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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 75 KB, 911x623, race,IQ,and Income (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11191348 No.11191348 [Reply] [Original]

In all seriousness.
What are the odds that a species that underwent such immense levels of independent evolutionary selection
to point that their their skin color, muscle mass, bone structure, disease immunizes, and blood types diverged from one and other
Underwent not ONE IOTA of divergence in genetic psychological make up over the same time period?

>> No.11191384

Is this for real? If so, how is that blacks make so much money despite their low SAT scores?

>> No.11191400

Why should there be a psychological divergence?

>> No.11191415

Why shouldn't there be?
We know intelligence is genetic
Anyone who disagrees would have to explain how humans evolved brains in the first place without genetics.
Being that this is the case.
With all the independent mutations and differing environmental evolutionary selection that humans clearly underwent around the world
As represented by their differing skin colors, heights, bone structures, disease immunities ect
Are we seriously to believe that at no point the environment selected one group for higher intelligence?
Based perhaps on a harsher climate or more limited resources??

>> No.11191420

different behaviors lead to different survival rates
behavior has a genetic component

>> No.11191463

behavior is genetically-determined

>> No.11191467
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they don't

>> No.11191471 [DELETED] 

In all seriousness, you don't belong on this board. Why don't you go back? :)

>> No.11191477

Eppur si muove

>> No.11191480 [DELETED] 

autism. imagine if you took up an interest in science and math that wasn't politically motivated~

>> No.11191481
File: 79 KB, 640x674, bluehairedthot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't you go back?
Plus the fact that it is legitimately a scientific question
And thus is directly in line with content restrictions of this board.

>> No.11191488


Everyone is coming around to the truth

>> No.11191490

I have deep sympathy for the concern that genetic discoveries could be misused to justify racism. But as a geneticist I also know that it is simply no longer possible to ignore average genetic differences among “races.”

Written by:

>> No.11191493

This is so cringe
please rename the thread to phrenology vs iq

>> No.11191495
File: 182 KB, 500x626, 1571785554018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because SAT is a meme only those obsessed with grades and top colleges fall for. You can still get a half-way decent job with average grades and undergrad. Getting to middle/ upper middle class will just take you longer. But again the same thing applies to trade work and military, both will lead you to the same middle to upper middle class tax bracket. It may take you longer but you can get there.


Because not everyone has the same thought processes so somewhere in the genome there are gene's that influence one's behavior and psyche. The real question should be how did human population break into so many ethnic populations and still retain attributes like the belief of God(s) and the ability to learn each other's languages despite thousands of years of divergence.

>> No.11191498

Genetics and "racial" differences is a real area for scientific research. As said by top distinguished geneticists in NY times recently. The reality is with the genomics revolution going on it's inescapable reality you have to deal with.

>> No.11191499


the idea that science should ignore research into genetic differences between populations which influence their intelligence and behavior as a result of differential selection pressures throughout humanity's evolutionary history just because it's politically unpalatable is totally the opposite of the scientific personality and psychology

also that tilda makes me think you're a fuckin tranner furry desu

>> No.11191507

You need a prediction function to run on embryos for behavior, health, IQ, etc.

If you don't have this function then a country that does: ex. China, will leap frog you in IQ and social well being. Such as minimizing healthcare costs.

Any attempt to take a bleeding heart approach would just leave you worse off, as societies that are not so hamstrung will advance past you. Also the skeptics who go to other countries to have the IVF or engineering done will out-compete at home.

There is zero logical reason to remain opposed to reality right now despite your ideological wishes. I'm sure many people wished Earth was the center of the universe as well.

>> No.11191517

So what has the liberal SJW leftist academia achieved?

Suppressing genetic studies in blacks and other "taboo" forbidden science has only led to further inequality in GWAS datasets and screening offerings to parents.

What exactly is the benefit of making such research take an extra 10 years? You want black people to not have the possibility of improved health and cognitive capability?

>> No.11191520 [DELETED] 

nah, not trans. close tho. I'll just repeat what I said before
>can you imagine how great it would be if you had an interest in science that wasn't politically motivated

>> No.11191521
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>The real question should be how did human population break into so many ethnic populations and still retain attributes like the belief of God(s) and the ability to learn each other's languages despite thousands of years of divergence
This is true
And interesting question to be fair
However it still leaves the question open as to why divergences in ability appear at all
The aborigines for instance have an average IQ somewhere in the low 60s, putting the majority of their population as clasified "mentally disabled" by our current metrics
Eskimos however, while also living in tribal enviroment with very limmited formal education usually score in the 90s when given the same IQ tests.
It is perhaps time for us to question the real validity of the claim "All men are created equal" and in turn ask ourselves if anyone ever really scientifically PROVED its validity

>> No.11191522

Nobody disputes the racial IQ gap. We don't know if it is due to genetics. You made this thread to push an agenda.

larping hard

>> No.11191525

ah yes, what a scientific viewpoint

>> No.11191529

It is the consensus so yes, it is a scientific viewpoint.

>> No.11191530 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 284x311, bun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he's actually correct. Do you admit you come from /pol/? Consider going down a better path!

>> No.11191532

What a rotting infected incapable brain you have

>> No.11191538


>it's scientific to ban scientific topics because of liberal doublethink consensus

>> No.11191540

Could you shill any harder?

>> No.11191543 [DELETED] 

I'm being sincere when I say I feel sorry for you. You're probably an interesting/fun person outside of your obsession with race. I might even consider talking about science or math with you~

>> No.11191544
File: 127 KB, 800x800, ifuckinglovescience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11191547

It's amazing the lengths and twists people go to when faced with something true.

>> No.11191551

>If you don't have this function then a country that does: ex. China, will leap frog you in IQ and social well being. Such as minimizing healthcare costs.

Not op but China is fucking bad example. Could they leap frog the rest of the world in IQ by embryonic selection? Possibly. But they are a joke in terms of social wellbeing and them increasing their IQ will do fuck all (if the iq tests are to believed they are already above most of the worl).

Reminder that despite their higher IQ they,
>created an entire generation of unmarriagable men who literally have to steal wives from neighboring nations because the China can't properly supply them women in said country
>are organ harvesting their own citizens in the Uyghur province (it's one thing to do it to outsiders but to do it to your own citizens shows little regard citizenry).
>have been fingered by multiple countries for stealing copyright patents thus ignoring the laws of countries they do business with.

China doesn't give a flying fuck about wellbeing. Let's not even talk about the labor conditions bullshit that's still happening in China.

>> No.11191552 [DELETED] 


>> No.11191556

as though your idea of social well-being is king. How liberal they are does not matter for how effective they can be as a society.

>> No.11191558
File: 190 KB, 750x750, bluehairedthot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the dude you were talking to
but you are a dumb close minded faggot lol.

>> No.11191566

>Conflates socioeconomic environments with income
>Using a 1995 SAT survey

If anything all this suggests is that minorities need more education

>> No.11191571

yeah the billions of dollars we've thrown at it so far have worked great

just like stereotype threat and growth mindset have held up, right


>> No.11191574

Yep, and your 5'6" son just needed to practice more to make the NBA

>> No.11191576

A fixed mindset leads to societal stagnation

>> No.11191578

education is colonized

>> No.11191583


>respecting the laws of another nation
>respecting the lives of your national citizens
>not screwing over your own sons with policies that will deprive them of sufficient mates in your country

You consider these ""liberal""? Are you fucking retarded?!

>> No.11191590

What metric evidence do you have that China hasn't been extremely successful? That they hurt some feelings and murdered people?

>> No.11191591

So what would /pol/ even do with the information if it turned out that blacks and other races really did have lower on average IQs? Would you try to uplift them or use it as an excuse to dehumanize and discriminate against them?

Also this. Let's all ignore that blacks on average receive poorer education than whites.

>> No.11191592

genes adapt to survival in their environment
abos have incredible visual memory skills

>> No.11191596

Yeah it's better to try to make as many people in society ignorant regarding genetic determinism. That will work out best. Make decisions not taking into account one of the most powerful predictive models on earth for human outcome.

>> No.11191597

Do you think that if you’re fat that you shouldn’t bother working out or dieting because genetics?

>> No.11191600

>Let's all ignore that blacks on average receive poorer education than whites.

you're out of your mind, every attempt is made to include as many blacks and hispanics in honor classes as possible. they have to fight to keep asians out while reducing the standards of honor classes for underperforming minorities.

>if it turned out that blacks and other races really did have lower on average IQs?

this isn't up for debate btw, the gaps are a matter of empirical fact. the causes of the gap is what's debated

>> No.11191603

Several studies of Head Start have established something called the "Head Start Fade Out." They found that children who graduated from Head Start were academically ahead of their non-Head Start peers. For example, one nationwide study of 5,000 children found that Head Start graduates began kindergarten with significant gains in vocabulary, applied problem solving, pre-literacy skills such as letter recognition and spelling, and color identification.

