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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11183403 No.11183403 [Reply] [Original]

Are teachers smarter than students?
What happens if you are smarter than the teacher?
What happens if you are dumber than the teacher?
What IQ range of professors? STEM vs Liberal Arts.

>> No.11183417

Teaching doesn't require high iq but they know the material and you dont. If you have any sense you will learn the material before lecture and the teacher will show applications and shortcuts and just administer the test and assignments

>> No.11183423

What if the teacher rambles on something totally unrelated to the material?

>> No.11183428

We get examined on what the teachers teach us since they write the lectures and the exams, so whatever they lecture us on is what final essays etc. will be on. Still gotta read book (shit tier) or papers (big brain tier) to do well by providing deeper insight.

>> No.11183438

>Are teachers smarter than students?
Not always, but teachers have more experience. I tutor a course in mathematics for CS student and it ends with 4 weeks of statistics. I don't know shit about statistics, I had a mandatory course in undergrad and I barely passed. But now I'm able to learn the material on my own in a few hours at least to the extent to give the tutorial, while the students would need considerably much more time and energy to do so.

>> No.11183713

>What happens if you are smarter than the teacher?
some are bullies/go mad LoL

>> No.11183876

You have to be high IQ to reduce a difficult subject to something people at an introductory level of understanding can understand.

Is group theory inherently difficult? No, but it's made infinitely more difficult by extremely autistic people who can't reduce complicated ideas to more simplified conceptualizations which happens all the time in academia.

Is cryptography inherently difficult? No but there are in truth 2 fields of study. One that was created by comp sci people and one that is created by mathematicians who don't talk with comp sci people. Ergo, the books in existence either take one approach or the other and as a consequence comp science crypto lectures are either extremely math heavy or extremely lacking in rigor.

I've tried to strike a firm middle ground between introducing rigor and introducing concrete foundational examples. My gpa average for my crypto Masters classes is an 85 and my undergrad programming for engineers section also has an 85 avg.

Professors also intentionally make subjects more convoluted than necessary to "weed out" students which they call "making higher standards", in reality, the standards are not higher their teaching the material more poorly and passing on all costs of learning to the students.

>> No.11183883

>But now I'm able to learn the material on my own in a few hours at least to the extent to give the tutorial, while the students would need considerably much more time and energy to do so.
Your students would be lucky if you got a heart attack and got replaced with someone who actually understands the material. Apply yourself.

>> No.11183978
File: 1.58 MB, 480x270, Wildcat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will learn the material before lecture
Why are you paying them to lecture to you while you must learn on your own? They are n longer teachers. They are nothing more than unskilled orators sucking on the student grant/loan teets.

>> No.11184036
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11184162

Generally no.
If you like the subject, you study beyond the syllabus and ace the course as a result. If not, you'll probably end up hating the prof and ace the course anyhow.
You make cringey memes like pic related because you blame your dumbfuckery on others.
IQ is a meme.

>> No.11184324


>> No.11184327

>You have to be high IQ to reduce a difficult subject to something people at an introductory level of understanding can understand.
So not college professors?

>Professors also intentionally make subjects more convoluted than necessary to "weed out" students which they call "making higher standards"
Based professors teaching people to memorise and dump

>> No.11185597

You would be very surprised how many TA's teach stuff that they barely understand. It's not like we have that much say in this.

>> No.11185599

>Are teachers smarter than students?
Teachers, sure. Professors, no.
>What happens if you are smarter than the teacher?
If you're at a good uni, no you're not.
>What happens if you are dumber than the teacher?
You learn.
>What IQ range of professors? STEM vs Liberal Arts.
150+, now fuck off.