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11184657 No.11184657 [Reply] [Original]

If I once exist, will I mathematically exist again?

>> No.11184684

open individualism

>> No.11184692
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Whoever thou mayest be, beloved stranger, whom I meet here for the first time, avail thyself of this happy hour and of the stillness around us, and above us, and let me tell thee something of the thought which has suddenly risen before me like a star which would fain shed down its rays upon thee and every one, as befits the nature of light. - Fellow man! Your whole life, like a sandglass, will always be reversed and will ever run out again, - a long minute of time will elapse until all those conditions out of which you were evolved return in the wheel of the cosmic process. And then you will find every pain and every pleasure, every friend and every enemy, every hope and every error, every blade of grass and every ray of sunshine once more, and the whole fabric of things which make up your life. This ring in which you are but a grain will glitter afresh forever. And in every one of these cycles of human life there will be one hour where, for the first time one man, and then many, will perceive the mighty thought of the eternal recurrence of all things:- and for mankind this is always the hour of Noon.

>> No.11184698
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Eternal return (also known as eternal recurrence) is a theory that the universe and all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur, in a self-similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space. The theory is found in Indian philosophy and in ancient Egypt as well as Judaic wisdom literature (Ecclesiastes) and was subsequently taken up by the Pythagoreans and Stoics. With the decline of antiquity and the spread of Christianity, the theory largely fell into disuse in the Western world, with the exception of 19th Century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who connected the thought to many of his other concepts, including amor fati. Eternal return relates to the philosophy of predeterminism in that people are predestined to continue repeating the same events over and over again.

>> No.11184708

As for the reality of this view, it is unclear. Some physicists believe it but most do not. It is comfy to think about either way.

>> No.11185022

Define "I".

>> No.11185033

Why couldn't Nietzsche express his thoughts concisely? This is beautiful writing but terrible philosophical writing.

>> No.11185053

he was schizo

>> No.11185064

All he said is "eternal return" is real. Just like OP's thought about how we will all experience all the same things again and again and so on unto infinity. You can't deny any of what he says. You can't deny eternal return is real. Any more than you can deny that your life ends forever at your body's expiration date.

>> No.11185187

Does the self even exist? Does consciousness exist? Do seperate beings exist? Do we share a universal consciousness? Is solipsism correct? Does existence not exist? What about non-existence?

>> No.11185192

It wouldn't really be you. Sure maybe the same DNA and similar physical appearance but the self is defined and created by personality and memories, which would differ each time. Although...in infinity years, by some chance the same exact life you lived could be relived with the same memories and thoughts but the probability is small.

>> No.11185196

Study mathematics and astrophysics to find out more about existence, self, being, and non-existence. And metaphysics and philosophy too. Knowledge is power and superiority to other homo sapiens.

>> No.11185230

How many people actually read philosophy? How many people would have read or heard of Nietzsche if he just used literal language and provided arguments and counter arguments in an unbiased way? He wrote in impassioned poetic prose and because of this he lives forever. Analytic philosophy is technically robust but dry. No one outside analytic philosophers gives it a second look.

>> No.11186623

Yes it is a mathematical certainty

>> No.11186635
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>You can't deny any of what he says.
Nietzsche didn't literally believe in eternal return as a physical fact of the universe. He used it as a thought experiment to get you to confront the heaviest burden of either affirming an endlessly repeating life as you've lived it or else cursing an endless repetition as torture. It makes you think more about how much you really believe in how you've been living and whether you're living out the ideal you would infinitely affirm or just letting life passively lead you along like some slave pleb who hasn't owned up to what's his.
>You can't deny eternal return is real.
You can definitely deny it as a physical reality. The possibility is predicated on the idea if you had infinite time and some limited number of configurations space could be in then you would eventually see the same configuration come up, which isn't actually true.
>>Even if there were exceedingly few things in a finite space in an infinite time, they would not have to repeat in the same configurations. Suppose there were three wheels of equal size, rotating on the same axis, one point marked on the circumference of each wheel, and these three points lined up in one straight line. If the second wheel rotated twice as fast as the first, and if the speed of the third wheel was 1/π of the speed of the first, the initial line-up would never recur.

>> No.11186643

I fucking hate how cute shit hijacks my brain. This is almost as bad as baby yeed

>> No.11186762
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>> No.11186781

pi doesn't repeat, so no

>> No.11186782

it actually does repeat a lot

>> No.11186784

Define repeat

>> No.11188157
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I once spoke with an Anon, and he had this freaky theory. Now, I thought it was faulty thinking, but it kinda messed me up.
His case was that it would be impossible for there to be nothingness after death, since nothingness is an abstract concept. Nothing being no thing. It >isn't<. Therefor, consciousness is the only state.

>> No.11188304
File: 984 KB, 2327x2980, Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_Wanderer_above_the_sea_of_fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's essentially romanticist writing, not based in rationality but based in the unconscious, the unknowable, the unfamiliar
there is nothing to understand here other than the expression of the soul of man

or in other words Nietzsche was pretty obsessed about Christianity, one who resents something does not take vast amounts of time to reform it
his writing are more of religious nature than anything else

to close the loop of thought you have to understand that periods of romanticism surfacing is the return of religion in the western world
just like nature is creeping into the world of man every time (climate change) so does religion creep back into secular society

>> No.11188749


>> No.11188883

Sure it does, its an infinite non periodic sequence. For any finite sequence of any numbers of your choice, the digits should repeat an infinite number of times.

>> No.11188897

If any thing ever existed or exists, then it necessarily mathematically and physically valid. I assume you never actually stop existing, I just don't presume to know how it would work out. Non-life is like a black box to us, but everything we observe to exist, including ourselves, we can be sure is inherent to Nature.

>> No.11188938

Sure. Proof: Poincare Recurrence Theorem

>> No.11188947


I believe the cyclic cosmology model
So everyone will reborn in the next universe, will will be 40 billion years in the future, but since you are dead, it's feels no different from 4 seconds.

>> No.11188977

Eternal return is my worst fear.