But, over time, the academic advantages of Head Start faded. By third grade, there were no academic differences between Head Start graduates and children who did not attend the program.


>> No.11191604

>Another racism thread

Why not combine it with the incel generals?

>> No.11191610

I think we should just have einstein factories. Use the scientific method and massive testing to determine what education and upbringing environment creates 180+ IQ humans.

Then we can have a society of only super intelligent people because we attuned the environment perfectly.

>> No.11191612

>I don't want the fact that some races are genetically superior to others be used to,
>justify racism
Low IQ you have there. If some races are superior, the it is literally racism to accept it. Racism isn't bad. End yourself lib.

>> No.11191614


You're the one who brought up social wellbeing. I already stated they could possibly exceed others in IQ. But social wellbeing they won't.

>That they hurt some feelings and murdered people?

Those people are their own citizens, that's a big difference.

>> No.11191618

But you're making assessments when we still don't know the complete facts. Shit, we haven't even really conducted experiments regarding race and IQ, just collected data.

>you're out of your mind, every attempt is made to include as many blacks and hispanics in honor classes as possible
Source needed. I have never heard of a case where standards of honor classes were lowered for minorities. You're also forgetting that a lot of schools in areas predominantly black or Hispanic receive poorer funding than places predominantly white and that obviously education in Africa isn't up to par with the rest of the world's.

>> No.11191619
File: 6 KB, 301x168, Ldeathnotebadass2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what would /pol/ even do with the information if it turned out that blacks and other races really did have lower on average IQs?
This thread isnt really about that
Its just about whether the claim is true or false
Which should be assertained REGARDLESS of the outcomes of such knoweldge since truth is important in its own right
But as for myself and since you asked
I would like to se all affirmative action and diversity initiatives halted
If we find out that it really is based more on genes then enviroment
or rather that enviroment plays only so big of a role
then the intelligent majority in the US should no longer be held responsible to hold up the less intelligent minority
I dont want to oppress them, kill them, enslave them or really do anything to them.
I just want them to leave me the fuck alone.
And i dont want my tax dollars going to pay for their inability to compete in the workplace.

>> No.11191620

huh, they are leading edge on eliminating crime and the "social wellbeing" of chinese people has gone up more than any other people on earth over the last 40 years.

>> No.11191621

>Racism isn't bad.
Anon, racism was used to justify slavery, the holocaust, intertribal warfare, mass scale atrocities, etc.

It's pretty bad

>> No.11191623

these threads are only necessary because people are in denial of the racial differences, if the could be persuaded to believe the science we'd have no need for these redpill threads
instead people in positions of power push egalitarian myths that harm everyone

>> No.11191625

Holy shit just go back now
And blacks sold blacks into slavery. Whites had whites as slaves. blacks had blacks. That's not racism IDIOT. Holy fuck. Go all the way back.

>> No.11191627

Bruh knowing this lot, I full on expect they deny the holocaust and think slave owners treated blacks well. You are dealing with people who don’t think in coherent patterns, they are reactive screechers with canned phrases, propaganda images/stats and memetics.

>> No.11191629

who in Nazi germany knew what DNA was?

>> No.11191633
File: 37 KB, 600x343, bellcurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's pretty bad
Why the fuck does every thread engaging directly with human existence on this board have to fall into dumb arguments about morality?
This is suppose to be about science for fuck sake
Fuck whether racism is "good" or "bad"
Thats not the fucking question!
The question is whether or not "racist" ideas actually hold some truth in the material world
And should be proven with facts
Not fucking feels arguments about the holocaust and slavery that basically ammount to "boo racism"

>> No.11191632

Man, so much for the in b4.

You people are literal clock work. Brony tier shit at this rate.

>> No.11191635

Yes but over time, slavery became increasingly racialized to the point where in America, only blacks were ever really slaves.

Also, don't sit there and disagree with me when the Holocaust was entirely predicated on the supposed "inferiority' of the Jews and other "non-desirables".

>> No.11191637

Can't help but notice you didn't reply to the anon who said it wasn't morally bad in the first place there

>> No.11191639

Nazi germany was a nepotistic contract regime, confederacy just cared about cash crops at the expense of any other industry. Nazi tech just coasted off the achievements of Weimar Germany military build up in the 1920’s. Not to mention governments often use race pandering to distract from other more pressing problems constantly.

Racist societies are shit at economy every time.

>> No.11191641 [DELETED] 

why are /pol/niggers so bad at hiding their powerlevel?

>> No.11191642
File: 12 KB, 262x263, kermit laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then we can have a society of only super intelligent people because we attuned the environment perfectly.
If you trully believe this anon why, only use humans?
Why not try to create the same results with apes?
the lower mammals?
the single celled organisms that evolved at the point of biogensis? lmao
If it really is all just based on "enviroment" and not genes
Then you wouldnt require any genes at all would you?
Not even the genes required for the body to create a nuro cotex.
By god,
If that ameba had just been brought up in a good home with good parents
It to could have one day solved string theory or cured cancer!!

>> No.11191643

It was predicated on whatever an authoritarian government wanted to predicate it on. The Japanese Emperor was a God. Communism was the true answer to all problems and would usher in a utopia.

It's not hard for any authoritarian to control it's population and get what it wants done. You can even push altogether false things like the absence of genetic determinism.

>> No.11191644

Cool man, show me that proof that exist of the holocaust, you know documents from Germany that say that. I'll wait forever. Also
>hurrrrr in america blacks were racialized because blacks were the easiest form of free labor to get
Never mind white people ended slavery before everyone else. Never mind it still exist IN AFRICA today. Never mind the only reason blacks were the predominate free labor source is because niggers sold niggers to be niggers for CHEAP. Never mind all those facts. Never mind the literal Irish slaves. Never mind the Asians. Never mind the slavery around the world. MUHHHH RACIISSMMM!!!
Dumb faggot.

>> No.11191648

They’ve gone full brony in the past couple years. One berlusconi type and they think hitlers coming back.

>> No.11191652

God damn, literal clock work.

>> No.11191655

the "holocaust" is surpprisingly poorly supported from the available evidence.
north american slave owners were comparatively kind to the south and central american equivalents. and the transatlantic slave trade was a massively jewish owned and financed industry, you should look for professor Tony Martin's lectures on youtube (rip)

>> No.11191659

>denial that Nazi Germany thought that Jews were inferior
>denial of the Holocaust
>"blacks sold blacks into slavery therefore that forgives the white institution of slavery"
>"niggers niggers niggers xD"
Maybe don't show your bias the next time

>> No.11191665


Of course you can eliminate crime if you iron fist your way through it. Fucking Rwanda is able to do the same despite having a less resources and 30 IQ points deficit to China.

Also yes the social wellbeing of Chinese have gone up dramatically but still lower than the average westerner. Which shows they have work to do.

>> No.11191668
File: 12 KB, 201x279, princlaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Racist societies are shit at economy every time.
Yeah man
The fucking British empire was just shit fucking shit at economics im sure
As was america up till 1960
As was every other country in western europe before it to in turn realized that race didnt matter some time in the mid 20th century
Jesus fucking christ
What kind mongoloid brain does it take to make a statement like "Racist societys are shit at economy"
Like are you just ignorant of history?
Or are you just to retarded to adequately categorize and unitize your own knowledge?

>> No.11191670

Genomics Revolution ushering in a new era
Can begin to unravel and predict outcome through pure sequencing

>but in the history books some dumb fucks did X and justified it partly with Y

Umm, maybe we would use the new and powerful genetic technologies instead of gassing people or putting them to work on plantations?

Oh yeah, and Plan B is to watch as other countries with no moral compunction about it that are already totally authoritarian and economically superior take advantage of it.

>> No.11191671

These points have been discussed ad nauseam. You hate Jews and think blacks are ungrateful, I get it, don’t need to hide it behind propaganda.

>> No.11191672

>whites just jumped on the jew and nigger bandwagon
>rreeeee its all whites faults
>even though they ended the practice first in the history of man
>hurrrr whites!!!!!!

Nice job liberals. Sharia blue has no funding, get a real job.

>> No.11191673

Yeah I'm just saying that the overall story of China and it's competitiveness in the world can't be dismissed by citing feelings and "they did bad things".

>> No.11191677

There’s a difference between causally racist and race is everything type racist societies. The latter tended to be fuck ups.

>> No.11191678


Top Geneticists and elites have already seen the future and are turning on the all the anti-genetics people.


Sorry low level liberal automatons and bots, the people steering your ship already changed course.

