

Could this become a magnetar and starquake us to death like that one in 2004 that was 50,000 lightyears away but still messed with our atmosphere

>> No.11262825
File: 736 KB, 1280x1923, eso0927d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah! I just hope it blows in my lifetime

>> No.11262835

What a shame. Humanity could use a 90% population loss which can't be blamed on anyone.

>> No.11262851

Think of all the lifeforms in that system who get taken out. Such a shame. But "it's beautiful", so it's okay when species die for it.

>> No.11262857

>it's happening.

Oh no it might blow up in 1000 years!

>> No.11262868

what lifeforms? it's a fucking supergiant star, it doesn't even have planets, and even if it did they would get sterilized by it

>> No.11262871

Cringed hard

>> No.11262885

In cosmic time this is now

>> No.11262945

don't worry, it's going to happen sooner or later for any of a number of random reasons

>> No.11262985

Is this b8? Or are you really that stupid?

>> No.11262988

very good argument m8

>> No.11263141

This is actually a rather interesting phenomenon. I remember reading somewhere that ancient myths and legends spoke of Orion losing his shoulder. This event apparently happened repeatedly throughout history. The current dimming is likely just a repeat of that event and nothing to get excited about. Then again, who knows?

>> No.11263150
File: 40 KB, 387x437, nujak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]