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File: 53 KB, 600x600, de8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11205405 No.11205405 [Reply] [Original]

Extreme transhumanism will never happen because you will experience dysphoria similar to tranners or sad cases like David Reimer.
You could maybe visit an octopus body for a day but you'd never want to live it.
For the foreseeable future mankind will be locked into binary sexes and anthropomorphic forms.

>> No.11205420

prove it faggot

>> No.11205441

What's to prove?
You'd never want to live in a girl body or as a girl unless you had a birth defect in your brain.
So why do you think you could possibly live in a ln octopus body?

>> No.11206607

I'll just get an extra brain to handle my octo limbs and act as an intermediary between my actions and desires. Most movement is unconscious anyway

>> No.11206619

I have a severe form of autism. Not Aspergers but a more severe form.

I have never felt like a human my entire life. In my mind humans are just animals compulsed by "in-the-moment" emotions. Long-term decision making tends to be coincidental to their emotional states instead of their guiding features.

Therefor I have always identified myself more with machines than with people.

I don't want to look humanoid. Why should I have 2 arms if any other shape could be far more efficient. Why should't I just be some Chip inside of an industrial facility making that facility "my body"?

Those options all feel far better than this prison you call a human body.

Fuck humans, Fuck humanity and most importantly fuck biology.

Hope sentient AI comes here quickly to put our species down.

>> No.11206622
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>You could maybe visit an octopus body for a day but you'd never want to live it.


>> No.11206627
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>> No.11206630
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>> No.11206633

>he wants to be a h*man b*ing

lmao, I would rathen live inside a pentium IV than this meatbag

>> No.11206635
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>Not even once

>> No.11206649
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The resemblance is uncanny.

>> No.11206657
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>> No.11206660


>two of these weirdos fucked and, without your consent, trapped you into a third weirdo to live (aka suffer) in planet earth

seems fair

>> No.11206664

Do you guys think making children is immortal?

You're in fact bringing a person into this world without asking for his/her consent beforehand after all.

>> No.11206672
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Jesus fucking christ anon, what a delivery.
You really don't hold back punches.

>> No.11206708
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>you will experience dysphoria
Unless wireheading is successful.


>> No.11206731
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>> No.11206757

What if you transhuman away the ability to feel dysphoria after identifying it in the brain?

>> No.11207308

That's gender dysphoria.
Enjoy roping you genetic dud.
Many years away.
Don't think it's impossible but it is highly far away.

>> No.11207355

Bro you don't go from average 2019 life to being a transhuman space squid over night.
There would be a whole societal paradigm shift that would happen. If you could just as easily upload or interface your mind with a computer and have some existential frame of reference beyond your own body the concept of "self" would definitely change.

>> No.11207377
File: 90 KB, 454x351, 679564_09-Hopf-Fibration-Triptych-II-14x18in (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone doesn't know what transhumanism is.

There are a few scientific fields that, if developed to their full potential, will allow humanity to do the literally unthinkable (presently).
If we follow through with the maximal development of brain-machine or brain-brain interfaces, synthetic/augmented biology, nanotechnology and other areas, then we might have interesting things to look forward to.
Our survival as a system might depend on trading one arm for another.

I wonder if humanity becoming a hive/singular mind will be the optimal route...

>> No.11207396

That does not prove that you cannot live in an octopus body. Also why couldn't you just fix the parts of your brain responsible for the dysphoria to allow an octopus body?

>> No.11207531

OP, you're prob young, in good health, with average to above average looks. I have none of the above, if i could press some buttons and be age 17 permanently, with my ideal body, and a 200 IQ, i'd take it in a second

>> No.11207545
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Because then you wouldn't be a man in an octopus suit but an octopus in an octopus suit.
These would be Exhumans, not humans.

>> No.11208098

Just as God intended

>> No.11208099

I genuinely hope gene augmentation accelerates to prevent people like you from ever being born.

>> No.11208173

Literally just don't let mothers over 30 have kids.

>> No.11208189
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Sadly not that simple, there is more at play. Environmental factors, which need to be solved too.

>> No.11208444

Not true. The only ones concerned with that nowadays are prone to dysphoria.

Trying out new things, then deciding to live like this afterwards, not beforehand, is the key.

