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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11218906 No.11218906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I notice this on 4chan, if you go to an Afrocentrist forum and take all of their beliefs and just switch the race around, about 90% of them match the beliefs of the people on here and stormfront. And all of them rely on refusal to accept modern science, insisting old pseudoscience and conspiracy theories = truth.

Most on 4chan insist on phrenology, claiming IQ measures genetic intelligence (I guess the Irish must have genetically enhanced themselves at the same time they developed their country and education systems when they jumped up 13 points in IQ). lol

It appears most on 4chan are incredibly angry and insecure, lashing out at people and calling them Jews or something else whenever someone is educating them.

Why are 4chan kids so uneducated and so unwilling to learn?
Major in biological sciences here.

>> No.11218908

fuck off

>> No.11218909

fuck off nigger

>> No.11218910

yes, there is no such thing as genes, or dna, you are correct. science btfo.

>> No.11218914

>child here

>> No.11218920

you're right. anyone who isn't educated in these matters is bound to be stupid, and most dangerous of all are those who think they're educated but really aren't.
go back
>deliberately misrepresents op's argument
le funny conservitard shuffle
go back

>> No.11218931
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is it really so surprising?

>> No.11218940

is economics a valid science?

>> No.11218941

>what is a dna test
>what is 'ethnicity'
>what is 'race', 'genotype', 'familial linkage'
>'genetic history'
>'genetic clusters'

>> No.11218949

Gas yourself, kike

>> No.11218954

>there is no such thing as race
>all asians have chinky eyes, but no other race does
>all africans are black
>there are no blondes or blue eyes that aren't white
You're telling me that differences in thousands of years of genetic isolation and vast differences in appearance doesn't qualify as an indicator for the existence of different races? What does, then?

>> No.11218955

>the people on here and stormfront
every board is different, especially post 2014

>> No.11218956

>>deliberately misrepresents op's argument
op has no argument, he does the same thing every dishonest brainlet like >>11218931 does - misrepresent your opponents position and then argue against the non-existent position in an attempt you disprove it and fool those who know no better. op however goes one better, he not only argues against an inaccurate position, he's massively misinformed on the very topic he's trying to lecture others on

>> No.11218958

it’d because /pol/tards spam this place with crap ideas and dumb memes and they actually know next to nothing about science. real /sci/bros don’t even bother with the race threads since anyone with half an IQ understands that genes are so numerous and there are several of any individual gene that it is basically a spectrum across a huge number of dimensions. this is just obvious to anyone who can think past high school level.

in fact the mods here are ridiculous for not banning 90% of the race threads we get here—there is a rule that that is only allowed on /b/. but rules don’t matter because /pol/ makes hiroshimoot the most money and the FBI and CIA use this place to identify the freakazoids

>> No.11218960
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I actually think Jews are the master race and I want nothing more than to be a toy to some Jewess goddess. Checkmate.

>> No.11218965

>Dunning-Kruger midwit thread
Now I don't know about OP but I personally enjoy the taste and physical sensation of a cum-soaked intact penis in my mouth. The key element is when it belongs to a person you like, enhancing the experience of this particular sexual encounter by a large margin.

>> No.11218975 [DELETED] 

iq is a proxy metric for intelligence and it is strongly genetically correlated. humans are far more the same than they are alike but there is some grouping, some individuals more alike to each other genetically than they are to others, that roughly fits the idea of races. when we divide people into these races we find that their iq distributions vary. what is not known is why but it's more likely the combination of genetics and environment than any single factor. genetic determinism is as stupid as environmental determinism.

>> No.11218987

iq is a proxy metric for intelligence and it is strongly genetically correlated. humans are far more the same than they are different genetically but there is some grouping from said small differences, some individuals more alike to each other than they are to others, that roughly fits the idea of races. when we divide people into these races we find that their iq distributions vary. what is not known is why but it's more likely the combination of genetics and environment than any single factor. genetic determinism is as stupid as environmental determinism. bill nye is a popsci icon riding on the coat-tails of sagan but unlike sagan is not to be taken seriously.

>> No.11218992

Why is that this person's face disgusts me so, I wonder? It is not so ugly that it should, and yet it does.

>> No.11218998

>divides people into race groups
>someone from one race group makes a baby with somebody from a different one
>your groups BTFO
in fact latin americans as a “race” is extremely fucking retarded for this exact reason

>> No.11219003 [DELETED] 

goybrains can't handle the sight of a superior being without short circuiting lmao
unitedstatesians were a mistake

>> No.11219004

Your dishonest kind is not welcome here, you seem only to create strawmen

take responsibility for your own actions

>> No.11219012

never said these groups were static and immutable. and the expectation is the baby would cluster between those clusters. but none of this is that important because not only is no race worth conserving, no whole species is worth conserving either.

