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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11254605 No.11254605 [Reply] [Original]

sex alcool and food... are only dopamine boost... attraction is regulated by hormones and sexual dimorfism... life is deterministic with only a few non deterministic time frame in which you can choose which path among a set of path predeterminated and son at every diramation..
we choose probably life before to born based on our carma and experience we gotta still do... universe is a reflecton of our way of thinc/ing
Why still continue this simulation? Sometimes I feel very annoyed and meaningless.. probably beacuse not all that I wanted happened in my life

>> No.11254607

among a set of predeterminated paths and so on at every diramation..

>> No.11254728

poo in the loo?

>> No.11254729

Frog posting should be bannable

>> No.11254731

If you truly thinks this way OP, you must end it! There is no place for empty souls like yours in this world.

>> No.11254768

Motorbikes for me.

>> No.11254772

Food is great, fuck you.

>> No.11254791

Food is the most overrated hedonistic pleasure
Music, movies, drugs, sex (probably) are all good but food is so boring
t. 6'1 skelly with no appetite

>> No.11254794

You think you know hedonistic pleasure better than Marlon Brando?

>> No.11254868
File: 99 KB, 600x715, 712d562399a9e9b9dc702121a3841c95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby's first existential crisis
imagine not getting pleasure out of life. imagine not finding happiness in the presence of people you love, in reading good books, eating good food, visiting interesting places, learning about the intricacies of nature, listening to music, having sex, helping others, viewing pretty art, etc. OP is a nihilist faggot. grow out of it.

>> No.11254869

Has Marlon Brando said anything about food?

>> No.11254873

I dont understand people who dont like food. Are you a vegetarian?

>> No.11254878

Do you know the first thing about Marlon Brando?

>> No.11254880

you only like food because you associate it with care and family affection. some people didn't make this connection growing up

>> No.11254883

>the first thing
His character raped the protagonist in A Streetcar?
The Godfather?
His Indian activism?
That he sucked black cock in the 40s and 50s?

>> No.11254885

>503 error
I disagree. I like food because it is fun to good and tastes good. Even supposing that's the case: so?

>> No.11254888

>currently on /sci/ - Science & Math
>>I like food because it is fun to good and tastes good
>>Even supposing that's the case: so?
bro what

>> No.11254889

Well, the second thing actually
>he was the most based actor to ever live
>he got monstrously fucking fat in the 70s, 80s
he also looks real hot in streetcar, and in waterfront

>> No.11254892 [DELETED] 

I don't understand what your point is. I am sorry you don't enjoy something essential as much as I do.

>> No.11254894

I meant "fun to cook", sorry. I am phoneposting. I don't know what your point is.

>> No.11256894

but sex is just a boost in a mulecular brain...our mortality made me anedonic

>> No.11257016

just tell you are happy worked for me
t. not insane

>> No.11257017

food is great
beer is good
people are crazy

>> No.11257070

OP's on his way to becoming a socialist lol. Expect green hair.

>> No.11257202

I enjoy art, music, nature, etc. Still have existential crisis.

>> No.11257203

Are you having an existential crisis or are you just a little depressed? Either way, I hope you get better~

>> No.11257215

You aren't as clever as you think you are.

>> No.11257226

What do you mean?

>> No.11257235

People have been experiencing existential dread and coping with it for centuries - the difference today is that neo-socialists have successfully convinced many people of the false dichotomy between science and religion/philosophy, as well as the proposition that science proves materialism (not to be interpreted literally - of course EM waves exist), or at least leaves it as the most likely option.
Everyone is not equal. Souls exist. Read philosophy to find out what actual people of the past had to say about all this.

>> No.11257446

You only don't like food because you've put no effort into it. Try gardening, hunting, and cooking properly. Also stop thinking about shit so much. Reflection is powerful, but do it too much and it's like saying a word a bunch of times: You get so caught up on how the word sounds that you can't comprehend the meaning anymore. Words are not sequences of noise though. Words are symbols for communication. Their meaning is what you put into them.
Life is the same: You must give it meaning.

