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File: 53 KB, 752x452, Total_suicides_in_the_United_States_1981_2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11229908 No.11229908 [Reply] [Original]

Why are men more likely than women to commit suicide?

>> No.11229913

Because for every depressed women there is an army of losers ready to please her. Men don't have that luxury.

>> No.11229916
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>more likely to succeed
because ask a man to get it done and it gets done.
Look at the difference between men and women's social groupings.
Women have large herds of friends, a collective which they are safe in. Men tend to only have three to one friends. Doubtfully more REAL friends.
When a man questions his existence at a young age he'll think deeply and philosophically.
Because the modern world defeats and sense of meaning for men they tend to have time to contemplate reality. They realize "life is meaningless and fucking gay" --Plato.
other men will have girlfriends that will suck on their cock, and that is cool. So they live for a bit longer, until that dreadful bitch takes the kids, the money, the house, the car, and even the fucking dog.
Then their is no point, and the government is holding a knife to your balls to shill out tons of cash for nothing more than a now illusion. Thus the existential dread kicks back into your dry dick and you re roll.
Women just do it for attention.
>t. guy that tried to kill himself over a 3.8 from a class.
turns out that if you weight more than the bar in your can support, it'll break.

>> No.11229945


>> No.11229948

Men are more fragile.

>> No.11229960

Because we live in a society.

>> No.11229968

>not even per capita
Someone could only possibly make this graph to mislead idiots

>> No.11229971
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Paid for by the tax payers.

>> No.11229981

That's fine, we have excess males anyway due to lack of big wars.

>> No.11229983

Men much more often attempt suicide to actually kill themselves. Suicide is logical, as it’s a simple utilitarian question

>> No.11229987

Why does everyone keep asking this?

The real question is: knowing how treacherous it is to be a male, why is the male suicide rate not 100 times higher than it already is?

>> No.11230018

>how treacherous it is to be a male
Why? Men built this world and women made them do it. Men serves well.

>> No.11230023

This is probably wrong but in my headspace it’s difficult for whatever reason for me to find a partner that I can intellectually vibe with. I’m basically all alone. All the women I’ve been with have no real interest in anything. It doesn’t seem like I’ll ever find something like Thecla from Book of the New Sun or whatever. Females doubly don’t have any reason to “intellectually vibe” either because they can find a mate easily regardless.

It means that, at 40 years old, most women will have had every opportunity to have a family with a guy that fills their needs. But where is mine? I’m going to be alone.

>> No.11230028

That's why brotherhood exists my dear anon.
women are breeding cattle.
Only delusional incels would expect more.

>> No.11230053

Have sex

>> No.11230086

Men are more likely to commit suicide because they're more likely to succeed a suicide attempt.
The rate of suicide attempts is similar in both genders.

>> No.11230094

That’s your fault.

>> No.11230097

>Only delusional incels would expect more.

Deeply ironic.

>> No.11230108
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>> No.11230139
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I'm not an INCEL, I'm just a sociopath. Social plays and cues are trivial in my mind.
See, the autistic incel is very close to being as perfect as me. However, he is afraid of acquiring the necessary details about social contact, in order to manipulate it.
The incel will grew violent, but he is too much of a pussy to act on it, usually. He'll shitpost and jerk off to rape fetish and scat porn, but he'll always remain pathetic.
The INCEL lacks confidence in his narcissism. His intelligence is far too inferior to compete.
My message to the INCELs? have sex loser.
When you take the drug away, reality hits hard.

>> No.11230169

I have, and I actually said it right in that paragraph too.

It’s my fault the average woman, possibly the average person in general, has no genuine interest?

>> No.11230289

>I'm not an INCEL, I'm just a sociopath

My revulsion has increased. You are not an object of pity, but of hatred. You must die.

>> No.11230331

Men commit more serious suicidal acts while w*men commit more parasuicidal gestures.

>> No.11230355

Can someone calculate the suicide as a percentage of population over time. This chart doesn't tell us anything too useful.

>> No.11230357
File: 50 KB, 600x450, 331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when they kill themselves trannies are still considered male.

>> No.11230360

What are you talking about retard? Where does that picture indicate such a thing? The amount of sucidial trannies is a drop in a bucket compared to the magnitude of non-trannies committing suicide.

>> No.11230372

because thanks to feminism, society doesnt care about mens problems.

>> No.11230382
File: 75 KB, 596x453, men_vs_women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are men more likely than women to commit suicide?


>> No.11230384

for what?

>> No.11230391
File: 47 KB, 741x449, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this? do they not count child suicides as male or female?

>> No.11230392


I don’t know, please provide some scientific sources if you do.

>> No.11230393
File: 93 KB, 800x979, priorities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are given everything nowadays. men are thrown under the bus readily. men need to achieve things to survive, women just need to look pretty and society will make sure they survive.