>> No.11219014

just go back. you offered nothing resembling a scientific response to either of the posts you replied to, so not only are you off topic, as well as larping, but spouting /pol/ vomit.

you're exactly the kind of mentally stunted trash that ruins this board

>> No.11219015
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Jesus fuck I don't even want to refute this, you made me do this fucker.
So the idea behind the JQ is that jews, while being our intellectual equals, have an entirely different value system.

One COULD argue that they may go to lengths that corrupt the current political system in ways that a typical white/euro/conservative nation wouldn't have.

Jewish people do not have the same interest politically as white people. 86% vote democrat. While 95% of conservative voters are white males.

I fuuuuuucking hate talking about this reality, but it's the truth. Everybody has a group mentality and in my honest opinion, they are entering into our system and clogging it up with there different set of values.

We just recognized them as their own race and own religion. How many Jewish people are patriotic vs. how many white people. Would they choose here over Israel?

Immigrants coming into the US have their own value systems at heart. You can actually blame capitalism for this. Israel has a nuclear plan that if and I quote

>"If Israel is seen to be fallen without any chance of survival, Israel will nuke continental

They don't give a fuck about us, neither do the rich. These are people moving for positions of power that do not have the nations interest or her people at heart.

>> No.11219017

>he actually thinks there isn't cognitive difference between races

This is proven shit. There's outliers for everything, but go ahead go walk around a black neighborhood alone for awhile!

>> No.11219021

no argument

if they aren't static and immutable then they aren't scientific facts. they're your own personal social construct. not science (at least not hard science. social "scientist" idiots can eat a turd)

>> No.11219023

what are you replying to, schizo?

>> No.11219024


>> No.11219029

are you unable to understand english or something? or is your cognitive dissonance prohibiting your brain from parsing the words and (You)s your eyes are transmitting to it?

>> No.11219033

>if they aren't static and immutable then they aren't scientific facts.
lol wut? so transient phenomena aren't scientific facts because they don't exist in perpetuity? you know that species aren't static and immutable either. by your logic species isn't a scientific model which is laughable.
>they're your own personal social construct. not science (at least not hard science. social "scientist" idiots can eat a turd)
no they are just the groupings of genetic clusters that are currently found. it's really not that crazy a concept and it's hilarious the hangups people have over it.

>> No.11219038

I can actually guarantee an actual (((leftist))) shill will not fucking refute this. Through-out history this has happened. It's like openings pandora's box with these god damn people, I do not bring it up for this reason.

Through-out history Jewish people have been fucking "discriminated" against for being given a fair chance and showing they do not play fucking ball. They never will.
If you read enough philosophy this is how they survive. Jewish people are extremely fucking racist, see >>11218931

I wouldn't say I am acting like a nigger, knowing that you are metastasizing in my fucking political system, causing greed and the death of peoples liberties. Including many of your own peoples. Had to ruin the god damn game, didn't you faggots?

AHHHHHHHHHHHH is that all you have to say? Is that it? Because I am making a valid fucking point? That the nation does not care about us and the jews who are moving into power hold this exact sentiment?

Fuck you. You people and all the rich fucking WASPs are ruining this miracle of a country.

>> No.11219042

>AHHHHHHHHHHHH is that all you have to say?
my point is that if you are going off about antisemitism (which i'll remind you, trump just promoted a new policy for antisemitism to qualify as "racism" officially under the law) then it just should go on /pol/. that's the jew conspiracy board. and according to the new trump policy, that's also against the rules except on /b/. so just please, put it on the appropriate board. not here. and stay on that board. i can tell /sci/ is not your home board so just stick to your home board.

>> No.11219050
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Races identify with eachother. Jewish people DO not vote conservative.. EVER. EVER. Even if Donnie is bending over backwards with the fucking evangelicals. You know why?
Because they would be the same mother fucking block as Europeans.
Can't have that.
Gotta have 50% of PHD's in the US come from foreign countries. Gotta tax the fuck out of white men. Also, push the idea that women were obscenely oppressed in the past and that life wasn't shit for everyone.

Because guess what, everybody chooses their home country not based on any logic, but literally because it's psychologically something they are familiar with so they choose it.

Then you beg for jannies.
Are you fucking serious?

>> No.11219057

Yeah see, once the veil that
"Oh shit the jews will always choose their own race over others"
vs. Christian
"We forgive all, regardless and welcome".

Good luck for me to become a fucking Jew while anybody on the earth can become Christian.

I was downtown walking out of my university and I see how you fucking kikes looked at this nun asking for money in the cold. With disgust.

You people will never fucking come around.

