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11205576 No.11205576 [Reply] [Original]

What made this guy special?
I’m average IQ but at least I can walk.

>> No.11205578

He acheived something of note. You never will.

>> No.11205585
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>> No.11205592

It was told that he was some sort of human supercomputer that physics looked for to resolve their crazy and fucked up theories....but, in reality, he had a lot of time to spend with.

>> No.11205669

>at least I can walk
...and brag about your *least* accomplishment.

>> No.11205691

he was from the english school of relativists but learned QFT well enough to do fancy QFT calculations in curved spacetime. like he got the black hole temperature. most of his contemporary QFT experts didn’t think at all about GR and curved backgrounds, and even when they did they hit problems and gave up, and most relativists knew jack shit about QFT, but hawking managed to git gud at relativity and combine it with decent competency at QFT and found a very special case where you could successfully do QFT in a curved spacetime.

beyond that he was very knowledgeable about black holes, cosmology, and supergravity. he and penrose formulated some important theorems in GR relevant to black holes and cosmology. he also pointed out the BH information paradox which stimulated a lot of stuff in string theory, and string theorists like Stroninger and Vafa were celebrated for reproducing the BH temperature /entropy stuff that he and Bekenstein did. also i think his support for 11D supergravity provided inspiration to Witten when he was working out M theory

>> No.11206373

According to all his biographies etc he was only supposed to live 2 years but ended up going for 50 odd. Is it true hes the only one with his affliction to live that long?

>> No.11206385

He had balls of steel. His documentary in 1985 really pissed off a lot of people. The 80s were dark times. People still thought the girls in the Salem witch trials were the bad guys.