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11189309 No.11189309 [Reply] [Original]

can u guess a person average IQ by just looking at their faces?

dunno why, but I've come to the conclusion high IQ has predator looks, while low IQ has prey faces.

you can see high IQ people has looks that they seem angry or they seem maquinating some mischievolous plan to do some evil shit, while low IQ people tend to have dull or just faces that seem more inocent and benign.

>> No.11189313

Yes, and there are a lot of factors than just what you’re describing. I wouldn’t be able to write them all down or describe them properly. But I can usually tell just by looking at someone’s face, and especially from observing their behavior, how intelligent they are. And I think this ability to recognize intelligence is easier the more intelligent you are. Sort of like Nen in HxH

>> No.11189314

>I've come to the conclusion high IQ has predator looks, while low IQ has prey faces.
I've experienced exactly the opposite

>> No.11189338

Yeah, ive never misjudged a persons intelligence from their looks ever in my life.
Although I believe op is wrong, I cant pinpoint exactly what makes a person seem low or high intelligence. And its definitely not some predator-prey thing.

>Like nen in HxH
A man of culture, hunter hunter is the best written anime ive ever seen, what a wonderful masterpiece.

>> No.11189454

Yes, if they have broad flared noses I guess 85. Long hooked noses, 110. small noses I guess 105.

>> No.11189850


>> No.11189862

There is probably a correlation, I mean there is no reason why the should not be. Someone should train a machine learning model to do this.

>> No.11190156

Does that mean girls with resting bitch face are intelligent?

>> No.11190184


This post shows me that you are a retarded brainlet.

IQ is not the only way to measure intelligence. There are several things involved. You can have a high IQ and still be a mental midget.

There is also EQ, which measures emotional intelligence as well as many other factors.

You know if someone is smart just by their facial expressions? What if they are just playing dumb to see how your inferior intellect handles it?

Yeah, you aren't too bright.

>> No.11190187


Kek... not if they are playing dumb and mocking your low intellect.

>> No.11190190


I like using my poker face and watching all of these over-confident low-IQ asshats scratch their heads.

>> No.11190208


There is this illogical assumption that "nice people" are somehow less intelligent.

In reality, being an asshole actually has several disadvantages when it comes to success.

1.) Assholes destroy their own reputations, thus limiting their career options.

2.) Assholes cannot work with others.

3.) Just about everything in life involves other people. Being an asshole causes a lack of trust and respect.

4.) Assholes obviously lack intelligence.

>> No.11190224

Well there's also the illogical assumption that it's about being nice or an asshole. You're probably referring to being dominant vs cucked.

>> No.11190228
File: 29 KB, 628x440, paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does he look like a predator

>> No.11190251


Or your "false superiority" look because you are trying to compensate for your feelings of inferiority.

>> No.11190260


Yes because most "predator" faces are just facades for the lack of confidence.

>> No.11190270


Well, I certainly consider you as inferior, but I wouldn't be an asshole about. I would just sit back and watch you destroy yourself with all of these false assumptions.

>> No.11190273

Both of you got triggered. How ironic.

>> No.11190278


>> No.11190454

I am psychologist and I do believe that you can get estimate of someone IQ just based on their looks. It is not 100% accurate but it is good rule of the thumb. Also there were studies done that people are generally able to asses someones IQ just by having a short interactions with them or observing them interacting. If I remember correctly listening the way someone speaks is best predictor.

>> No.11190459

>Calling someone a brainlet
>Believing in EQ

>> No.11190604

>Cognitive Bias: The Thread

>> No.11190633

They are both losers with confidence issues.

>> No.11190640

I've got 135 IQ and I'd like to say I look pretty friendly
Although I don't really believe in IQ being especially accurate. From what I understand, it's just pattern recognition and not intelligence.

>> No.11190642


how do you infer intelligence form speech?

>> No.11190645

is a skill, more intelligent people have better rethoric, oratory, vocabulary, more complex sentences, faster when they talk, don't hesitate.

dumber people talk closer to children.

>> No.11190650

Are linguistics majors high IQ?

>> No.11190655

I think college people have high IQ.

don't think anyone with low IQ can enter college.

by low IQ I mean someone with 85-90 IQ.

>> No.11190657

Ah.. I don't believe this. My speech is nonsensical for the most part, and either really fast or really slow
I'm not dumb, either.

>> No.11190659

yeah, but you still can think of complex sentences.

I've seen some blacks and they can't even talk with sentences longer than 5 words.

>> No.11190661

Thanks for the reassurance

>> No.11190736

>another IQ thread

>> No.11190749


>> No.11190966

>Emotional intelligence
Jesus christ kill yourself

>> No.11190985
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11191024

well intelligent people tend to be more articulate and have richer vocabulary. These things are not directly connected with intelligence but they are in high correlation.

>> No.11191033

That face shape difference at least in men who are otherwise the same looking is usually differences in T

>> No.11191037

does T influences IQ?