>> No.11191683

Nice click bait article

>> No.11191684
File: 4 KB, 244x206, ohrealy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"muh propaganda"
not the dude you were talking to
but could you try
if for the first time in your life
to try to tackle someones ideas with logic instead of bullshit puritan teir labelling you fucking jack ass?
That means nothing
just like "nazi" "bigot" or "racist" all mean nothing as well
think you fucking mongoloid
10 year old.

>> No.11191688


I'm not dismissing their competitiveness or success I'm pointing out wellbeing isn't going to be something they will leap frog the world in. And this isn't about muh feelings it's about their own citizens. Again it's one thing to treat outsiders badly it's another to do it to your citizens.

>> No.11191689

>rreeeee its all whites faults
I never said that, you were the one acting like whitey did nothing wrong.

>even though they ended the practice first in the history of man
"congratulations on stopping this institution that was evil and exploitative to begin with, that never should've been allowed in the first place"

Also, slavery indisputably crippled blacks economically anyway

>> No.11191693
File: 10 KB, 245x205, rockwellboyscoutlookingatthing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There’s a difference between causally racist and race is everything type racist societies.
Nigger if you honestly think the british empire wasnt a deeply racist, anglo-saxon supremacist society you REALLY know absolutely but fuck nothing about their history
They litterally thought the irish and germans were sub humans and that the world was their birth right as "Anglo-Saxons" lmao

>> No.11191694

they can absolutely leapfrog the world in well-being if their economy continues to grow. They can absolutely be a dominant superpower as well.

I'm not going to list all disadvantages too, but it's fairly obvious they have a lot of good pathways to a great future, albeit it may not be so great for their opponents.

>> No.11191696

I don't hate the jews I just want them to stop lying and attempting to subvert everything
also I'd quite like to see the criminal cabal that bombed the world trade centre and took us into endless wars hanged

>> No.11191709 [DELETED] 


>> No.11191711

slavery was the price the paid for living in a more advanced society than their close relatives in africa

>> No.11191713

You label other people on their views and backgrounds all the time you hypocrite.

That is an oversimplification of what was going on. It was more chauvinism than anything else. “Burdened” to spread civilization and all that. When they went full social Darwinist later on, two world wars broke out and it was downhill after that.

>> No.11191724

churchill should never have taken them into ww2

>> No.11191725

Yes yes, MLP was a well written show with complex interesting character dynamics and whatever, now back to /mlp/.

>> No.11191743
File: 14 KB, 240x303, Don draper young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You label other people on their views and backgrounds all the time you hypocrite.
Maybe anon, but at least i dont drop insults without engaging directly with their views.
>That is an oversimplification of what was going on. It was more chauvinism than anything else. “Burdened” to spread civilization and all that.
That was largely an 19th century justification for imperalisim brought around by the birth of clasical liberalism
LOOONNNNNNNGGGGGG before that the Empire was EXTREMELY racialist
all throughout the 16th and 17th century, even going so far as to self indetify as the "chritian race" and supposedly the lost tribe of israel
>When they went full social Darwinist later on, two world wars broke out and it was downhill after that.
After the first world war the british empire reached its largest point ever and became the largest empire ever to exist in human history.
It was only after the second world war
With the anti-fascist post war labour sweep that the empire fell apart.
Not that any of this will matter to you.
Because you dont base your views on how the world actually is
You base your views on the way you think the world aught to be.
Your a brainless fanatic and you should be treated as such.
The truth is that the British empire was one of most racialist, imperialist and successful nations ever to exist in the world
And the ONLY reason you deny any of this is because it doesnt fit with your world view
You are on the same level as a christian claiming the world was created in 6 days.
Nothing you are likely to say from this point on will have any intellectual value what so ever.

>> No.11191745


>> No.11191747

Tories ran Britain way more than labour did after WW2

>> No.11191753

Is this the /pol/ version of posting pony images?

>> No.11191757
File: 7 KB, 300x180, allestercrowley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but immidiately AFTER the war, and in the decades where the empire broke apart
Labour was the defining political force in england.
It wasnt till the 1980s when a wave of neo-conservatism ran across the west that conservatives began to take any ground what so ever
but by then the damage was done.

>> No.11191775

We will see how Boris handles things

>> No.11191780

t. Low compassion heartlet.

>> No.11191804

it was the wrong link, I thought it was the article from a prominent black woman that explored her thoughts on slavery and its costs but I can't seem to find it
it's not ;ike life on industrial mill towns was much better off than slavery

>> No.11191810

boris and his policies are not very conservative despite how he's portaying himself

>> No.11191811
File: 98 KB, 579x640, 456944546_f2438314b1_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depending but i'd say the industrial child labor was much worse than slavery

>> No.11191812
File: 89 KB, 726x526, britain 1950s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britain was dismantled by wog-lovers

>> No.11191814

slave owners in north america at least had an incentive to keep people alive

>> No.11192048

What are the odds OP is not a faggot?
Come on jannies....

>> No.11192090
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>What are the odds that a species that underwent such immense levels of independent evolutionary selection
>to point that their their skin color, muscle mass, bone structure, disease immunizes, and blood types diverged from one and other

Notice that most of the properties of these systems (skin, muscle, bone, immunity, blood) are the same between races
Even the diseases that afflict these systems are the same
The underlying functionality is the same, there's not some race where skin doesn't scar when cut, there's not some race where muscles don't work by electrical impulses, etc.
Some blood types have incompatibilities, but it's not like there's some race that needs 30% less oxygen to live

In other words:
>there are differences everywhere, so intelligence should also be different
isn't any more compelling than:
>there are similarities everywhere, so intelligence should also be similar
And in fact the former is less compelling than the latter, given that the similarities far outnumber the differences

>> No.11192133
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>there are similarities everywhere, so intelligence should also be similar
Fair point anon.
And to be clear im not claiming that human intellects across racial lines arent "similar"
But thats not the claim being made
The claim is that they are IDENTICAL in their cognitive abilities
That one of them "Equals" another
As evidenced by the relgiously and dogmatically believed civic proverb
"All men are created equal"
Nature doesnt work like that.
Nature doesnt create IDENTICAL results in differing environments
Hell sometimes it doesnt even produce the same result in the SAME environment
Thats how independent mutation and evolution works.
And that is precisely what is being denied in the words "All men are created equal"
They are not.
To say they are runs counter to the nature of Darwinism itself.

>> No.11192140

>The claim is that they are IDENTICAL in their cognitive abilities
Did you make that claim up? Because I've never heard anyone claim this.

>> No.11192232

What I don't get about the people who post this is why do they assume they are the high IQ individuals of their race?

You'd be hard pressed to deny different races have varying levels of intelligence. The problem is we have no perfect way of testing intelligence and an IQ test is far from perfect. So why should we base intelligence differences on an imperfect test?
An SAT score is also not a great indicator of overall intelligence. The test does test academic ability but that ability is far from raw intellect.
Furthermore research shows nutrition and environment play a large role in a child's intellect. There is still not enough concrete evidence showing how much of our intelligence is genetically based on our race and how we are limited based on our race. For example even if a kid gets good nutrition and a good environment to grow up in what if their parents grew up poor? We know lack of nutrition affects our genes so is it possible the parent who suffered under these conditions passed on the defective genes to their children?
We don't know and research is still ongoing.

Yet the fact people like OP try to push these differences in intelligence between races while ignoring the bigger picture show that they themselves are the low IQ plebs they berate so much.

>> No.11192239
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>Fair point anon.
Helene is not a genius, much less a super-genius, much much less a super-super genius. Helene is at best on the high side of normie town, and realistically she is fucking tarded.

>> No.11192275

Did you know that in America, immigration was originally restricted to whites only?
Of course you don't, because it contradicts the "melting pot" garbage that everyone is force-fed in elementary school now.

>> No.11192292

>It is the consensus
No it's not.

>> No.11192297

>What I don't get about the people who post this is why do they assume they are the high IQ individuals of their race?
that's quite the assumption you're making there, nigger

>> No.11192302

Even the Jew-sponsored Hart-Celler Act of 1965 (when America was still 90% White) was only passed on the lie that it wouldn't alter the demographic make-up of the nation.

>> No.11192333

At best you could make the argument that how racist a society is usually has little to not correlation to its degree of success.

In regard to immigration, I think it is an exaggerated danger. As is, in the situation of the US, the sheer heterogenous nature of the various immigrant groups means a unified minority front is hard and who got considered white kept changing.

In the UK, the turks, pakis and polish aren't going to work with the scots and welsh to take over England despite Labour's best attempts.

>> No.11192356

>Because I've never heard anyone claim this.
This is a lie. You are lying.

>> No.11192359

>So why should we base intelligence differences on an imperfect test?
Looks like someone doesn't know what science is.