>> No.11219066

bro, come on now. i'm just telling you to stay on then appropriate board. why are you getting all paranoid that i'm a jew tricking you or something? i'm just telling you a basic rule of 4chan etiquette. if i started a thread about ponies or cosplay or vidya wouldn't you say a similar thing?

anyhow i'm a full-blooded catholic so you can cool your jets bro. also you might wanna reconsider your conspiracy theory -- that kind of stuff clouds your brain.

>> No.11219080

(half)black guy here
we knock up your women and tlaib will nuke isreal once she becomes the president so sit down and be humble now before you get your jewfro looking ass knocked out like tekken nigga better watch your ass lil weak neurotic jewboi bitch

>> No.11219087

What I dont get about /pol/ is their constant need reaffirmation.
Why do they need to make 6 threads a day asking if africans are lower intelligence?
Why do they need to be reminded of their beliefs constantly? It's just fucking annoying.
Yes, there is a big link between your genes and intelligence, if your parents are stupid chances are you're stupid.
Yes, European humans are generally smarter than african humans.
What are you even gonna do about it? Go to your nearest Public place and scream at black people about your superiority? It just doesnt matter, Please leave.

>> No.11219089

lol, good larp /pol/cel. you should make a thread on /b/ with a bunch of ebin posts like this

>> No.11219095
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This isn't even a conspiracy. This a philosophical insight on their value structure and people's morality.

So atleast we admit that Jewish people aren't white now, can we also admit that they don't have the same interest as European voting blocks? Or is dat racis?

Fuck you people. Fuck your narrative. Fuck what is happening to liberty. Fuck the manifestation of tyranny that the world has never seen you are pushing for.

Anti-fire arm and anti-lowering taxes on the middle class for fucking healthcare (what a joke, we make the people foot the bill) are probably some of the biggest lines of bullshit I have ever seen being served to people.

Oh and trust me, I don't think about it often. I don't even stigmatize it. Rome is falling. It sucks. Get your breadcrumbs and get out.
Gonna be a slow burn, US may very well end up just being another Mexico at this point.

Watch this Economic recession after Trump is elected. The problems will actually start to rear it's ugly head.

>> No.11219104
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>t. scared bitch
give me your address and we'll come to "shadilay" your ass up nigga
that's what i thought

>> No.11219105

i’ll just point out again that your post has absolutely nothing to do with science and you should find a different board

>> No.11219111

>our intellectual equals

>> No.11219115

i’m shaking in my boots tough guy. if you want to brawl i suggest going on /lgbt/ and posting antifa hate threads; i’m some some jacked trans-women will be up for a skirmish

>> No.11219118

*i’m sure

>> No.11219127

That guy has a Hana shirt?

>> No.11219129

>Doesn't matter
>It clearly fucking matters.
Look, this thread is containment. You won't catch me dead posting outside of another thread talking about the differing interests among ideologies.

I don't think it's that crazy. It effects business, voting blocks, everything.

People want to make it more exciting than it is. Really part of a me is a really about coming together, but it pisses me off to see my team getting fucked like this by a mechanism that could very well end up fucking up a lot of peoples lives.
You could probably argue that I am probably one of the more classic liberal person you'll meet, but it doesn't come without its flaws and that's what we are seeing.
Ethno-centric minorities are moving into country. Media is also becoming more ethno-centric. The grassroots movement of liberals are anti-white male ffs. You think anti-fa is not focused on race at all? Lmao.
There is some truth to what is happening, but it is shunned, because ethno-centrism.
I'm not saying minorities are selfish, I am saying that there is some pretty clear evidence that they have group and idealogical interest that are not in line with mine. This is clearly quantified by voting blocks.
This is not even in a selfish way. I hate the fact we enabled China to become tyrannically powerful. If we don't negotiate with terrorist, why are we doing business with a tyrannical government and willingly outsourcing manufacturing for slave labor. You wouldn't catch me dead doing such a thing, but our government really did fail to protect her people.

>> No.11219141
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What is the humor in that? Oh wait.. because you in anonymity you won't deny your Ideology and group mentality.

You do realize this is pretty much fucking up the whole world, right? Not just Europeans, right? I'm all for helping third world countries, but I am sad to see us slide back towards what seems more and more like feudalism.

>> No.11219148

Every race besides whites votes Democrat. Really makes you think.

>> No.11219151

>another pure politics post
care to elaborate on any possible mental handstand you could make to argue this post is appropriate for /sci/ ??

>> No.11219165
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>"Anthropology is the scientific study of humans, human behavior and societies in the past and present. Social anthropology studies patterns of behaviour and cultural anthropology studies cultural meaning, including norms and values. "

You don't even refute what I am saying.
Also, check this out.
>Westerners might be surprised to learn that the Russian Ruble has the largest pile of Official gold to fiat currency cash in their financial system. ... According to the data, it would only take a US dollar price of gold to clear $2,058.00 for the Russian Federation to have all its M0 narrow money supply fully backed.

