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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 691 KB, 1977x2560, Open Borders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11206440 No.11206440[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11206445
File: 6 KB, 227x250, 1573689561539s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11206454

But are the authors jewish

>> No.11206465

This. If they're not from a minority, why would we listen to them?

>> No.11206473
File: 23 KB, 500x500, ericheadshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reject your hypothesis

>> No.11206511
File: 771 KB, 1600x1066, Family PIctures_53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to read it, see if there's any solid argument. Does anyone have a link ?

>> No.11206513

Does it cover why open borders won't work for israel?

>> No.11206515
File: 336 KB, 1500x844, insha'allah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im an arab and im entirely sick and tired of this (((weinerstein))) garbage. At this point, id gladly love to see Israel nuked to the ground so everyone can finally live in peace in THEIR OWN countries. Immigration is a plague on everyone expect the wealthy kikes benefiting; Europe is becoming a shithole as a result of the millions of pakis and niggers flooding its streets (claiming to practice Islam even though they are mongrol-tier rape babies and inbred faggots, I will also never defend those 'progressive muslim' fags who claim homosexuality is in any way allowed by Allah- it isnt, like Christians say to tie a stone to him and toss him into the lake, we watch them fly from tall buildings. Also, these pakis and asains (wtf, why are there muslims in Asia?) are giving the Middle East arabs a bad name because they call for multiculturalism like the ignorant jewish lapdogs they are); For the Middle East, we endure generations of suffering at the hands of jewish zionists and american goys claiming the moral high ground because they allow their sons to be sodomized by faggots instead of tossing sodomites off rooftops.

Every living day that passes, every jewish name penning some garbage about immigration and antisemetism, every new show pushing for globohomo, every inch closer religion falls to the wayside for the new globohomo religion, all of it just makes me dream of a timeline where Hitler's Germany or Saddam's Iraq won and perhaps the world wouldnt be so goddamn full of filth, usury, suffering, etc.

>> No.11206542
File: 101 KB, 746x566, Aloysius_O'Hare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

((schlomo)) will find himself reaping which he had sown
Fucking Mexicans refuse to fix their own goddamn shit hole and instead want to stain my land.
And FUCKING GOD DAMN chink insects keep flooding my country, filling classrooms, taking six-seven figure jobs from americas, and interbreeding with the white race.
Society is paranoid about people like us, the ones that don't conform to getting our asses violated and injected with dopamine, reducing the human mind to nothing more than a dopamine slave.

>> No.11206549
File: 290 KB, 974x798, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11206556

Someone who writes a whole paragraph to celebrate the authors' intelligence and uniqueness is not worth reading. It's just cringy and shows his fear of PC retaliation.

>> No.11206562

Bryan Caplan isn't Jewish, just a sperg.

>> No.11206567

open borders is the inevitable future of this earth. borders are mostly open right now because of ho easy it is to get visa for any country anyway. I will be an awesome fun watching the next 100 years seeing right wingers cry every night and move their goalpoast during daytime. It was fun watching them cry for the last 200 years going from blacks as slave to a black as president.

>> No.11206571

Opportunist Paki here.
I was born abroad in a white country but I have no real loyalty to any country. I've been moving to different countries to see which is the best. I'm always on the lookout for a better country.
Don't you guys dare close the borders, I want the freedom to go where ever I want even though I don't need open borders because of my white passport.

>> No.11206579

Bryan Caplan is a libertarian, if he just wanted to appease the PC crowd he’d start off by calling him an idiot

>> No.11206612

It was quite a good read

>> No.11206727

Yeah sure, billionaires are not your enemy, useful idiots are.

>> No.11206735

You forgot to say "billionaires except lord emperor trump" because that one billionaire is sooo different, he repairs fences. all 5 miles of it.

>> No.11206740

We need to focus on becoming billionaires, not dismantling them. Btw we should privatise the police force and deregulate the market.