>> No.11192473

Damm. Their faces look very adult. I cannot even imagine the amount of bullshit they had to go through.

It would be interesting to design tests to find what other mental capabilities can be found in people with low IQ and see if there are any capabilities that get traded in exchange.

Unironically using Wikipedia as source.

ROFLMAO. This post full of /pol/ NPCs unironically larping superior IQ while wasting their time on this board. Don't you have a business to run or inventions and discoveries to make with your superior IQ? Oh wait, you can't because you are idiots irl.

Go back to your Jew managed board, this is science and math.

>> No.11192652 [DELETED] 

Still 0.7 correlated or more with IQ, and you completely ignored his question
In short: divergent evolution in humans is real, and physical and mental traits are distributed normally. Stop coping

>> No.11192656

I hear this literally every week, and even if you don’t outright say, it’s a core assumption required to get to the policies they believe in

>> No.11192663

Can’t help but noticed you didn’t deny the furry thing owo

>> No.11192671

>he bought into the primary school-tier anti Wikipedia meme
There are sources linked on every Wikipedia page. Controversial and popular topics are strictly moderated. Citing Wikipedia on something casual like this conversation does not invalidate opinions. Get a real argument.

>> No.11192737
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11192801

Nice, the brainlet provides no sources again and thinks slavs, greeks and italians are white

>> No.11192888

ah yes, what a scientific viewpoint

>> No.11192891

Go. Find me where someone claimed this. Maybe some teenager on Twitter did it once, I could be wrong.

>> No.11193006

If you know you're retarded, why are you still posting?

>> No.11193019
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>tfw you pretend to be retarded to try to get the upper hand in a 4channel argument

>> No.11193035

>The claim is that they are IDENTICAL in their cognitive abilities
That's not the claim, though. Not even siblings are identical, let alone all members of the species.
Beating up a straw man is a waste of your time.

>"All men are created equal"
This phrase from the Constitution refers to the "worth" of a human being in the eyes of the state. It's not a mathematical statement of equality in all respects.
Think about it. If you have one pretty daughter and one smart daughter, which one has greater worth? Would you let the government tell you which one is more valuable?

>> No.11193337

It was such a simple request, yet it couldn't be filled.

>> No.11194090

>This phrase from the Constitution refers to the "worth" of a human being in the eyes of the state. It's not a mathematical statement of equality in all respects.
If you seriously believe that the majority of the united states believes there are serious differences in the cognative abilities between the racial groups you are kidding yourself.

>> No.11194117

Even the most lefty of lefties believes that. The conflict arises by how to remedy it and/or treat everyone fairly regardless of it.

Literally nobody disputes the racial IQ gap.

>> No.11194131

>Even the most lefty of lefties believes that.
Oh come the fuck on now
You HAVE GOT to know thats not true?
The most "lefty leftists" believe there are differences between the races?
Noam fucking Chomsky believes the races are on different intellectual footing?
Listen to one of his lectures on the human equality sometime if you need to have that disprove to you and have a laugh lol

>> No.11194136

Find me a quote. I'm sure he is talking about equality the way this guy is >>11193035

>> No.11194162

Two seconds on google.

>> No.11194174

Find yourself a quote you tard.
Its easy enough to find if you listen to his shit for long enough
What of it?
Its just him droning on and on about his retarded fucking theories on language.
You know the thing he basis his bullshit belief on human equality on? lol

>> No.11194177
File: 21 KB, 212x232, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I am not a /pol/tard you guys!
> but I-i-i have an awesome and productive idea to share here in /sci/
>make another iq thread
> Yes, rAcE aND IQ, hihi im so smart :)

>> No.11194181

Do people really believe that everyone is a blank slate at birth?

>> No.11194184

God damn it really makes you fucking niggers salty when everyone stops buying your bullshit hu?

>> No.11194221

>They are not.
Great, they are not. Now, tell me, what am I going to use this knowledge for?

>The most "lefty leftists" believe there are differences between the races?
Congrats, you proved that Whites get cancer in Australia and West Africans get sick with malaria less often, have a big fat ribbon while you get busy in proving that an arbitrary parameter (such as IQ) varies among populations in a way to proves basically nothing of importance to anyone not obsesses with proving an alleged objective birth superiority.

>> No.11194237
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> what am I going to use this knowledge for?
Whatever the fuck you want.
Im an ENTP.
I dont have agenda
I just like shitting on and tearing downother peoples gods showing them to be not but sand.
And the "God" of the modern left is "Equality"
>Congrats, you proved that Whites get cancer in Australia and West Africans get sick with malaria less often, have a big fat ribbon while you get busy in proving that an arbitrary parameter (such as IQ) varies among populations in a way to proves basically nothing of importance to anyone not obsesses with proving an alleged objective birth superiority.
"Reeeeeeeeeeee" the post
You se this shit?
This shit right here?
This is why i do what i do.
There is no better joy in the world then watching the type of person who would have been burning witches in 3 centuries ago cry and shit themselves in idiotic terror
fleeing the light like a cockroach
as they are shown just how little their deeply held moral beliefs are backed by reality.
Face it dude, your fanatic.
Dont blame me for showing you that your god isnt real
Blame the left for telling you it was.

>> No.11194244

>Find yourself a quote you tard.
You made the claim lol

>> No.11194251

Based ENTP chad dabbing on /sci/.

>> No.11194255


>> No.11194280

>Now, tell me, what am I going to use this knowledge for?
>uuuuunngh math class is bullshit maaaan, when am I gonna need to do algebra

>> No.11194298

And...? He says some article is racist, and gives an example of why it's racist, and the example had nothing to do with IQ or intelligence.

>> No.11194352

>Its just him droning on and on about his retarded fucking theories on language.
Did you read it...?

>> No.11194416
File: 102 KB, 933x1188, race predicts crime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you describe these factors please?

>> No.11194457

Chumpsky is a dangerous fool who should stick to and not venture outside of his field

>> No.11196276

How else do you think we were able to have literal segregation laws in effect up until the 70's? As long as the boomers are still alive, the majority of Americans will believe that race predicts intelligence.

>> No.11196305

>Cherrypicked curves
>Stilted data
Top left graph is obvious bullshit.
All the 90% white states have extremely low population densities, but they're given equal weight (one "dot") to more dense or urban environments

>> No.11196664

>Literally nobody disputes the racial IQ gap.
But they categorically deny every possible biological cause for that gap, which is still essentially like claiming that the races are identical.

>> No.11196675

>muh crowded cities
Then how come even within those areas, blacks and hispanics still committ considerably more crime than the whites that live among them. How come the same holds true when comparing different income strata? Do blacks with a yearly income of 200.000 a year live in more crowded and at-risk areas than trailer trash whites who make 20.000?

>> No.11196691

>Literally nobody disputes the racial IQ gap.
"Intelligence" isn't some coherent one-dimensional metric space, only a retard would actually even waste time pretending it were

>> No.11196707

>Find me where someone claimed this. Maybe some teenager on Twitter did it once, I could be wrong.
>A New York laboratory has cut its ties with James Watson, the Nobel prize-winning scientist who helped discover the structure of DNA, over “reprehensible” comments in which he said race and intelligence are connected.

>> No.11196729

>But they categorically deny every possible biological cause for that gap, which is still essentially like claiming that the races are identical.
no, the denial is that you can disentangle the biological factors in a predictable manner, let alone that intelligence is a multi-faceted unmeasurable abstract concept, and thus the issue is what is your motivation for focusing on it to begin with? Especially because the ones most animated by it are psychologist/biologist types who have an absolutely retarded grasp of mathematics to even speak

>> No.11196735

>the races
The American population isn't representative of the worldwide populations.
America didn't get the best africans to start with but likely got the best asians.
Culture and especially upbringing is very much an factor in mental development.

>> No.11196766

>America didn't get the best africans to start with
and then they literally bred them for labor, and systemically destroyed family and educational culture for centuries to prevent them from questioning their own worth and place...

>> No.11196772

>Then how come even within those areas, blacks and hispanics still committ considerably more crime than the whites that live among them. How come the same holds true when comparing different income strata?

>> No.11196851

I don't know if they "bred" them... There sure was a lot of mixed kids with half slave half slave owner heritage though... The American society have always let people live in whatever conditions they inherited, so that of course have made prejudice harder to fight.
The refugees coming to Europe from the Middle East now aren't either the "top of the cream" so a lot of intervention will be needed to keep a productive future for these people if they can't return... And because of that Europe can't offer the best paid offers for individuals and companies, they are totally dependant on the countries of origin to help take responsibility when the situations stabilize.
Demographics ain't easy!

