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File: 253 KB, 634x953, come_here_daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11205522 No.11205522 [Reply] [Original]

If sexual selection is a thing, then why don't all women look like gamer girl streamers, and all men look like normal gamer streamers?

>> No.11205525

Cause ugly people still tend to fuck each other, just not you.

>> No.11205533

Counterexample is asians, with their women considered highly alluring but their men the opposite.

>> No.11205538

Rape. In early human history men probably just raped any women they wanted and looks meant nothing. That would explain why people are so violent and insane.

>> No.11205540

damn she's hit the wall ALREADY?

>> No.11205541

that’s because their culture gives men all the power in sexual selection and women just obey. heck, in china they have an overabundance of men because female babies mysteriously go missing since parents know that the bride’s family pays money to the groom’s family to take her off their hands

>> No.11205543

Do you have any evidence for that claim? How do you reconcile it with the seemingly plain evidence that modern humans are natural pair-bonders, almost always settling down to rear a family?

>> No.11205546

Let me just hop in my time machine and go back 100,000 years to see if rape was a thing before civilization and laws.

>> No.11205560

You are making mant disconnected claims without providing so much as a clear thematic link between them. Please organize your thoughts on paper (drafts or even just a chart outlining the main points and their connections) before posting.
Suppose I had made the exact opposite claim: that rape did not exist in prehistoric times. And suppose I defended this claim: Well, it's not like we have a time machine to disprove it. Would you accept the argument, and if not, why not?

>> No.11205564 [DELETED] 

>their women considered highly alluring
Because your a cherrypicking nigger with yellow fever who's never actually been to Asia.

>> No.11205569

I literally live in Asia

>> No.11205571

>If sexual selection is a thing, then why don't all women look like gamer girl streamers
Men aren't the sexual selectors you retard. Women are.

>> No.11205574

They why do women spend so much time and money on their looks?

>> No.11205577

because they're children

>> No.11205582
File: 18 KB, 495x391, 1_NZbz63WenLrHWsNAcOrYsg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not my personal preference. It is borne out in the numbers released by okcupid.com, and supported by every piece of anecdotal evidence I am aware of. As I am a contrarian by nature, my confirmation bias would tend to emphasize the opposite proposition, if the evidence were there to confirm it.

If you must know, I do not find Asian women, or any women (or men) for that matter, "attractive" at all. If pressed, I would classify myself as a gray asexual, with demiromantic tendencies. Alas, based on past difficult experiences, I may henceforth shed that last vestigial piece of "normiedom" in favor of a pure (strong or weak) asexuality.

>> No.11205593

It is quite easy to look at rape studies in animal species, and throughout recorded history that we have of our species, it is also documented for humans. It is not hard at all to extrapolate out from that, older forms of humanity before recorded history probably also committed rape.

If you were going to make an argument that it didn't exist, you would have to explain with some form of confounding evidence that would make my 'inductive' proof false.

>> No.11205620

Gee sorry man. I don't have a time machine... but I've watched a lot of cats, dogs and monkeys fucking and it seemed like they preferred to have the same partner and raise the young together. Looks like your arguments win again.

>> No.11205627

sexual selection isn’t more powerful than other selective pressures generally and when it is there is often a huge fitness cost, it doesn’t optimize population level fitness the way that people think that it does

>> No.11205638

>grey asexual
>demiromantic tendencies

Sounds like some 21st century neoliberal ideological nonsense. You type well by 4chan standards and certainly don't seem stupid. Maybe lay off the Judeo-capitalist propaganda a little bit bruh.

>> No.11205639

So they can get chads. The better looking women get more choices. Just because men have standards doesn't mean women are in control. Look up K selection, and not pol's interpretation of it, lmao.

>> No.11205643

>.. but I've watched a lot of cats, dogs and monkeys fucking and it seemed like

Yeah no you are trolling, or are a child or something. There are thousands of studies of rape in animals, it is most common in the great apes Hominidae family. Just a random quote from the top of google, "in orangutans, [..] copulations of this nature may account for up to half of all observed matings."

Hmmm so in humans throughout history, we have recorded rape occurrences and references on record. We have them commonly, in apes that are our closest relative. Please tell me why you think early humanity didn't rape? Also if you actually care, please g00gle for rape in the animal kingdom and learn more background before making arguments like this online.

>> No.11205649
File: 38 KB, 360x320, no-u-niversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your a cherrypicking nigger
no U

>> No.11205666

>I've watched a lot of cats fucking and it seemed like they preferred to have the same partner and raise the young together.
Lolno. Most litters are from multiple fathers and raised by the mother alone.

>> No.11205881

As someone who's half japanese and has visited the country like 7 times, I can tell you that most japs are not very attractive (none of them have tits or an ass if you care about that)

>> No.11205991

Super small/skinny women are fun to fuck because my cock makes them bleed and it makes for a wetter cunt

>> No.11205999 [DELETED] 


"Genetic similarity is some 99.5%, potentially 100%, from the same 2 starter cells, following the same cellular propagation ("phi"), unto the same sorts of chemical signals, compounds, and (importantly) rewards.