>> No.11206755


>he's still a libertarian in 2019

I thought we all disbanded after cryptocoins got coopted by the jews

>> No.11206756

You are truly an idiot beyond my ironic posts if you think anyone can be a billionaire. If you think without regulation, all corporate wont turn into monopoly. If you think the best way to billionaire, BY FAR, in the libertarian works is not being born to billionaire parents. I would make an ironic post, but I am just too sad about you.

Let me spell it out for you, a capitalist society with current technology, there can be only a limited number of rich people. Everyone else HAVE to be poor for the system to works.

>> No.11206777

Kek. I forgot the smbc guy changed his name when he got married to that bulldyke
>Kaplan or Caplan is also a surname common among Ashkenazi Jews, usually indicating descent from the priestly lineage (the kohanim), similar to the etymological origin of the common Hebrew surname Cohen. One of the earliest modern records of Kaplan as a family name is that of Abraham Kaplan in 1698.

>> No.11206787

If you start companies and want to get rich you need to believe in libertarianism.

If everyone was libertarian nobody would be poor.

>> No.11206808

>If everyone was libertarian nobody would be poor.
No, only a small percent of the population can be rich. Especially in libertarian society. Others has to be poor to sustain the rich people. Either jeff bezos can be rich, or everyone working in amazon can be rich and bezos will be poor paying all the salaries. You cant have both.

>> No.11206812

In a perfect libertarisn society everybody would be tall and have hair. Bezos is just as much a victim as you or I

>> No.11206821

>if we believe the impossible HARD ENOUGH it will eventually come true
You've got to hand it to these cucks, their faith is strong. Not wise or clever, but strong in its way. In better times they could have been used as cannon fodder in some colonial war against the brown savages.

>> No.11206827
File: 67 KB, 627x502, Kanazawa Fig 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such low IQ cuks.

>> No.11206831

Dude, people stay poor because they don't want to be rich. They're told to stay losers by loser ideologies like conservativism, communism, liberalism and nazism.

>> No.11206832

If you believe in something hard enough it comes true. That's why Hitler got elected and caused a holocaust. He believed in those things hard enough. He just didn't believe he could win world War 2

>> No.11206866

This is what happens when you let goblins like the grandma procreate.

>> No.11206882


>> No.11206940

May God and Allah make it so my friend.

>> No.11206942
File: 161 KB, 837x894, Demographics_destiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandparents: 5 kids per couple
Parents: 1.8 kids per couple
kids: 0.8 kids per couple

Great picture of demographic collapse in action.
I have another one...

>> No.11206944
File: 369 KB, 522x598, Screenshot_20181127-203845~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11206951
File: 229 KB, 522x701, Screenshot_20181127-204130~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the "science" look at patterns that have already laid themselves out? Why predict when we can look at what's already happened? Why do they have to reinvent a wheel to push a hot political issue?

>> No.11206957
File: 83 KB, 744x716, 1557457348282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I'd wager the only reason immigrants in America right now are desirable is because we limit ourselves to taking the good and productive ones as best as we can. There's little to no reason to expand our intake or change this policy.

We never ask anymore "who benefits?" or "to what end/extent?"

>> No.11206968

>everyone is rich
>no one wants to do necessary manual labour or shitty jobs like grocery store attendant
>society collapses
Great job, retard.

>> No.11206971


>> No.11206996

did you forget who freed the slaves and elected that black president? the fuck is even your argument, that minorities have been winning this whole time under white oppression?

>> No.11206998
File: 86 KB, 680x542, 15179a47d0359c2bf5e134b9d60c72d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this thread on /sci/

>> No.11207008

Do the poor have to be impoverished tho or can we work on raising the standard of living. Also have you boycotted Amazon or are you playing into the game and rewarding his superior business style while complaining about it.
Honest question. I've quit ordering from Amazon. It's the only way to stop it.

>> No.11207019

why do you and others continue to desire more traffic jams. what is the point of more and more people. out of curiosity, to you, is there anywhere on this planet with too many people? Mumbai maybe?