>> No.11196861

>the Middle East now aren't either the "top of the cream"
I don't think you know a damn thing about the Middle East. Syrians were pretty well-educated... Plenty of engineers, doctors, etc who fled the conflict, especially compared to African conflicts. I'd rather have a randomly selected Syrian than a randomly selected American sent to my country.

>> No.11196866

>what is your motivation for focusing on it to begin with?
My motivation is all the people explaining that whites are responsible for everything bad that ever happens to non-whites.
For example >>11196766
Makes me want to look into non-whites' own responsibilities and shortcomings.
But even when they murder each other in their own spaces there's always people who blame it on us. Genetics is one thing they can't say is whitey's fault.

>> No.11196887

>My motivation is all the people explaining that whites are responsible for everything bad that ever happens to non-whites.
So you frame your mindset in complete relation to a different and retarded point of view (which you of course exaggerate), instead of forming intellectually honest ideas that are not fundamentally rooted in your own grievances and identity? you don't sound like a very intellectual person.

>Makes me want to look into non-whites' own responsibilities and shortcomings.
That anon wasn't completely wrong, even if it was a distorted point of view. Slave merchants separated families, and slave owners went to great lengths to prevent literacy among their slaves. None of this is particularly surprising or unexpected.

>Genetics is one thing they can't say is whitey's fault.
But anon, just from your post, I can tell you were not blessed with the good white genes. Why are you trying to piggyback on the accomplishments and intelligence of much smarter people than you, simply because you share an ethnic/racial background?

>> No.11196894

>comments in which he said race and intelligence are connected.
Shit reporting. He said the IQ gap is due to genetics (a lie), and that we should treat Africans as if they're intellectually inferior (not science).

>> No.11196916

>Plenty of engineers, doctors, etc
That's myths. And they still hit quite a wall in such a totally different culture as Europe is to Middle East. Just look at the wave of crime and sexual harassment sweeping through Germany:
It's difficult for a democratic society to deal with this, and it's borderline non-democratic to hide the facts because the fear of anti-immigrant agenda to gain momentum greater than necessary.

People should be able to live in peace with people like themselves, big men are playing with lives for reasons ordinary people can't grasp. It's sick. Even intelligent people can't make sense of half-truths.

>> No.11196923

>But they categorically deny every possible biological cause for that gap
I mean, there is yet to be a biological cause to deny...

>> No.11196924

Link to Watson's paper on his findings? I've been searching but I can't find it, all I can find are informal handwaving

>> No.11196929

>He said the IQ gap is due to genetics (a lie)

so you think it's 100% environmental? give a figure if not

>> No.11196937

>Just look at the wave of crime and sexual harassment sweeping through Germany
I live in Germany. We have less crime than UK or America. Obviously the non-integration of immigrant areas is a bad thing, but you have to be just an absolutely pathetic and weak little cuck to genuinely be driven by so much fear over such little danger... Infinitely more good German men were sent to die and more German women allowed to be raped by invading white armies in the 19th/20th centuries, yet that's the past I'm supposed to look back to with any nostalgia? Weak, weak shit.

>People should be able to live in peace with people like themselves
Europe has basically never done this. We've been fighting each other and ourselves for millenia. You have a moronic and childish understanding of history.

>> No.11196946

Never claimed that. Learn2logic
His claim is a lie unfounded by science. An accurate statement (something a scientist should be able to do) is "there is a possibility that the gap is partly due to genetic factors, but that is not proven."

But he literally said "it is genetic."

>> No.11196955

Maybe blacks just care less about school?

>> No.11196959

>An accurate statement (something a scientist should be able to do) is "there is a possibility that the gap is partly due to genetic factors, but that is not proven."
It's even worse than that. It should be "while a gap might include genetic factors, disentangling the genetic and environmental causes is epistemically impossible that one must look with great suspicion at the motivations of those who are most animated by such an unknowable and morally slippery question"

>> No.11196962

Eh, I don't care about that.

>> No.11196973

you should because my point was that "proven" is literally impossible. You cannot hold laboratory conditions to disentangle variables. There is no "proving" possible to even use as a requirement. The moral aspect is simply the next step in analyzing the debate once you realize that the scientific method is not even appropriate.

>> No.11196974

And why would that be? Could it be because they're stupid? I think so.

>> No.11196975

You are avoiding the point of it being non-democratic to censor news and statistics, putting the lid on women's and children's safety to accommodate a few percent of educated people isn't the kind hearted thing to do - IT'S LITERALLY BETRAYAL OF THE PEOPLE.

We don't want to compare ourselves with any other shithole, we want to get the truth about our society and the respect of accepting people in need of protection. There won't be any better place to flee to, or worth defending, otherwise.

>> No.11196989
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>People should be able to live in peace with people like themselves
Read a book, nigger


>> No.11196994

>Why are you trying to piggyback on the accomplishments and intelligence of much smarter people than you, simply because you share an ethnic/racial background?
Where the fuck did that come from ? What became of forming intellectually honest ideas not fundamentally rooted in your own grievances ?
You got pissed and now you insult me and make a strawman of me, and you talk like you're better ? You're making a fool of yourself anon.

Yes, my mindset is framed by my environment and my feelings. Just like yours, except that I'm frank about it. I looked into this because I want to defend myself; you look the other way to feel morally and intellectually superior.
But my motivation and my ideas are different things. If there was no solid evidence of a genetic origin of the intelligence gap between populations I would not defend it.

>> No.11196995

>You are avoiding the point of it being non-democratic to censor news and statistics

you fucking moron, you can easily access more information on the internet than was ever possible from all the controlled media in previous eras. Censorship is significantly lower and less effective now than in any other period of human history. Stop being such a pathetic little shit, desperately trying to feel aggrieved and attacked.

>we want to get the truth about our society
Truth is your a weak faggot who cowers in fear over some halfwit muslims who are less dangerous than the average American. Mate, we fought wars and dug trenches among poison gases not long ago. Actual danger. Get a fucking backbone and some perspective.

>> No.11196998

I don't care about any of that for the sake of this argument. I have my own opinions on the whole concept and the morals surrounding these things. There's no point in bringing any of that up. Logic wins in the end, and the IQ gap isn't explained by genetics, so that is the end of the story. Let them try to prove the unprovable, whatever.

>> No.11197013

>muslims who are less dangerous than the average American
Only because the average american is 13% black.

>> No.11197014

>you look the other way to feel morally and intellectually superior.
Or because I am.

>Where the fuck did that come from ?
Retarded stuff like:
>I looked into this because I want to defend myself
Genetic causes of intelligence gap at a very large aggregate level don't say much at all at the individual level. It doesn't take getting pissed, it's a fairly straightforward observation. You can't defend yourself or your intelligence by grasping at the accomplishments of smarter people who, among many other differences, happen to share a racial heritage. You stand on your own merits, not the merits of others.

>> No.11197016

You are literally white-knighting rape, murder, robbery and the unrest that follows it with a "historical perspective"?!
Vote to send the criminals back to fight where they came from, let present day peaceful Europe remain peaceful and accommodative for people in need.

Fuck you you cuck traitor. Your weakness are putting it ALL on the line, just like it have went to far in past. Germany is a shitty leader for Europe and have always been.

>> No.11197039

>Or because I am.
Keep telling yourself that champ. If it makes you feel good that means it's true.
>grasping at the accomplishments of smarter people who, among many other differences, happen to share a racial heritage. You stand on your own merits, not the merits of others.
Keep teling yourself that too. I'm not myself, I'm the mean dumb racist of your dreams : no matter what I say or don't say, your prepackaged retorts hit true and make you win. Do you even need me to reply actually ? Or can you just pretend, like you pretend I wrote something else than I did ?

>> No.11197044

you must understand, europe need the unrest to not become too comfortable lol
the police needs someone to arrest, prisons must be overfilled to become privatized and profitable
the muslims are just a little bumb on the road, don't worry it's not like they have have stolen anyone's land in the past lol you are tough like barbarians! you'll manage! lol

>> No.11197047

>Logic wins in the end, and the IQ gap isn't explained by genetics, so that is the end of the story

>staking this position in a time of revolutions in genomics

even david reich couldn't in good faith resist the writing on the wall. when growth mindset fails, when billions of dollars into anti-racist education reform efforts still result in the typical ashkenazim > east asian > white >hispanic > black rankings, when scarr rowe effects don't hold up, when stereotype threat is dead in the water...you have to have some balls to say the discussion is over because the gap is clearly environmental

>> No.11197050

>I'm the mean dumb racist of your dreams
being a racist isn't that big of a problem, being dumb is.

You don't defend yourself by emphasizing the accomplishments/intelligence of other white people. You just don't, for much the same reason you're not responsible for the actions of other white people in history.

>Or can you just pretend, like you pretend I wrote something else than I did ?
I quoted you and replied to that quote.