>By 2040 US GDP to debt ratio will reach 70%, causing extreme cuts to finance.

Countries got about 20 years left as leading economic super power. Unless somebody steps up about the economy, shit is going to get ugly.

Hmmmm… really gets the noggin joggin.

>> No.11219167

those are police?

>> No.11219180

Sowell reckons it started with Woodrow Wilson which would tie in with what the banksters did

>> No.11219184

>I am saying that there is some pretty clear evidence that they have group and idealogical interest that are not in line with mine.
So, just remove everyone that disagrees with you? Sounds just a tiny bit fasc-y my man.

Also whites are just barely voting Republican, and steadily dropping. What will be your excuse then?

>> No.11219187
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Eh, some bastardized form of it.

Boy you wonder if the United States in the 1930's would've just shipped it's industry off to China? Gotta wonder why US business practices have changed so much.

Oh yeah, because unless you are in the top 20% of earners in the US, you're gonna be BONED! I can't imagine having student loans that aren't backed by the fed and have variable interest!
(Get fucked faggots, anyone with variable interest is due for a rude awakening after re-election and fed stops "quantitative easing".
Remember when it wasn't just abunch of fags of 4chan who understood the economic system? Like walk on wall street? Pepperidge farm remembers, but the intelligence agencies (most impressive part of this whole thing to me, even far left people see it) took care of that real quick.

>> No.11219188


>> No.11219192

>What will be your excuse then?
>deep state conspiracy
>Ukraine interfered in the election
>it's a chinese hoax to make US manufacturing non-competitive
>Mexicans -- they're rapists and murderers and drug dealers, and some of them i assume are good people
just take your pick

>> No.11219210
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>pic related
I never said I wanted violence. If anything, I actually would be very happen to just see America/Europe help the world. But, yes I also want opportunity for my children in the country I grew up in.
I would be psyched if everyone could drive a Tesla and if the people in Hong Kong could help the world. The JQ is an ugly thing. But, when Occam's razer is applied, you can kind understand what I'm saying.

I actually would be kind of worried if most normies saw the reality, because then we would see the death of liberty much faster than now.

I'm "technically" alt-right, because I'm honest about what I think are some problems. I don't think the country is serving her people and is busy chasing profits instead. (Boy, I really sound like a liberal here, don't I?).
I also realize, that I can't say my views on race or should I convince anyone, because it IS dangerous to do so.
If most normies realized the reality of different groups/ideologies, shit would get ugly. I think the same goes for tyranny.

Basically, there are some truth to the redpills. I don't think in everyday life it shows, but it exist on a macro level 100%.
If it is something you obsess over, then yes your life is going to suck. Same with being a communist, feminist or genuine conspiracy theorist.

Problems with race arising (both sides) is a consequence, not the cause. How many rich kids who feel like they got fair treatment fall into politics.

I do not want people to get hurt. If you want your government to hurt people, chances are it is going to hurt you, as well. Like a dog trained to fight.

>> No.11219213
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11219221

using the word pseudoscience without presenting a logical argument or experiment which proves it false, is just a rhetorical technique to dismiss those outside of academia or those in academia who have touched on unpopular ideas. Nobody has a monopoly on truth or a "method" for ensuring truth. There is no such thing as pseudoscience, unless you mean people using the appearance of science as a means of authority to persuade others as people like Degrasse Tyson does.

>> No.11219222

as a follow up. Since you brought up phrenology. can you point us to the study/experiment that showed it's false?

>> No.11219259

what does a biological sciences major entail at your university? because at mine it's a bunch of pretentious hippie bullshit for brainlets that couldn't make it through actual biology/biochem classes

>> No.11219700
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>> No.11219709

Looking at the replies received by OP even the supposedly most intellectual board on 4chan can't even be sophisticated.

>> No.11219719

>Bill Nye the non-scientist

>> No.11219737
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Bill Noy the shabbos goy

>> No.11219904

>while being our intellectual equals

Imagine the level of delusion require to believe in this. Whites are literally niggers to jews by any measure that whites boasts over niggers.

>> No.11219909
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>> No.11219921

That's right, we are all the same. Now, we have to stop hating each other and abolishing our borders should be our biggest priority, besides... Who gets to say who owns a particular area of land? This world doesn't belong to anyone.

>> No.11219986
File: 138 KB, 1200x800, 1550064826179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arabs cluster with europeans.
You don't accept them as white

>> No.11219991

try it again cracker.
Try it. Israel has nukes on intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Europe and america could be turned into parking lots

>> No.11219992

I don't get the picture?