Social interest and investment, personality, attractiveness, skillfulness, anatomy, energy levels, and other aspects of genetic expression are basing on nutriments, a most simple, logical method of cellular energy / youth."

>> No.11206026

Wife (and boipussy) kidnap is a basal Proto-Indo-European trait.

>> No.11206061
File: 278 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare OP to a chimpanzee

what makes you think humans aren't hugely altered to be attractive?

>> No.11206558
File: 30 KB, 640x360, aku_no_hana_03_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians tend to have higher neoteny in general, which is a trait that women do not tend to find as appealing as men do.

Interestingly, this trait is correlated with lower sex hormones, which is likely why they generally don't have tits and ass to go with their baby face.

On dating sites like this, people usually only have pictures of their face rather than their whole body, so I think the results could be different if the men were to rate the complete package due to the above.

However, I admit that this is simply speculation, and it's possible that men simply find youthful faces more appealing, even if they come with a flat body, which would at least explain why they never seem to get tired of fapping to chinese cartoons.

>> No.11206568

Read my name

>> No.11206643
File: 2.94 MB, 540x960, 1573735288018.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with their women considered highly alluring
They look the same as asian men under the thick layer of makeup.

>> No.11206682

>if sexual selection is a thing why some men are smol

>> No.11206691

because short is sexy, sorry to break it to you useless lanklet whose only comfort is the echo chamber he created online with other lanklets and would probably off himself if they didn't manage to keep it up

>> No.11206717

>I watched a lot of monkeys having sex. Therefore I am a monkey
Has Darwinism lost its way?

>> No.11206730

Because people don't have similar tastes.

For every faggot that is attracted to delphine there is one guy like me that isn't attracted to her.

I'm exclusively into THICC (braphog) type of women. Most of you would consider that fat and wouldn't even consider fucking it. The same is true for me and delphine. If she would proposition me for sex I would say "Yeah no come back when you have grown some ass and tits".

At the other end of the spectrum you have guys exclusively attracted to 12 year old short completely flat women and like the asian bodytype.

Range of human sexual taste is very big. My girlfriend is into tall fit bald guys which is why she is with me. But for other women I probably look like an ogre and they want skinny feminine guys with long flowing hair.

Therefor there isn't sexual selection for a single range of appearance.

>> No.11206760
File: 164 KB, 568x566, 59f878ab3cec115efb362390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm exclusively into THICC (braphog) type of women.
>My girlfriend is into tall fit bald guys which is why she is with me.

>> No.11206994

>and all men look like normal gamer streamers?
But male streamers look like normal guys?

>> No.11207753

The black people who rape disproportionately more than white people are.

>> No.11207758
File: 106 KB, 1024x828, 1570586616896m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. And she is also based.

>> No.11207770

Why do people get wet/hard over the word daddy? I get it means baby daddy and implies semination but I never understood why girls say it so much and why guys respond positively

>> No.11207786

gamer girl streamers are playing a character, if you think their persona is "real" you need to leave your house for once.

>> No.11208043

>why guys respond positively
Far from all. This is about the very small group who go for underage incest.
Seemingly they are willing to pay a LOT.

>> No.11208056


>> No.11208069

It has nothing to do for incest. It’s short for baby daddy, as in momma and poppa. Zoomers scarred by step mom porn never seem to understand this

>> No.11208166

What is the source?

>> No.11208167
File: 64 KB, 1024x845, age and fertility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

Also it triggers the cuteness and instinct to protect (I forget what it's called)

>> No.11208183

Because it's called sexual selection. No streamer girl has sex with her beta orbiters.

>> No.11208212
File: 126 KB, 1908x701, Screen Shot 2019-12-07 at 16.47.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex.
im not falling for that pro-circle propoganda

>> No.11208372


>> No.11209317

That's true but I am no beta. I have personally donated over $1000 to the apple of my eye and am an admin on her chat.

>> No.11209377

>Counterexample is asians, with their women considered highly alluring but their men the opposite
Just (((media))). Hollywood shutdown the early sexual asian male image because of yellow peril fears.

If you move away from hollywood and into asian media, men/women are both "alluring." KPOP/JPOP/CPOP are all there are both demographics. Heck there's a huge market for male escorts in Asia due to abundance of rich females(or their families) wanting to spend it on sexy/cute boys.

>> No.11209719

>then why don't all women look like gamer girl streamers
Because men should be attracted to women and not repulsed.

>> No.11209755

>I am no beta
Right, you're worse, you're a beta provider.

>> No.11209789


>> No.11209872

>It’s short for baby daddy, as in momma and poppa.
And that makes it any better, you think??