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11212769 No.11212769[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If gay people enjoy faggot sexy so much because of prostate stimulation, wouldn’t it be logical that most desire for faggot sex would disappear if we shrunk the prostate and eliminated the ability to experience pleasure from stimulation? There are drugs which are known to increase the size of a persons prostate. I’m sure there are some which clearly do the opposite.

>> No.11212780

Are you a child? If it was only about prostate stimulation, they have sex toys that can do it way more efficiently. Or they would have a girl peg them. They like men and penis.

Also lesbians exist.

>> No.11212784

There are a lot of Faggots who don't do anal only blowjobs. so no. whatever it is you propose is retarded.

>> No.11212785

faggots enjoy faggot sex so much because they are genetically predisposed to sexually enjoy cock like most women are. The same mechanism that causes bitches to cream their jeans when they see a hot guy also shows up in fags.
Not because prostate stimulation can sometimes be enjoyable.

>> No.11212792

I'm pretty sure prostate stimulation has nothing to do with my craving to suck dick or cuddle dudes. You're an idiot, OP.

>> No.11212795


>> No.11212831

Estrogen mostly actually.
Not really sure why you want to circumxenovaxiestroclampcision us though?

>> No.11212861

>I’m sure there are some which clearly do the opposite.
Finasteride/Dutasteride both cause your prostate to shrink. They're prescribed to old dudes with bladder issues because they do that.
Hundreds of thousands of gay dudes take these, I'm pretty sure they would have stopped if it rendered them unable to enjoy getting fucked in the ass.

>> No.11212871

All men like having their prostate stimulated, just not necessarily by another man. If you disagree you're just insecure about your sexuality and might be gay yourself.

Also more gay men means less competition, as a heterosexual you should rather ask how to turn more men gay so that you can build your harem.

>> No.11212940

So you’re saying that being gay is just a fetish for wanting to be dominated by another man? Wew lad

>> No.11212945

And you have a fetish for tits and vagina. Imagine that.

>> No.11212951

i dont think all men can do it. ive tried many times to feel anything sexual via anal fingering and it has never worked, maybe some people cant do it

>> No.11212952

>If you don’t think being gay is okay than it clearly means you’re gay
This is your brain on faggottry

>> No.11212953

He probably doesn't tho

>> No.11212955

I’m glad we agree that faggots can be cured of their degenerate behavior. There is hope and salvation after all.

>> No.11212970

So faggots like gay sex not because it’s pleasurable, thereby rendering it a sexual fetish. As we know, fetishes are conditioned into a person through their life experiences.

>> No.11212999

>so terrified of doing anything gay that he can't mentally distinguish his own/a woman's finger in his ass from another dude's cock
This is your brain in the closet

>> No.11213053

>he thinks deviant sexuality is a good thing
This is your brain on degeneracy

>> No.11213056

Good one, you sperglord

>> No.11213062

Same sex relationships are not degenerate. And no,
>muh scripture
is not an argument.

>> No.11213091

>just stick stuff up your ass
>it’s normal bro

>> No.11213117

Still not degenerate.

>> No.11213124

Hi Asmon

>> No.11213144

Well, if you think that it's just a fetish and it can change (either to like women or men), then [math]P(OP=faggot) > 0[/math], and based on the empirical evidence in this thread, we can conclude that [math]P(OP\, is\, in\, denial\,|OP=faggot)=0.99[/math].

>> No.11213183

There's definitely a submissive aspect to prostate milking.
If you're not up to the idea of getting fucked, you might not enjoy it.

>> No.11213189

How so?

>> No.11213193

Retarded post

>> No.11213248

Considering this could completely shatter the cultural and scientific policies we have in regards to the treatment and view of homosexuality, no.

>> No.11213272

Against the "unnatural" argument: animals in nature do it.
Against the "cultural/social/degenerate" argument: people have been doing it since ancient time, from Greeks to Chinese, from kings to peasants. Ancient people actually think male-male relationship is pure. It has only been a taboo since the rise of Christianity.
Against the "it's just a fetish, not real" argument: if it's just a fetish then you can reverse it and say that hetero sex is also a fetish and any man can be gay.
Basically it all boils down to personal belief.
>If gay people enjoy faggot sexy so much because of prostate stimulation
Basically a false premise. Where is your research?
We can't argue on a false premise. It's like you claim that Cthulhu exists therefore we are all bacteria controlled by Cthulhu, and I have to somehow disprove that. No one can do that because it's not /sci/.
If you can't understand a logical argument then it also proves that you are not good enough for /sci/.

>> No.11213338

Because it does not require a person to have sunk to a lower or corrupt and vicious state

>> No.11213582

>Basically a false premise
Then why do they have faggot sex? >>11213338
That’s your opinion and it’s wrong. Faggot.

>> No.11213585

Unnatural and natural are not to be taken literally. They are merely tools used to determine whether or not behavior is good or bad for society.

>> No.11213591

>They are merely tools used to determine whether or not behavior is good or bad for society.
Translation: they're unquantifiable buzzwords that give me authority to say everything I don't like is bad.

>> No.11213618

Do you fug purely for procreation? If not, not much philosophically separates your sex from your damned "faggot sex"

>> No.11213627

>spends his free time on 4chan arguing with gay people about the ultimate morality of gay sex

>> No.11213642

Prostate creates seminal fluid, so we would die out.

>> No.11213650

Nothing gay about sucking a feminine penis

>> No.11213742
File: 52 KB, 395x777, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% correct, and I am the Gay God awaken now to lead my fellow fags forward as the promised nation. Or whatever, it is just respecting how another man loves, not who or why.

>> No.11213747

Basically women want to be the ultimate sexual experiences for men, and they are sorry to all fags for not hearing their cry for true divine female healing going unheard so far men never listened for, "Look oh!"

>> No.11213908

And they’re unqualifiable buzzwords that give you the power to say everything you like is good
I’m a volcel, so yea.

>> No.11213975

Oh, cool. That's why you see both realities at all times. Celibate people are cool with everyone because why ever fight/argue over/with sexual partners? Pointless battle even for the most faggy-fag or breeders/pro-creators.

Eventually I am just a keyword-store existence and need to maintain that integrity, silently and with others.

>> No.11214345

That's not the solution the Solution is to teach women not to be more of a pain in the ass than getting fucked in the ass.

>> No.11214384

Give this man all the money, now. This and my sister 100% agree with this poster and would offer her womb as first child bearer to keep male energy happy.


>> No.11214417

I'm a fag and anal is a fucking meme

>> No.11214439

My daughter's fucking love it, so, some women obviously disagree with you, divinely speaking.

>> No.11214521

This, most particularly for true gay homoromantics, though why this would be the case is never going to be obvious to people who don't get out much, and consequently have a meme's-eye view of the world, or otherwise take everything too much on the authority of the loudest voice in the room.