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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11215807 No.11215807 [Reply] [Original]

Calc 3 and physics 1 w/ calc for me bros :)
>on to bigger and better things

>> No.11215823

inb4 this becomes a bitching about undergrads thread

>> No.11215841

Congrats anon, keep moving forwards.

>> No.11215843

>kills babby
>Florida jury: thumbs up
>baby: "am I a joke to you?"
>smoke a cigar
>learn physics
Yeah, I am thinking HELLA based.

>> No.11216079

calc 3 is a joke. In all honesty, multi var should be combined with vector calc to make it atleast not a braindead class.

>> No.11216081
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Linear algebra + physics reporting in!

>> No.11216108

You mean it isn't normally?
It was at my uni

>> No.11216157

I had sex

>> No.11216258
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Nice job anon, enjoy your break.
I have 6 finals next week. Differential equations, intro to C++, general cosmology, neurobiology, biochemistry 2, and mammalian physiology in that order. I think I'm in good shape to pass all my classes, just no clue how I'm going to manage my time studying

>> No.11216268

for my school (large state university) there's a 4 credit course with multivar and vector calc, or you can take them individually for 2 credits each

>> No.11216297

I still have two finals but I could literally not show up and get a B and B+ since my averages right now are an A.

>> No.11216311

Wtf kind of classes are you taking where the final barely matters?

>> No.11216327

Final is only 15%

>> No.11216483

>quantum mechanics barely matters
I see what you did there.

>> No.11216592
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pretty sure I got As in 4 of my classes and failed the 5th, thermodynamics

>> No.11216612

that's what calc 3 is you fucking retard, vector and multi

>> No.11216672
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Finished Diff Eq, and I'm feeling a solid B. Personally the hardest thing in Diff Eq is knowing all the different types like separable, linear, exact, integrating factor, homo, bernoulli etc. Physics 3 was an easy A

>> No.11216700

My professors said they don't curve the classes since the exams altogether are only 35% of the grade. 10%/10%/15%. It's common in my Physics Department to grade that way. It's a less mentally taxing and if you don't know your shit you still won't get an easy A. I just know the material well enough I've Aced all the tests, but the average is actually pretty freaking low like a D. But if you get a D on each tests you're only down ~15% though the remaining 65% isn't easy A either. Quizzes and such.

>> No.11216898

What is she rocking there, is that a mustard glass? That's hardcore!

>> No.11216916

That’s so foreign to me. My upper level economics classes are at baseline 80% exams at least. The rest is typically spread over 3-6 homework assignments and that’s it. Does something like physics entail a lot of lab work or large projects? If so, are they rigorous?

>> No.11216925

Partial differential equations coming, and before that stochastic processes. Considering kys

>> No.11216927

I think I just aced my real analysis final, that was the hardest math exam I've ever taken but I fuckin nailed it.

>> No.11217607

Bio 213, intro to cell..bio 214 intro to ecology...bio 303 genetics...85s......foundations of american pop music 1900-1950, 60...whats wrong with me bros, whys my (((diversity))) class been so hard

>> No.11217955

>american pop music 1900-1950
>(((diversity))) class
Sorry bro that's not a diversity class, expect for jazz in the 1900's its mostly white people.

>> No.11217987

finished with a high likelihood of an A in advanced calc, now moving on to intro real anal soon feelsgoodman

>> No.11218165
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Attention, attention, may I have your attention please, gentlemen. FUCK undergrads and damn them all to hell. Undergrad is easy and anyone who complains about course difficulty should have their IQ irreversibly reduced with the surgical tool of a hammer being employed at inducing blunt force trauma to the prefrontal cortex so they cease being midwits and become the brainlets they deserve to be. Thank you and good night.

>> No.11218585

No they're not rigorous nor large projects, though we are required for certain degrees to have a rigorous undergrad research project and present at a conference (though ~99% of projects are presented at an on-campus "conference").
It's pretty lenient here to pass classes with a C/B, but getting an A requires top of class effort

>> No.11218605

imagine not getting an A in diff eqns lmaoo easiest post cal 2 math class

>> No.11218724

Just became a Master of Architecture, the hardest of all STEM and humanities combined.