>> No.11219997

they cluster because of the middle eastern agricultural expansion into europe mixing with the western hunter gatherers. But europeans have the aryan invasions added on top

>> No.11219998

Sheeeiiiit nigguh. Its not as if the USA and EU are schlomos puppets anyway

>> No.11220005

Nicholas fuentes that guy with a spic name is calling Taleb 82 IQ just because he's lebanese.
He's racist.

>> No.11220016


>> No.11220019
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>> No.11220050

It's about culture, not race.

Next pseudo.

>> No.11220072

Well that was a whole lotta nothing

>> No.11220129

The right doesn't claim to be oppressed. They're not eternal victims like Jews or in an inferior position like Niggers, rather they've accepted that they're superior to all other races and while considering all the troubles that subhumans inflict on western society, they simply realized that of them all it's parasitic Jews that cause the most problems and therefore are #1 priority for removal, which is 100% correct by the way.

>> No.11220142

Jews literally oppress white people though.

>> No.11220145
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>The right doesn't claim to be oppressed.

>> No.11220150

Anon, at this stage are they wrong?
look at what's happening around you.

>> No.11220156

let me suck your cock dude

>> No.11220161

>Pointing out trash behaviour is the same as claiming to be oppressed
So if i point out that basically every Nigger in the neighbourhood is trying to steal my bike, do you consider that as me claiming to be oppressed too? I see, i guess then i better stop pointing out Jewish trash behaviour in politics and media and just accept it, wouldn't want to claim being oppressed now would i :^)

Fucking Jewish parasites and their semantics.

>> No.11220163

Muslims in video games are killing me help I'm oppressed

>> No.11220168

What muslims in video games?

>> No.11220929

Unironically go back to /v/

>> No.11220996

not once did he even mention muslims shlomo, nice try. I am a muslim and I very much agree with him.

>> No.11221006

fuck off, nick is simply calling out a complete retard. Taleb somehow believes that Lebanese are the master race and he might get by as European just because Lebanese are technically white looking. As an arab, I couldnt care less what a low-iq degenerate Lebanese swine has to say. To me, Lebanese are pretty much race traitors and a plague on the arab world. One only needs to look at Mia Khalifa to understand the general degenerate culture that is housed in the shithole that is (((multicultural))) Lebanon

>> No.11221012
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Imagine if you had an interest in science or math that wasn't racially or politically motivated

>> No.11221040

replace 'race' with 'science'

>> No.11221041

Race means culture you fucking morons.

>> No.11221050

no that would be ethnicity.

>> No.11221088

IQ is real and the real question is, if everything valuable correlates to IQ so well (it does), why do we even need a bourgeoisie? To select? We can do that by IQ tests? To enforce their good taste? Good taste is associated with IQ too. This is the real reason IQ hasn't caught on: it obsoletes the elite.

>> No.11221096

back in smaller more tribal days elites had to establish their position by their own hand, hereditary finance changed that.

>> No.11221269

>We are one species, each of us much, much more alike than we are different.
Damn bro, you got me. I share over 60% of my genome with a banana tree. We're much more alike than we are different. Time to start arguing for banana rights. Never again will I let one of my leafy brethren be slain. In fact, all banana-eaters should kill themselves and be buried under the roots of the closest banana tree to make up for the thousands of years we've oppressed bananas by eating them.

>> No.11221510

Bill Nye has a bachelors in engineering, that's it. He's got less education than most of /sci/.

>> No.11221603
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because /pol/ has leaked out to every board.

>> No.11221606

Why is it not possible to admit the existence and differences between race? I'm not advocating that we legislate based upon it.

>> No.11221627

They're even leaking into society.

>> No.11221631

I'm kind of curious what /sci/ makes of this essay
it's a little dated though.

>> No.11221637

just tell them scientists use the word "ethnicity" instead of "race" and the chantards stop ragin.

>> No.11221638

We do. And nobody really cares.

>> No.11221639

>what is ethnicity?

the word "race" is outdated. Classical definition of race implies that the different races are different species (which they aren't.. we are all homosapien w/ a little neanderthal mixed in)

just update your terminology.

>> No.11221640
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>block of rambling
>no citation
>no source

>> No.11221642

we do. its we all know the differences between ETHNICITY. "Race" is just an outdated term.

>> No.11221643


because Arab is a language, not a race. The Mediterranean "arabs" were originally christans, they are different from the gulf arabs

>> No.11221647

>strawman tard.

nobody is advocating for banana rights. we are just saying that black people and white people are both homo-sapiens (but some isolated populations in africa have no neanderthal dna)

>> No.11221655

>no that would be ethnicity.

this ends the entire argument.

/sci/ just needs to know the proper terminology

when most of you say "race" you really mean "ethnicity" (unless you believe non-whites are sub-species)

>> No.11221657

>implying a lack of citations are the problem

>> No.11221661

>all these dumb niggers validating op by giving him attention
you are the reason sjws exist.

