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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11215190 No.11215190 [Reply] [Original]

Best STEAM field? Worst STEAM field?

>> No.11215195


Ok then
>Worst STEAM field?
>Best STEAM field?
Anything else

Wew that was easy

>> No.11215424

Just because something isn't science or math doesn't make it bad, anon.

>> No.11215442

A isn’t arts, it’s for airborne!

>> No.11215792

>Trade Good
>STEM ok
Simple as.

>> No.11216549

>art majors trying to make their degree look valid by grouping themselves with STEM

>> No.11216577

If you say steam in my presence, ever, I will beat your head in with a steam engine.

>> No.11216578


>> No.11216581

> Arts
> Good

The only useful academic ability you learn there is to write reports. Often worse reports than a STEM student would make.

They already try to infiltrate STEM by doing the easiest master available to them within a STEM field which requires a short prep / pre master so they can pose as having a master in STEM. Even though at the end of the degree they're still more dumber about any technical matter than a 2nd year undergrad.

>> No.11216659

> "more dumber"
Case is not being helped here

>> No.11216666


which master's degree is that?

>> No.11216669

>best field
>worst field

>> No.11216677

>graduate level cs
>women's studies
>social sciences
>undergrad cs
>engineering besides specific subdisciplines
>"ai" or "machine learning" that isnt graduate statistics

>> No.11217758

cs everything else

>> No.11217773

>graduate level CS
not math or science
>women's studies
acceptable but Jewish women's studies is superior
not anymore
biomedical research and medicine are based
>undergrad CS
not even human, not worth mentioning
Aerospace and nuclear engineering are gigabrain disciplines and clown on CS eternally
>AI or machine learning
literally fake and gay applied math

>> No.11217787

>human calculator
>moves back home after graduation

>> No.11217798
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The one I like
The one I don't like
>Graduate level CS is not math
Brainlet, Maybe software engineering but computer science on a grad level is mostly theoretical computer science which is a subset of math. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theoretical_computer_science

>> No.11217804

>not a mathematician, doesn't know graduate level maths
>can't do maths
>has not contributed to mathematics
>claims to be a mathematician
>mathematicians don't claim to be computer scientists and do not consider computer science mathematics
every time

>> No.11217825

>science, technology, archery, mathematics
obviously the archers

>> No.11217837

science, tit inspection, augury, milfhunting.
archers>physicists>mathematicians>engineers tho

>> No.11217926

TCS is not a math that's why it's in MIT's applied math program.
>can't do maths
Combinatorics, Abstract algebra, group theory, Commutative ring theory, Representation theory, Commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, Number theory, lambda calculus, Computability theory, Graph theory, calculus of finite differences, discrete calculus, discrete analysis, Set Theory, Probability, topology, Game theory, decision theory, utility theory, social choice theory, Discretization, Operations research, Discrete analogues of continuous mathematics, Hybrid discrete and continuous mathematics, complex analysis, real analysis, Automata Theory, Differential Equations, Stochastic Processes, and Discrete Geometry. These are all not math apparently.
>has not contributed to mathematics
Holy shit are you joking? Forget theoretical computer scientists, normal computer scientists have contributed to math. You don't think mathematicians use computers holy fuck.
>claims to be a mathematician
>mathematicians don't claim to be computer scientists and do not consider computer science mathematics
You're right on this Theoretical computer scientists aren't mathematicians they're theoretical computer scientists, however that's not to say that TCS isn't mostly math. Thats like saying physics don't do a lot of math because they study the natural world. TCS is an extremely hard topic with problems that mathematicians are trying to solve and can't like the famous P!=NP problem

>> No.11218246

Can somebody explain to me why STEAM is a thing? What was wrong with just STEM?

>> No.11218258

>falling for the college scam
never gonna make it

>> No.11218352

I don't get this STEAM thing, isn't the whole point of "STEM" to group these more logic brain fields together?

>> No.11218407

If that were true, it would be called "Math". STEM is a brainlet's cope on being par with mathematicians.

>> No.11219479

math and physics
math and physics

>> No.11219484

Are you sure STEM isn't just a mathematicians cope on not directly contributing to society despite high raw intelligence?

