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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11195520 No.11195520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do we take science back from sjw pc cucks?

>> No.11195533

You win the culture War.

Oh, wait, you're a conservative.

You don't. Conservatives and reactinaries never conserved or rolled back anything in any meaningful way.

Get aromatized.

>> No.11196199

It's very simple. If some idiot starts sperging about It'S unEThicAl KnoWlEdGe, keep doing the research anyway. And if you must be stealthy, trade papers on the black market. There are many who desire the forbidden knowledge once you have it.

>> No.11196209


>> No.11196216
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Convince the fags that suicide is the way. When most of the fag horde is cleared, research can be fixed.

>> No.11196218

Only physics is science. Social scientists are just retards who can use excel

>> No.11196242

give that this was published in 1997, I say we already lost it.

>> No.11196999

Moral busibodies have been defeated in the past. It used to be the religious puritin retards dictating
their "morality" to everyone, now it's the neo-marxist intersectional feminist cultists. They too will fall. You can see how people are increasingly waking up to their disgusting hypocritical ideology.

>> No.11197006

>Implying that everyone is not bisexual at heart.

>> No.11197018

>They too will fall.
What disgusting hypocritical ideology cult will replace that one?

>> No.11197019

Humilate and isolate sjws as nutjobs. Name the jew.

>> No.11197023

Hard to say, probably one based on the conservative side of things.

>> No.11197094

>faggotry is not a choice, it's innate
>don't conduct any research into the nature of homosexuality biggot
It's neither, it's a mental illness propagated by sexual abuse.

>> No.11197509

>attitudes towards LGBT people have been plummeting amongst young people for years now

Nobody likes you, trannies.

>> No.11198177

>Moral busibodies
You mean like all the Nazi cultists on 4chan that advocate book burning?

>> No.11198184
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Holocaust + nuclear war

>> No.11198188
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Acts 19:19

Multi eorum qui fuerant curiosa sectati contulerunt Libros et combuserunt coram omnibus.

>> No.11198190

>how do i turn science into having my own biased viewpoints while pointing at a bogeyman that i made up

>> No.11198191
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where do I buy the merchandise, Tooker?

>> No.11198196
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>> No.11198199

Well isn't it? You believe in personal freedom right?

>> No.11198203

And? Your religion is shit.

>> No.11198212

Pretty sure the collapse of Rome has been a pretty severe rollback on faggotry and proto feminism.

>> No.11198215
File: 1.09 MB, 1090x738, muhlibertarianism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao nope, freedom is a meme

>> No.11198217


"From what has been said it follows that it is quite unlawful to demand, to defend, or to grant unconditional freedom of thought, of speech, or writing, or of worship, as if these were so many rights given by nature to man. For, if nature had really granted them, it would be lawful to refuse obedience to God, and there would be no restraint on human liberty. It likewise follows that freedom in these things may be tolerated wherever there is just cause, but only with such moderation as will prevent its degenerating into license and excess. And, where such liberties are in use, men should employ them in doing good, and should estimate them as the Church does; for liberty is to be regarded as legitimate in so far only as it affords greater facility for doing good, but no farther."

>> No.11198223

truth always wins eventually

>> No.11198239

When do we find out what really happened in germany?

>> No.11198245

Wow that’s so true to want to understand something you have to hate it

>> No.11198258

Maybe in 200 years. It’s so gay. I have no idea how much the Jews/Allies and the neo-Nazis are telling the truth or lying.
One side treats it as a religious article of faith and can only address what they term “denial” at the level of inferring motivation and characterising the curious person. The other is politically motivated to destroy the thought system based around the idea of this event and so have good reason to sew excessive amounts of doubt.
No doubt posting this will have people who buy into the propagandistic/religious narrative accusing me of being bad faith, stupid or naive. I’ll fully admit to not having researched the issue in sufficient depth to make any claims about the event itself.

>> No.11198259

“Neo-Allies” might be a better term.

>> No.11198266

>having sex
with them.
All women adopt the views of the person laying pipe in them, and I assume this applies to gayboys also.

>> No.11198272
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Have science be automated. AIs can perform science using pure data without human emotion.

>> No.11198501

im a kissless virgin ehh

>> No.11198839

Progressives never make progress :^)

>> No.11198862


>> No.11198926

>AIs can perform science using pure data without human emotion.
You could have just said you don't understand what a training set is.

>> No.11198944

>they put gorillas in the black people training set

>> No.11199048

Prosperity creates faggotery as a byproduct, faggotery lowers prosperity, too much of it will kill prosperity, which in turn will kill faggotery. You like a stupid parasite that kills their host.

>> No.11199051

>They had a training set specifically for black people instead of ignoring them and giving the model no clean data on blacks to work with

>> No.11199058

>tfw they actually did that.

>> No.11199069

They probably only gave it training data on people overall, without regards to race and it just so happened that due to skin color similarities it matched up black people to gorilla

>> No.11199126
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>> No.11199135


human belief are also created from training set called reality

>> No.11199137
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My book (which is excellent):
https://www.amazon [doot] com/Weather-Vane-Gedalia-Gershon/dp/1723762806/
Some shirts and stuff:
https://teespring [doot] com/stores/jonathan-tooker

I don't know why you all don't buy my book. It is really good!

