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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11223617 No.11223617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do the users of this website act so stupid. This could be a legitimately good board if not for people playing retarded

>> No.11223624

People here are actually very smart.
You just have to ask the questions that are really important to you. And you will get actual useful answers.

>> No.11223638

This board is trash because it has a bunch of half wits on it that think they are smart but in reality seldom know wtf they are talking about on even a basic level

>> No.11223859


>> No.11223865

Do you think that anybody on internet forums is smart at all?

>> No.11223933

>users of this website
back to 9plebbitumblr

>> No.11223940
File: 26 KB, 200x248, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue is communication.

Little do we know, we have been programmed from the beginning to latch onto pop-sci things like levitating hamburgers, flying shoes, hats that let you see in the dark, etc. Nobody can escape this clutch of darkness, not even you, not even me.

This is why we possess the demon of neck-beardism. This is why we have become soft internally.

>> No.11223947
File: 107 KB, 1542x1102, 65102836518237465012346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People here are actually very smart.

>> No.11224049
File: 16 KB, 498x498, scoring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if not for people playing

Fuck school, post memes.

>> No.11225001

Those are non-white subhumans, shitskins, leftist jews or bots that shit up this board because the retards think this whole site /pol/. Which just proves pol right that subhuman
non-whites and jews need to die off so White people can progress society and science.

>> No.11225013

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.11225021

The entire site is has seen a absolutely enormous influx of high schoolers in the last few months. I've honestly never seen so many underage and off topic posts. It's not limited to just this board, they are all over the site.

>> No.11225031

based /scipol poster
Black to reddit will be better option for you

>> No.11225032

Jesus you plebbitors are so pathetic.
>someone said something about blacks
>REEEEEEE fuck off /pol/tard!!!1!

>> No.11225034
