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11233583 No.11233583 [Reply] [Original]

Climate change activist Greta Thunberg has been named one of the ten most influential people in science in 2019 by the journal Nature.

The 16 year old has been named alongside a neurologist who brought pig brains back to life and a palaeontologist who shook up humanity's family tree.

The prestigious British science journal, which celebrated its 150th anniversary this year, says the Swedish campaigner 'channelled the rage of a generation'.


Alongside people making breakthroughs in neuroscience and physics is greta :)))) Nature is so prestigious!

>> No.11233589

A Chinese scientist shows that CRISPR gene editing can be used safely in adults with HIV.

A neuroscientist revived disembodied pig brains and challenged definitions of life and death.

A physicist led Google’s first demonstration of a quantum computer that could outperform conventional machines.

A Swedish teenager brought climate science to the fore as she channelled her generation’s rage.

Slowly getting infected

It's over for western science

>> No.11233594

What was that Naure article everyone was sperging out about a few days ago with the three female authors saying something stupid?

>> No.11233595

based nature triggering snowflakes

>> No.11233598

/sci/ banned and spam-filtered nature because it was so SJW. thankfully, so we can't link

>> No.11233615

Now this is epic!

>> No.11233629

mods actually doing their jobs? this feels revolutionary

>> No.11233630

It's totally awesome that a scientific publisher with so much power is pushing a 17 y.o. autistic swede who yells a lot. Truly the apex of what you/d want from a scientific authority.

>> No.11233639

Greta is based because she's hot and she makes /pol/tards seethe.

>> No.11233643

activism is important, Greta has been a more effective communicator to the masses in a short period of time, than actual extremely influential scientists like michael mann have in decades. Nature simply recognizes the importance of communication when the science is clear that the problem has entirely political solutions.

>> No.11233649

yep global warming is basically solved now, great point man

>> No.11233651

Science has nothing to say about climate change policy you fucking dunce. Fucking academics are so low IQ they think 1 small function in the big scheme of thing means anything.

>> No.11233652

Stop emitting carbon, that's the solution. Now how you do that is entirely political.

>> No.11233653

science says stop emitting carbon period. how you do that is 100% political, and that's why people like Greta are recognized.

>> No.11233656

subhuman IQ at work

>stop emitting carbon

You can predict the future?
>Stop emitting carbon in country X
>Country Y takes over manufacturing from X
>Country Y has worse standards and emits more carbon than X would have

Gee, it's almost like your stupid fucking little monkey brain doesn't work

>> No.11233659

wow another political problem

>> No.11233664

The point of this post was to convey that the world and prediction of the future is incredibly complex to the point of totally unpredictable. AKA dealing with the main energy source of humanity right now requires more intelligence than "carbon tax"

>> No.11233671

I fucking hate the Grata PSyop, it's so fucking retarded, this cunt didn't do anything but run her mouth, why is she being rewarded, literally nothing has changed except a bunch of twats virtue signalling to one another.

>> No.11233672

Just make angry noises at politicians and ask for lots of taxes on average people.

Do you watch the news? Have you seen the riots around the world when gas prices go up? Politicians can't simply do what they want. There are things like political capital at play.

>> No.11233681

do you understand the concept of activism?

>> No.11233682

politics is just kabuki. At the end of the day gas tanks need to filled, mouths fed, and holes fucked.

>> No.11233685

Yeah, try to take credit for researchers and manufacturers dropping the price of solar energy.

>> No.11233686

Zealous almost religious like activism is infecting science and nobody bats an eye because it's not christian evangelicals doing it.

>> No.11233687

Get a million activists to convince the government to stop you from being a faggot, and they'd still fail, activism is a spook

>> No.11233694
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Lmao that's ridiculous there are many PhD's who realized in their life soo much more than this Soros funded brat!

>> No.11233695


Do you think it's because of women's infiltration in academia or other reasons?

>> No.11233704


Scientific publishers should promote SCIENCE not political movements.

>> No.11233708

I thought not

>> No.11233710

and utterly failed to communicate it to the general public thereby making less of an impact than a 16 year old girl

>> No.11233711

I can only wonder if this naive little girl knows she is being exploited by the evil media for money. wait a second... that's not a little girl that's an adult with turner syndrome.