>> No.11218898

shes smoking an Elon with a 95% empty shot glass

>> No.11218911

i have a differential topology final coming up, i'm expecting above a 98 but if i really shit the bed i might get a 95.

>> No.11219077

Uhm it is a (((diversity))) course cuz its a fucking requirement for my kike degree, whether you agree or not thats how it is

>> No.11219092

some schools break it into two different classes.

>> No.11219097
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Bro my bitch professor made a long ass final where only half of it were Vectorial espaces/Bases ans change of base matrices. The first half was shit we had already seen and was fucking long to finish. 70% of my class stayed until the end of the 3hrs.
I want to call on her bullshit exam but dunno where.
Yeah I too pass it for sure

>> No.11219477
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>Engineering stats
>barely studied at all for that class
>managed a B somehow first time
>failed second midterm
>final only covers stuff from second midterm forward
>no life youtube videos to study
>have thanksgiving and another week+ to study for it

Everything else I am taking is pretty memey
>climate change meme class
>cs ethics class meme
>media studies meme class
>technical writing cs majors meme class
>game design meme class

Legit was on acid the night before my first stats midterm too lmfao.

>> No.11219518

shape the fuck up, nigger. you're legit slipping

>> No.11219544

Thermal physics, fluid dynamics, stochastic modeling, and Chinese linguistics passed!

>> No.11219615

Organic Chem 1, linear algebra, physics 1, CAD, and dum dumb general

Easy money and chemistry was the hardest part of the year by far although linear alalgalalgealalgalalgebalalgalalgealalgalalgebralalgalalgealalgalalgebalalgalalgealalgalalgebra was weird

>> No.11219679
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I'm already in my desired program. Passing or failing is irrelevant.

>> No.11219984

got a 90 on my Calc II final, and I passed Physics II/Electricity and Electromagnetism with a 98 overall

>> No.11220336

ssssssss good luck with that man, I'm taking that next fall

>> No.11220363

Human Environment Geography
Geography of the Western World,
East Asian Literature
Science of Water Policy and Planning
Senior Seminar
Sustainability for the Common Good,

Fuck the postmodern critical geographers I had in 3 classes, thank fucking god I am done.

>> No.11220983

is sci really just college general

>> No.11221018
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I'm not even sure if my boomer online teacher is dead or alive? All the projects were due the 1st, I had them in Nov 30, but it isn't graded. I tried to email him 2 days ago but no response.

>> No.11221036

It took my online teacher over two weeks to grade my last project.

>> No.11221047

yeah and what's the unique pulsar? do you even >perspective?

>> No.11221049


>> No.11221803

>Statistical Methods
>Real Analysis
>Calc 3
>Undergrad research in mathematics
>All A's and B's
Feels good man

>> No.11221811

>organic chemistry is hard
lol it's not hard to put a puzzle together, children do it

>> No.11221821

You are not in Real Analysis if you are taking Calculus III. Liar.

>> No.11221842

Why would that be? Cal 3 is not a prerequisite. I can guarantee you I did take both simultaneously

>> No.11222009

Grad lvl graph theory and applied math.

The applied math I just did.

Graph theory on Monday, it's on another level. But the class average on the last exam was about 35%.

>> No.11222014

Lol! Got fucking fucked up my fucking ass on my final :)) LOL !!!

FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCDK!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11222021
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>He drank himself after failing

>> No.11222154
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>tfw taking calc 2 and discrete mathematics

>> No.11222159
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>tfw you graduated years ago and it was all just a waste of time

>> No.11222171

good for you girlie. have fun. and dont' catch and STD.

>> No.11222911
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I fucking hate PDEs so goddamn much.

>> No.11223221

>mfw literally just failed Calc 3 and physics 1 w/ calc
congrats bro

>> No.11223392

I know the feeling. My exam was 14 questions 16 or so pages long. This was last semester (got 92- high from what ive seen) and I remember finding the inverse was the most tedious and retarded shit ever. There wasnt even enough space so when I was finished, the whole exam was dark scribbles and it looked like a piece of shit

>> No.11224698

how so?

