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11216100 No.11216100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I literally objectively factually unarguably had several premonition dreams as well as prophetic visions.

>> No.11216361

something isn't right...

>> No.11216380


>> No.11216382


>> No.11216388


>> No.11216397


>> No.11216401


You have a mental illness. That's what's wrong. You literally objectively factually unarguably have something wrong with you in your head and you should seek professional help, for your own sake if nothing else.

>> No.11216406

No, you are wrong.

>> No.11216413

The thing that's "wrong" is that you are utterly convinced of what you just said and you can't even consider the alternative even though the alternative is correct. That's what's WRONG

>> No.11216419

Please stop being such a brick wall stalker and stop entering my threads I've told you again and again to stop following me in my threads and harassing me. You are lying about me and that's not allowed. I'm not mentally ill and I'm really right and you are INCAPABLE for seeing otherwise and you will prove me right.

>> No.11216421


If you don't accept that I'm right then get out of my thread because you are not doing the world any good by deceiving people about me. I am LITERALLY right.

I also believe that we are on a big rock which is zooming through space at a trillion meters per second just like you told me to believe but it's not crazy to believe in that when you are told but it is crazy to believe in God?


>> No.11216428

The best thing for me right now is to stop getting harassed by obsessive 4chan users that bully me constantly. You guys LITERALLY said "it's ethical to harass you because you are a schizo"

there's literally a post in the archives of somebody saying that to me.

>> No.11216430


No doubt you are telling the truth, BUT what about all the failed prophetic dreams?

Every Sunday night dream of having a crash the next day, 26 years later actually have a car crash on a Monday and think "WOW!!!, I just dreamed about this last night!"

>> No.11216432 [DELETED] 

it's ethical to harass you because you are a schizo

>> No.11216433

You don't actually care you just don't want to accept that God is real.

If you 4chan users really cared you wouldn't be saying things like "it's okay to bully and harass you" or telling me to kill myself every time I post and you would be more reasonable instead of dogmatic monsters.

>> No.11216438

I'm not the guy you are replying to nor have I ever seen any thread you made until right now. Just looking over this thread with a purely objective perspective it seems very apparent to me that you have a mental illness. I'm honestly and sincerely advising you to seek help. Good luck to you anon.

>> No.11216444

You're an idiot and the things you say can't be trusted or listened to because you are clearly intentionally being malignant and causing harm on purpose that's what you are doing. She is like the opposite of you but even better than that, which is very good considering you are very bad.

You are totally right, in my memory it is very rare to have a certain type of dream with her in it where something big doesn't happen. The Notre Dame dream and El Paso dreams were the only two that had this feeling so I figure they are the only evidence right now. The Notre Dame dream was the only dream where she frowned that I remember in the past few years and she is French and Christian too.

I believe that the failed prophetic dreams were never prophetic to being with and just regular dreams. Out of like the dozen times I've claimed to have seen her in a dream, I've cut my hand open, the Notre Dame and Al-Aqsa burned down, there were two mass shootings in one weekend killing over 30, there was two plane crashes in one two days killing over 40, an egg exploded in my mouth the same location that I was in during the dream, and I went to the exact building I dreamed about going to in the dream for the first time in months, oh yeah, and when she was drinking coffee in a dream the hard rock cafe building collapsed.

I mean, am I just making stretches, maybe for some of them, but it's clear that there's some correlation because of the small sample size and large number of events that happened with those things that are related.

>> No.11216448

You're not a psychiatrist. I'm not mentally ill. Don't just determine that for yourself. You should worry about people that actually are mentally ill like extreme racists for example.
Thanks for the 444 odds of 1 in 1000 posts.

>> No.11216454

I feel like I'm in a horrible situation here because of how much that has actually happened and I have very little going for me to prove most of it. Seriously the real best thing I have right now is just a vague "something is going to happen today" when the Notre Dame burned down. But to be honest, it was my first happening thread ever at least, and it's a real shame I didn't elaborate and give more details about the dream instead I just made it look worse than it was.

Humans are in the business of being deceived, any public person can be fooled pretty easily.

>> No.11216456

Thanks for the timestamp 44.
Thanks for the 4.
Odds of 1 in 60 posts and odds of 1 in 10 posts.

Also her numbers appeared elsewhere in this thread.

And NO I don't consider the numbers some form of communication or significant statistical coincidence.

I have said this before but people just want to take the other side and say what ever makes me look worse. I don't believe in unrealistic things. God is not unrealistic. God is real.

