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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11219546 No.11219546 [Reply] [Original]

I’m terrible at math and have adhd but I want to git good
What’s the most efficient way to get better

>> No.11219548


>> No.11219556


>> No.11219557

read math because it's interesting, not because you feel like you should

>> No.11219633

do lots of practice problems. that's literally it. there are no shortcuts, you just have to practice and struggle until it's intuitive

also this

>> No.11219642

Induce your neurotrophic factor pathways with nootropics (perhaps even with HDAC inhibitors if you're daring enough).

>> No.11219665

That could backfire, since ADHD is an over-excitation problem. Too many synapses is just as bad as not enough synapses - increasing the efficiency of pathways should be the goal rather than just creating more pathways

>> No.11219667

nootropics are ritalin for retards
they do the same thing as ritalin but they have less research and more sides

>> No.11219669

Lang>Apostol/Spivak>Rudin/Tao>whatever you want. Do every exercise in Lang and Apostol/Spivak you can bear and then do even more than that. There is no other way. No video lectures, no "proof books", no khan academy, no 3blueballsonebrowneye nigger shit.

>> No.11219874

do a shit ton of exercises

>> No.11219959

Ritalin is a nootropic

>> No.11220036

Is Lang mathlet friendly?

>> No.11220078

Which lang book are you referring to? There are many.(noob so don't know much).

>> No.11220166

Just start with khan academy to get going and jumpstart your coomerbrain, eventually ween off and start using done thing like axler or Stewart pre calculus, then move onto some thing like Thomas Calculus 9th edition and watch some Professor leonard vids if needed.

>> No.11220173

>bry sig om britcuckpolitik

>> No.11220201

Probably Basic Mathematics.

>> No.11220210


>> No.11220215

wait where are you located dude? are you in MIA

>> No.11220218

This is pretty much what I did. Literally started with the pre-school level math on Khan Academy and am currently working through Calc II.

>> No.11220331

Fuck youuu, that's hard to get outside of college!

I wanna ask a question using OP's thread. Instead of just learning math/memorizing rules, how do I actually learn to critically solve/think about math? I don't want to just remember things, I want to learn how to look at things to "figure the problem out with logic" rather than just "remember this rule because!"

>> No.11220353

Practice solving problems.

>> No.11220383

just do it.
I assume you men the engineer route, algebra-calculus.
I am called a fucking autistic loser for this, but it is just something that is true.
if you can remember the lyrics to a shitty hip hop song, then you can remember the shitty formula require to pass the class.

>> No.11220393
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>how do I actually learn to critically solve/think about math?
Just study proof based math exclusively.

>> No.11220396


>> No.11220399

The proof of the formula for the sum of the first N natural numbers wasn't immediate for me. Guess my IQ.

>> No.11220406


>> No.11220409


close, I'm a tested 98

>> No.11220458

I have ADHD and have been studying math nearly every day for the last few months (getting ready for university).

I tried a bunch of different textbooks until I found one I liked and could stick with.

I only do a few minutes a day as my quota, but usually I will want to go longer cause I will get curious about something I am learning and want to work it out.

I dont have meds but I want to get them because objectively that is what helps the most for ADHD. Other things help too like regular sleep, morning cardio, dual n back. For me cutting back on carbs helps a lot. They just make me sleepy and emotional. I actually function best when I am hungry. I think it's hunting mode, wakes up the mind and body.

Oh also use Anki. I used it just for facts which is kind of retarded. But if instead of just "bashing your head against the wall" when learning math facts, make sure you really understand it. When you fail an anki card, take a minute or two to go over the material and really get it. Once you truly understand something, it will not take a special extra effort to memorize.

And last: play with math. By this I mean, explore the material in your own time. I have made good progress just thru effort and books but most of my intuitive insight comes in the evening when something pops into my head like, "how does this work exactly?" and I will spend a few minutes thinking about it, can I figure it out based on what I already know? And usually I can.

Find out how you think: is it in sounds, in words, in pictures? You can use this to your advantage, eg. visualizing formulas and graphs, getting an intuitive understanding of what you're doing mechanically on paper.

Most important, be patient with yourself, but be firm. Persist. Acknowledge the progress you are making, however slight. Realize that if you press on, eventually you will get to wherever you want to go.

Good luck.

>> No.11220480

To add: Most helpful to me was to make it a daily habit. And most helpful for that was to say: ok but I only have to do 10 minutes, then I can stop.

Eventually (once 10min a day was a habit) I realized I'm not gonna make it thru university on ten minutes a day so I made a calendar for myself where each day I study 2% longer than the day before.

Anyone can study 2% harder a day starting with 10 minutes.

This way in 3 months you're up to an hour a day, in 4 months two hours, 5 months 3 hours, etc

>> No.11220517

>Literally started with the pre-school level math on Khan Academy
Thinking about doing this. I went on some practice site and felt ashamed that some elementary school stuff temporarily stumped me because it'd been awhile. So glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.11220614

Same. Going through the curriculum made me realize just how far behind I was. No wonder I was struggling with calculus in high school when I never really got the hang of fractions, roots and exponents. (Ok, and the times tables...)

But going thru it at my own pace, I can take as long as I need to make sure every subject sinks in properly. This is a lot nicer actually.

>> No.11220650

crack cocaine and exercising profusely

>> No.11222123
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1564521582819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think I have ADHD but I do want to get better at math as well.

I never really struggled I just realized I forgot a lot of stuff and blew off the content I did learn the second the final was over.


>> No.11222131
File: 30 KB, 500x500, DrPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One cure coming up.

>> No.11222152

How old are you?

>> No.11222168


suck dicks, sell asshole

>> No.11222914

You need ALCOHOL. I have ADHD and alcohol helps my concentration. I took many math tests in my undergrad drunk and made the highest marks at a fairly prestigious university in Atlanta, cough cough.

>> No.11222917

>have adhd
Let me guess, you are American? Weird that the Us is the only country in the world with ADHD

>> No.11222947

Shut up autist

>> No.11222980

Americans don't like discipline they want a magical cure in the form a pill.

>> No.11223120

Tfw my ADD didn't make me excited, it just made me zone out for hours

>> No.11223209

this and lots of practice

>> No.11223224

have the exact same problem.

>> No.11223248

Ignorant idiot who feels better by posting shit
t. Euro

>> No.11223252

any fixes?

>> No.11223578

I had to take meds. When I did I can study and stay focused for hours.

>> No.11223581

Actually DO math. Sign up for courses at your local community college.