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11192740 No.11192740 [Reply] [Original]

Why does HPV give women cervical cancer? Would it be possible to radically weaponize HPV so it has a 100% cancer inducing rate?

>> No.11192742

no, you can build a microwave gun tho

>> No.11192746

based incel bioterrorist poster

>> No.11192747

It has to be biological, working on only women

>> No.11192753
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>> No.11192754

Nah. I'm sexually attracted to bald women. Chemo makes women bald so, increase cancer, everyone is bald.

>> No.11192755

Based. Someone needs to do this to teach the whores a lesson.

>> No.11192759

I suppose this as well. They'd stop being promiscuous after they have to have a radical hysterectomy because of dick #5, 7, or 12

>> No.11192760

you realize this would make it harder for you to get laid? You would only be decreasing the supply of women, bald or otherwise, While simultaneously increasing male demand for a woman to bear his child before they all die of cancer. You better rethink your approach friend

>> No.11192763

I do not want to get laid. I want to understand why HPV 16 and 18 do what they do and how to make it more efficient so it has a 100% cancer rate in less than the 10 - 30 years required.

>> No.11192764

An immunocompromising HPV 16/18, tethered to something like herpes simplex would honestly be a good bioweapon.

>> No.11192770

>I want to understand why HPV 16 and 18 do what they do and how to make it more efficient so it has a 100% cancer rate in less than the 10 - 30 years required.
but why do you want to weaponize it then

>> No.11192773

>Incel wants to kill people

Every time.

>> No.11192774

Oncogenicity fortification science has not yet been perfected. If and when it is, it would be efficient as women can use IVF to reproduce without men but men can not reproduce without women or an artificial womb, which currently does not exist. A genetically modified immuno-compromising HPV 16/18 strain would eliminate women and wipe out a species. It reduces women and puts pressure on men. It would wipe out all humans. It is weird how so many sci-fi movies talk about grey goo and machines but the real potential is here, now. Governments would pay anything to be able to target their enemy nation with something like this. It's very lucrative.

>> No.11192779

With some minor tinkering, it could be used to target a specific region. That is worth billions to many people. As for me personally, I would like to know if it is possible. I am not capable of doing this but I would like to know if my theory is correct.

>> No.11192781

I'm not an incel though.

>> No.11192784

To answer your question, I don't want to. But I think it is possible. It would be something that would make trillions. But on a serious note, I do like bald women.

>> No.11192787

>I want to kill people who have more sex than me
>I’m not an incel guys


>> No.11192793

I've had sex, you retard. Seethe and project more. This idea if possible, could be the future of war. And would make a lot of bald women as a result. It's not something I'd morally approve of.

>> No.11192810

it amounts to a war crime, mass targeting civilians. Anytime a reputable government would consider using such a weapon they might as well use nukes because the retaliation would be massive

>> No.11192815

I know. That's why I'd never support it, if it was possible.