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11252697 No.11252697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We’re all liberal here, right?

>> No.11252704


>> No.11252706

liberal=high openness in the big five
alt-right is basically the backwoods liberals of the neo-cons

>> No.11252717

Yes. Conservatives are incapable of science by definition.

>> No.11252726

It's funny how I was a socialist at 15 and now just at 21 I'm a fascist and I'm in complete support of a dictatorship, hopefully like the Roman Empire, and the complete genocide of Greece and Germany.

>> No.11252734

I'm an alt right conservative. I'm engineering tho, not a real scientist.

>> No.11252745

There are only two sexes
Humans be divided into many races or subspecies
Women are irrational emotional impulsive creatures compared to men

The following statements are scientific but trigger liberals.

>> No.11252752
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>> No.11252784

He looks like he could kill at least 2 Germans with the right training. If you are going to bully and mock him, I'll take him in so that he'll kill in my name.

>> No.11252796

nah, i'm an technocratic accelerationist.

>> No.11252811

same here, robo-fascism is based

>> No.11252812
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>being someone other than center left to center right
>meme ideologies
>fascists, commies, anarchists, accelerationists

>> No.11252816

glad to hear i'm not alone here, fren.

>> No.11252822

ok, boomer

>> No.11252827

ok, NEET

>> No.11252832

>There are only two sexes
There are two biological sexes but an indefinite number of genders. we can all agree on that
>Humans be divided into many races or subspecies
there are so many "ethnicities" that any label becomes meaningless. identifying with ethnicity "x" is socially constructed
Women are irrational emotional impulsive creatures compared to men
numbers of wars started by women: 0
numbers of wars started by men: all of them

>> No.11252833
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>> No.11252834

why work? the system you set up punishes me through taxes that would pay for me if i were just lazing around.

>> No.11252842

This election I'm going to vote in such a way that scum like you gets deprived of the largest amount of NEETbux

>> No.11252850
File: 991 KB, 1865x1572, 1576666242835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numbers of wars started by women: 0
>numbers of wars started by men: all of them
wrong, all wars are the result of women. if women weren't around there would be no wars. the entire concept of coward revolves around the protection of women.

>> No.11252853

Why R U wrong?

>> No.11252858

Define "liberal".

>> No.11252869


>> No.11252882

yes, right wing liberal, not leftist

>> No.11252897

I wish I knew the tone of voice for this question.

>> No.11252923

There is only sex: the male sex; women aren’t human

>> No.11252930

Go back to leftypol, you niggerfaggot

>> No.11252943

So a women technically can't cheat since they can't have sex? How very liberating for them.

>> No.11253080

Because modern liberals have the same attitude towards science as fundamentalist christians.

>> No.11253090

>le war is always bad and irrational maymay

>> No.11253110

pill me on the war is good meme

>> No.11253114

Most humans are trash
people die == good

>> No.11253119

hard to argue with that, but don't good people die too while much of the trash survives? wouldn't a more systematic approach of exclusively taking out just the trash be more optimal?

>> No.11253120

Are you mentally retarded? How is Ethnicity the same as race?
>le war
Civilization still remains after war, but civilization is being destroyed by women.

>> No.11253121

I am a far left liberal. Honestly, anyone who isn't at least a little progressive in some way is not capable of making it in science. You might be an undergrad or you might make it in engineering, but you're never going to last in academia. It's a requirement that you be infinitely open to all kinds of new, strange ideas, and you be ready to test them out to see whether they are true or false with a healthy (not obfuscating) level of skepticism.

>> No.11253127
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>open to ideas
oh lol

>> No.11253139

If by liberal, you mean politically left, then fuck no. At least not American Liberal. I'm open to new ideas, but I tend to follow data, and progressive bullshit is the opposite of Liberty.

>> No.11253153

How would you select them?

>> No.11253155

>There are two biological sexes but an indefinite number of genders
What the fuck is gender then?

>> No.11253160

>C: I think we should kill minorities
>L: That's fucked up, I don't want to be friends with someone who thinks like that
>C: lmao so closed-minded, I would never unfriend someone just for disagreeing with my stance on genocide.
Liberals just have principles.

>> No.11253164

It's a typo, he actually meant to write "ganders."

>> No.11253166

intelligence, creativity, and cooperateability seem to be the key traits for stable advancing societies. then the question becomes how to measure, weigh them and/or factorize the traits then selecting an appropriate threshold is debatable.

>> No.11253173

>things that never happened
it's more like:
>c: "i don't like the idea of welfare."
>p: "holy shit you're worse than hinter" *blocked*

>> No.11253176

>being a political Euclidean
I seriously hope you guys don't do thism

>> No.11253179

pill me on the political euclidean menace

>> No.11253182

>C: there could be biological differences among human populations that evolved in isolation for thousands of years
>C: .......

>> No.11253183

Is this an example from an article about straw man fallacies? Too unrealistic, you would never see a strawman this obvious in real life.

>> No.11253185

Politics is too complicated to be measured by a simple left-right axis or even a 2D plane. Political views are not typically ordered like that.

>> No.11253186

>liberal spouts his delusions and fantasies again

>> No.11253190


>> No.11253199

that doesnt mean u've become wiser or smarter retard. it just means you've become jaded and edgier. you are basically living life in reverse. congratulations

>> No.11253253

Make pointless wars and market the military super hard so all the brainlets join and go to die in some shithole.
It's working so far.

This has actually happened to me on a new Discord server I joined (run by a family member), except I was saying you shouldn't be worried about the alt-right since they're mostly a joke, and if you're concerned about their sudden visibility you should look at why their ideals have become attractive to some people. For that transgression ("maybe you're part of the problem") I was immediately called racist and blocked by one person while a few others dogpiled me and claimed literally everything I said was fallacious, racist and privileged. I never once said anything about race. The projection was fucking legendary.
These dumb fucks are why American liberalism is dead. You can only pull the "everything I don't like is racist" card so many times before it falls apart.

>> No.11253269

>Taking a standard that primarily applies to retarded burgers with their bipartisan shit

>> No.11253288

>brainlets join and go to die in some shithole
It seems that the military doesn't allow people below 84 iq, indeed to be a soldier you need to be above average in intelligence, conscientiousness and health.
I suppose that if your goal is to destroy the best of the breed, then this is quite efficient.

>> No.11253355

i mean open to new, good ideas, not open to regression

>> No.11253359

except it literally happens on 4chan constantly
you're new here i guess?

>> No.11253373

define regression?