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11245324 No.11245324 [Reply] [Original]

>still no legitimate way to make your penis bigger
Is it hopeless bros?

>> No.11245341

There are two ways you fucking idiot. Just use Google, you retard. Now delete this thread.

>> No.11245342

We’re getting close bro. In the meantime, you can jelq and use penis pumps. There haven’t been any thorough studies done on these yet, but the positive anecdotes are too many to ignore.

>> No.11245344

Jelqing doesn’t work I tried that, same with bathmate and other penis pumps, even if there is gain it’s minimal. Surgeries either don’t work or leave your dick scarred and have high risk of failure.
Trust me if there was a way I would know about it.

>> No.11245351

1: adding tissue below the glans. Yes, it does leave scars, but it works and doesn't look too bad unless you only pay 100$ for it.
2: cutting and reattaching ligaments at the base. This works extremely well and only leaves tiny scars at the base.

>> No.11245352

Dude I’ve seen the post op pics, it looks horrible and failure risk is high as fuck even if you get the best surgeon.
Also there aren’t even any real gains, only when you’re flaccid.

>> No.11245360

In the first case, yes, second, no. I'm not talking about just cutting the ligaments for changing the angle, I'm talking about pulling the penis outside a bit and then sewing on the ligaments again.

>Plastic surgeons in most cases extend the male limb by means of a so-called “erectile tissue displacement plastic”. As the name suggests, the male erectile tissue is moved outwards. This means that the part of the penis that is in a curved shape inside the body is removed - and automatically straightened in the process.

"On average, this creates an extension of about two to six centimeters," says Birnbacher. However, anything beyond that is rare. Once he saw an increase of nine centimeters during an operation, but that was an absolute exception.

>> No.11245365

lol, "removed" is translated incorrectly. "relocated" is what is meant there.

>> No.11245381

I hope it’s true but a lot of those articles are sponsored by surgeons.

>> No.11245437

take viagra pill every day for a year.

>> No.11245468

>how to have a heart attack in just a week

>> No.11245479

>one mad dicklet responds to every post and argues with everyone

Great thread

>> No.11245498

Thank you sir

>> No.11245513

Read this if you have the time. Perhaps chemical enlargement of the penis will be an option in the future?


>> No.11245520

Viagra doesn’t increase your penis, it just makes your erection stronger.

>> No.11245528

Priapisms can induce growth of the penis, so maybe if you take a lot of them it'd have an effect?

>> No.11245529

Same for muscles if you are part of the unfortunate 25%

>> No.11245531

Jesus Christ how have you not fucked off yet

>> No.11245538

It worked for me. It's not magic and gives you 1-1.5 inches at most and some girth in exchange for sensitivity and discoloration but it's better than nothing.

>> No.11245544

Based muscle mass poster

>> No.11245572

I said it many times faggot, drink gallon of milk a day along with lifting and your muscles will start to increase

>> No.11245988
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> 4.5 inch with shit girth
> 5' 8 manlet
> 115 IQ

I've accepted my fate too bro..

>> No.11246095

What’s the point? Women don’t really care about your size. It’s how you use it. Also you can always use oral or toys to please her.

>> No.11246103

buy a penimaster pro, wear it for 8 hours a day for 6 months, every month increasing tension. Your dick will grow minimum 1inch, usually around 2 inches.
It works 100% of the time, I increased my dick by around 1.5inches. Got thicker too. Also the curve is a lil straighter. Anyways goodluck

>> No.11246569

I've got 5'' and no girl ever complained. Half an inch isn't that much of a difference. You need to learn to stop thinking about it.

>> No.11246570

anon, I...

>> No.11246627
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>have been hearing about stem cells since 1990
>still nothing

>> No.11246790

Is there any research to back up jelqing or pumping? Both of these only herald temporary, fairly small (half an inch) gains. The risk is greater, you could lose length if you do it "improperly". I'm not sold on either of these, I've never seen any conclusive studies. I'm ~6 3/4 to 7 inches non bone pressed but I'm dissatisfied with my 5 inch girth. I'd like to close in on the last inch of length and girth before I'll be satisfied, but I refuse surgery.