>> No.11219491

Art is worst

>> No.11219496

>sex and gender
Gender is a meme pushed by humanities retards. Social sciences aren't sciences

>> No.11219565

Math/Applied Math/Physics
Arts and Social "Science."

>> No.11219567


>> No.11219630

It can be explained by mentioning how a lot of schools get blanket grants from clueless millionaires trying to get a tax cut, and they write it out for “STEM shit”. Meanwhile the retards in the sociology and pottery department are receiving nothing, so they group themselves into the mix as STEAM and push the meme ass term until clueless millionaires get fooled into giving money to the school for “STEAM shit in general”. Now some of the money that would go towards giving the physics department some new oscilloscopes instead goes to funding a trip to a women’s history museum in some social science class.

>> No.11219645 [DELETED] 

i wish i never studied stem and instead studied A.
but also i wish even more i didnt >>11218258

>> No.11219652

>lists a bunch of trash fields and then actual math while pretending to be a mathematician and to understand math without contributing to, comprehending, respecting or being capable of doing mathematical research while mathematicians care nothing for TCS research because it does nothing for their research
>game theory and other drivel
>normal computer scientists have contributed to math
literally nothing of interest
>don't use computers
legitimately low iq retort why even post that?
>TCS deals with hard problems
they deal with unironic FAKE and GAY problems no one gives a shit about faggot. learn math if you want to be called a mathematician.

>> No.11219654

>social sciences aren't sciences
This is true, they aren't proper sciences (hence the name social sciences rather than just science), but that doesn't mean they're invalid. You just have to keep in mind that findings are generalizations of populations rather than determinant truths. They can still have value in assessing the state of society and reasoning out solutions to social problems.

>> No.11219655

anything that isn't explicitly mechanistic or mathematical is not worth investing research funding into. Art is worth funding as art, not disguised as intellectualism. If you want to revive the humanities separate them entirely from universities because nothing of value is gained by mass producing nigger brainlets who deconstruct the soul of your civilization and shilling for the wealthy and politically dominant powers when not pretending to understand art, philosophy, history. They aren't relevant to the creation of knowledge and don't deserve the few resources we have not being dumped into subhuman trash like CS and engineering.

>> No.11220285

They're invalid in the context of being sciences

>> No.11220332

Don't bother replying to them, eventually they'll finish college and highschool and realise that idiots exist in any field, especially the hard sciences.

>> No.11220340

Based artfag trying to divide and conquer

>> No.11220785

> Have maybe 2 virgin traits
> have most of the chad traits
> dunno what im actually doing but technically graduated with a stem degree
Have I bent the system?

>> No.11220796

>code monkeying

>> No.11221167

>Says a bunch of gibberish about trash fields and how computer scientists haven't contributed anything to math, then says ok as if that's an argument
Computers solved the Erdős discrepancy problem, here's a link with a few of the other things computers have contributed to math.
Also nowhere in my post have I said that Theoretical computer scientists are mathematicians, but to act as if it's an easy field that anyone can do and it has no math and doesn't help any math fields is fucking idiotic. If it's so easy any mathematician can solve P!=NP
>normal computer scientists have contributed to math
>literally nothing of interest
Computers that all mathematicians use to help with calculations are nothing of interest
>don't use computers
>legitimately low iq retort why even post that?
legitimately not even a retort so why even post it?
>they deal with unironic FAKE and GAY problems no one gives a shit about faggot.
>Thinks NP-completeness and NP-hard problems don't matter
Ya ok dude, I don't know why you hate TCS so much but you're clearly wrong, also you haven't told me why it's in MIT's applied math program if it's not a math.

>> No.11221764

Computer Science is the superclass over math. Computer Scientists are to mathematicians what Mathematicians are to Physicists.

>> No.11221825
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this is the most retarded and undergrad post I've ever seen.
Not even good bait.
>why yes I don't acknowledge computer proof, how can you tell?
NO. this post gets a NO. sorry mate.

>> No.11221956


CS theory, oviosly

It combines a proper non-bullshit, non-platonic philosophy, logic, concrete math and some modeling from physics.

I have studied this shit

>> No.11222155

Isnt STEAM just all academic fields? I thought STEM's soul purpose was to distance itself from art.