>> No.11197075

You quoted something and pretended it meant something else entirely.

>You don't defend yourself by emphasizing the accomplishments/intelligence of other white people.
Indeed I don't, and I never did.
I defend myself against accusations that black people's failures to attain average educational and economic success are my racial group's fault by pointing out that their average intellectual abilities are lower because of genetics.

>> No.11197134

Nvm my reply, I don't even know what you're talking a out actually

>> No.11197277

Spoken like a true academic. Shit now is as bad as it was in the 17th century, just a different religion.

>> No.11197283

you can start here


>> No.11197344

Tell me your beliefs

>> No.11197913

>You are literally white-knighting rape, murder, robbery and the unrest that follows it with a "historical perspective"?!
watching you is funny because you don't even understand the argument, you're just blindly pushing your agenda without following the discussion
obviously his point is your "peaceful Europe" has never actually existed, if there weren't shitskins to fight against, you'd be fighting against each other for the 12039481th time

>> No.11197917
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>I'm the mean dumb racist of your dreams
you're just a dumb racist
don't be science denier, now

>> No.11198246

So this is what explains why blacks are so racist.

>> No.11198327
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>> No.11198336

this issue is not jewish intelligence it's the personality traits that have been selected for, and the cultural traits learned from sources such as the talmud, including ruthlessness, immorality and extreme ethnocentrism. jewish supremacists are quite real.

>> No.11198352

Your picture implies that both complaints are justified, or neither of them. Which is it for you ?

>> No.11198417

>A liberal-left geneticist whose findings are easily decontextualized and hijacked by mongoloid bbq racists.

"Oh the seams of the Cathedral are BURGEONING!"

>> No.11198453


>At LeAsT mY cOuNtRy OnLy BuTcHeRs FoReIgNeRs

Assuming you are a burger, ofc, in which case a much higher portion of your country's population, than the portion of China's that is Uyghur - both free and imprisoned - is currently doing stints of forced labour, inbetween jail time, mostly for crimes related to battling addiction and poverty.

I sure hope you aren't trying to throw rocks from your glass house, anon.

>> No.11198510

>We don't know if it is due to genetics
it is very easy to measure the impacts of environmental and genetic factors. Especially with the ridiculously high sample sizes of 23me or however it’s called.

>> No.11198516

>Fucking Rwanda is able to do the same
come on they have an average age of like 25? Almost all their population is in working age.

>> No.11198518

very small

>> No.11198537

>despite thousands of years of divergence
Thousands of years is a really short time from an evolutionnary standpoint. And anyway, other species of the homo genus also showed signs of religious beliefs so it's not something that is going away in a mere thousands of years. Also why would we have trouble learning each other languages?

>> No.11198561

>show me that proof that exist of the holocaust
Why? Just so you can dismiss them as false proofs made by jews? There are ample evidence such as mass graves all over eastern Europe in the areas where the Einsatzgruppen operated.

>> No.11198566

Humans are about 5 generations a century on average. so 50 per milenia
though age at first birth will vary between groups
Humans evolve slowly. unlike fruit flies.

>> No.11198567

First things first we need to establish how intelligence happens then we can determine whether humans can have varying intelligence based on geography.

>> No.11198582

ignore intelligence and instead focus on the underlying General factor of cognitive ability.

>> No.11198602

>Why do they assume they are the high IQ individuals of their race

Have you ever walked into a Walmart and took a look around? It's not difficult to imagine that you're more intelligent than others if you're a graduate in a STEM field, which most posters here are.

>> No.11198609

Always wondered but what fields count as part of stem below science, technology, engineering, and mathematics? Agriculture & forestry? Psychology & Anthropology?

>> No.11198707

Should we have doubted that humans can have varying skin tones until we understood how melanin works ?

>> No.11198739

>watching you is funny because you don't even understand the argument
Immigration crime has been censored in almost every major European news outlet and the ones reporting about it were called out as spreading racist propaganda.
The truth about the statistics is coming out now and the excuses are of course being worked on now. It's a really shitty situation in the EU and it's all playing out under the table. Connecting the dots with previous statements about Soros NGO's (by Nigel Farage) and the percentage of asylum applications rejected in FINLAND (the farthest EU country), faked mystery illnesses among refugees suddenly being cured when their application got accepted, etc etc paints a pretty clear picture: this is human trafficking on a massive scale supported by the tax payers because they are lied to.
We are dangerously close to a tipping point and it's all because of early clarity in these questions were deemed "POLITICALLY INCORRECT".

>> No.11198795

>they don't
>backwater african country has one of the largest economies in the world

>> No.11198819
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Just leaving it here.

>> No.11198826

>any gene that is different between whites and blacks can he used to explain differences in educational outcomes
Come on dude...

>> No.11198867

War is coming...

>> No.11198871

Why is rs7963801 so high? Possible Neanderthal gene?

>> No.11198922

Reminder that Europeans and West Eurasians as a whole have less Neanderthal genes than Melanesians.

>> No.11199031

doesn't really change the question since the dataset was apparently only comparing Euro vs SSA if it were higher in asians or others we'd have a better idea, it's just it so high compared to african rates

>> No.11199046


>> No.11199131
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Cool, so what does it have to do with science?

>> No.11199149

>Saying bad things that elite jews actually did is the same as hating the jews. (or antisemitism, since jews need a special word for racism against them)

>> No.11199267

fractional reserve banking is a con game

>> No.11199268

>Thousands of years is a really short time from an evolutionnary standpoint
And yet it is sufficient for divergences to form: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/23/opinion/sunday/genetics-race.html

>> No.11199488

Nobody in here knows anything about genetics whatsoever, it's litteraly like reading a thread entirely written by high schoolers who just went on /pol/ for the first time

>> No.11199494

Point out some inaccuracies

>> No.11199504

>Science says
Science doesn't say anything about anything, science is an axiomatic set of laws

>> No.11199506

The study of human evolution =/= racism, you moron.

>> No.11199546

>So what would /pol/ even do with the information
In an ideal world we would send all non-whites in America to labor camps (or deport them to their country of origin) because they lack the intelligence and civility to integrate with us.

>> No.11199783
File: 347 KB, 1196x807, lower_cognitive_ability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also explains why conservatives and neo-nazi untermensch are so dumb.

>> No.11199812

>citing social science paper

>> No.11199825

literally seething

>> No.11199834
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>>citing social science paper

>> No.11199838

how pray tell did these "scientists" and since they're social scientists I use the term very loosely, establish controls and account for environmentally influenced bias?

>> No.11199840

The same way they do for race and IQ

>> No.11199842

All hail the asian super race and their superior intelligence \o/

>> No.11199858

Fuck poor people and niggers, fuck yeah my parents are rich so I'm smart too

>> No.11199867

This obviously proves that China will be superior to USA in a few years, and that the asian race is truly superior.

>> No.11199897

wealth =/= IQ

>> No.11199901
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>fuck yeah my parents are rich so I'm smart too

>> No.11199915


>> No.11199916


>> No.11199943
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>psychology stops being science the moment I don't like the results

>> No.11199955

This kind of shit is why nobody actually takes social studies serious

>> No.11199960

IQ correlates strongly with income not that strongly with wealth.

>> No.11199965


it's just because lower IQ people are more honest

>> No.11199974
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>> No.11200787

shut it down

>> No.11201040

Science in inherently truthful. "scientific racism" is just your way of saying the truth is racist.

>> No.11201062 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11201064

Why do you people have to make up these ridiculous conversations and then pretend it's something anybody has ever said?

>> No.11201070
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>Second, we test “who shows intergroup bias?” and find that people with both relatively higher and lower levels of cognitive ability show approximately equal levels of intergroup bias

Looks like your mental masturbation session is over anon.

>> No.11201077
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>Why should there be a psychological divergence?

despite all propaganda to the contrary, genes determine behaviour.

>> No.11201084

You're right, and what should we do now that we know this?

>> No.11201088

We have to commit genocide against brown people and establish white ethnostate. That's the only logical outcome of this.

>> No.11201101

Yes, let's do it. Wipe out all the niggers making our country stupid, because every nigger is stupid and every asian man is intelligent.

>> No.11201106

there's nothing to do that people aren't already doing. if you will just leave people alone, they will naturally self-segregate to be around people whose values more naturally reflect their own. i don't like violence, so i naturally self-segregate to be around more like-minded people.

>> No.11201112

Couldn't agree more fellow white supremacist.

>> No.11201171

I'm not a white supremacist you piece of shit, whites and niggers are both the underraces it's what you people call asians that are superior, I vote for wiping put all whites and niggers.

>> No.11201214

Anglo Saxon whites have higher IQs and lower crime rates than Germany you Euro-peasant.