>> No.11257511

I am having flashbacks to my childhood and realizing who I was never existed and my goals for the future didn't exist either because I was a stupid child who thought he'd grow up to invent time travel.

The things I find meaning in don't work anymore. My life has no purpose and so I played vidya as a neet for years.

>> No.11257870
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>having sex
haha yeah man on the regular haha

>> No.11257903

if a few years when you find out real life is total shit you will probably kill yourself or become a drunk.

>> No.11258568


The fact that you think reality is deterministic is exactly why you will always be a loser.

>> No.11258572

You can change, anon. You CAN have sex if that's what you want.

>> No.11258620

Another free will thread

>> No.11258695

Chads giving romantic advice is absolutely infuriating. You shitheads can't even fathom that it's possible to be undesirable. How can someone undesirable have sex if they don't pay for it?

>> No.11258714

I assure you im not a chad lmao
>you cant fathom
Yes i can
You can make yourself desirable

>> No.11258716 [DELETED] 

Uhh, in not a chad lmao
>you cant fathom
Yes I can
You can make yourself desirable

>> No.11258722
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>> No.11258760

nice. only good post you've ever made.

>> No.11258761

t. Npc

>> No.11258769

Who cares? Have fun until you die

>> No.11258772
File: 33 KB, 500x483, 1573156563473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to plebbit.

No really, close this site and never come back

>> No.11258773
File: 86 KB, 430x441, 1536572709936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who cares? Have fun until you die

>> No.11258784

Tap 4/10 fatties with daddy issues. They're a more passionate fuck than Stacies and they're not as high strung anyway.

>> No.11258793

Yeah sure. I guess life is meaningless when you you stop to look at it. But why do that when you could be pursuing goals and having fun?

>> No.11258794

>be a degenerate
wtf /sci/

>> No.11258806

just kill yourself then fucknugget, if life is so meaningless then there wouldn't be any point in continuing on, would there? Fuck I hate nihilism so fucking much, the literal worst most cancerous philosophy to exist within the human experience.

>> No.11258814
File: 46 KB, 400x486, 1325418853147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? Feel rage until you die

>> No.11258826
File: 6 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who cares coom until you die

>> No.11259019

I wonder if there was a girl that I met at some point in my life who thought I was cute

>> No.11259357

listen to me, im doing you a favour.

youre self loathing, you think youre unique, you think god hates you or something.
youre not
youre average

everyone is insecure

everyone has a hard time with sex

most people lie a lot about it, im not

listen to the other anon if you want you can have sex, its relatively easy, as far as things can be in life, just improve yourself and be confident, thats really it. Nothing else needed, poor ugly people have lots of sex all of the time so you have no excuse.

And listen to this, this is very important. if you choose to remain playing the victim, like if society owes you something, you will only be a weak virgin.
Complaining will make you look weak for everyone, no one will pity you, not even your own mother, none of your revenge fantasies will come true, you will not be the joker doing retarded dancing on a stair or whatever.

You have three choices:

1)Do what you have to become desirable and have sex
2)Don't do it and be a virgin
3)Don't do it, complain and be a sad annoying virgin

that's literally it, dont get mad, dont cry stop being an infant, im informing you of reality, im telling you how it is and im doing you a GREAT favour, remember those three possibilities those are your only choices, NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING ELSE is going to happen. Take them into consideration and choose, WISELY

>> No.11259423

this but unironically

>> No.11259513

this image was produced by a real high-end thinktank of master psychologists looking to find a way to maximally activate the neet incel mind. "Twinkies eh? I ought to date the individual making so wise a purchase!"

>> No.11259592

So the solution is to make people food?

>> No.11260259

Dive deep into spirituality as a whole. Then become a shaman and start a cult. Godspeed Anon