>> No.11233714

nature recognizes the importance of science communication. I'm not sure why some retard on 4chan doesn't

>> No.11233718

I mean they could just shoot me, eliminating the faggotry entirely. Which is what we're going to do to AGW deniers soon enough.

>> No.11233727

I wish I could win award by simply talking about how this is a problem and have no answer on how to fix it. the ice age faded into history and we weren't even on the planet. it's a natural process.

>> No.11233734


Well you know it's a bit difficult to speak to the general public of your new polyciclic aromatic compound who could be a revolutionary building block for graphene bottom up deposition on copper...

Instead screeching to the environmental armageddon while funded by the turbocapitalistic finance who puts your face on every newspaper is quite easy...

>> No.11233740


>I disagree with you
>You're a retard

I always love seeing this kind of argumentation...

>> No.11233745

>activism is important
Counterpoint: no, it isn't.

>> No.11233753

put on the pink ribbon to fight cancer you heretic

>> No.11233755

it's actually not. most of the co2 from the natural cycle is still underground.
We know this because it has different carbon isotopes

>> No.11233758

Because that compound is not important right now. We're fucking killing ourself and should stop

>> No.11233762


Graphene is literally the solution of at least 50% of all our environmental problems.

You burn it and it's CO2. No heavy metals, no shit.

>> No.11233767

life expectancy is longer than ever

>> No.11233776

Yeah lets make even more CO2 that seems really smart

>> No.11233785


CO2 is a joke. Trees "breath" CO2. Just plant more trees and everyone will be fine. Heavy metals accumulate in oceans and end in the fish you eat.

>> No.11233793

Why does she look like a turtle?

>> No.11233805

so we just get a bunch of extra gas from where now? space? your argument doesn't seem to make any logical sense to me.

>> No.11233814
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Greta is pollution of the public discourse.
It belongs to this new wave of outrage and histrionic rants which factually don't provide anything, they just polarize people and keep busy the idiots on twitter, reddit and /pol/ al day.

This is again politization of science, another brick in the relentless culture war led by the left which will make package of absolutely everything no matter how incoherent it sounds just to push its talking point and societal engineering.

>> No.11233824

Yep, and the useful idiots don't even see it. Nothing she does is "scientific" or based on science. It's a perversion and infection on science.

>> No.11233827

I know, it's gotten really bad these day. it's gotten to the point where I just don't watch tv anymore. evil rules here and it wears a mask of good as a selling point.

>> No.11233838 [DELETED] 

no one gives a fuck retard

>> No.11233841

CO2 is CREATED when you BURN fossil fuels

>> No.11233851

your argument is the ice age was ended by dinosaurs burning fossil fuels... lmao. thanks I needed that one.

>> No.11233858

why would you write something this stupid

>> No.11233873

stupid post, everyone knows the dinosaurs died because of patriarchy and carnivore-a-phobia by vegan dinos

>> No.11233884

because i got a stupid answer to my question.

i heard that was a rumor at best and you missed the part about gay dino aids having a huge impact when they invented homosexuality.

>> No.11233888

I love threads like these because it's a reminder just how stupid and ignorant the average person is I'll never ever have to worry about someone like >>11233851 competing for my job. Or anything else really.

>> No.11233899

you know there's a lesson in all of this about humanity and stupid people defending shit to the death because of how it was taught to them. this girl is indeed a influential person. i can't wait for the lie when they say they are just trying to help and not destroy our economy.

>> No.11233901

i know because your job requires you to have the same opinions as those around you and will have a freak out session and destroy anyone who doesn't think the same way as you.

>> No.11233909
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They love science. Why would they get upset about scientific points?

>> No.11233913

who cares. it's pointless to argue with a nut.

>> No.11233921


>> No.11233927


>> No.11233933

Nature is the world's leading multidisciplinary science journal

>> No.11233943

here comes the impending flood of guilt and shame manipulation.

>> No.11233948

So it's a centralised thought control tool with tentacles in a broad range of fields and a predatory funding model?