>> No.11207106

No. What I'm saying is that we need to reward creativity not stifle it.
Allow people to come together to create companies that solve problems.
Manual labour will pay alot if nobody wants to do it. Wages go up when nobody wants to do it.

>> No.11207118

Why do you care? Why does it matter? Do we really need to increase numbers on anything? Be honest you're some corporate smuck, aren't you?

>> No.11207120

As an aspiring company owner, it's always good to have more meat for the meet grinder.
I like cheap labour. I would hate to hire a programmer and give him 60k or 100k a year. What a waste of money

>> No.11207122

I thought so, the day of the gassings can't come soon enough.

>> No.11207146

/pol/ is a cancerous containment board and will use any excuse to attempt to metastasis to other boards

>> No.11207147

Capitalism collapses without infinite growth.

>> No.11207166

Why do sjw illustrations all look like this

>> No.11207168


>> No.11207177
File: 219 KB, 879x755, thesearetheguyswhotellyoutodilate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world is a funny place

>> No.11207180

Very interesting pic. Maybe phrenology is real after all

>> No.11207195
File: 127 KB, 806x1024, D_z5sW8U4AA5N3n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they all have very different skulls though.

>> No.11207200

Not really. The egginess is less pronounced but it's still there. God damn I always had an inkling that it wasn't total bullshit

>> No.11207201

kek. Every conservative on the internet has a profile picture like this.

Every racist gamer looks like this.

If we had a police state like china it would be cool to see what would happen.

>> No.11207205



>> No.11207211


I wouldn't be surprised that (((they))) played a crucial role in facilitating migration that destroyed the Roman Empire

>> No.11207213
File: 170 KB, 823x1024, left wing warriors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is total bullshit. none of these people actually look similar, they just present themselves in the same way. look at the guy in the top row, third from the right. he looks NOTHING like the guy next to him.

>> No.11207214

Nah that was christcucks

>> No.11207217

I feel like the right wingers had more rounded faces.
These people you posted are more angular. It's kinda sad the right wingers are more suited to becoming trannies than the lefties

>> No.11207225
File: 244 KB, 1152x2048, FATWLpu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like the right wingers had more rounded faces.
>These people you posted are more angular
literally just your imagination, hun. I'm extremely confident I can find some chunky ass left wingers.

>> No.11207226 [DELETED] 

>/pol/ thread discussing phrenology with genuine belief in it

stay classy guys, don't ever change, never get wise, never better yourself, sleep, sleep, sleeeep

>> No.11207227


yes (((christcucks))) indeed

>> No.11207231

When was this made? 1970? Most of the left is ~80 iq third worlders, what are you on about?

>> No.11207234

Trends don't disappear just because you find a counterexample anon.

>> No.11207237

You have yet to demonstrate there even is a trend, retard.

>> No.11207239

everyone's head here looks exactly the same. Isn't that the joke of the picture?

>> No.11207241

Their heads don't look the same. They wear the same glasses and they present themselves the same way and they take the same picture.

>> No.11207242

Some unemployed antifa making a collage of ugly people and claiming that’s what their political opponents look like isn’t a “trend”

Funny enough, science has proven that both conservative politicians and voters in Australia, the US, and Europe are more attractive


>> No.11207244

When /pol/ is raiding your board and forgets what board they are on, so they just make a regular /pol/ thread.

>> No.11207246
File: 293 KB, 1628x532, allsmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it just an issue of focal length ?

>> No.11207247

It's to help them get more loans for their stupid projects.
When the state would apply for a loan from other nations or services they would use their population growth and increased tax revenue from that growth to pay back the loan.
Since the native population isn't having kids anymore they need to find other ways to increase tax revenue which is to import people.

>> No.11207249

>They wear the same glasses
Are you blind? There are several different glasses on display here, literally more glasses styles than head/facial shapes

>> No.11207253

they all look like webcam shots, so no

>> No.11207255

are all /pol/niggers this dense?