>> No.11221669

What about that ancient african ghost hominid admixture?

>> No.11221670

race ~= genetics
ethnicity = culture

>> No.11221708


>Since the second half of the 20th century, the association of race with the ideologies and theories of scientific racism has led to the use of the word race itself becoming problematic.[14] Although still used in general contexts, race has often been replaced by less ambiguous and loaded terms: populations, people(s), ethnic groups, or communities, depending on context

>> No.11221712

none of us are 100% homo-sapien
but we are all 100% human (minus the inter-dimensional reptilian overlords, of course)

>> No.11221870
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>walk out on a hot summer day
>become a negro and gain the sudden impulse to rob, rape, and murder
I am a delegator for the blacks and whites, and we as a two people have discussed, and we all agree; fuck the Jews. Their "free muniez fo' da blak pipo" mind tricks have no more effect.
what are you replying to schizo?
Jewish slander literally means nothing. All of our countries are being raped by jews, they are just pissed we know their name.
who the fuck disagrees?
they are both obviously human, but based on their genetics they have different heredity.
WHAT is the point? both of these sides are retards.

>> No.11222078

>points out evolutionary differences among population groups
>then claims those differences don't exist.


>> No.11222109

Because saying the things you said is considered unacceptable by our rulers and accrues social penalties. So people like being able to say that and like the sanity check of being able to theorise on the basis of those assumptions.

>> No.11222112

>you’re a fascist if you don’t want your people attacked
Fuck you man.

>> No.11222116

No, it was considerate and eloquent. Which I’m not willing to be with anti-whites, because they’re generally not operating from a place of logic. Fuck off.

>> No.11222117

Kill yourself, unironically. The world would be improved by you doing so.

>> No.11222386

>muh white genocide

>> No.11222396

The average IQ in Israel is 95.

>> No.11222402

>yet another seething wall of text

>> No.11222406

>we do
Bullshit. Go on your Goybook or Twitter and post up that niggers are genetically different to whites and this difference result in them being predisposed to violence and a lower IQ. Post back your results.

>> No.11222412
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>nothing to see here

>> No.11222463

>moving away = genocide

>> No.11222477

What about Hispanic whites?
Why do you always say non Hispanic whites?
Hispanic whites are white too.
You're idiots

>> No.11222497

don’t you use races for dogs? Genuine question cause I’m kind of stuck on a language barrier here.
They are perfectly capable of interbreeding. Shouldn’t they be referred to as ethnicities aswell?

>> No.11222506

go back to plebbit

>> No.11222509

>niggers are genetically different to whites
Ok. I could word it in a non-offensive way.
>this difference result in them being predisposed to violence and a lower IQ
Lol, this isn't backed up by science. Saying that would make me a liar.

Inb4 /pol/ infographics
Inb4 correlation = causation when I want it to
Inb4 blog websites

>> No.11222514

dogs are breeds, their reproduction was controlled by us, not really a good comparison

>> No.11222523

>whites just all got up and left lol xd xd xd

>> No.11222524

>their reproduction was controlled by us
doesn’t matter at all for genetic differences
>dogs are breeds
ok, then it’s just a german linguistic retardation to refer to breeds as races

>> No.11222532

>Lol, this isn't backed up by science
genetical makeup has a huge impact on violence and IQ.
How could in your mind genetical errors that cause schizophrenia or psychopathy have any impact on violence?
I’m not claiming to know the degree of the predisposition, but it is there.

>> No.11222538

How about the peer reviewed science you claimed doesn't exist?
>Africans have higher rates of a gene associated with violence.
Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1913922/
>Blacks are more prone to psychopathy and less capable of empathy than Whites.
Source: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886901000290
>Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Source: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB115040765329081636
>The heritability of IQ reaches .8 (80%) in later adulthood.
Source: http://www.nature.com/mp/journal/v20/n1/full/mp2014105a.html
>The Black-White IQ gap is mostly heritable.
Source: http://benthamopen.com/contents/pdf/TOPSYJ/TOPSYJ-3-9.pdf
And here's the common excuses being BTFO.
>The scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Source: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160289608000305
>"Intelligence and ability are personal traits that are stable over time and that the role of effort in academic performance is limited."
Source: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022440514000831
>There is pervasive publication bias in research claiming that “stereotype threat” is responsible for group differences in intelligence. When corrected for publishing biases, the impact of stereotype threat is statistically indistinguishable from zero.
Source: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022440514000831

>> No.11222539

yeah, you better break up my argument into disconnected chunks you can attack, because reading and understanding the entire sentence is too fucking hard

>> No.11222545

inb4 nature and science direct get called alt-right websites

>> No.11222549

How do you know the results are accurately reported and not made up?