>> No.11233954

i don't get upset, i find retards incapable of critical thinking hilarious, in fact I actually love people like you, you'll make me rich someday as there's no one easier to market to.

>> No.11233989

Lmao, nature and other scientific journals exist literally because boomer professors are retards who think it is a good model to publish. Most young scientists see how these journals are complete bullshit, so they have been adapting into just another shitty magazine with clickbate shit. it doesn't represent western science or whatever. Well, it is a fact that there is a consensus over climate change, and very good immidiate solutions to the problem.

>> No.11234028

Love how /sci/ posts are literally just copy+pastes of Ben Shapiro now

>> No.11234044

>A Chinese scientist shows that CRISPR gene editing can be used safely in adults with HIV.
>A neuroscientist revived disembodied pig brains and challenged definitions of life and death.
>A physicist led Google’s first demonstration of a quantum computer that could outperform conventional machines.

>A Swedish teenager brought climate science to the fore as she channelled her generation’s rage.

Inspiring millions of young people across the world to wake up to the realities climate change so that one day they too could ride yachts traveling the world and be rich and famous and the center of whole world's attention.

>> No.11234049
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i mean is coming from the guys who wrote pic related, so is not a surprise. SJW will infest everything in today society and will destroy it, like a cancer.

>> No.11234565

The Chinese guy didn't do shit. He did it for attention, Gene modification in humans is highly dangerous partly as it can cause numerous mutations. Also gene modification in humans is highly immoral and illegal, otherwise someone would've done it sooner. The guy isn't responsible for shit other then being a massive retard and shithead

>> No.11234570

Imagine banning something scientific for being too 'SJW' lmao
I'm not talking about Greta but holy fuck that's bullshit if I've ever seen some

>> No.11234579

>shitskins seething because they cannot stop thinking about wypipo

>> No.11234583

>gene modification in humans is highly immoral and illegal
big oof

>> No.11234584

There is literally nothing wrong with that

>> No.11234647

Clownworld confirmed on the daily

>> No.11234667

I don’t even hate Greta but the circlejerk around her is ridiculous.

>> No.11234722

Thread should have just ended here.

>> No.11234730

>Top 10 scientist
Lol she probably doesn't even know any deep knowledge about climate science, just the mainstream crap people perpetuate when it comes to >GLOBAL WARMING RICH PEOPLE BAD US GOOD
Plus I've only ever seen here in that one video seen in the OP pic, likely paid by someone to speak on their behalf since a child speaking seems much more emotional and dire than some adult.

>> No.11234808


both are pseudo sciences

>> No.11234844

She should be top scientist of the decade

>> No.11235066
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>Gene modification in humans is highly dangerous... highly immoral and illegal
The ethics stuff was bad, but honestly the worst part of this whole situation is that it wasn't even good science either. He didn't even try to replicate the Δ32 mutation, just slapped in some random indels and called it a day. No characterization of the mutations and no data showing that they actually confer any sort of HIV resistance whatsoever.

The Sanger sequencing chromatograms he showed are an absolute disaster too, my committee members would get out of their chairs and beat me if I showed that data in a meeting and tried to conclude anything from it apart from "I need to do this experiment again".

If you're going to go rogue and do this kind of ethically questionable stuff you should make sure the science is top-fucking-notch so that the results are at least somewhat worth the controversy.

>> No.11235169
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>gene modification in humans is highly immoral and illegal
fuck off reddit, Gene modification is the future even if you don't like it. Think about it, making super-humans with 200 IQ , resistant to disease, super strength etc, will bring us to a new Gold Age or kill us.

>> No.11235207

She's not even allowed to vote or consent, why is her uneducated opinion on climate suddenly worth any attention, much less any action on it?

>> No.11235244

>200 IQ
Enjoy their TFR of 0.2

>> No.11235287

Obvious to anyone who isn't a complete emotional retard. In fact it's immoral to not cure diseases and such if you could.
But it's not like we can just edit genes without risk. We have no idea how most of it works.

>> No.11235408

This is straight outta 1984
>we'll ban words representing things we don't like and they'll go away
Too bad real world doesn't work like that

>> No.11235413

this is the cause of the great communist die offs, when ideas and reality conflicted like the government saying there was plenty of food

>> No.11235425

It’s highly based. Conservatism is not a good attitude for a scientist. Perhaps you would like to try Reddit.