>> No.11207256

kek this is a great way to shut down anyone posting that pic

>> No.11207257

Are you implying that webcams don't have focal lengths ?

>> No.11207258
File: 215 KB, 500x495, 54266172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ thread discussing phrenology with genuine belief in it

stay classy guys, don't ever change, never get wise, never better yourself, sleep, sleep, sleeeep

>> No.11207259

No, I am implying they all have just about the same focal length, my mentally impaired friend.

>> No.11207265

People on /pol/ are post-truth. Everything is a conspiracy. Anything that offends them or goes against what they believe is just a conspiracy.

>> No.11207266

What is untrue about that statement?

>> No.11207272

the interpretation of my post is idiotic

>> No.11207274

>they all have just about the same focal length
Precisely my point, scum of the earth.

>> No.11207277
File: 696 KB, 792x1248, open borders for israel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The illustrator is in favor of open borders for Israel, you freaks

>> No.11207278

>they have the same focal length therefore focal length is the reason they look different

>> No.11207280


he is not Israeli, so what he says about Israel does not matter and he knows it

>> No.11207283

>they have the same focal length therefore focal length is the reason they look similar
is what i'm saying

Since what makes them look similar is the rounded faces and big noses, which are also what short focal lengths do.

>> No.11207284

you are not Israeli, so what you say about Israel does not matter and you know it

>> No.11207285


In other countries, believing conspiracy is normal.
Only in America, is it frowned upon.

>> No.11207286

...but if you use your eyes they dont look similar

>> No.11207289

How so?

>> No.11207290

Yeah, /pol/ treats this as the ultimate retort to proimmigration american and european jews, but then they can just reply yes without commiting to anything.

>> No.11207291


that's true

>> No.11207292

Then what's the point of the picture?

>> No.11207299

they all took the same picture in the same shitty lighting with the same shitty webcam with the same expression. they think the same.

>> No.11207300
File: 55 KB, 600x788, 2legit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Graph pulls out 20 year period
> Completely ignores 200 years before that
> REEEEEEEEEEEEEE demographic collapse!
Ok boomer

>> No.11207316


yes, how many of them will go to Israel and lobby the Israeli government to open its border

>> No.11207317

>they think the same
by not putting effort into their picture?
T b h there probably is a correlation between political affiliation and amount of effort put into selfies. Would be very interested in seeing that study.

>> No.11207318
File: 1.73 MB, 1500x1587, Graphique-drepanocytose_hd_chiffres_2015-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20% of newborns from non-european parents
>maybe 10% would be from european-born children of non-eu immigrants, and overseas territories africans
>so a third of the new generations of France are not european
>there's no demographic collapse

>> No.11207345
File: 19 KB, 530x444, 1419123633217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's hitler's revenge

>> No.11207353

Meh, germany isn't much better.

>> No.11207366

Open boarders is such a swell idea I mean why bother health screening people at all I'm sure people from third world countries were properly immunized and carry no diseases whatsoever also lets not have them declare any customs I'm sure they won't be carrying any invasive species that can completely obliterate eco systems and vast swaths of native species. Also while we're at it lets just let drug running and human trafficking increase ten fold. I'm sure it's no big deal.

>> No.11207373

based raghead

>> No.11207379

>>20% of newborns from non-european parents

This. Percentage of foreign born is the relevant indicator.

>> No.11207390

Literally the only reason to not support open borders is racism

>> No.11207407

then why not open borders for israel?

>> No.11207412

Jews are racist as fuck

>> No.11207414

>>maybe 10% would be from european-born children of non-eu immigrants, and overseas territories africans
>>so a third of the new generations of France are not european

So you're saying all this because of a MAYBE?
Bring me numbers that 90% are not european you bitch. Oh wait you can't because you're lying

>> No.11207434

Thanks for putting Jew brackets around Schlomo, I wouldn't have guessed that an already Jewish name might be Jewish.