>> No.11224701
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>mfw I failed all 4 classes I took this semester

I genuinely wish I had better ways to express my inexpressible stupidity, bros

>> No.11224741

>A- in the class I was fucking up all semester because I had a shit ton of other responsibilities this semester and I just wasn't too interested in this one (despite being a core course)
I'm pretty sure it's a pity A- but hey man whatever, god bless grad school

>> No.11224748

generally lin alg and diff eq are prereqs which require calc 3 but at some schools you can get away with calc ii+intro proofs or some stupid shit like that and take real analysis as a freshman. Its still weird that you did take those closes while being far enough into your degree to be doing undergrad research.

>> No.11225311

Grad level quantum - 3.0
Grad level stat mech - did pretty well on final, maybe 3.5
Grad level pchem - 4.0, hopefully
Classical mechanics 2 - 3.5 or so
Discrete math -3.5

>> No.11225320

I don't know, man; I've had an easier time with my grad courses than my undergrad courses.

>> No.11225607

1 more week for my grad classes. wish my luck anons.

>> No.11225693

bruh I saw c++ in 11th grade in hs

>> No.11225702

I'm honestly not sure I passed my chem final and I'm gonna have to repeat it whether I get a C or not.

>> No.11225712

How did Casey Anthony get off just like OJ Simpson?

>> No.11227093

> tfw get A in Calc 3

>> No.11227233

Based. I'm a mathlet but As in digital logic 2, data acquisition, microprocessors and bus 101 lol

>> No.11227240

Today I had Microelectronic Circuits and Power Systems Analysis. Not so bad but worse than either my computer architecture or numerical analysis finals I had earlier in the week.

>> No.11227248

>class that requires a modicum of physical intuition harder than applied maf or csnigging
really makes you think!?

>> No.11227262

ITT: filthy, disgusting undergrad plebs

>> No.11227304

oh, easy As then?

>> No.11227307

PDEs are the very best because they filter brainlets out and they're the most fun. Remember your sobolev inequalities and embeddings! Remember your calculus of variations! Remember your most general method of characteristics!

>> No.11227324

stupid bloody power mixers

>> No.11227448

Same, I've been using C++ for like 4 years. The course is a requirement for physics major and BME minor at my university. It's a braindead class, I keep losing points for coding in ways that haven't been taught to the class yet. Used functions and arrays on the first project so I got -20 points, still salty about it.

>> No.11227510
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>/sci/ - Science & Math
facebook is where to go if you want to post information specifically about yourself, this thread isn't related to science or math in any way. college students are uneducated by definition, they shouldn't even be on this board. nobody wants to read the opinions from people who haven't managed to demonstrate any kind of worthwhile proficiency in their field or even finish school and find gainful employment using their massively expensive education of as yet unproven value.

>> No.11227523
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at least these people are trying to become educated
post this in one of the eight iq threads

>> No.11227945

Undergrads should not post, only lurk.

>> No.11228182
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lol nice

>> No.11228788

What would be be taking? Fake Analysis?

>> No.11228817

same lol. wish i could go back to do a masters in maths, but i dont think i have an aptitude for research

>> No.11229552

The thing that made our Microelectronics class frustrating is the professor intentionally designs the tests to be failed by the majority of people who take them and then just curves after. Basically they are a test of your ability to manage time because the only way to actually physically write down the amount of stuff you need to in order to properly get ful credit is to have the procedures so memorized that you don't actually even need to think about how to solve problems. That was a class that allowing for a formula sheet and 15 minutes of extra time on the exams would have brought the class averages from the ~25-30% range to ~60% easily.

Also, fuck off with your pretentious bullshit. Numerical Analysis is a very useful skill if you want to do anything more useful than masturbate over using analytical continuation to solve for counter-intuitive proofs. I know you mathniggers would rather spend 150 years searching for a generalized analytical solution, (and when those come around they are nice and all), but someone has to actually do something to bridge the gap between theoretical ideal physics models and actual technological development, and that something is usually numerical analysis.

>> No.11229553
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Calc III monday, University PY tuesday discrete friday. I just want it to be over.

>> No.11229999

By credits I'm a senior but this was only my fourth semester of college. Probability also had Cal 3 as a prerequisite, but the professor gave consent for me to take the class anyway.