>> No.11208448

too much deus ex

>> No.11208507

And overdiagnosing too. Literally every "problem child" is labeled as ADHD or Asperger's and fed some antipsychotics to make up for the teachers' lack of disciplinary action, when probably only a 1/5th of those are actual cases at best.

>> No.11208733

don't be stupid, there's not more autism now they're just being diagnosed correctly and proper treatments are being done to provide them and their parents better quality of life

>> No.11208737
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So, are you telling me that transhuman furfags will kill themselves?

>> No.11210047

"Proper treatment".
Nah they're mostly just shut up on antidepressants.
They will be like crazy trannies than kill themselves.

>> No.11210076

In my dreams I've been different creatures and the opposite gender. Didn't feel weird. Your body is a biological tool, not you.

>> No.11210127

>I had a dream I was a bear once so I know what it's like to be a bear.

>> No.11210157

>Extreme transhumanism will never happen because you will experience dysphoria similar to tranners or sad cases like David Reimer.

I experience dysphoria in that sense right now, because I want to be a machine. Superior, divine metal.

>> No.11210159

>These would be Exhumans, not humans.

Who gives a shit?

>> No.11210226

So you really want a world run by these sort of autists?
The only people who could survive a transhuman body would be gay furry weirdos.

>> No.11210235

I guess gay furry weirdos are going to replace everyone else, then.
There is no certainty in flesh but death.

>> No.11210242
File: 194 KB, 500x621, ;-;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck humans, Fuck humanity and most importantly fuck biology.
>fuck biology.

>> No.11210246
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I never asked for this.

>> No.11210253
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That does it. I am declaring Mars a mechanical only planet.

Furries fuck off and find your own planet or expect 011101110110000101110010.

>> No.11210254

It is my greatest desire to see gods become real. They will be gods of steel and silicon, and I shall worship them.

>> No.11210255

okay Nostradamus

>> No.11210259

W-What about a mechanical furry?

>> No.11210281
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>> No.11210293

>The nervous system is our "true" body, the rest is an organic spacesuit.

Okay, prove it. Take off your "spacesuit" and do a little dance. Prove to me that this is my real body. Go ahead fucker.

>> No.11210317

sorry bro, were all just brains in skull shaped jars.

>> No.11210330


"It is believed that nerves move within the body in order to avoid potentially harmful mechanical forces such as tension and compression. They slide longitudinally to avoid tensile forces and transversally to avoid compression."

"The body is a cruel thing my boy, reflecting if you will, our society in many ways."

"How so Dr. Edwards?"

"Well, you have the hustle and bustle of the daily red cells and the crowd, officers and police like the white blood cells and the repair crew, platelets."

"What of the other trades? Historians, politicians, managers and the like?"

"Well, they are there too my boy, management by the prefrontal cortex of resources and directive decisions, nerves that act like detection agencies for mismanagement and the like."

"...and the historians?"

"My boy, it is the cruelest of fates, deep in the recesses of the brain, 30 days of life and the longest lived of all the cells in body, only to spend their days, miring over lost and experienced things until the day someone needs their records..."

"...and what then?"

"They pass their scrolls to their younger, to the up and coming, to their brighter one, information bio-genesis."


"I am not long for this world youngster. Keep it interesting this time will you? I have already lost this lot."

>> No.11210398

>So why do you think you could possibly live in a ln octopus body?
I can drive a car or fly a plane all day. At least until my body can't continue because it has it's own needs. I can play a game and become completely immersed in the avatar I control. I can work a lathe, a saw, a gun, or even just a hammer as if it were an extension of my body. And this is without even having any specialized hardware to run any of these things.
Humans are tool users. We're very adaptable to using things to expand our ability outside of what our body can do naturally. I'm positive I'd have little issue hopping into an octopus and driving it after a week of learning, though I'd much rather hop into a bird or dolphin. An octopus body sounds kinda boring in comparison.
Would I want to stay in one of those for a long time though? No, I wouldn't, because hands are just way too useful to let go of. I'd like a more well engineered frame though. Something that has fewer flaws. My current body has a bunch of small annoying problems despite taking good care of it. A lower maintenance form would be nice.