>> No.11207451

everything we like and don't like is a conspiracy desu

>> No.11207484

French pretty much welcomed the nazis considered how little of a fight they put (well helped by WW1 trashing the demographics) and collaborated during WW2.

I live in France and I have no doubt that the new generation is around a third african, the library at my college is pretty much that: 2/3 white, 1/3 arab and eastern african with some mixed into the lot. If you go in big cities like Paris, Lyon or Marseille it's 50/50.
Racial stats are banned btw, they don't really want people to know and it would "play for the far fight" if we had numbers.

I would say France is somewhere between Britain and the USA in terms of demographic replacement, mostly because the extra european immigrations began 20-30 years before and the jus soli.

>> No.11207497

>usually hang ot at /pol
>decide to take a break from politics for good
>hey, maybe the /sci guys will have interdesting science shit to talk about
>walk in the board for the fist time ever
>first post I see is some gay SJW shit talking about open borders with over 100 replies and mudslins talking about throwing gays off rooftops and gassing the jews.
just anoher day on the interwebs

>> No.11207511
File: 9 KB, 639x469, 1512620460413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science and ethics

>> No.11207515

Every single "very liberal" person Ive ever meet is some whiny retard studying some meme humanist degree like liberal studies or psychology. Ive had one such person tell me that the atmosphere "is up there in the sky" and not immediately sorrounding us.
99% of these people where coincidentally women as well.
I can give you some stories on the stupid shit they've told me if you'd like as well.

>> No.11207519

I suggest open borders to the authors' houses

>> No.11207523

This is literally true.
I am completely convinced there is a gigantic correlation between being an ugly, unpresentable fuck and becoming a communist. As being ugly means you get rejected and mistreated by people a lot more, thus leaving you bitter and resentful, as all commies are.
Just take a look at what our government party looks like, mongrel shitkins that look like they smell like shit even when dressed in gucci and prada from toes to head.
>T. Venezuelan

>> No.11207540
File: 69 KB, 770x714, 1566030691647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facts about this thread
1. Nobody has actually read the glorified comic book in the OP
2. A good rebuttal to said comic book was already posted (>>11206549) and nobody cares
3. The entire thread is just commies and /pol/fags using it as an excuse to autistically screech at each other
all of these facts are true and certified 100% factual, and if you disagree you're delusional

>> No.11207542
File: 109 KB, 799x1280, Ideology_Religiousity_vs_AdolescentIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When was this made? 1970?
hi anon, image was interesting so I went digging for you, hope you appreciate it. pic related is the full figure

Kanazawa, S. (2010). Why Liberals and Atheists Are More Intelligent. Social Psychology Quarterly, 73(1), 33–57. https://doi.org/10.1177/0190272510361602

before you get offended by the title, note that the author is actually redpilled
>In response to ongoing controversies over his stated views, such as Sub-Saharan Black African countries suffer from chronic poverty and disease because their people have lower IQs, and black women are objectively less attractive than women of other races, he was dismissed from writing for Psychology Today, and his employer, the London School of Economics, prohibited him from publishing in non-peer-reviewed outlets for 12 months.

with this paper he's trying to provide support for what he calls the "savanna principle". at the end, he even argues that IQ is correlated with preference for monogamy, and vegetarianism of all things

>Most of the left is ~80 iq third worlders
ironically, the "80 iq third worlders" we imported en masse are actually conservative as fuck
for example most muslims are conservative and actually espouse hard right ideologies: anti-feminism, anti-gay, racial/tribal homogeneity, and highly religious
most american blacks, especially in the south, are conservative: anti-gay, anti-abortion, highly religious, ableist (believing strongly in natural talent"). the reason they vote overwhelmingly liberal is that conservative ideology also abhors cuckoldry.

what you think is ideology-motivated voting is actually just voting out of self-interest, they're not actually "leftists"

>> No.11207547
File: 95 KB, 1024x512, aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone who writes a whole paragraph to celebrate the authors' intelligence and uniqueness is not worth reading. It's just cringy and shows his fear of PC retaliation.
there's nothing wrong with acknowledging the intelligence of your opponents in an argument, and there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that their arguments have some merits, even if you disagree with them on the whole
brainlets like you are the fucking cancer

>> No.11207551


>Kanazawa is an autist idiot who got fired for saying black women are ugly


>> No.11207622

no give me data not opinions

>> No.11207668

ITT: We pretend confirmation bias is more important than statistically significant data.

