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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11227793 No.11227793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Be serial killer with 60+ confirmed kills
>Have women literally throwing themselves on you

>Be me
>30 years old
>Full head of hair
>Prestigious finance career in the heart of London
>Earn £100,000 a year
>Well honed and muscled body; I lift weights 4x weekly and partake in cardio (running, cycling, swimming) 3x weekly.
>Highly educated and well travelled
>Well read; I enjoy reading philosophy, particularly hermeneutics.
>Social and easy to talk to
>Haven't had a date in 2 years

What caused women to find responsible, caring and thoughtful unsexy?

What's the reason for the shift in attraction to felons, gangbangers and serial killers?

>> No.11227799
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You know these stories (women loving murderers) are fake? You know these invented stories only exist to sell books and films?

>> No.11227803

Have you asked any women out on a date with you?

>> No.11227805
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women love excitement free of charge. anything that is taboo and breaking the law will attract sluts trying to get off breaking the rules.

plus 99% of men live to orbit women and muse them for free, so women get the harmless fun that they crave very easily

however, for daily life, women want a stable boring provider

>> No.11227808

>You know these stories (women loving murderers) are fake?
Hate to tell you but you are wrong. There are many women that fall in love with these bad guys.

>> No.11227811

Women only love Chads. You might find some that are willing to tolerate you near them but never love. They were always like that, but in the past men had control over women and now the society has fallen to the lie of equality, and they are free to choose.

>> No.11227815

Unironically third and fourth wave feminism. There's a bunch of other reasons too like bad boys being pushed as sexy since Rebel Without a Cause.

>> No.11227816

>>Be me
>30 years old
>Full head of hair
>Prestigious finance career in the heart of London
>Earn £100,000 a year
>Well honed and muscled body; I lift weights 4x weekly and partake in cardio (running, cycling, swimming) 3x weekly.
>Highly educated and well travelled
>Well read; I enjoy reading philosophy, particularly hermeneutics.
>Social and easy to talk to
>Haven't had a date in 2 years

Holy fuck, you sound like an up yourself boring wanker.

>> No.11227817

I asked 2 women out but was rebuffed both times.

A few others have asked me out but I was too busy to even entertain the thought of dating at the time.

>> No.11227819

because stability and resourcefulness while in their rational interest is not what they are attracted to. what gives them the vaginal tingles is what they call "toxic masculinity".

>> No.11227821
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Women will never throw yourself at you until you distinguish yourself in some way.

>> No.11227822

I'm glad you can tell me about my own personality after reading 10 lines of greentext.

>> No.11227825

So basically women have asked YOU out and you complain here about not getting attention from them?

>> No.11227826

I was too busy at those specific points in time but now I'm not. It's hard to date and wouldn't be fair on the woman when you're working 9am to midnight for months on end.

>> No.11227829

Not that guy but yes the brunt of a person’s personality can be surmised with next to no information. It’s about what you chose and do not chose to say. I’ll learn more about you from the first sentence you type than from the 4 millionth. It’s logarithmic

>> No.11227831

>They were always like that, but in the past men had control over women and now the society has fallen to the lie of equality
this. either men keep women in place or men are under their tyranny. egalitarianism is a shit test. and men failed it practically wholesale. women do not respect their equals, they need to be dominated. that is also what they actually find arousing. it sucks for those of us who actually wanted equality. sadly with females that is not possible. you cannot be her equal, if you are her equal in her eyes you lost all her respect.

>> No.11227833

>haven't had a date in 2 years
>others have asked me out but I was too busy

>> No.11227841

and people wonder why Michael Woodley of Menie's research on dysgenic selection trends against intelligence is so worrying.

>> No.11227842
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Maybe someday women will get what they fucking deserve

>> No.11227844
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it's coming fren.

>> No.11227846

>wouldn't be fair on the woman
All is fair in love and war.

>> No.11227847

I hate to toot my own horn but intelligent, educated men like me are out there but like me, we're too busy working to date. At the same time, women don't seem to find us attractive, which means families aren't being started by those at the top of society.

The dregs meanwhile have 7 children and rely on government handouts to survive.

>> No.11227850
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Evolutionary psychology explains all human behavior.

>> No.11227861
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>> No.11227864
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>Well read; I enjoy reading philosophy, particularly hermeneutics
Found your problem, you have boring fucking interests. I am very confident you are one of those people who takes it as a point of pride that they dislike all popular music. Would I be correct? Have you ever considered that maybe your personality is ass?

Post a picture of yourself, I will gage how attractive you are from a scientific perspective.

