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11187669 No.11187669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are social conservatives, on average, dumber than social liberals?

>> No.11187679

Not science or math

>> No.11187680

Psychology is a science.

>> No.11187694

it takes a couple more iq points to make stuff up rather than stick with what you know

>> No.11187700
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>> No.11187709

/pol/ and IQ Thread at the same time on /sci/? Based

>> No.11187711

People dumber than average go towards conservative thinking.

That's why education is the key, it's literally the only way eradicate conservatives.

Easy step: never ever elect right wing.

>> No.11187716

If biological factors strongly predict one's political position then it might be impossible to create a society where most people share the same political views without utilizing genetic engineering.
IQ is just one variable that correlates with one's political ideology. There's also one's disgust response, one's OCEAN metrics and so on.

>> No.11187720
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>he's not a "very liberal" guy who's opposed to gun control and is full /k/

>> No.11187724


because of sampling bias, social liberals tends to live in major cities

>> No.11187725

tbqh I'm not sure whether gun control factors into social liberalism.

>> No.11187726

Because higher IQ allows you to override your natural disgust instinct.

this is not inherently advantageous for a population.

>> No.11187732

This is pretty obvious and shouldn't require an explanation. The social sciences and in turn the ones that do these 'studies' are almost entirely populated by liberals. Also all of the social scientists have huge problems with those running them not using scientific methods and injecting their own biases and p-hacking data until they get their desired results. It shouldn't be a surprise at all that a biased study ran by biased 'scientists' in a biased field produces biased results

>> No.11187734
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The left infiltrated academia decades ago leading to most people gaining higher education being indoctrinated into leftist ideals.
I say this as a leftist that doesn't need to convince myself that I hold my beliefs due to being smarter than those who oppose them.
PS. the solution to government corruption isn't to give the governnment more power via communism, never go full commie.

>> No.11187735

Conservatives are typically against gun control while liberals aren't.

>> No.11187737


If that is so how come the social sciences consistently produce studies whose findings are, at least on their surface, problematic for liberalism? Example: studies that find mental differences between men and women.

Right, but I'm not sure whether that position is included in social conservatism/liberalism as they're commonly defined.

>> No.11187738

I didn't mean to respond to you. Whoops.
Interesting idea.

>> No.11187743

Expand your thinking beyond the left / right false dichotomy. Social and economic policy should be treated separately. I'm an economic leftist (nationalist) and a social libertarian, I want the state to own all utilities, infrastructure, banks, resouce extraction and arms manufacture while I have no problem with everyone being armed to the teeth and buying cocaine at the local chemist.

>> No.11187745

>If that is so how come the social sciences consistently produce studies whose findings are, at least on their surface, problematic for liberalism? Example: studies that find mental differences between men and women.
Out of American universities? No.

>> No.11187748

How do you know your data there is socially liberal rather than economically? It just says adult. Also I believe liberals are smarter because the Jews partly marketed to academia for spreading the song of liberalism. That was one of their focuses. So they roped in a good chunk of smartie pants as they go to college.

>> No.11187749

>I want the state to own all utilities, infrastructure, banks, resouce extraction and arms manufacture while I have no problem with everyone being armed to the teeth and buying cocaine at the local chemist.
That's pretty based, however i would like people to own the means of production rather than the "state".

>> No.11187759

The problem I have with "the people" owning anything is how do you administrate such a thing while avoiding USSR style corruption?
I think it's easier to just have the state employ a CEO like any private enterprise but instead of the profits going to share holders it goes into government coffers reducing reliance on tax.

>> No.11187762


because all forms of higher education are infested by liberal thinking

naturally people with higher IQ tend to pursue some form of higher education, where they get indoctrinated into this way of thinking

try being a very conservative historian or linguist nowadays at a university

>> No.11187763

Only in America and a couple allied countries. Karl Marx was extremely pro-gun, while keeping firearms restricted to a small (elite/privileged) group of people was a 'conservative' thing to do in most of the world throughout its history.

>> No.11187764


>> No.11187767

>The problem I have with "the people" owning anything is how do you administrate such a thing while avoiding USSR style corruption?
The people did not own anything in the soviet union. They never voted or decided anything (except in the 80's). The Party did all on behalf of the people, but without aactually asking for their opinion.

In fact what you're talking about is how the soviet union actually functioned, unless you forgot to add that you'd like your hypothetical political system to also include some kind of democracy where people have a voice, which certainly wasn't the case with CCCP

>> No.11187768

Right-wing ideology is based on primal instincts like "ooga booga our tribe good. their tribe bad"

>> No.11187771

If that is the case outliers don't make a case for anything. Such as redefining gender because some people have dissonance between objective reality and how they want society to bend to their will

>> No.11187772

Hitler was also very in favour of everyone being properly armed as a matter of national defence and defence against government.

>> No.11187776

>Operating based on feelings rather than logic is a higher form of thinking
I think you need to cut down on your soi intake anon

>> No.11187779


>> No.11187782


kek, you really think left-wing ideology is based on something else?

>> No.11187783

I really agree here. University in sweden was extremely challenging for me the first year, because all I could think about was the minefield of propaganda, and the constant social conditioning forcing adaption through emotional blackmail, minor behavior with a lot of meaning behind it to force me out.

Emotions have a lot of truth to them, emotions see more complex social situations when you are in a rational hole that is just too confined to actually portray reality. Emotions model a very complex system well but with little accuracy, rationality model only the smallest systems well with perfect accuracy.

>> No.11187784

The ideology which abolished slavery and voted for civil rights says their tribe bad? If so they aren't doing a good job.



>> No.11187789

>Praising the liberals because you're ignorant

>> No.11187791

Don't forget Burnie is pro-gun, he doesn't make a big deal about it because it would scare off a lot of his more authoritarian supporters but he has been supporting the 2A for decades.

My perfect system would be direct democracy with politicians needing to justify any proposal to the public. On each of these preposals there would be 4 voting options, yes, no, unsure and treason. A preposal deemed completely against the public interest by treason votes would result in formal charges being laid, the idea being that whenever a politician makes a proposal for personal gain they risk death.

I could right a novel about my political model but as it's 1:30am here I'm not about to do that.

>> No.11187793

How is stating that Republicans abolished slavery and brought forth civil rights praising liberals?

>> No.11187795

Just compare lower class liberals to lower class conservatives and higher class liberals to higher class conservatives.

Post results.

>> No.11187799

Democrats fought for slavery and against civil rights as evidenced in the two links

>> No.11187801

Men/women, iq, races, gmo, etc. Liberals shy from those topic. Ocassionally they pop up, but 99% are suppressed. The ratio of liberals to conservatives in humanities is something like 40:1 in elite schools. It used to be ~5:1 few decades ago. Small biases kept building up with no measures to fix this problem.

>> No.11187806
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>> No.11187807

Party switched ideologies. Rockefeller republicans were the liberal party 100 years ago. Democrats were the party of KKK. Republicans from 100 years ago got same support from modern liberal states. Democrats from you 100 years ago got same support from modern conservative states.

>> No.11187809


>> No.11187812


primal instincts were evolved through millions of years of trial and error, while your liberal platitude have never been tested by reality