>> No.11216459 [DELETED] 
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oh my god stop posting

>> No.11216462

I mean, it's a question of personal significance.
For example, I've only had a dream about her tugging on my hand once, and I've only cut that same hand open once and had to get it taped up once and they both happened on the same day. That sounds superstitious yes, and crazy, but I've only had a vision about Muslims being gunned down from a white guy who is outdoors and they are in a building once too, and that was March 13th. So I can't even deal with somebody who tries to tell me sincerely that they don't believe that.

But the things that are clearly not related at all (which is most of them) it's simply just not related BECAUSE I can't tell the future, although she can. So, I have no inherit ability to always know what is going to happen to me or that day, my dreams don't always correlate with what happens, because I have no such power, but she can know these things and at her grace they can be sometimes shown to me and they are right and I keep a journal sometimes just in case.

>> No.11216465

Hey guess what I was saging the thread to keep it off of page one but you are the only one who literally just bumped it and now it's at the top of the catalog and plenty of people are only seeing this thread now because of you dumb hypocrite. Lol.

>> No.11216466
File: 658 KB, 1080x816, Screenshot_20191203-160259~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low quality larp

>> No.11216470

You're right that I'm not a psychiatrist. I don't know for sure if you are mentally ill. But I would bet money on it. Whether right or wrong, 99% of people would assume you are mentally ill based on your posts. You sound like a paranoid schizo whether you are one or not. Whatever the case, you aren't going to benefit from posting this here.

/sci/ is very slow and you don't need to bump a thread often to keep it up.

>> No.11216482

Like today my dream wasn't prophetic as a dream at all.

I posted about it early in the day many hours ago it was about a shooting and this big wooden room that looked "beautiful."

Now to be fair, I did enter a big room today that just barely looked similar but to be fair, and I'm saying this in my own words, it was totally not a prediction in my dream, like the room I saw in my dream was not the same thing. But the building I saw in my dream recently WAS the exact building I went to that day.

No offense to you, but do you really just doubt everything?

No offense to you, but what if it was real?

>> No.11216485

>No offense to you, but do you really just doubt everything?
That's a pretty vague question.

>> No.11216486

I'm not going to lie, I don't even think your read my posts, I think you just see something spooky paranormal and just brain shut down and you reply some lazy bait like this >>11216466

>> No.11216491

Don't you ever think you are too skeptical for some things and not skeptical enough for other things? Based on your own personal biases?

>> No.11216492

I read the first few. That was enough. I'm not going to read all your ramblings. You aren't a coherent writer.

>> No.11216496

Yeah that is surely true for everyone.

>> No.11216502

No, you're just stupid.

Alright so I guess the bigger news story of today was a shooting near a school trump tweeted about it. I said school shooting in my dream which is wrong of course but I mean give me a break I don't think my dream today had any relation to anything.

I am only saying some of them are prophetic not this one.

>> No.11216508

You remember stuff from the future. Time works both ways. It isn't a big deal man. Everything has already happened.

>> No.11216509

There is not a single person who is going to open this thread and read all your wall-of-text schizoposts.

>> No.11216514

I just did.

>> No.11216515

Ok so what are your thoughts on this one:

My dream:
>"There was this elevator that stopped off on floor three and these two men went into the floor "

The biggest news story today:
>"three civilians and the two alleged shooters, authorities said."

My dream:
>" then there was this school shooting maybe?"
>"it appeared to be some school for older people attached to a school for younger people."

The news article:
>"New jersey state police were preparing to evacuate sacred heart school, across the street from the [site of the shooting]

And no I don't consider this a prediction myself.

>> No.11216517

Also to elaborate further, I went into a big wooden room today as well unchoosingly.

I don't consider any of this a prediction though because I've had real predictions before and I can see the difference clearly.

>> No.11216518

No offense to you, but do you really just doubt everything?

>> No.11216524

I believe there were around 6 people in the dream too. If you read it yourself you'd see. Also a veteran was in the dream maybe that has to do with the cop?
Also once again no I don't call this a prediction.

>> No.11216537

I mean, it at least relates the numbers 3 and 2 with 3 and 2 and that one cop can sort of relate with the veteran? I am not trying to say I predicted this because I didn't. Don't misread my posts.

>> No.11216539


>> No.11216541

>giving celestialfag (You)s
Just let the thread die

>> No.11216545

Are you fucking retarded? There is a lot to learn here. Don't you want a better understanding of things? Isn't that what it's all about?

>> No.11216562

This is absolutely true. I learned a lot about mental illness from this thread.