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11255607 No.11255607 [Reply] [Original]

Don't know where else to post this so I decided to post it on my favorite board. Why can I not enjoy weed? Every time I smoke I have a terrible experience. Painful pins and needles feeling all over, rapid heartbeat which feels like a jackhammer under my rib cage. Seems like everyone either says it's all in my head and must try not focusing on it or that I have smoked too much when I don't even have much, not even a single proper pull. Would other drugs go south if I were to ever try them?

>> No.11255957

just don’t smoke it duh?
psychoactive drugs have a high variety on how they influence perception, for some people weed just feels uncomfortable.
I don’t know if there is a way to actively change how it affects you and I wouldn’t see why that is a problem in the first place, since one solution is really that simple.
Personally I liked it in my teens then just started to feel depressed and schizophrenic on weed so I just don’t smoke.

I have neither anecdotally nor in studies seen if you would react in a bad way to other drugs because of that.

>> No.11255959

does your family have a history of anxiety, depression, schizophrenia?

>> No.11255988

lol I have a complete different experience. I feel a complete sense of quiet and calm. Totally relaxed, and everything is heightened. Everything is more vivid and enjoyable. I can truly focus on the now.

>> No.11255998

weed goes best with running and music, not necessarily at the same time but that's a good combo as well

>> No.11256002

Why do you need to use it at all?
What are you trying to escape from?
Wouldn't you be better off actively doing something about whatever it is you're using drugs to escape from rather than just avoiding the problem?

>> No.11256023
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Fuck off weed is just fun and you wouldn't know

Try smoking alone, don't get too worried about freaking out cause there's no social consequence.
If you wana smoke socially or use weed to calm yourself or even slow yourself down its best to literally practice working with it. Carts or edibles tend to make this easier.

>> No.11256038

>he doesn't know I was getting drunk alone in my room when I was 13 years old
>he doesn't know I did drugs in my later teen years
>he doesn't know how much I abused alcohol for about 10 years
>he basically doesn't know shit about me
LOL fuck you. You're a BABBY who doesn't even understand himself.
At least stop lying to yourself.

>> No.11256064
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I don't typically measure the size of my dick by how self destructive I've been, but hard methamphetamines for the past 15 years and no plans of stopping honestly sounds throbbing.
you could try some weed, it helps temper and really takes the edge off.

>> No.11256107

lmao this fucking picture

>> No.11256119

How are you smoking it?
With no tolerance weed is incredibly strong.
One puff of a outdoor (non-hydroponic) marijuana cigarette should knock you out.
Half a join would be an overdose.
God help you if you try a bong, that's like smoking a while joint in one hit.

Try taking the tiniest puff. Wait half an hour. Try a little more.

You are almost certainly having too much.

>> No.11256121

>everything is more vivid
it isn’t.

>> No.11256138
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>I know your completely subjective experience better than you do

>> No.11256779

try masturbating or edging or farting or drinking a sugary drink or some caffeine. very importantly dont be drunk or hungover at all not even 1 /2 a beer. try an indica strain (musky earthy smell ) and take some cbd before, like 20-30 mn before

>> No.11256782

also try streching and massaging acupuncture points (google self-shiatsu)

>> No.11256786

also some chamomille or chew lemon rind and sip water and try burping. edging and streching can help this. also flexing torso and turning wrist up, while holding a cloth in clenched fists

>> No.11256798

Weed is literally for losers.

>> No.11256812

This. All my friends who smoked regularly ended up dumb slackers with 0 discipline and 0 achievement.

>> No.11256964

same, but I have a small sample size (N=2) and the causality is not clear.

>> No.11256968

um ok boomer lol

>> No.11256973

If you're in a legal state get a high CBD strain or more balanced CBC and THC strains.

If you're smoking illegal the THC content tends to be exponentially higher as dealers breed the flowers for the strongest strain possible. This has been happening for a while. In this case opt for a smaller dose OR... just don't fucking do weed because it's an unproductive drug which will most likely induce mental illness in some form in individuals like myself and you.

>> No.11257296

Dope is for dopes

>> No.11257302

Don't be so retarded, please stop trying to do drugs

>> No.11257467

Not a boomer by any means. Weed is degenerate. The people who use it get hooked on it and destroy their future. Why is that good? Do you think its good to zombify your brain?

>> No.11257476

Yeah anxiety

>> No.11257480

Done bongs mostly. First few times were amazing then it began to go south.

>> No.11257501

Weed just makes you feel okay with being bored. Smoke a joint, jerk off, watch TV, laugh at stupid shit and feel good. It's the true opiate of the masses. Why is there such a push to legalize pot now? Because the rich realize it's the best way to ensure a docile and compliant populace.

>> No.11257520

you sound a bit paranoid yourself m8

for a sci board you'd think people would meditate a bit on correlation and causation with respect to the weed issue, maybe google some twin studies on the matter (they exist and are good) but no, you just sprout off a generic talking point =/