>> No.11247425

>he hasn't taken the girth pill

>> No.11247532

>and no girl ever complained
they probably laughed at your micropenis with their friends bro

>> No.11247534

fall backwards onto a neutron star

>> No.11247536

Absolutely not. Girls don't measure dicks. They never know any numbers, they just enjoy. Sorry you're still a virgin.

>> No.11247543

>>still no legitimate ways to make your penis bigger because OP is too much of a pussy to follow through them meaningfully

>> No.11248585

just inject aborted baby smoothie into your scrotum

>> No.11248734

Done on children with micropenis, but still interesting. There's definitely the potential for growing the penis by manipulating it with the right hormones and chemicals, it just isn't clear how to do so in an adult. The last link is interesting also, it suggests that by inducing a controlled priapism you can achieve growth of the penis á la megalophallus (people who have natural priapisms during puberty sometimes develop megalophallus). They also used a mixture of chemicals break down the fibrous tunica that envelop the erectile tissue with the intention that this would help the priapism stretch the tunica out.

Maybe various collagenases (or other chemicals that break down the tunica) coupled with pumping at low intensities could deform the tunica giving additional volume to the penis.

Then there's also various hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) that have been speculated as the cause for megalophallus. They cause (amongst other things) angiogenesis when the oxygen levels are low in the cell. Priapisms can result in low (dangerously low sometimes) oxygen levels in the penis causing HIFs to work. I recall a study where rats had their penises clamped to induce hypoxia the HIF levels were elevated after 4-5minutes.

>> No.11248947
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girls dont really care about size, they care about how genuine, easy going and charismatic you are. now get out there and conquer the world champ

>> No.11248958

>some scientific breakthrough occurs that makes a viable mass market penis enlargement product
>95% of men flock to it, massively overdo it
>they quickly realize having a huge dick means difficulties having PIV sex
>due to all of these painful monster dicks, women start actively seeking out small and average men
>small dicks win
This is an accurate and complete representation of the future. Screenshot this post.

>> No.11248967 [DELETED] 

We've been looking at this all wrong. We shouldn't invest in making penises bigger, we should invest in making bussies smaller

>> No.11248974
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We've been looking at this all wrong. We shouldn't invest in making penises bigger, we should invest in making bussies smaller

>> No.11249925

You wish. Your white 5 inch micropenis will never satisfy a women.

>> No.11249933

Same, results were just temporary swelling.

>> No.11249935

What a bunch of fags! Big dicks have no practical value. I wish I could leave it on the piano before I had out.

>> No.11249977

Actually they have, it’s easier to impregnate a woman if you have big dick.
They are also more visually pleasing and better at giving orgasms.

>> No.11249996

lol virgin.

>> No.11250006

whatever helps you sleep at night
bigger = better

>> No.11250010

If you think it's a dick that makes women orgasm, you are 100% virginand have never given a woman a real orgasm.
You get your info from porn.

>> No.11250034

You fucking retard, orgasm from piv is pretty common unless you have a >6 inches micropenis.
Also eating pussy is gross as fuck I hope you don't do that.

>> No.11250042

you're not trying hard enough

>> No.11250111

Would you suppose if an adult man uses a certain HDAC inhibitor and apply himself with these hormones & growth factors, he might experience similar results as the children in the studies?

>> No.11250148

Where did I claim piv was uncommon? Learn to read, you imbecile.

> >6 inches
It seems you're the retard.

>> No.11250153

just pull on it alot lmao this isnt rocket science

>> No.11250177

I don’t think that’s safe

>> No.11250852

I've no idea about that

>> No.11250860

Women can’t accomodate dick bigger than 7” without adjusting to it, the increased frequency in orgasm is probably due to psychosomatic induced arousal and the higher propensity for maintaining an enduring erection in well endowed men with more sexual experience. Anything below 6” and you’re at a disadvantage, there are optima even for roasty hedonism and it sits around 6-7”.

