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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1119019 No.1119019 [Reply] [Original]

/sci, I don't understand something here. we can all agree that schools teach students to be good employees coerce them to conform to certain standard and mainly assess on ability to remember information, rather than actual intelligence.

I don't understand why people strive so hard to get high marks in school. Hours of study (not even including asian highschools) to get into a university to study harder to get a job that "hopefully" pays well. And maybe if they're lucky they'll enjoy it. They do not assess individuality, originality, or actual intelligence. I say intelligence in reference to being able to solve problems well and think away from popular mindsets(thinking outside the box).

Now in the case of Japanese schools, we see hours of study for must students, daily, which seems to reduce hours spent doing recreational things or exposure to sources that will actually augment their intelligence. We see adolescence, a time of rapid brain development, squandered on rope learning and memorization. I would say that I've developed in a way that has put my matters of interests several years ahead of my peers, and my future planning and personal discipline allows me to learn about my well thought out chosen career path.

Now I don't want to come out as a lowachieverfag here, but all I see when I achieve a high mark in class, is me doing a whole lot of study for something I probably wont use for a while, resulting in me forgetting it.

Brings me to the conclusion that our schools systems are industrial era, the teaching is styled for the industrial era, and we need to enhance individual intelligence while brain development is at its peak to bring humankind into a new era of technological advancement. Schools are making carbon copied robots. Uni's aren't helping either.

>> No.1119041
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>rope learning

>> No.1119046

Got to be someone who disputes this here

>> No.1119078


>> No.1119089

Sorobon training alone makes Japanese children god tier

>> No.1119101

the exams are purely so that employers can distinguish between who is good and who is bad without having to know the subject themselves.

I completely agree with you OP, except for the part on universities as they allow far more freedom in terms of how you study and learn. Alot if your problems with education depend very much on your teacher and your classmates.

If you have average intelligence classmates then the teacher is forced to teach by the book as otherwise the class wil fail. High intelligence classmates allow the teacher to go off topic without worrying about how the students will fail because of the lessening amount of curriculum.

It's all to do with efficiency. It doesn't work for the individual but overall it works best. Exams would be far more effective if it were a semi-interview situation with one examiner per pupil to test their knowledge, understandung and ability to manipulate said knowledge. Unfortunately this would cost far too much for the government so it isn't done.

>> No.1119104

japanese students derp de derp derp derp robots derp derp individuality derp lack of derp derp derpity derp robots derp derp good memory does not make you smart derp derp.

>> No.1119147

yeah. I know that I know no practical alternative except students doing what I did with finance and extending themselves out of school. without parents making them. coz that's hax.

I just think that people waste limited time of colossal brain development on things that don't matter a huge amount. I also resent the common misconception that this is the only safe way to secure a well paid job. I especially resent adult's blind mentality that school studies take far high preference over something that will actually earn you money and teach you a valuable skill(running a stock portfolio)

>> No.1119206

I would have thought most teachers would agree with you but what solution would you suggest?
Plus we are advancing technologically faster than ever before, in the last decade we advanced more than in the last 50 years before that (comparatively ofc) so honestly schools will advance along with the rest of humanity.
Although, countries like Finland? Have the highest IQ's in the world with a school system which promotes individuality and free thinking making them far ahead of the curve.

>> No.1119242

if you can't commit yourself to a certain task, no matter how stupid or meaningless it is, then you can't achieve anything.

all this talk with being smart and developing your true potential is bullshit because kids when let loose squander themselves. they became little parasites playing or doing nothing/doing drugs all day.

school is to train lazy individuals to disciplined people with actual skills. hopefully some of these people will be smart enough to understand what the fuck they are doing and contribute more to the society. but most people are just tools and they don't have the potential they claim they do to do it any differently.

>> No.1119309
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Yeah, in germany we had a diffrent university system over years, that allowed personal developement and fun at studiying. grades didnt matter, just to pass a big examn in the middle to go to the main study. this examn was verbal, so profs could ask in a personal way.
now we got the Bachelor/Master system here and it is really silly, you just lean stuff to write good grades, cause they count, and at the end you forget the stuff you learned, because it isnt really deep knowledge.
you learn 5 things at the same time and cant get into a subject.
people here did have an ideal of a student who learn for live, who can visit other classes etc.
but the new system is just breeding spinelss idiots who try to be best and will do everything they are told to do. not to mention the loss of creativity, that made germany so big.
it is sad really, we will see how it turns out though.
i try to relax more and visit other courses to learn to think outside the box more.

then the grades, they dont tell anything about what you know or can do. i got an A in maths, and i totally suck a it and i alsways sucked at maths.
i just learned the 6 types of calculations (differentials, integrals, linear systems, matrices, complex numbers etc.) , and now i can work with those, but that doesnt mean that i am good at maths. and my total maths understanding is zero.
same with other subjects and people, tests cant tell you if people understood a subject, they just tell you who can memorize best and get used to the types of questions in tests.

generally i am disappointed in the new system.
most people i know studied with the old system and they just had to pass tests with a D, but all of them are brilliant scientists today, who know their subjects very well and have a good overview.

>> No.1119324


oh, and of course you had the big diploma at the end of the whole study. that was the one test that counted and you did a experiment and a degree dissertation about it.
i study biology.

>> No.1121362


This is interesting, very interesting! So you are saying the old system was superior ya? Was the old system in place from the 30s through the 40s when German science was making such huge strides also? When was this system first implemented? Wow I had no idea...

>> No.1121379


Googling Sorobon right nao!

>> No.1121415

>nude beach
