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11210531 No.11210531 [Reply] [Original]

>Various male sex hormones (DHT, HCG, testosterone) make the penis bigger during puberty
>The same hormones don't make the penis bigger when taken in adulthood
What's the reason for this? If we could figure this out and inhibit whatever mechanism is in play, wouldn't there be an easy fix for increasing penis size?

>> No.11210580

hahhaha smol pp

>> No.11210586

lmao someone has a small penis

>> No.11210587

Other studies have shown that it correlates with your testosterone exposure in the womb, as measured by the proxy of r2d4d. There are multiple factors involved, most of them fixed either early in development or genetically. If your dick's smaller than huge, blame your female ancestors for not having been more selective on the parameters of their partners' genitalia.

>> No.11210615
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God limits the size of the penis to prevent ego death.

>> No.11210616

>There are multiple factors involved, most of them fixed either early in development or genetically
Are these factors known?

>> No.11210832
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No, but it wouldn't matter because if it's genetic, it's not something that you can change in a living individual.

>> No.11210900

>>11210615 lmao
>>11210832 nice

>> No.11212259

>you cant change what is genetic
>every single thing in the human body is genetic
>you cant change anything in the human body using science
Lol ok, even if it has to do with stuff like androgen receptors becoming dormant after puberty it could be changed and manipulated

>> No.11212260


>> No.11212264

My pp is exactly 6"/5"
Is it small?

>> No.11212578

Probably a combination of IGF and DHT would do it but the problem is a risk of hypertrophy of other parts, also cancer.

>> No.11212602

I think that 1.2'' is a tad small for a penis, yes.

>> No.11212604

There is a systemic halting of growth in almost all senses after puberty. If you could make the penis grow after the end of puberty, the underlying mechanism of such a treatment would be far more valuable in some other domain.

>> No.11212763

>inb4 unlimited cognitive growth unlocked thanks to penis enlargement research

>> No.11212774

Probably the same mechanism with height. Genetics, general health in your developmental years, stuff that influences your hormones while you grow, all plays a role. Then when you've finished growing you've finished growing, no amount of human growth hormone will change that

>> No.11213067

Senescence is inevitable. Even if you could generate new growth, the damage of aging and its accumulation would still cause total collapse at some point. Most dementias are incurred by the aggregate damage or waste products of a lifetime. There is no biological solution to intellectual senility.

>> No.11213138

Not funny, but I appreciate the effort.

>> No.11213158

Kek'd; danke.

>> No.11213162

His penis is actually 1.2, you didn’t cancel the units

>> No.11214718


>> No.11214941


penis englargement research is the true path to enlightenment

>> No.11215702
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We know the limiting mechanisms for height, though. The question is what these mechanisms are for penis size. Once we learn what they are, we can start manipulating them. Some people propose that androgen receptors down regulate after puberty, so maybe up regulating them would make the adult penis respond to androgens again, then there would be an effective two step procedure.

Another hypothesis is that the fibrous tunica that envelop the erectile tissue determines the maximum volume the penis can achieve. So perhaps loosening and/or making the tunica larger (a lá priapism induced megalophallus) could allow for the underlying erectile tissue to expand further during arousal. Maybe this could be achieved with various collagenases or perhaps chemicals that break down the elastin in the tunica so it is stopped from reverting back to it's original size.

>> No.11216330

I'm sure there would be no unexpected consequences.

>> No.11216583

As a sidebar to this ridiculous thread, can someone explain why so many of my fellow male humans obsess over the size of their penis? Granted, I'm only about 6.5", but I've never concerned myself with it at all, let alone felt insecure about it or anything as absurd as gone to any effort to make it bigger.

>> No.11216838

Pornstars inject their dicks with synthol so theres that.

Not sure about validity of jelqing looking in the forums there people with results but again haven't seen a large study on it.

Porn pushed the whole big penis being the best and comedies reinforced the whole myth that a big penis is impressive or the best now men feed the backloop. Most girls vaginas can't handle more then 7 inches without pain and womens vagina shapes vary a lot. The most popular dildo sizes among single women are average size to just above average, the largest buyers of large dildos are homosexuals.

>> No.11216840

lol im a manlet kike and im bigger than you

>> No.11216869


my dick is barely 14 cms (on a good day) and my gf complains it goes to deep sometimes. i can give her so many orgasms through penetration alone that she just slumps after a while and waits for me to finish. then after sex shes hinting at more despite me complaining my dick is sore. shes pretty damn easy to please (little filipina) but even this thai woman i went out with for a while cummed a few times too just from penetration. could be true asian women have narrower and more shallow vaginas.

>> No.11216873
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so essentially asian women weren't selective enough and now we have an entire race of small pp men. or maybe ancient asian men were all organized rapist. small pp rapist gang.

>> No.11216891

>Porn pushed the whole big penis
We're the ape species with the biggest penises compared to body mass. This did not happen because of porn, but because of our females mating preferentially with the males that had bigger penises.

>> No.11217090

I hope you're not one of those brain damaged Americans following jungle gooks

>> No.11217095

All I know is that the nazi's experimented on identical twin babies a lot. Circumcision one child and not on the other and the effect was always the same the child was circumcised always left with a 1 to 2 centimeter smaller penis.

>> No.11217105

This is an oddly profound point

>> No.11217116

That's soi intake. It's not just their dicks they're an extremely effeminate race

>> No.11217189
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>effeminate race
lol ok retard

The reason is quite simple: penis size inversely correlates with the complexity of society
Asian countries have developed intricate and delicate cultures very early on, where the predominant factor for reproduction wasn't the physical attributes but rather the social status

In africa where the tribesman roam naked and free it becomes immediately apparent what the driving force of choosing a partner is

>> No.11217227

There might be. They would probably be manageable, though.

>> No.11217237

I always suspected circumcision limited growth in some fashion.

>> No.11217244

Dude, African descendents not in Africa are almost always slave descendent, phallic size believed to be correlated with virility and fertility, slaves were breeded, water is wet... and I'm a hoverboard

>> No.11217255

Circumcision should be banned.

>> No.11217256

i have no problems here
my shlong is 17,5cm

>> No.11217338

It's more to do with monogamous vs polygamous cultures.

>> No.11217484