>> No.11250966

You still believe it's the dick that makes women orgasm and you're still wrong and a virgin. Not sure why you're bringing size into this. Insecure?

>> No.11251634
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You just don't want to put in the effort.

>> No.11251679

Are you a cute twink?

>> No.11251680

Lmao I'm gay and in many occasions my girl friends have made fun of guys with small dicks

>> No.11251683

Having a big cock isn't that great desu. It's impressive when you first take it out but then the sex ends early because they can't take it without hurting

>> No.11251701

>he cares about dick size
A good job with high wagecuck salary is worth infinitely more to some stupid bitch than a dick is

>> No.11251703

I have an average dick and though about getting an op for it in the future just for the sweet factor.
Gave up once I saw the double dicked dudes shitty reddit post, you cant beat him in a dick contest hence it doesnt matter.
Mans has 2 dicks that work, 2 dicks.
Why the fuck would I get an operation for 1,5 inches of length when theres double decker mcgee over there with his combo meal.
If I ever get an operation itll be to get two dicks instead of one and if medical science isnt there yet then I dont care.
Size is just inconsequential after the double reveal, we live in a post double dong era.
You dont see people bragging about their free cable anymore because theres streaming, supercars need acceleration not top speed. The barrier is broken and the cock ceiling has collapsed.
Sincerely a concerned individual

>> No.11251719

Just stick it in a jar full of wasps or let snakes bite it. 3 procedures and you are good to go. Girls appreciate the bumpy texture. If that worked for romans, it should work for you too

>> No.11251732
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Does growing my foreskin back count as making it bigger?

>> No.11251933

does it make your erection bigger is my question to you

>> No.11252022
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, E4S8PjK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can a 6.5" micropenis satisfy a midget?

>> No.11252209

Enough with the penis enlargement, is there a way to make my cock small and cute? I want to lose about 3 inches and about half my girth too

>> No.11252222

Yeah, some do. It's a cultural phenomenon where huge dicks are valued as status symbols among them.

>> No.11252245

This is kinda related and unrelated but I did manage to increase my tongue's length by 2 cm by following a routine and not cutting my frenulum (yet)

>> No.11252263

lmao dicklets seething

>> No.11252414

This is the shit that made me give it a shot. Got around 0,5cm length and girth doing girth stuff only and starting at 15cm.

But I understand it might be a bit demoralizing and anxiety inducing to a smaller dude like OP who feels like they might NEED to achieve some specific result, with all evidence for it working being randos online. Not great methodology.

Getting some pussy and seeing for yourself how it's not that important is the best thing in this case.

>> No.11252729

Tongue is a muscle, you can train it. Penis is not a muscle and there is pretty much no way to increase its size. It’s basic biology really.

>> No.11252730

>100 replies
>no "angion method"


>> No.11253015

There is lots of smooth muscle in the penis. Also, tissues other than muscle tissues can be made to grow.

>> No.11253280
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>have a natural 6 inch dick with decent girth, been praised for being “the best cock to suck”

Merry Christmas to me.

>> No.11254701

What a fucking god.

>> No.11255563
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>only muscle can grow

>> No.11255577

Don't forget about macropulsion

>> No.11255602

should we tell him about the vitamin D3 hyperdosing, bros?

>> No.11255615

Rule 1 is we dont talk about vitamin D3 hyperdosing, so no we shouldnt.

>> No.11255622

Some do but not all. However most women admit size does matter.

>> No.11255629

>have 5" with 1" girth
>Shave everything, including asshole
>Plug asshole
>Jerk off in the mirror

>> No.11256787


>> No.11257958

He’s back!
>eating pussy is gross
What are you, gay?
That guy wasn’t real
Based. I’m also regenerating mine

>> No.11258187

I don't care about this gay shit. I only care about ramming some holes and the bigger the pee pee is the more fun it is.

