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11213486 No.11213486 [Reply] [Original]

Will Lumosity improve my cognitive abilities?

>> No.11213699

no. latest evidence says no far transfer. studies from 5 years before that says there was all got overturned. same with playing rts to improve attention/task switching speed etc
no improvement happens outside learning to do it in the specific context of the game

>> No.11213765

>Will Lumosity improve my cognitive abilities?
Why don't you try it and find out?

>> No.11213782

>no improvement happens outside learning to do it in the specific context of the game

Well you may say anecdotal, but the math game definitely improved my mental arithmetic in other contexts.

>> No.11213790
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>the brain is a muscle

>> No.11215137

No, not literally. What is your goal, OP? If you want to be better academically you gotta do academic stuff/achievements, not play phone games. If you want to be good at speaking/reading, you need to read and speak. If you want to be better at math, do math.

Will you get objectively more "intelligent" by doing the above? No. Will you get better at what you're doing and maybe other tasks? Yes. Will luminosity do anything at all for you? Not one bit.

>> No.11215164
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The posterior hippocampi of average-IQ adult subjects who passed the difficult Knowledge exam for London taxicab drivers showed significant enlargement as opposed to before they began studying for it. The posterior hippocampus is associated with memory and spatial reasoning, both of which are strongly correlated with IQ. Similar effects not observed in the control group or in those who failed. Pic related.

This was actually a repeat experiment with a larger sample size (n=88), i.e. the results are predictable and reproducible. Pilot study in the citations. All subjects were fully-grown adults age 30+, so "normal" brain development had already run its course.

Thus we have hard, reproducible, undeniable evidence that the brain is capable of PHYSICALLY restructuring itself in response to focused training, much like a muscle.

>> No.11215177

good joke

>> No.11215180
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look at the only dude in the room taking all this shit seriously look at him

>> No.11215203

>being this new