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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11223071 No.11223071 [Reply] [Original]

How to deal with idiot students?

>> No.11223079

just placate them. worked for me. i treat my students on a very buddy-buddy level so i avoid any kind of shit.

>> No.11223081

You don't have an academic teaching position, so you don't really have to deal with any students.

>> No.11223087
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Call them a baka shinji! Get in the robot! >.<"

>> No.11223113

Are you some high school teacher? If so, then I would just quit.

>> No.11223138
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I literally do faggot

>> No.11223144

>lying on the internet

>> No.11223146

you really think someone would do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.11223148

Johnny Johnny, telling lies?

>> No.11223459
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I unironically wish I was lying. I need to get out of academia before I lose my mind.

>> No.11223467

Ditto. Taught math at high school level for two months. They are all stupid, even the gifted kids. Anyone with any real brains enrolls their kids in private school or home schools them.

>> No.11223476

To answer your question on how to deal with idiot students I need to know are we talking high school or college? In college I just placate them all term and give them a fat F at the end. Someone already used to placate word and I agree this is the best technique.

I keep my class informal as fuck from day one. I curse casually and treat students like I am their big brother. My boss is writing an article about my teaching style as I dont just stand there at the board with chalk and start writing and proving theorems.

I fucking hate the old school math professors approach. It's fucking boring and they know it.

Math doesn't have to be fucking boring. Especially not when you are teaching some elementary classes.

Teach the history of the math when you are teaching at whatever level you teach at though.

I will build up from concrete to abstract instead of the reverse too. It works better for teaching purposes.

>> No.11223735

>falls for academia
>students are the idiots
4 years from now those idiots, or at the very least some of them, are out-earning and outswagging you, the only thing you might be doing is out-work-overload them. Bravo.

>> No.11223737

>They are all stupid, even the gifted kids
How are they stupid?

>> No.11223738

>teaching style that results in everyone having end of term Fs
I mean, I wish I were making this shit up, but I am just paraphrasing you.

>> No.11223741

Barter with them, normies love friendly salesman more than anyone else. If you can carrot-stick, include some illusion of democratic choice, set gamified objectives for them, and offer alternatives to hard work that merely disguise difficult work they will acquiesce. If you mean how to make them more competent, there isn’t anything to be done, they will always be stupid.

>> No.11223762

Oh look, a thread in which we pretend we are better than others despite spending our free time on a Karachi graffiti tutorial site. Plenty of "idiots" with happy successful lifes, plenty of brainy people miserable in the dumps.
>how to deal with my students
You could start by not be a condescending ass. You are a teacher, you are essentially a failed academic. You yourself are for all intents and purposes an idiot who has not and will not achieve(d) anything anyone will ever talk about ever, outside of maybe friends and family, but not even them because I can only imagine the tedium of having to listen to you talk about your "job".

Not even mad, just disappointed in you anon. You are pushing threads of this board to complain about a non-issue and somehow think you are the smart one here.

>> No.11223782

Oh also,
Why didn't you study something useful or at least study it long enough for it to be useful? I have not once in my life met a teacher who wanted to be a teacher outside of Hollywood movies. Invariably they seem to fall into it because they can't get anything else with the degree they chose to get, so the only thing they can do is teach others how to get the same degree.

This is why genderstudies, in part, continous to grow. You can't get an actual job with that degree unless you did some actual proper "big brain" research. So you just end up teaching other people about gender studies, and the cycle continues.

I am making some assumptions about you, but then you yourself are telling us you are a teacher at academic level and dislike the job, so I can only assume you are the idiot I am describing above.
If you aren't, and all of the above does not apply to you, then the answer to your question is quite simple: don't deal with them, quit your shitty dead end job and get a proper one instead.

>> No.11223802

Move out of the US so your students are less dumb.
No wait, don't do that, then we'd have to deal with a dumb teacher.
Honestly, the level of US education is a joke outside of ivy-league tier stuff.

>> No.11223811

Average iq in most european nations outside of Northern Europe is on par with or below European American average iq. The low quality of public education is more than made up for by our tertiary education and outstanding productivity in STEM and the arts. We are the undisputed historical goliath of invention with no peers for the last hundred years.

>> No.11223835

3rd world talking?

>> No.11223840


>> No.11223841

Bravo, this however is completely unrelated to your overall level of education, it is dumpster tier.
>We are the undisputed historical goliath of invention with no peers for the last hundred years.
Objectively wrong

>> No.11223843

>"how do I deal with idiots?"
I dunno anon, how DO you deal with idiots?

>> No.11223846
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>We are the undisputed historical goliath of invention with no peers for the last hundred years.
US history lessons in action.

>> No.11223851

>Average iq in most european nations outside of Northern Europe is on par with or below European American average iq.
True. The only major exception is probably Italy.
>The low quality of public education is more than made up for by our tertiary education and outstanding productivity in STEM and the arts.
Sort of true, but the college admissions process is much less reliant on merit here, which pisses me off to no end and produces a very large number of educated idiots with big-name degrees.
>We are the undisputed historical goliath of invention with no peers for the last hundred years.

>> No.11224212

I'll fuck your ass anon. it'll help.

>> No.11224313
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>doesn't want to go mad
>is on /sci/
Too late.

>> No.11224314 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11224318
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Nono, the question must be, how do YOU, you anon, deal with idiots?
Literally "What have you tried?"
Have you tried viewing your students as human beings?

>> No.11224835

tell them to go F themselves

>> No.11224867

You're class is boring is half the problem, private schools are filled with just as many dumb asses, it also might just be your school in particular. Rural schools with upper middle class are where you will find the smarties usually are charters, after school hopping quite a bit myself.

The parents are even worst though at private schools because they expect you to pass their kid since they are paying money. If you don't, well the school will make you compromise.

>> No.11224875

Well said.

>> No.11224902

he was talking about the idiot students specifically

>> No.11224906

>pretend to be better than others
I am superior to most

>> No.11224917


>> No.11225069

>You are a teacher, you are essentially a failed academic.
Yeah, that is not how it works kid. To have an academic career at all you need to teach.

>> No.11225081

Making them watch evangelion

>> No.11225949

You can kill yourself, then you wouldn't have to deal with them,

>> No.11226252
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Asuka > Rei

>> No.11226264

Just leave them be. If they cause too much trouble just tell them to stop. They may be stupid but they can also have good manners. And maybe you can also try to make teaching more proactive and get those same students have fun even while not understanding shit. It will be magic to them.

>> No.11226296

Fuck you Rei best girl. Asuka stupid, self-obsessed, vapid whore.

>> No.11226300
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Shut your filthy trap Reifaggot.

>> No.11226312

You have been doing this for 25 fucking years...

>> No.11226316

You cannot come up with a single reason why Asuka is a better girl. This is because your preference is illogical, as is you whole existence. I can only imagine how low your IQ.

>> No.11226321
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Rei is a doll, not your waifu.

>> No.11226330

Quit your job, you probably suck