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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11204685 No.11204685 [Reply] [Original]

>cant find proof to a mathematical theorem
>literally just create an object specifically designed to satisfy the proof
you cant make this shit up, this is why nobody like mathematicians. Scientists have to actually live in the real world and solve GENUINE problems

>> No.11204689

yeah can you please reproduce that post for me?

>> No.11204690

>Scientists have to solve real world problems
Yeah they solved real world problems by inventing the nuke, mind-control, mass surveillance, and artificial diseases, and all climate change ever.

>> No.11204696

Most of mathematics sits in stasis until someone finds a use for it outside of academia. A number theorist once remarked that he was thankful that number theory had no practical use (lest it become corrupted by non-mathematicians). Then cryptography came along. Suddenly those proofs became a lot more valuable.

>> No.11204716

take science and physics for example. they are extremely interwoven. a lot of mathematical theories find great use in physics. mathematics is often used to describe really complex phenomena in physics and often the mathematical structures and especially the methods used to create them find some use somewhere else. the conquest of nature is to be achieved by number and measure. maths is the language of the universe.

>> No.11204718

mathematicians, the more moral and humble people of academia.
just a bunch of fucking nerds with a genuine interest in numbers, space, logic, shapes, etc.
Applied Scientists are raging dogmatist, with a raging boner for altering the earth.
leave the natural world alone, you fucking maniacs.

>> No.11204734

well not mathematicians created those things. it were primarily phisicists, chemists and biologists. but they used maths and it would have been impossible to do without maths.

>> No.11204740

>>cant find proof to a mathematical theorem
>>literally just create an object specifically designed to satisfy the proof
give one example of this
protip: you can't, because that's not how math works

>> No.11204744


Thanks for the 4 but

It would be impossible to do with only maths...


>> No.11204746 [DELETED] 

your girlfriend doesnt exist

>> No.11204747


Thanks for the 44 Lol.

>> No.11204749


Ahhh you came faster than I expected.

But since I was expecting you to jump on my dick seeing as you are in all the same threads as I am, I "got'cha!"

So you lose and I win again loser!

Anyways, look how robotic you sound, you can't even see you are a brainwashed disinfo shill can you? I'm trying to help you from being used to spread disinfo!

>> No.11204754

Which one? My French Christian one that warned me about the Notre Dame burning down?

That one does exist yes.

I swear the first reply in that thread knew that something was already happening which is why he was testing what I knew by making his post the way he did, so fastly in my thread.

>> No.11204759


Thanks for the 4 Lol.

>> No.11204761

The Notre Dame burning down in France the day that she was mad in a dream sort of reminds me of the strike in France that happened a day after she appeared to me in a dream. To be honest lol.

>> No.11204766
File: 318 KB, 713x621, amanda3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because the person I was talking to on August 3rd that I asked "are there going to be 1 or 2 shootings today?" That sort of just looked at me with a serious face after being asked this, doesn't exist.

>> No.11204767
File: 252 KB, 474x498, amanda4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when I dreamed about two dying californians.
Of course she exists lol.

>> No.11204768
File: 66 KB, 640x785, 814263E5-83FA-4C5F-BCEF-696A811422DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave the natural world alone

>> No.11204772

Amanda Seyfried is an actress from the movies, not your girlfriend. Your girlfriend does not exist

>> No.11204773
File: 113 KB, 237x249, amanda2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11204777

I already know that, Amanda couldn't hope to be as attractive as my real girlfriend is.
You just want to control all the information too badly. You can't imagine how far you really are from the truth or the real understandings.

Thanks for the timestamp 44.


>> No.11204781

Y r u so mean?

>> No.11204783


>> No.11204786

You are trying to make me look bad. You are trying to be a dick to me, you are following me around so you can have what you want so you can believe you are right since that's what you want to do. Even when you aren't right. I was expecting you to come in this thread since you're stalking me so I just informed you that I was aware you were going to post that before you did post that. Then I noticed that you are on my dick because you are not right and I am so I pointed that out too, then I mentioned that you lost again because you can't accept it when you lose ever. Then I mentioned how robotic you sound because you are being used as a puppet to spread lies and deceive everybody and I was letting you know that I want you to be free from your need to harass me and bend info to the world, you're actually arguing against the guy that says to be non-violent in favour of you harassing me, you want people to be like you which is just following people around on the internet being a dick to them and lying about entities that exist ,you want everybody to be a soulless atheist drone like you, lol.

>> No.11204794

>thanks for the 4
can you explain this to me

>> No.11204799 [DELETED] 

Schizo anon unironically believes he has a "celestial French girlfriend" who communicates with him via post numbers and lets him predict terrorist attacks. He goes ballistic when you point out sh3 doesn't exist. Go ahead, ask him.

>> No.11204830

Thanks for the 4.
I have a "French Celestial girlfriend" who does NOT speak to me via post numbers, but 4 is the number of her name, (Christians will understand this) and I have proven a few times that she sort of predicted some global news events via hard evidence. She is French and Christian, and I do not go ballistic when somebody tries to spread disinfo against my religion, but I am annoyed by this disinfo shill >>11204799
following me around and telling me to kill myself then lying about my religion to make me look less believable than I really am.

>> No.11204854

People have a spiritual side which makes them communicate at special astrological circumstances with their celestial self, ancestors, guiders and friends. I do have celestial girlfriends as well, they accompany me through hard times and sometimes we even make love. I'm currently expecting children from two of them.

Modern science observes too much with the eye, there's a whole universe only heart may feel

>> No.11204945

This guy is literally a fucking drone who has posted that exact post before in my threads like he regurgitates the same pre-defined messages in all of my threads, he literally posted in every single thread I posted in saying the exact same copy and paste post.


Thanks for the 4 again.