>> No.11235428

>my future is being stolen by you
>the world is GOING TO END because of the climate becoming slightly warmer
>why yes I do think the solution is infinity refugees and that’s also what I support current - how could you tell?

>> No.11235429

we just have to be really emotional about it! That will keep energy demands low and brings fusion closer :^)

>> No.11235431
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“activism is important”

>> No.11235432

Good lord what a rag.

>> No.11235439

> Greta has been a more effective communicator to the masses in a short period of time
No she hasn’t.
I don’t think she changed a single mind. Everyone I know is still in the same camps they were before

>> No.11235478

The aim of all this noise in the media was never to logically convince anyone on anything. The real aim is just to literally make noise. When you repeat something often enough and loud enough it becomes the common sense for people with no prior knowledge or opinion on the matter (i.e. the majority). So basically brainwashing.

>> No.11236145

Has george soros recently acquired a controlling interest in this publication?

>> No.11236450

>Everyone I know
You know everyone on the planet?

>> No.11236454

Nothing this stuff can point relatively smart pre-internet people in the right direction. When I told a boomer that the economist is like 40% (at least) owned by Rothschilds they stopped reading it.
I also pointed out that the proposed solutions to climate change were eating bugs rather than eating rich people.

>> No.11236459
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A PhD in REEEEE, as it were.

>> No.11236470

I had completely forgotten about this kid, the only reason I even learned about her was because of that video where she gets visibly upset when trump shows up.
What's she up to now?

>> No.11236473

But did they actually call her a scientist?

>> No.11236484

Isn't "White Advantage" just as racist as "White Supremacy" though?

>> No.11236592
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It pisses me off that kids like pic related can get so much reward and publicity without doing anything special if they knew how to market themselves.


I mean this guy got a 400k scholarship with a 7 min vid that gets special relativity wrong and implies that time dilation is biological. All the more surprising since the judges panel had Nima Arkani-Hamed

>> No.11236634

It's a go along to get along world.
You can go along to get along over the cliff and die later with the masses, or you can tell the masses to get fucked, and die right now.

>> No.11236639

You claim in the thread title that Nature named Greta a 'top 10 scientist' but then immediately give the true headline, which is that they named her one of the 'top ten most influential people IN science'.

Setting aside whatever you think about Greta, you're literally just lying in your thread for dramatic effect. Fuck you OP.

>> No.11236675

I don't care about the little cunt but for the reasons you mentioned I fully support her

>> No.11236690

Has climate change been confirmed to the degree of accuracy of say general relativity?

Why do people keep lugging all scientific theories under disciplines together under the umbrella of 'scientific fact'

>> No.11236706

Isn't he dead?

>> No.11236713

>Picking people solely for impact
Are we gonna also start believing Miasma theory again, since a bunch of people were greatly impacted by that

>> No.11236760
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what's your opinion on greta /sci/?

>> No.11236802

i want a cruel intentions type movie based on her, like a group of alt right guys place bets on who can bag the autistic climate change activist nerd. so one of them gets on the train she's riding to whatever convention she's going to attend and pretend to come upon her by accident.'
And he's got all this tree hugging liberal shit memorized so he can come off as authentic

'hey you're that greta girl right? you're very brave for standing up to those climate change deniers. oh this? this is my green kombucha that i grew from tissue culture. no pesticides dont want that stuff leeching into the soil and destroying our environment am i right'

so then he attends a few conferences with her and gets in her pants, releases a sex tape that essentially scandalizes her and ruins her chances of becoming UN secretary general or whatever

>> No.11236815

imagine being a grown-ass man that fantasizes about this kind of thing during the day

>> No.11236825

im preparing for my lucid dreams at night
wats ur problem

>> No.11236867

there's pretty much no way to get around the absorption spectrum

>> No.11236902

Chinese are subhumans. Plus Gretta isn't just showing climate change, she's showing female scientists can change the world for female kind.