>> No.11201220

We have genetic engineering now Hitler. We don't have to kill anyone.

>> No.11201260

Equal in dignity, not equal in attributes

>> No.11201289

Because different environments have different selection pressures, on top of founder effects, genetic drift, and archaic hominid admixture.

>> No.11201291

you niggas need to have sex

>> No.11201294

Affirmative action

>> No.11201303

Do you people actually have this much of an inferiority complex that you dream about this sort of bullshit and then discuss it on 4chan, feeling like members of an elite and sublime society, while actually nobody gives a shit about your opinion and it will never really leave the frame of your browser?

>> No.11201310

>it will never really leave the frame of your browser?
So white supremacy and racism aren't major issues IRL?

>> No.11201316

"white supremacy" doesn't even exist anymore

>> No.11201322

I'm not talking about white supremacists, I'm talking about you people discussing "studies", if you actually did something about your opinion and were a white supremacist you wouldn't be discussing it on 4chan you would go out and crack some skulls, burn houses

>> No.11201328

"I'm not white I'm ******" supremacy is very real though.

>> No.11201331

That's it I'm leaving 4chan, you people are a bunch of losers.

>> No.11201338
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>Race and IQ

End of discussion.

>> No.11201439

It was posted already here >>11198819

>> No.11201482

>any gene that is different between whites and blacks can be used to explain differences in educational outcomes
Come on dude...

>> No.11201495

Not "any gene" but genes associated with intelligence

>> No.11201617
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>he didn't even read the paper
wait till you see which "sets of groups" they're talking about

>> No.11201623

How are these associated with intelligence and not simply correlated?
>retina genes cause a change in intelligence
>brain stem genes cause a change in intelligence
Right... Even if the gene is associated with the cerebral cortex, we don't know if it affects intelligence, or how. All those genes higher in blacks may cause an increase in IQ, yet blacks still attain lower educational attainment do to environment. That's not my claim, that's just pointing out how none of this is conclusive on anything. It's all vague (and insidious) implications.

>> No.11201636
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>...the African pan-genome contains ~10% more DNA than the current human reference genome.
>The lack of diversity in the reference genome poses many challenges when analyzing individuals whose genetic background does not match the reference.

>Lee et al. (2018) analyzed the association between EDU PGS and years of education in an older African American sample. Given their use of all SNPs regardless of significance, it is not surprising that the cross-ethnic validity of their scores was drastically reduced.
>In fact, it is well known that polygenic scores perform better in European populations, and prediction accuracy is reduced by approximately 2 to 5 fold in East Asian and African American populations, respectively.

GWAS can't even predict population average height properly. Pic related.
Also fails at predicting schizophrenia and t2 diabetes incidence.
Notice that it's weak at predicting anything we can strongly define and reliably measure.

But since all known measures of intelligence are confounded, anyone can just torture the data until it confesses.
Phrenology-tier """"science""""

>> No.11201652

Yeah I saw what those groups are. What is your point? That being prejudiced against christians, conservatives and working class is better than against brown people, illegals and atheists? Is this the hill you want to die on?

>> No.11202426

Do asians have a sub-class or is the anomaly (crossing) caused by the pacific islanders?

>> No.11202429

south asians and north east asians differ greatly

>> No.11202801



Why does this post always get made.
The research has been done already. The genetic differences between all humans is almost neglible. If there was a significant difference in intellegence due to genetics it would have been found already because the miniscule difference between the races

>> No.11202816
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>> No.11202839

>The genetic differences between all humans is almost neglible.
Magnitude makes 0 statistical difference, all that matters is with respect to standard deviation. It doesn't make a single difference to the IQ discussion that we have similar genes for muscle growth.
> If there was a significant difference in intelligence due to genetics it would have been found already
Youre dramatically overestimating the knowledge of DNA we currently possess. Also >>11201338

>> No.11202840


>> No.11202843

We've thoroughly debunked that image already

>> No.11202853

no you haven't
people have highlighted one or two potential flaws with interpretation and issues with genome sample size but nothing was debunked

>> No.11202860

Are you saying the gene frequency shown in that image isn't accurate?

>> No.11202953

>cuck get called out
>stops replying
so as I was saying fuck niggers.

>> No.11203012
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>this paper contradicts those papers
How embarrassing. Your paper is actually cited as supportive research by the paper in the first post you quoted.

If you actually read it you'll see it doesn't actually help your case.

From its discussion:
>The results do not negate conclusions from previous research (e.g., Hodson & Busseri, 2012; Onraet et al., 2015), but rather replicate and extend the original findings. The results are supportive of claims that cognitive ability predicts prejudice and that socially conservative views are a mediator—but with the important caveat that the association between low cognitive ability and prejudice is bounded by the type of group.
>Lower cognitive ability is associated with prejudice, but only toward a specific subset of possible groups in society; toward other groups, the relationship disappears or even reverses itself.
As they clearly state, their study doesn't contradict the findings of the other papers (e.g., bigots are low IQ). Those correlations are NOT erased.
They're only saying to be careful about wholesale equating prejudice with stupidity, because other prejudices exist that aren't predicted by cognitive ability.

They conclude:
>From our perspective, the work presented here simultaneously confirms past work while expanding on it, showing that the cognitive ability–prejudice association depends on features of the target group, in particular the groups’ perceived ideology and level of choice in group membership.
Note well: "perceived ideology" and "level of choice in group membership"
This is how smart Christians and athiests justify prejudice against each other, or how the rich can be prejudiced against the working class.
Thus the presence of prejudice itself says little about cognitive ability; we must consider the context and reasons as well.
That /pol/tards and stormniggers can accept piss-poor reasoning is consistent with the correlation between low IQ and racial prejudice.

>> No.11203025

Read both posts very carefully:

>> No.11203034 [DELETED] 


>> No.11203056

mdpi is a predatory publisher.

>> No.11203076
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>That being prejudiced against christians, conservatives and working class is better than against brown people, illegals and atheists?
If we define "better" as "less correlated with low cognitive ability", then that's EXACTLY what your paper is saying.
Thanks for removing any doubt that you're a larping /pol/tard.

Just FYI, here's how you're supposed to use a paper:
1) read the paper
2) think about what you read
3) talk about the paper
You have to do these in order. You aren't allowed to skip straight to step 3.

>> No.11203086

the first post literally rebuts the second argument in>>11202801. If the impact on intelligence is inconclusive then to claim it "would have been found already" is nonsensical as clearly there isnt a complete perfect understanding of humans yet (duh). Positive correlations are, at minimum, a far cry from "not being found yet" so even then the post was retarded. Furthermore, debunked is not synonymous with inconclusive. No matter how you spin it, nothing has been debunked and imperfect current evidence does not default to no link whatsoever.
As for
>all known measures of intelligence are confounded
this is simply not true. The repeatability of IQ tests are excellent. The post circumvents discussion of IQ with a minor brush off at the end supported by no evidence and thus carries no weight.

Try harder.

>> No.11203109

You have not addressed a single aspect of this post >>11201623
You brought up some unrelated retarded post for no reason >>11202801
And you focused on a very minor aspect of this post >>11201636

Start again with this one >>11201623

>> No.11203130

>You have not addressed a single aspect of this post>>11201623
If you dont know what the word "first" means and are too illiterate to comprehend context I guess. I explicitly replied to it; it in no way debunks shit. The correlation stands as is and causation may be ambiguous, not debunked.

>> No.11203138
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They made the list for a little while, true. Doesn't mean that paper is necessarily bad, but whatever, disregard that portion of the post.
The other two works are already more than enough reason to question GWAS """intelligence""" studies.

The LARP's logic is "(a) these genes are necessarily correlated with IQ in all races, and (b) IQ is chiefly correlated with intelligence, so (c) these genes are correlated with intelligence."
(a) is dubious, considering GWAS fails on many simple predictions;
(b) is controversial at best, but even if it were true,
it turns out the conclusion (c) doesn't hold anyways. Pic related.

I can repeatedly hose down my front lawn and it gets wet every single time. That doesn't say anything about whether my test for whether it rained last night is valid. The issue is how poorly IQ correlates with intelligence in the first place.
Besides, that's not even the main thrust of the post.
The point is GWAS can't even properly predict something as simple as height. You should be skeptical that it can predict something as ill-defined and complicated as intelligence.

>> No.11203146

>mdpi predatory publisher

>> No.11203162

>The correlation stands as is and causation may be ambiguous, not debunked.
But the image says that the below evidence proves causation. It doesn't, so the image is debunked. I also wonder why it gets posted over and over if it is known that the causation is only "ambiguous" and not at all conclusive of anything.

