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11230963 No.11230963 [Reply] [Original]

what's the most retarded notation in math?

>> No.11230986

Not that, that’s for sure

>inb4 hurrdurr the derivative should look like a variable for some reason

>> No.11230999

Stat notion pisses me off because it clashes with so many others, so if yo haven’t done it in awhile it takes extra brain cycles to understand simple ideas.

>> No.11231054

have f(x,y,y’)
partial diff f over partial diff y’
>”we treat y as a variable independent from y’ ...”

>> No.11231057
File: 63 KB, 635x808, BDD27CA3-5EAC-435D-BA5B-F8521BE441B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calculus swoosh

>> No.11231091

I don't know man, but this is not it

>> No.11231111

Is this real?

>> No.11231117

yes. checked, btw.

>> No.11231189

A triangle that looks like a delta for laplacian

>> No.11231192


>> No.11231258

"choose" notation which ends up looking like a 2D vector

>> No.11231592

nice quads

>> No.11231608

>Legendre symbol
>indistinguishable from the Jacobi symbol
>indistinguishable from literally a fraction
>or just don't put the bar between the numbers
>then it's indistinguishable from the choose notation

>> No.11231629
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These are all perfect as God intended, you see, you must be able to ''feel'' a mathematical notation with your mind, if you wish to be a true beholder of the art and craft of mathematics.

When I look at that notation for example, and when I write it down, it is a Godly and divine expression of art, but also a sensation of the notations meaning; in this case a derivative.

I would have to say thats what a derivative feels like. It is something a like zzzZZZPPPHOOO, a backwards circular woosh of some sort, finishing off the top.

The calculus swoosh is also fantastic. It feels something like this: VVVFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEECH, from one side to the other. When you write it down in true sensation of what its supposed to feel like, complementing its rational nature, you have composed a fine work of art and craft.

>> No.11231632
File: 12 KB, 1500x1125, 2aba42b097fd958b550a22776939d005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using prime for transpose

>> No.11231677


>> No.11231681

You can swoosh using only one line.

>> No.11231813

Arctrig functions represented by the -1th power

>> No.11231819


>> No.11231821

i have never seen this

>> No.11231829

It is pretty useful to have when dealing with certain problems though

>> No.11231836

extremely high iq posts, I have nothing to say other than that I feel humbled to share a board with men of such power.

>> No.11231920

> most retarded notation in math
most probability and statistics notation is pretty retarded, especially "random" "variables".

>> No.11231934
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I am going to have to ask you to clarify

>> No.11231965
File: 4 KB, 77x42, Screenshot from 2019-12-16 22-02-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this lil nig right here.
Not for the actual concept but because of its abuse by CS fags. When a CS fag says O(n) they could be trying to say three completely different things.

>> No.11232057

This isn't so much the notation as it is just plain misunderstanding the concept.

>> No.11232074

>t. pure maths major crying when he finds out how much more statisticians are paid

>> No.11232249

>random variables are capital
>specific realizations are lowercase
how hard is that anon

>> No.11232347

Bolded letters for unit vectors. A pain in the ass to replicate while taking notes by hand. If I'm gonna pay howmucheverthefuck$ for a damn textbook the least the authors can do it use notation that I can actually use while solving their problems

>> No.11232354

lmao I remember this thread

>> No.11232358

just put a hat on them :3

>> No.11232373

Treating y' as a separate variable comes in handy when doing calculus of variations.

>> No.11232379

Thesis publication, right here.

>> No.11232414

would have been way more useful if they explained right away that it’s just a compact notation for “the third parameter of f() which we substitute with y’ , but only after derivation“

>> No.11232418

yeah, that’s where it came up.

>> No.11232420

you just don't understand the notation, like every other moron
it's extraordinarily simple and asymptotic analysis is an elegant and beautiful field.

>> No.11232648

Einstein notation for tensors