>> No.11191039

>cs tard

>> No.11191042

I have an iq of 151 and I have extreme resting bitch face

>> No.11191047

I don’t know but I’m sure you could find some research somewhere. If I had to guess any increase in T in the normal range would have a spurious correlation at best. But low T hampers a lot of things probably to some extent iq

>> No.11191055
File: 56 KB, 506x550, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nine eleven hijackers. based on what op said, the brain of the operation (on the ground) would be the guy on the top left, which was the case.

>> No.11191091

What are you talking about, the first guy on the 3rd row has such and intense look that I feel like he will come through the screen while the one on the top left looks just stupid.

>> No.11191093

Also the 3rd on the second row.

>> No.11191118

High IQ humans have resting angry faces because they're painfully aware of human nature.

>> No.11191207
File: 7 KB, 194x259, Scary Tao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no Terence looks like such a predator that he might annihilate me with his Green-Tao theorem

>> No.11191237

Probably not so much from a still image of a face, because different angles alone can make a huge difference and some are just unfortunate in looks.
However, I can't help but think that bimbos with 2kg of make up stuck to their face are superficial idiots who probably fall for any scam. Some other looks trigger the same thoughts. But as the other anon said, you can probably guess someone's intelligence from just a few actions.

>> No.11191244

focused/intelligent look != mongoloid schizo intense look
are u ab retarfs

>> No.11192109

This is bait

>> No.11192271

No that just shows you have strong cognitive bias. Now there ways to tell if someone is a crazy or not crazy from facial features but, its not 100% and has to do with eye tracking.

Congrats for being the only person in this thread with a sign of intelligence and knowing IQ is a narrow measurement for intelligenc.

Verbal intelligence is the most common way normies dictate someone being smart. So if you want to fool people you can practice articulation but, for someone to be accurately determined as intelligent they would need to be tested in a variety of context including athletics.

Now watch the retard sponges , rage and refute a proven fact that they can't comprehend from having low quality one function brains.

>> No.11192306

mast you dumb faggot

>> No.11192350

Bullshit. The smartest people i've ever met were escentric nervous talking pale dudes

>> No.11192354
File: 3.21 MB, 4608x3456, 20191201_155920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess my iq off my face, I'll let you know my actual iq after

>> No.11192512


>> No.11192579


>> No.11192585


>> No.11192795

Thanks for your service!

>> No.11192797

127, was going to pick 132 to be generous

>> No.11192814
File: 63 KB, 1125x1125, 1566872862171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun to watch all these complexes gather together in one thread! I'm proud to be a fucking idiot. People expect a lot less of you, which gives you more time to enjoy your life.

>> No.11192829

I'm actually really high IQ with a "professionally administered" test, ie the school counselor. My brother, eight years younger also managed a 133 despite being behind in Math and school in general and graduated with a D/C average. Neither of us are deemed as intelligent initially but those around myself find out pretty quickly, but for my brother he works on a factory line and even our parents have low expectation. My mom at Turkey day even said it's good work for him... He has slurred/slow speech which doesn't help. I don't believe I can accurately diagnose IQ off of someone's face or even speech.

>> No.11193460
File: 718 KB, 1200x1200, piginablanket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

131, congrats on being the closest >>11192797

>> No.11193522

I could detect such a thing

>> No.11193526
File: 661 KB, 1199x1683, 4E13C1E2-175A-43B0-9EE8-884CB2FF7019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, now everyone guess the IQ of this guy

>> No.11193533

oh ok so 101

>> No.11193552
File: 32 KB, 320x400, 44204223_310821382974762_7884926152353412172_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11193563

watch kids play sports and you can see clearly how some are intelligent while others have no idea what’s going on

>> No.11193571


Smart people can talk in any way and simplify to whatever level so that they sound intelligible to their target audience. They can make complex things look simple. They don't get stuck making a point, and they can keep data and arguments that help them in making that point organized in their minds.

Dumb or less smart people fail more at putting complex things simply. They get stuck trying to make their points, and in general their audience has to think too much trying to understand what they mean. Unlike smart people, this group cannot move up or down the eloquency scale at will. They need to stay in the frame they're comfortable in, and they overlook important aspects of the argument they're trying to make often.

I'd say vocabulary and eloquency together are good indicators of intelligence. However, a dumb person using difficult words will sound out of place and look like a fool, while a smart man putting things simply will enlighten and entertain. A dumb person putting things simply generally doesn't manage to make a good point, or manage to explain anything at all. Those little TV segments with Richard Feynman where he explains magnetism etc are a good example of that.

>> No.11193785

you must seek the ASHKENAZI phenotype

>> No.11193787


>> No.11194073

kek, I've had a black girl walk over to me at the library I go to often and ask me why I always look so mad.

>> No.11194079

Tell me what areas of math/science do you know about? I wanna see if it matches the mouthbreather look (no offence).

>> No.11194121

I feel like this is a copypasta.

>> No.11195517

I have a high IQ and people always seem suspicious of me. Also I plan on murdering every human being on the planet except myself.

>> No.11195547


Is called halo effect you dingus