>> No.11258244

>suppresses immortality research
Ok, I get it limited resources and all that
>suppresses male cosmetic research
Ok now they're just being demoralizing. Are incel scapegoat terrorists such a rare commodity that they need to resort to this?

>> No.11258407

>Is it hopeless bros?
I wouldn't know, men in my family are hung like fucking horses.

>> No.11258417

As long as you don't have a microdick you're fine.
And even if you do, my best bud in college was half vietnamese and half irish american manlet with a 3 inch dick and he pulled consistently pulled high quality tail that would come crawling back.
As much as I make fun of manlets and hapas muh boi pat was the broest of bros.

>> No.11259242

try measuring in cms instead of inches for me it worked

>> No.11259323

Testosterone injections help if you’re still in puberty. After that your growth is done.

>> No.11259746

What is the evolutionary purpose of small penises?

>> No.11259842

Women find them "cute" and non-threatening.

An absurdly high percentage of women are an-orgasmic, so it doesn't matter what you're packing, they aren't going to get off on it. Too big, and it hurts. They really don't care about sex other than for breeding and keeping their emotional support husband pussy-whipped.

If we all lived naked, we'd end up like gorillas. One-inch dicks.

>> No.11260346

It's a defect, either due to genetics or enviroment. Not all characterstics in an animal have a purpose and some are just straight up dysfunctional versions of things with a function. Does being blind have an evolutionary purpose?

>> No.11260352

get some testosterone cream for down there

>> No.11260359

>If we all lived naked, we'd end up like gorillas. One-inch dicks.
We did live naked for the majority of our history as a species and we ended up with the largest penis of all great apes and one of the largest mammal penises (when compared to body mass).

>> No.11260363

in generally it seems that men lacking in masculinity are smarter than traditionally high T males, and perhaps this difference reflects a trade off between beneficial brain parameters for intelligence and androgen sensitivity/sperm production


>> No.11261245

Just masturbate harder. Really grab the base tight and squeeze blood into the glams while you go up, that makes it bigger. Then bend it side to side, that makes the shaft longer and thicker.
You need to have an unmutilated penis to do this so the first step is to be born to parents who will not cut a piece of your dick off.

>> No.11261463

if you're a beta yeah, they don't care about that if they have the chance to fuck an alpha

>> No.11261853

>We did live naked for the majority of our history as a species and we ended up with the largest penis of all great apes and one of the largest mammal penises (when compared to body mass).

That's because of rape-orgies, which you can see reflected in the shape of the glans penis. (Pushes competitor's semen out of the way. Because we (except with very few exceptions, and if you get a chance to go to one with willing participants you should) no longer have rape-orgies as a regular occurrence, thus penis size is not selected for.

Women find money sexy. See >>11260363
(At least the smart ones do. Stupid might go for cock size, unless they have rape-trauma.)

>> No.11261853,1 [INTERNAL] 

Dude, I'm sorry, but I think you're a real idiot. How could you think that Viagra makes your penis bigger? Let's start with the fact that Viagra is taken only after consultation with a doctor. Because it is an ordinary medicine that you can't take without any reason. You don't even know what it's for, Viagra is used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence; inability to get or maintain an erection) in men. For example I really had this problems and took viagra for about a month from www.potenzpillenschweiz.com . Now I'm feeling myself very good but you don't need to take it. Your problem in the head is self-esteem, a psychologist should help you with this.

>> No.11261853,2 [INTERNAL] 

Dude, I'm sorry, but I think you're a real idiot. How could you think that Viagra makes your penis bigger? Let's start with the fact that Viagra is taken only after consultation with a doctor. Because it's a common medicine that can't be taken for no reason. You don't even know what it's for, Viagra is used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence; inability to get or maintain an erection) in men. For example, I did have these problems, and I took viagra for about a month from www.potenzpillenschweiz.com . I feel very good right now, but you don't have to accept it. Your problem in the head is self-esteem, a psychologist should help you with this.