>> No.11227867

Swear to god there’s nothing more disgusting on the Internet than incels and their delusional cults they create

Maybe the problem is YOU

>> No.11227868
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>> No.11227869

A murderer or a rapist is not a simple "bad guy"

>> No.11227870
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>> No.11227872

Imagine the autism and misunderstanding of social protocol that went into that image

>> No.11227873

what are your interests? genuinely curious.

>> No.11227876
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imagine being bluepilled

>> No.11227877

ok roastie

meanwhile in reality: >>11227868

>> No.11227879
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>> No.11227881


You don't seem caring at all, unless you count being self centered as caring.

>> No.11227883
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Looks and genetics are everything

>> No.11227884

I really enjoy hiking, going to the beach. I like punk rock and hip hop and also gay furry cartoons. One of my favorite things to do is see live music. I also like art museums and drinking alcohol. I study mechanical engineering.
>people are biases towards those who are more attractive
Imagine my SHOCK

>> No.11227887

Then why do you have no gf? Do you have trash genetics?

>> No.11227888
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>I really enj-

NONE OF IT MATTERS EXCEPT LOOKS. Chad just has to exist and he attracts women, females approach him

>> No.11227892

being caring isn't what women find attractive. they say they want it but they repeatedly go for badbois who treatment like trash.

>> No.11227893

Ok, I`ll take that back.
If you had women in the past asking you for dates, then you have nothing to complain about.
I`m sure someone like you can find a worthwhile girlfriend. As they say, there`s plenty of fish in the ocean and they can't all be sluts.

>> No.11227895

>trash genetics
>looks instead of brain power
lol buying into roastie bs wholesale.

>> No.11227896

you're lowballing
there was a documentary about souncil estate life one woman had 11 kids by 8 men another was one guy that had 41 kids by a bunch of women and all of them were living/thriving on benefits they'd even complain to the council when their brood got too big and ask for bigger houses
it's probably worse for those just above the benefits line that have a sense of pride, they look down and see all these lay about ungrateful scrotes that would be destitute and starving otherwise using their kids as a chequebook...
and we haven't even started on all the potential "doctors and engineers" they've imported and their work exemptions for religious practice or crime gangs

>> No.11227897

>Prestigious finance career in the heart of London
>Earn £100,000 a year
Try to keep your bullshit consistent at least. 100K pounds a year is literal pennies in high finance. You should be STARTING higher than that.

>> No.11227898

Does this mean I am a chad? Damn thanks anon

>> No.11227900

Why the fuck is this on /sci/? Get the fuck out, faggot.

>> No.11227903

You just said only genes and looks matter. Is this true?

>> No.11227904
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>> No.11227907

Sounds like you pussied out.

>> No.11227908
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>23 posts in 10 minutes
Im glad that incel generals die out fast

>> No.11227912
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>> No.11227913

genuinely laughed

>> No.11227914

Im flattered you think you are talking to a woman~ You in SoCal? I suck your cock

>> No.11227915

that was another anon. but he is right given the context of what attracts females not what is actually practically useful. thus what they find attractive isn't actually genetic quality but rather genetic artifacts of looks.

>> No.11227916

>A murderer or a rapist
And yet they attract their fair share of female admirers.
It's a fact whether you like it or not.

>> No.11227917

I'd rather not think about it desu. The reality is too depressing, especially on a Saturday afternoon.

UK salaries aren't as good as US salaries and I transitioned late. I didn't go into finance straight after graduation and not many do now desu.

>> No.11227921
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>> No.11227923

So does that mean OP has poor genetic artifacts of looks?

>> No.11227924

Hate to break it to you anon but it's sunday today.

>> No.11227925
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If women reject you, it's over.
Being a sub 8 male means it's over, women find 80% of males unattractive.

>> No.11227929
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>It's a fact

>I saw a series about it

>> No.11227930

Haha, so it is.

>> No.11227931
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>> No.11227933

maybe. i think there is a attitude scale as well. being a badboi enough can make up for looks. but that's not what is rationally thought of as good personality, quite the opposite. dark triad traits are attractive.

>> No.11227936

>what is hybristophilia?

>> No.11227937
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>> No.11227938

>all this backpedaling and cope for why your salary is shit
You don't have a "prestigious finance career" with pay that low. You're some jabroni grunt analyst at best.

>> No.11227943
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>> No.11227957

>a few others
So you have been asked out at least as much and probably more than you have been asking.
Maybe the two you asked out were busy, going through stuff, had a relationship that was still secret, were dykes etc.

You have put in zero effort.

>> No.11228307

>> -
>> =