>> No.11203292

>(a) is dubious, considering GWAS fails on many simple predictions;
show its failure on IQ predictions then. It shouldn't be hard, no? Surely its been done by this point considering the wide application of IQ. Also calling height simple is pretty laughable, physical development of any part of the body is going to be deeply complex.
>(b) is controversial at best, but even if it were true
The IQ controversy is not statistically substantiated. Its rooted in people protesting the concept of quantifiable intelligence period. IQ's correlation with practical results is well documented and continuing to protest it is disingenuous. Frankly even trying to established another "intelligence" is disingenuous as it would be nebulous at best.
>transitive property doesn't always hold
even in the example the bounds are positive bias. But that doesn't matter in this scenario anyway as positive correlations between race as a variety of social, economic and academic outcomes are similarly well documented.

>The issue is how poorly IQ correlates with intelligence in the first place.
Whatever this new definition of "intelligence" youre trying to push is, its not statistically grounded. Spare me the time if youre going to push some nonsense like emotional intelligence to obfuscate the discussion.

Unsubstantiated=/=Debunked. Furthermore, neither I, nor you, nor all but maybe 1 person on this board is ready to substantiate or debunk the influence of any given gene on intelligence.

>> No.11203411

People say those exact words constantly on this website.

>> No.11203431

>Furthermore, neither I, nor you, nor all but maybe 1 person on this board is ready to substantiate or debunk the influence of any given gene on intelligence.
Yet, we will keep seeing that image spammed, despite it's claims being unsubstantiated, and it implying otherwise. The image literally says that correlation equals causation.... Why defend this? It's not science. It's propaganda.

>> No.11203500

I think low IQ people and high IQ people become racist for different reasons though. Low IQ people typically become racist because they cant control the caveman impulse to automatically assume people who look different from themselves are a threat. High IQ people typically become racist due to being exposed to statistics and data on average racial differences which they go onto assume is both 1. Entirely or almost entirely caused by biology and 2. Applicable to every member of the race(s) in question.

>> No.11203533

>All men are created equal
I think you misunderstand that phrase.

>> No.11203710

This paper is irrelevant in reference to today's political sphere. 2012's "liberals" and "conservatives" are a vastly different group of people than who would describe themselves as those labels in 2019-2020, not to mention the vast ideological differences the groups/labels have tied with them as compared to 2012, where most people in those groups believed largely the same things, with some point of view differences rather than different logic or goals as is the case today.

>> No.11203906

>there's not some race where skin doesn't scar when cut, there's not some race where muscles don't work by electrical impulses, etc.
What a truly stupid statement. All animals have skin that scars when cut and all muscles work by electrical impulses. By your logic a dog a mice and a homo sapiens all have the same intelligence since they all have 4 limbs a brain a heart and a liver. You are the definition of an idiot. A pleb who society decided should learn to read and write through government funded schools, but no amount of education will ever teach you to think.
The genetic difference between a chimp and a human is miniscule compared to the similarities, perhaps chimps just need better education and they can become nuclear physicists. Idiot.

>> No.11204014

Dude, the people who come post this shit are /pol/tards who probably didn't even finish high school.
They're the walmart people you're talking about.

>> No.11204022

>completely misses the entire argument
I wouldn't expect less from a /pol/tard, but at least learn to read.
If you truly wanted to test intelligence's you would need a controlled environment spanning generations, something that is not possible.
Predictability means nothing when we're taking populations and ignoring factors that may lead to differences in the populations. You're predicting the differences, not why the differences exist. Get that through your head /pol/tard

>> No.11204041

>disease immunizes
Idk OP are you black?

>> No.11204046

Holy shit. South Africa was in the top 20 biggest economies in the early 2000s and now Nigeria actually surpassed them.

I'm actually surprised with how well Africa is doing. They are going to boom like China did next decade.

The 2020s and 2030s will be known as the African decades as these nations quickly industrialize and take an international role.

>> No.11204062

>If you truly wanted to test intelligence's you would need a controlled environment spanning generations, something that is not possible.

Nigger Nigger on the wall
Who are the dumbest humans of them all?
The australian aboriginals
Are our guilty criminals
But at a second place
Comes the nigger race

>> No.11204064

Different races have different ear shapes, and you think the most complicated organ will have no divergence?

>> No.11204219

>If we define "better" as "less correlated with low cognitive ability",
Wtf are you talking about? Both groups showed same levels of prejudice.
>Question 2: Who Shows Intergroup Bias
>This pattern is consistent with the idea that people bothhigh and low in cognitive ability express intergroup bias.
>Figure 1C shows the absolute values of these esti-mates of intergroup bias and their 95%CIs. It is clear that thesetwo estimates are approximately the same size, and az-test con-firms this impression (z¼0.86,p¼.40).

>> No.11204229

>How embarrassing. Your paper is actually cited as supportive research by the paper in the first post you quoted.
Yeah, I know. Never claimed otherwise

>As they clearly state, their study doesn't contradict the findings of the other papers (e.g., bigots are low IQ). Those correlations are NOT erased.
Yes, I never claimed that the research showing that low IQ is associated with prejudice is invalid. I merely put it into context by showing that it isn't confined to dumb people only but that high IQ people also shown equal levels prejudice.

You completely misunderstood my post.

>> No.11204230

In your mind perhaps.

>> No.11204441
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Is that Blind Guardian?

>> No.11204444

Google Beall's List.

>> No.11204528

He has a point. You can't really have open racist ideas without having your career, and possible life, ruined, so smart people tend to hide their racism.

>> No.11204533

>asian superior
Intelligence isn't the only trait a human needs, compassion, love, strength, wisdom, cleverness. Intelligence is nothing more but the ability to learn, and memorize things faster, as well as recalling the said things. Intelligence alone without the other traits is useless. A balance of traits is needed for success.

>> No.11204538

I can't be bothered to read 300+ replies
What conclusion can we draw from this thread?

>> No.11204543

/pol/niggers are terrible at hiding their power level. I guarentee they will make another thread as soon as this one slides off the catalog.

>> No.11204548

noth sides are idiots who don't know how to read research papers and use whatever they find to support their ideology
but there are differences in behavioural traits such as intelligence and personality between isolated breeding populations at the genetic level.

>> No.11204549

>GAWS says 1+3=5 therefore he's wrong about 2+2=4.

>> No.11204554

Tour Of Alien Universes Rides Please!

Turn Australia Into A Theme Park

>> No.11204558

/pol/ is winning the science debate and /sci/ is going ballistic.

>> No.11204568

/sci/ gonna become a /pol/ backup board?

>> No.11204572

That /pol/ is brony tier

>> No.11204577

>Thinks Intelligence is single factor

>> No.11204578

Hopefully lol. After all the remaining race deniers either give up or migrate to /his/ of course.

Until then, I will just keep making race and IQ threads.

>> No.11204595

Lol at brainlets in this thread thinking this was a good use of time. Discussing something that should be clear to anyone who isn't a total retard. GG

You could have spent your time on something useful, but instead you chose this. You got played again.

>> No.11204614
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>> No.11204650
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/pol/ won, it seems.

>> No.11204663

Frankly, the debate was won ever since DNA was discovered.
The chances that the differences in intellectual abilties between human population were entirely due to the individuals' environment and not to the genes involved despite tens of thousands of years of separate evolution were obviously very low.

>> No.11204798

>I will win the troll wars! You underestimate my autism

>> No.11204816

We conclude that you're a faggot and /pol/ will never give up even after being proven wrong 1000 times over. So yeah, they win the autism war. Niggers are genetically dumb and science backs this up because correlation equals causation when we want it to.

>> No.11204839


>> No.11205310
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So /pol/ won???

>> No.11205867

That's what you'd like to believe, but in reality it's not the case the majority of the time. Though the loudest most annoying posters are usually the stupidest.

>> No.11206053

>he still doesn't get it
That's largely irrelevant.
It's not about the level of prejudice, it's about the target.
Prejudice writ large is not associated with lower cognitive ability.
RACIAL prejudice is.
Glad you understand.

>> No.11206062

>show its failure on IQ predictions then. It shouldn't be hard, no?
Not only is it not hard, it's trivial. That's why nobody's going to waste their time writing a paper about it.

>All animals have skin that scars when cut and all muscles work by electrical impulses. By your logic a dog a mice and a homo sapiens all have the same intelligence since they all have 4 limbs a brain a heart and a liver.
Nice strawman, but you forgot that a dog, mouse, and man have extremely different brains, unlike different "races" of man.

>> No.11206069

>Also calling height simple is pretty laughable
The factors that determine height are complex, but the definition of height is so simple we can directly measure it with a fucking ruler.
Mapping intelligence to IQ, on the other hand, involves weak correlations with the results of a battery of tests whose results are easily confounded by environmental factors.