>> No.11199351

If you don't see problems with brainless retards using a scalpel they don't understand as a hammer in idiotic, ideology driven way, then you have negative brain mass, sorry

Even this short bit should give you reasons why people worry about retards abusing science, if you can't understand 50 words maybe go back to elementary school

>> No.11199359

The fact we're not sitting in caves shaking in fear of some imaginary, sky dwelling mzimu shows they made tons of progress, you retard. Maybe go back to stone age like other alt-righters to taste your ideology untainted by thse evul left wing stuff like actual thinking and not behaving like rabid animal?

>> No.11199386

>claims scientific progress as an argument in his favor while defending objectively unscientific rhetoric
refusing to investigate something because the results might make you uncomfortable has more in common with the renaissance era catholic church than any scientific pursuit

>> No.11199392

>h-h-hey the o-o-other s-s-s-side i-i-i-is j-j-j-just a-a-a-as b-b-b-bad
n o t a n a r g u m e n t

>> No.11199395
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then how come every university has one of these?

>> No.11199399

>build high security science vaults holding small self sustainable populations and all scientific data that is not pollitically/socially biased
>wait for the outside world to collapse into barbarism
>reeducate primitive societies outside the vaults

>> No.11199406

the books they burnt were mostly communist propaganda and porn

>> No.11199442

I thought you guys wanted to avoid an echo chamber lol

>> No.11199543

t. knows nothing about the history of humanity and scientific accomplishment.
The spread of religion was essential for the uplifting of mankind, as it gave large societies a unifying purpose without actually having any answers yet. Now having many of those answers we were seeking, religion is not as important. It is still important however, as many really stupid humans still exist. If you don't spoon feed dumb humans simple tautologies to explain their purpose to them, they'll make up their own. You don't want retards making their own religions. They'll fuck shit up. This how the alt right, incels, feminazis, and lgbtqwxyz++ retards all got their manifestos.

>> No.11199552

I recall an anon saying that because islam is so prescriptive it is more suited to the less intelligent. and if australian aboriginals with their brain structure which favours memorisation and storage instead fluid thought they'd fit right into it.

>> No.11199631

Anyone with half a brain knows so-called bio"ethicists" are full of shit

>> No.11199640

Its not like finding out gays are simply gay due to nurture would change anything. People generally hate gays because they find them gross, I doubt finding a gay gene or not will change anything

>> No.11199776
File: 567 KB, 799x1289, AI_black_white_sickness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pic is cute but reflects brainlet-tier understanding of how AI are trained.
For example, the beauty contest AI is not deciding which models are more beautiful. It's actually just what human judges would decide.

I'm sure you won't read this being a /pol/tard but looking at pic related:
AI algorithms "determined" that black people need less medical care, even for the same disorder.
>At a given risk score, Black patients are considerably sicker than White patients, as evidenced by signs of uncontrolled illnesses. Remedying this disparity would increase the percentage of Black patients receiving additional help from 17.7 to 46.5%.
>The bias arises because the algorithm predicts health care costs rather than illness, but unequal access to care means that we spend less money caring for Black patients than for White patients.
The algorithm noticed that for blacks we spend less money on health care, and concludes that they don't need care as early as whites (because otherwise, they would be getting it.... right?). When in reality blacks are actually at a higher risk for diabetes and hypertension.

>> No.11199808

jesus christ, this dude is not familiar with comp sci even a little bit

tell me anon, how do these machines start to be able to tell what attractiveness is?
and that teen girl ai thing was literally just trolling, people purposefully went in and inserted "offensive" information into the machine to make it bigoted. kinda funny trolling desu, but absolutely dummy post and dummy pic

>> No.11200021


It can use a statistical approach, feed it photos of people universally considered attractive, the machine learning algorithm can then trying to find common characteristics of these faces.

>> No.11200038

who determines what is universally attractive?

and only feeding it "universal" 10/10s, although that doesn't even make sense, would do nothing. How does it know what a 6 looks like? You just expect it to try to find factors close to 10/10s and the more features they have near the ideal the higher score they have? that sounds like a terrible algorithm, and no one would ever publish that.

It makes no sense to only feed it the most attractive people as the only data set.

>> No.11200047
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You're a fucking retard. Stop posting your asinine opinions please.

>> No.11200052

biggest factor in homosexuality is neurodevelopment in the womb or later abuse and trauma

>> No.11200125


obviously universal means most people think is beautiful, you can just do large scale surveys to pick the faces that most people, regardless of gender, race or age consider beautiful.

Once the machine learning algorithm finished generating a set of common characteristics you can feed it ugly faces to test its judgement

>> No.11200144

Things are going to get unimaginably worse.
An education should not include an indoctrination. Leftists are insidious.

>> No.11200148

this is some of the dumbest shit ive read in a long time.
are we really on a science board? this reads like something a 12 year old would write in their sci fi fan fic.

you dont know shit about AI or how data sets are trained, so don't talk about it.

>> No.11200154
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