>> No.11230395

>3.8 gpa in a class
>tries to an hero

im sure you didn't get a 3.8 in physics anon

>> No.11230396

>women are given everything nowadays


>> No.11230401
File: 53 KB, 690x666, 2to1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men. men will buy girls drinks, buy them expensive gifts and getaways. take them out for dinners. pay for their debts. see the sugar baby phenomenon. and it goes further than that. society is incredibly gynocentric. women given special privileges in law and policy that men do not get.

>> No.11230404

>45 - 35 = 20
Big brain post

>> No.11230418

i was at a place for troubled people one time, and there was this woman that was humbly expressing that she in fact is being given Everything she needs. Its "women in need" or something about domestic abuses or whatever, but they give her a house, pay the bills, gets EBT, state insurance etc. Being a female gets you access to everything you need. You might not be rich but you're taken care of.

>> No.11230423

>A personal anecdote

This is why incel threads should be banned as off-topic. They are unscientific.

>> No.11230429

not him, but his anecdote shows how society treats people.
> her a house, pay the bills, gets EBT, state insurance etc
this is policy in action, not some one off.

>> No.11230435

notice how many organizations exist just for the purpose of exclusively helping women meanwhile if men as much try to set something up like that for themselves it's labelled misogynistic.

>> No.11230437

yeah and it wasnt the first time ive heard of such a thing. It might not be scientific, but i know that you /sci/tards are good at analyzing but you cant even see stuff right in front of your face.

I know a fact because i was told the fact. Call it "social science".
fact proved

>> No.11230449

i am on your side, your anecdote is a case study but it reveals a lot about society. these things are the result of policy and isn't some one off. this video is fairly good at looking at the larger scale of the gynocentric society we find ourselves in:

>> No.11230450
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Have you MET women?

>> No.11230459

>my face when im actually watching the video

>> No.11230491

>Incel YouTube videos

Will you guys stop shitting up the internet when robot pussies become available?

>> No.11230516

if you listen to it it really does raise some valid points. Hes ranting about rape right now though.
But women are lying whores apparently.
feminism is a real problem

>> No.11230602

I guess a lot of women fucks it up and don’t die and call it an accident. Men are just better in everything.

>> No.11230608

>feminism is a real problem

Never been uttered by anyone younger than 50 who wasn’t a repulsive incel

>> No.11230632

oh is that so? would you say this guy is an incel? thought so.

>> No.11230636

>baww he's saying things about reality i don't want to hear
keep sticking your head in the sand i'm sure it'll work out for you. btw colttaine isn't an incel, he sleeps with married women all the time.

>> No.11230643

vid is on point

i bet anon doesnt have much to say about it. and whats even better is that its not even HIM saying it, hes reading the real thoughts(attention seeking thoughts) of actual women. Cause and causation. Our feelings about females are reflected by their own feelings. Its plainly clear.

>> No.11230649
File: 833 KB, 2048x2048, D0MnNDnX0AA2cxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

donovan is great he goes over all these sluts whining about not being able to find a stable partner. man is alpha af too. but i guess it's all just incels lmao.

>> No.11230700

Only good looking women are privileged. You're fighting the wrong war.

>> No.11230707

good looking women are esspecially privileged. uggos still get benefits from the system that men do not.

>> No.11230708

>alpha af
>needs to inject T

pick one

>> No.11230715

man fucks more sluts than you ever will. idk if he needs to do trt.

>> No.11230870

Because men have it harder

>> No.11231384

Pussy is more valuable than money. In fact that's pretty much the only reason men pursue money, is for pussy.
Just having a gash in between your legs makes you more valuable than millionaires.

>> No.11231395

kek fpbp

>> No.11231398


>> No.11231401

this is a math board, the least you could do is subtract properly

>> No.11231424

most women are inherently valuable cause of their wombs while only an upper % of men are valuable based on their capabilities

men have to compete to prove their worth and women don't. the lower men off themselves. a few of them carry out shootings and massacres.

>> No.11231445


>> No.11231468
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>> No.11231702

>baww he's saying things about reality i don't want to hear

The delusions of incels aren’t reality

>> No.11231705

>Another incel youtuber video


So how long do you figure you’ll last before suicide? Curious.

>> No.11231890
File: 114 KB, 724x1024, 3rtqVWkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while only an upper % of men are valuable based on their capabilities
that would be true if women valued things like that.

>> No.11231893

t. deluded

i have no intention of killing myself unlike you when you get divorce raped.

>> No.11231908

You take life too seriously, anon. You’re here for a short while and then you die. Just do what you want, even if it kills you

>> No.11231922

Because men force dumbfuck ideas like stoicisim and shame for not making more money than your partner onto other men.

>> No.11231950

the shame comes from women. women are the ones who shame men for not being stoic and earn more than them. they may say they want men to express their feelings but the second a man does that he is out of her pants. likewise they may say they are ok earning more than their husband but the second that happens he is in the dog house.