>> No.11237015

I simply asked how the ice aged ended and I got the answer it was the burning of fossil fuels which isn't true. I don't know what you're marketing or selling or whatever but I don't want it and you really need to rethink your statements.

>> No.11237081

Why do you post these things? We all know you don't actually agree with it because you (most likely) aren't a fucking moron. So why are you doing it?

>> No.11237085

why are people name greta and gretchen so unattractive?

What if her parents named her ashley instead?

>> No.11237087

The solution is spraying shit into the atmosphere to plunge the world into another ice age to counterbalance the warming.

>> No.11237098

I honestly have no idea who this girl is until I started seeing threads about her. Someone want to fill me in? I'd rather read a few lines of greentext than watch a bunch of videos or something.

>> No.11237348

She's an autistic kid fearmongered into believing we'll all die in the next few years because ebil governments won't stop burning oil or something. Then rich people who exploit the climate change hoax to redirect even more common people's money into their pockets picked her up and used her in their PR campaign to further their brainwashing the masses into believing their money go into the right things. She's a very useful tool in this role because normalfags are much less critical of a kid and will let her get away with a lot of things, and her carefully fueled autism makes her put a good show.

>> No.11237400

Yeah, bc we totally know how genetic evolution works. Create these "super humans" and next thing you know you end up with humans mutating like pugs and german shepherds. Problem with this is that you'll end up with too small of a genetic pool that leads to all types of mutations not foreseen.

>> No.11237428

How the fuck a puppet of her activists parents is a scientist? is pity reward for her autism?

>> No.11237446

>when ideas and reality conflicted like the government saying there was plenty of food
By the time that happens regime's fucked anyways. The fundamental problem with the commie ideology is abolishment of private property. You don't get much motivation to do a god job when you only live on gibs. And when the one distributing the gibs also lives on gibs it's easy to see where it all eventually goes.
China, on the other hand, kicks pretty good so far.

>> No.11237899
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would greta sell vials of her pee if it were for a good cause?

>> No.11237914

She'll be on chaturbate in 5 years when Soros gets bored of her

>> No.11238021

Why fucking type your thread subject in caps? What a cancer thread, seems like it was made by someone from /pol/ or something.

>> No.11238036

>ooh a cancer thread, I better bump it or something
>everyone must know how angry I am at things that don't please me

>> No.11238294

>The only science I know is from sensationalist articles that I seek out to trigger myself because I'm addicted to outrage. I have no interest in science besides doing this.

>> No.11238324

Are we being raided?

>> No.11238381


>> No.11238714

You should try actually reading those papers. Current knowledge of vacuum amplification only provides picowatt-level generation.

>> No.11239162

The earths climate changes naturally based on the tilt of the axis. Yes it does change. It moves up and down. This takes literally millions upon millions of years.

The earths climate is changing faster because of human activity. You can even calculate what our climate should be like based on the tilt. We are in a moderate period. Even if humanity lives for millions of more years and the climate changes naturally anyways, the process will be slow enough to adapt. If it happens too quickly we will be unprepared. People will most likely die.

>> No.11239177

the whole phenomenon is driven by the Foundation set, Ford/Rockefeller/Soros etc.

>> No.11239237

because this is Clown World

>> No.11240613

Simply because Germanic girls are mostly ugly.
In central Europe there are jokes about how German women are lame

>> No.11240652

>some old fart quoting from bible
fuck off back to >>>/farmjournal/

>> No.11240656

r8 8/8 gr8 b8 m8

>> No.11240659
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>> No.11240674

Activism is nothing more than just throwing a temper tantrum as an adult, or teenager in this case.
It doesn't actually accomplish anything.

>> No.11240684

Women should be banned from any discourse.

>> No.11240689

Is it inarticulately screaming at people and hoping that will magically fix a complex global issue in an afternoon despite you providing nothing of value to the table other than pathetic whinging?

>> No.11240754

Not him but my job's literally parroting party lines like that. I'm a literal fucking NPC. Kill me.

>> No.11240798

Get this through your heads retards. Climate change is real, caused by humans, and a threat to our way of life.

Greta deserves the respect she receives because she's not putting up with your denialist bullshit and is doing a great thing for science.

Shove your denialist shit up your ass.