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File: 109 KB, 636x370, aubrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11196840 No.11196840 [Reply] [Original]

Ageing cannot be cured. In order for this to work, we would have integrate our DNA with a compatible species from another planet that likely has similar conditions (including only one moon or we create something similar to modify or enhance the gestation of the host). The question is also if we were able to just clone "ourselves" how that would play into our evolution and would our DNA "age" after so many clones that we would have to come back to the past to grab more DNA.

>> No.11196905

Most of the deaths are not due to aging. The biggest killer, in the west, somewhat less so in Asia, is calcium overload. Basically, you need two atoms of magnesium to handle each atom of calcium. Our RDI is wrong and was determined in such a way to not allow the body excrete more than it absorbs, so once you stop growing and your bones fill up, it starts ruining your body both by calcifications, and by draining magnesium from tissues (as it is used up in attempts to excrete the calcium, but there isn't enough) This usually kills you by hardening your veins, which get consequently ripped apart by the pulse. When the wrong vein tears inside your hear or your brain, you die.

Copper deficiency is another. Copper was mistakenly (see the RDI for animals and the amounts used in feeds) labelled a toxic hevy metal, while it is a necessary nutrient, which is probably needed in larger amounts than iron is. When a protein is missing a copper ion where it's supposed to be, it's prone to collapse, causing amyloid diseases like alzheimers. (this is also the reason why copper bowls is needed for good quality whipped eggs, since it fills up the missing copper sites) Excess zinc makes it worse by depleting copper; fructose may also deplete copper, but that was only proven in animals, but not humans; it's possible that apes are immune.

Iron accumulates in the brain and body, and high intakes may prevent the absorbtion of other nutrients, such as manganese.

Other nutrients may be needed, like cobalt (outside B12) or vanadyl. Zinc excess also possibly makes those worse. (it is possible there is supposed to be cobalt where zinc is, and zinc is only a poisoning from since when people used zinc minerals to "transmute" copper into "gold")

>> No.11196912
File: 44 KB, 520x390, boltzmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cure entropy, cure ageing. its that easy.

>> No.11196932
File: 34 KB, 500x313, 1573071455624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>species from another planet
>he forgot Thanos Gauntlet

>> No.11196936

are boltzmann brains real or just a thought experiment?

>> No.11196942

you're talking to one right now pal

>> No.11196949

>In order for this to work, we would have integrate our DNA with a compatible species from another planet that likely has similar conditions (including only one moon or we create something similar to modify or enhance the gestation of the host).

oh, you're a schizo
love and light fellow retard

>> No.11196965

and break the universe in the process, nice

>> No.11196971


>> No.11196978


>> No.11196986

And you're talking to a boltzmann matrioshka brain.