>> No.11222550

Cope: the Post.

>> No.11222551

how is clearing up my linguistic confusion an attack on your argument?

>> No.11222553

In the words of holocaust deniers:
>wow, words typed on paper

>> No.11222554

>Lol, this isn't backed up by science. Saying that would make me a liar.
>peer reviewed scientific papers linked
>they are all made up
You didn't even read a single one. You are an ideological zealot.

>> No.11222555


I was the one you originally responded too. I'll address the links.

>> No.11222557

>holocaust deniers
lol the obsession is real. now go post on your twitter you have unearthed several peer reviewed studies that show blacks are low iq and prone to violence. post back all the results showing how people accept racial differences like you claimed.

>> No.11222561

Not me, probably a larping /pol/sucker

>> No.11222563

Not an argument lol.
Prove the results are not just made up

>> No.11222564


>> No.11222566


>> No.11222568

larping. Do not respond.

>> No.11222571

It seems Nature and science have been infiltrated with a secret society that wants to start world war 3.

>> No.11222572
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Anyone can just make up data and make it look scientific


>> No.11222585
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>claiming IQ measures genetic intelligence
It does, info can be found here.
The notion that you need anything other than a heritability study to demonstrate a genetic cause of IQ is pure cope.
>I guess the Irish must have genetically enhanced themselves at the same time they developed their country and education systems when they jumped up 13 points in IQ
The existence of environmental influences on IQ does not disprove the existence of genetic influences. The studies that measure race differences control for environment very thoroughly.
>no such thing as race
Humans and chimpanzees have a heterozygosity of about 0.75. Chimps have four recognized subspecies.
Humans have a Fst distance of 0.121, American buffalo have a Fst distance of 0.059. American buffalo have five recognized subspecies.
Self assessed racial identification strongly corresponds with best fit genetic cluster.

You are so unbelievably behind the curve on this I half believe you're baiting.

>> No.11222596


>> No.11222614

>le ebin science man without even a masters degree
>reddit spacing
do you even have enough hubby points to post here?

>> No.11222646

There's blond abos in Aus

>> No.11222689
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>>there are no blondes or blue eyes that aren't white

>> No.11222724

Link #1 is the most convincing study I've seen, but it still has one crucial caveat:
>The statistical analyses employed in this study were only able to demonstrate that a correlation existed between the antisocial phenotypes and the gene × gene interaction. Correlations, of course, do not imply causation and standard statistical techniques, such as the ones used here, are unable to provide much information about the causal processes that might lead from the gene × gene interaction to conduct disorder or to adult antisocial behavior.
Link #2 is by Lynn... also it is based in psychology, not genetics. Not gonna bother.
Link #3 is still correlations:
>What the data didn't say was how the mutations were advantageous. Perhaps the genes play a role outside of the brain or affect a brain function that has nothing to do with intelligence.
Link #4 is heritability, which is shaped by environment. If the environment changes, outcomes could be completely different, even if a trait's heritability is 100%. I could explain further if needed.
Link #5 still only concludes a heritability factor, and is by Rushton, a white supremacist

I don't dispute IQ tests

There's really nothing conclusive genetically. You're fabricating a story that makes the numbers lead to a certain conclusion. If the correlations did imply causation, the study would say so. They would say "this gene partially explains the racial IQ gap." But they don't. Simply saying a trait is X% heritable doesn't mean it explains the racial IQ gap. Or that a gene found in blacks correlates with IQ. Even the genes for melanin in your skin correlates with IQ, doesn't mean it has anything to do with it.

You're going to accuse me of making up excuses, but I'm trying to simply establish sound logic here. If you pile on enough correlations, you sound very convincing to laymen, but you're not actually saying anything at all. This is the same tactic used by conspiracy theorists to explain flat Earth or inside job 9/11

>> No.11222731

>you're going to accuse me of making up excuses
well at least you're aware of what you're doing

>> No.11222734

Ok. Now acknowledge that you think correlation = causation when it's convenient for you.

>> No.11222737

>its all just a coincidence!

>> No.11222745

>Rushton, a white supremacist
Convenient how anyone who puts their head above the parapet and says the difference between blacks and whites intelligence is 100% genetic immediately becomes a white supremacist. The same man thought asians were more intelligent than whites is that a common white supremacist belief?

>> No.11222748

Lots of coincidences involving 9/11 too buddy. I guess it really was an inside job. Too many things that point to that conclusion, it can't be denied.

>> No.11222753

Isn't it funny how all the correlations point in one direction and the only response you have is to start ranting about 9/11 like the /x/tard you are?