>> No.11207691

All the data we have on the economics of migration comes from western countries with strict immigration standards and isn't applicable to an open borders scenario.

>> No.11207696

So, where's your data to back up your opinion?

>> No.11207713
File: 44 KB, 1222x237, moron1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11207715
File: 272 KB, 600x594, 1560110382201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11207768

this is a well researched and data focused reply to the comic book OP posted

>> No.11207791


>> No.11207805 [DELETED] 

It's a conservative guess. As the other anon says, there's no ethnic statistics in france.
We do have data on immigrants and children of immigrants according to country of origin though.
But non-european immigration in france dates back to the 50s for the first massive movements (if we forget about the armenians who came earlier). Which means that there's africans in france whose parents were born here. And these guys are counted as regular french people in immigration data.

We know that 5 to 6% of the population are non-eu immigrants and about the same number are children of non-eu immigrants.
If these 5 to 6% of immigrants have 20% of the newborns, it is not outlandish to consider that the 5 to 6% of children of non-eu immigrants, together with grandchildren of non-eu immigrants, along with the descendants of african slaves from the island territoties and Guyane might have half that, so 10% of the newborns.

It's probably more.

>> No.11207806

>"oh yeah, well I've met so many smart blacks and dumb whites so I can't believe in the differences in intelligence"

>> No.11207810

It's a conservative guess. As the other anon says, there's no ethnic statistics in france.
We do have data on immigrants and children of immigrants according to country of origin though.
But non-european immigration in france dates back to the 50s for the first massive movements (if we forget about the armenians who came earlier). Which means that there's africans in france whose parents were born here from the early waves of migrants. And these guys are counted as regular french people in immigration data.

We know that 5 to 6% of the population are non-eu immigrants and about the same number are children of non-eu immigrants.
If these 5 to 6% of immigrants have 20% of the newborns, it is not outlandish to consider that the 5 to 6% of children of non-eu immigrants, together with grandchildren of non-eu immigrants, along with the descendants of african slaves from the island territoties and Guyane might have half that, so 10% of the newborns.

It's probably more.

>> No.11207840


And for more data you can take a look at that map >>11207318
It shows the percentages of newborns tested for sickle cell disease. These tests are administrated to all babies whose two parents *visibly* have african or middle eastern ancestry.

>> No.11207859
File: 95 KB, 550x405, c6lgm1s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11207861

>I do want open borders for Isreal!
Countdown until he gets (((shut down))) for antisemitism. Hey can someone who has a twitter account report him for antisemitism?

>> No.11207873

Everything you don't like is a jew?

>> No.11207875

Funny, but there's one key difference here: you actually are a retard.

>> No.11207876

Why would they?
You're the one with the stick up your ass.

>> No.11207884

He’s British so the left is probably more intelligent there because Britain is more white than the USA

Yeah let’s keep pretending that black women are seen as equally attractive in our society as white women

>> No.11207891

He's not wrong caplan is a jewish last name and zach weinersmith was raised jewish

>> No.11207940
File: 1.04 MB, 2047x3482, 1520101696586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sympathetic to immigration for both economic and humanitarian reasons myself, but I have two misgivings:

1. There's the famous tension between having open borders and a welfare state.

2. There's also a possibility that massive immigration might lead to political changes toward illiberal policies ("liberal" in the classical sense).

I suppose keyhole solutions might be able to address both.
>Let me spell it out for you, a capitalist society with current technology, there can be only a limited number of rich people. Everyone else HAVE to be poor for the system to works.
Dumb retard. Capitalism is a positive-sum game.