>> No.11231969

Um ladies, it's almost 20-fucking-20, men being the breadwinners is an archaic gender role created by the patriarchy. It's time to "woman up" and date down

>> No.11232188
File: 24 KB, 490x287, 1571504035747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I were to tell you that man's worst enemy is men themselves? What if I were to tell you that there is a man out there willing to throw away the lives of his fellow men for mere material gains? What if I were to tell you that there is a man out there who is satisfied with financially and socially undermining his fellow men to get ahead in life? What if I were to tell you that there's a man who is willing to divide his fellow men into groups and labels just so he can waste their time arguing and fighting with each other?

And you ask why men are more likely to commit suicide? It's because his fellow man is willing to manifest earth into a living hell itself, work his fellow man to the bone and take pleasure in crushing their soul. Why would a man aware of himself living in hell choose to stay when given the option to leave?

>but what about women!

You cannot decide you are the more dominant and responsible sex, only to turn around and bitch about the children you mark women to be. A woman didn't convince millions of men to start two world wars. A woman didn't convince men to turn their entire religion into a synonym for terrorism. A woman didn't convince men to genocide their neighboring tribes. A woman didn't convince men to participate in various economic systems that mirror pyramid schemes with only a few people at the top. A woman didn't convince men to bind others in chains of servitude or debt. A woman didn't convince men to accept family policies that would trash females in favor of males only to create a future generation of men without respective mates.

All of these actions were the deeds of our fellow men. And the first step to figuring out why a man commits suicide is asking why we as men are okay with the hell on earth our fathers and brothers built for us?

>> No.11232204

>this just in, new trend of successful women marrying the same chad is now becoming extremely popular. Our top scientists say that women do this in order to avoid dating down and being stuck with an INCEL freak
>I'm your host Chad Thundercock, and stay tuned for this epikkk orgy.

>> No.11232349

>What if I were to tell you that man's worst enemy is men themselves?
you would be right, because men will throw themselves and each other for women.
>What if I were to tell you that there is a man out there willing to throw away the lives of his fellow men
so they have the women for themselves.
>You cannot decide you are the more dominant and responsible sex, only to turn around and bitch about the children you mark women to be.
>A woman didn't convince millions of men to start two world wars.
women are ultimately the reason men go to war. the second war specifically was based on hitler's future for white women quote. the thing you need to understand is if you're a man you're a coward if you don't protect your women. not that cowardice is a bad thing, it's the smart thing but this is the shaming tactic used to get men to fight wars.
>A woman didn't convince men to turn their entire religion into a synonym for terrorism.
see above point, just instead of homeland it's about protecting the female adherents.
>A woman didn't convince men to genocide their neighboring tribes.
again same point.
>A woman didn't convince men to participate in various economic systems that mirror pyramid schemes with only a few people at the top.
already addressed.
>A woman didn't convince men to bind others in chains of servitude or debt.
oh she fucking did and does. man up, buddy. you are meant to be in servitude of women, that is what women believe.
>A woman didn't convince men to accept family policies that would trash females in favor of males only to create a future generation of men without respective mates.
you mean policies where women are incentivized to have babies and be coddled by the state? she fucking did do that. the sexual revolution was women's doing and why families are failing. this system trashes men, not women.
>All of these actions were the deeds of our fellow men.
it is men who set up the system but it is for women and always has been.

>> No.11232353

so to summarize i fully agree with you that men are their worst enemies because they act not in our own interest but in the interests of pleasing women.

>> No.11232372

small social experiment to show this point:

>> No.11232452

>By Hannah Frishberg

>DADDY! You told me I would get a doctah or a lawyah to marry me if I was a good Jewish girl! Now where is he??

>> No.11232467

you're far too impotent to ever make that happen

>> No.11232480

feminists under 50 are all repulsive hambeasts

>> No.11232890

>tfw gun laws in your country are so shit you cant even kill yourself the way you want to

>> No.11233622

what is the source for this ? saucenao doesn't have it

>> No.11233660
File: 87 KB, 500x303, the-females-may-be-dull-looking-but-theyre-very-picky-32142798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's a consequence of greater male variability in personality due to female choosiness

>> No.11235368
File: 991 KB, 1865x1572, 1576655329642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A woman didn't convince men to genocide their neighboring tribes.

But European history suggests otherwise, according to a working paper by political scientists Oeindrila Dube, of the University of Chicago, and S. P. Harish, of McGill University. They studied how often European rulers went to war between 1480 and 1913. Over 193 reigns, they found that states ruled by queens were 27% more likely to wage war than those ruled by kings..

Queens, the researchers found, were more likely to gain new territory.


>> No.11235383


>> No.11235390

>What if I were to tell you that there is a man out there willing to throw away the lives of his fellow men for mere material gains?
I would say that man is based and I'd do the same if I could.

>> No.11236533

because it takes a fucking month to see a therapist unless you claim a crisis so no one gets the help they need