>> No.11222755

>says the difference between blacks and whites intelligence is 100% genetic immediately becomes a white supremacist.
Considering that is flat out lies not backed by science, yeah. But that's not all:
>From 2002 until his death, he served as the head of the Pioneer Fund, a racist research foundation established in 1937 by white supremacists and eugenicists.

>> No.11222758

>it's false because it upsets me
>unironically using Wikipedia articles as a basis for an argument

>> No.11222760

I'm only using your logic, sorry. I'll be logical from now on. Correlation doesn't = causation. Agreed?

>> No.11222761

>that is flat out lies not backed by science
Are you genuinely trying to say genetics is not responsible for intelligence?

>> No.11222762

>these dozens of correlations are all pure coincidences
You don't understand what correlation not implying causation means anon.

>> No.11222763

He literally said intelligence is 100% genetic. Don't defend him, it makes you look dumb too.

>> No.11222767

Incorrect. He said that Rushton said intelligence was 100% genetic. What percentage of intelligence do you believe to be genetic?

>> No.11222769

Like I said, your melanin genes correlate with IQ. There are probably millions of genes that correlation with IQ. Dozens is nothing, it could be millions of correlations. We are getting closer to understanding how genes physically impact biology, don't worry. We'll get there soon. But until then, your dozens of correlations don't mean much.

>> No.11222771

>goalposts shifting quickly
Define correlation.

>> No.11222774
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A correlation is any consistent relationship of data

>> No.11222777

>defining correlation with no sign of the word predictive
There's your first problem.

>> No.11222805

There were only 17 pirates in 2000? I don't believe it, i was with a crew of at least 40

>> No.11222808

Sorry sweaty, just because you browse /g/ doesn't make you a pirate

Got any private tracker invites tho?

>> No.11222814
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What in Davy Jones’ locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I’ll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I’ve led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o’ swag. I’ll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o’ pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o’ monsoon that’ll wipe ye off the map. You’re sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o’er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o’ the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I’ll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o’ the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn’t, ye didn’t, and now ye’ll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I’ll shit fury all over ye and ye’ll drown in the depths o’ it. You’re fish food now.

>> No.11222818


>> No.11222821
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>doesn’t even give pause to consider what the term “outlier” means

Chhhhk, coming in for a landing!

>> No.11222823
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>u rite chickun wing?
>u liek Trump!

>> No.11222827

What the fuck gives an undergrad in mechanical engineering authority to speak on biology?

>> No.11222830


>> No.11222833

Saved, lol

>> No.11222835

Even NE involves more math than Bio.>>11222830

>> No.11222837

Man I fucked up there

>> No.11222846

>thinking the correlation/causation paradigm even applies

That right Jamal, the theory is literally that your cocoa complexion results in you automatically being a total retard. You really cracked the case wide open here.

>> No.11222849
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>evolution by natural selection
No one is disputing this you fucking retard, bill nye the jewish spy

Of course we evolved from some common ancestor, which eventually you can trace back to the origin of life

Of course the environment exerts evolutionary pressure

So fucking what?
That does not *PROVE* there is no such things as sufficient genetic differences in humans due to geographical and chronological separation.
We KNOW this differences are there. There are medical differences, there are cultural differences, there are visual differences. There are language differences.

No its simply you whom purports to be the judge of what constitutes a race, your "biilogy" is naught but linguistic colonization and political drudgery

>> No.11222851

good lord, there may be a lot of stupid right wingers, but being a brainlet is literally a necessary condition for being a leftist.

>> No.11222852

For the last fucking time, good and sensible punctuation isn’t “reddit-spacing”. Lord knows you are an outlier for your own racial group. Most whites know how a fucking paragraph works.

>> No.11222857
File: 14 KB, 606x138, Screenshot_2019-12-13 punctuation definition - Google-Suche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

punctuation has absolutely nothing to do with what is commonly referred to as reddit spacing you absolute retard. a new line is not a mark

>> No.11222858
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This but unironically

>> No.11222865

Punctuation literally means the separating of text into easier to read fragments. the paragraph certainly fits. What was once commonly referred to as reddit-spacing was double-spacing. But since nearly nobody does that, /pol/ had to make up another boogeyman in the form of grammar.

>> No.11222871

Biological sciences to biochem/biomedical engineering
Is as political science is to philosophy/international relations
Notice that of all the most important biotech leaders today, most of them were not biology majors

>> No.11222873
File: 48 KB, 470x459, C6B820C7-73F5-4721-90E4-0E0D8EB27193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lots of coincidences involving 9/11 too buddy. I guess it really was an inside job. Too many things that point to that conclusion, it can't be denied.

Besides the utter irrelevancy... uh, yeah?!?

>> No.11222892

The word is insane, they can easily notice genetic differences between races(BLACK GUYS HAVE BIG FAT COCKS!!!) but refuse to admit they are real.