>> No.11207950

Your theory doesn't hold water. Explain the timelines involved as well as the Eastern Roman Empire.

>> No.11207953

We don't say to actually tie a stone to anyone and toss them into the water. Jesus said it would be better to have a stone tied to you and be thrown into the water than to corrupt an innocent. It's not an instruction to drown people. It's saying that it'd be better to be drowned than to corrupt someone and cause them to sin.
This is how it starts guys.

>> No.11207954

He's right and you're a sperg

>> No.11207968
File: 91 KB, 910x661, 4dd6c939e5af3b0f7a05d42521f2f4c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capitalism is a positive-sum game.
Sure is.
Except the positive sum goes in the wealthy's pockets.

>> No.11207975

>Normal niggers are post-truth. Everything is a conspiracy theory. Anything that offends them or goes against what they believe is just a conspiracy theory.

>> No.11207978
File: 270 KB, 500x600, 1515485624875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pseudoscience belongs on /pol/


>> No.11207989

ethnicity is irrelevant compared to the culture someone is brought up in. I thought this was supposed to be the smart board

>> No.11207992

/pol/ leaks out quite a bit unfortunately, so sometimes we get the errant teh jooz poster

>> No.11208007
File: 151 KB, 800x420, 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wowie bunch of brown people smiling!

>gets a fuzzy feeling of goodness inside
>let's in horde of pic related because of fuzzy feeling

>> No.11208013

Jews are people brought up in jewish culture.

>> No.11208018

>Except the positive sum goes in the wealthy's pockets.
All the numbers in your graph are positive you dumb innumerate motherfucking retarded piece of shit.

>> No.11208022

based commietard

>> No.11208039
File: 1.31 MB, 2600x2600, 1568466046756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why all these multi-culti fanatics are relying on cartoons for illustration
The statistics, objective science both theoretical and empirical are saying that multi-culti are inhumane and causing unnecessary tension in societies
Please end the movement of consumption cattle for our elders and future generations sake!
It have NEVER worked out good ANYWHERE.

>> No.11208044

unproven either way

>> No.11208064


Open Borders doesn't mean that there aren't some basic precautions, like health screening, any more then free trade means that we let people import nukes.

Human trafficking is made possible by closed borders you fucking retard.

>> No.11208072

Retarded. Your country is not your property, like your house.

>> No.11208084
File: 180 KB, 1024x865, 1575536738836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uk is only 13% foreigniggers

>> No.11208093

I'm certain adopted children from Africa having been brought up in Europe are overrepresented in crime, even children adopted from within the same countries when corrected for class belongi etc. It's not easy being different and with a troubled past and it must be met with a sober attitude to be able to find better solutions in the future.

It says "foreign-born population". And these people have more children per parent than the native population...

>> No.11208107


you can report him to ADL

>> No.11208120


it's its citizens' property retard

>> No.11208147

Political views are highly heritable and highly predictable by ethnic group. E.g. in the US, descendants of people from catholic countries have different voting patterns and incomes than descendants of protestants. The racial differences are far greater of course.

Jews are overwhelmingly left leaning. The "conservative" ones are way more likely to be neoconservatives or libertarians. I believe the authors of this book are libertarians. They have consistently been that way for over a century and won't change any time soon.

>> No.11208165

Most of them will not say yes. They will start to argue that america is a nation of immigrants. But israel is explicitly a jewish ethnostate. And that's ok because the holocaust.

But I don't hate them if they are actually consistent. I was an open borders libertarian once, and have met a lot of them. They are just wrong, not evil. The evil ones won't even say they are for open borders explicitly, because they know it's unpopular.

>> No.11208170

Bring in the immigrants. Fuck Israel.

>> No.11208172

literally this
>open boarders
GTFO /pol/tard you know where you're supposed to go

>> No.11208284

Open boarders are good for 4chan. Diversity of crossposters is our strength.