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11182760 No.11182760 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a meme or is it true?
Where are the proofs?
And if it's not a meme can a boy go from a 80 IQ to 90 IQ even in the 30s?
Tell me more about it

>> No.11182769
File: 43 KB, 500x300, source-s-dude-trust-me-45785476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le brain does backprop and neural restructuring with neuroevo algos.

>> No.11182772

just watch a lot of rick and morty

>> No.11182773

t. high test and >2000 iq poster

>> No.11182776

>just watch a lot of rick and morty
what is this?
I am talking about interanal nerural pattern changes reflecting also in behaviuor
don't be so ironic come on. Retard.
It's an intersting argument and you ruin it with your retarded comments

>> No.11182782
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>> No.11182783
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It's a meme after the mid 20s I'm afraid to say. At least in areas not related to habit. Very unfortunate my friend.

>> No.11182796


>> No.11182802

You are at the tail end. I would advise quitting pornography and masturbation, even recreational sex, at all costs, do nothing but read and take a battery of cognitive supplements and stimulants.

>> No.11182803

>At least in areas not related to habit
and in area related to habit?

>> No.11182822
File: 89 KB, 981x696, malleable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trainee taxi drivers in London spend 3–4 years learning the city's layout
>We assessed the brain and memory of trainees before and after this long training
>Those who qualified experienced increased gray matter in posterior hippocampus
>Successful qualification was also associated with changes in memory profile
This was actually a repeat experiment with a larger sample size (n=88), i.e. the results are predictable and reproducible. Pilot study in the citations.

All subjects were fully-grown adults age 30+, so "normal" brain development had already run its course.

So, lifelong neuroplasticity is true.

This doesn't settle the nature vs nurture debate, as the authors note:
>Although our data show that environmental stimulation can drive structural brain changes, it may be that this hippocampal plasticity expresses itself only in certain individuals. The trainees that qualified may have had a genetic predisposition toward plasticity that the nonqualified individuals lacked.

Also interesting: in a separate but related study, the authors gave a battery of cognitive tests to the same subjects. They observed an increase in spatial reasoning scores, but this was accompanied by a decrease in other scores! In other words, it's as if they "traded" one facet of intelligence for another...

>> No.11182868

>They observed an increase in spatial reasoning scores, but this was accompanied by a decrease in other scores! In other words, it's as if they "traded" one facet of intelligence for another...
I have always known somehow that you have to trade some capacity for another to be good under the profile of evolution.
Let's immagine a full autistic 180 IQ in the caveman preistoric years.
Would he been survived? Let's assume he was not able of social interaction (one quality who has proved to be favored by evolution

>> No.11182904
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How can I reverse brain damage and regain my special abilities and traits

remember you are only using 10% of your brain thats why people with brain dementia re sometimes found learning organic chemistry in universities.

>> No.11182905
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.11182910

years of depression have probably irreversibly damaged my brain. What can I do?

>> No.11182941

start drugs to enhance your cognitive ability and treat depression I would recommend only medications used to treat ADHD such as amphetamines.

amphetamines are sometimes used to treat depression btw.

>> No.11183050

Kill yourself

>> No.11183070

I'm 26, trying to learn German, it's going terribly. It's been a year but I am barely conversational. Ten years ago when I was 16 I acquired conversational Spanish in, like, a couple of weeks.

>> No.11183758


>be genius
>get neurodegenerative disease
>wait 5 years, get symptoms of advanced dementia such as withdrawal from hobbies and socialization

>go to organic Chemistry classes students ask you for help in math and chemistry.

>holy fuck I will never fully understand stupid people, no amount of brain damage can ever make me into a normie

>> No.11184006
File: 2.58 MB, 3264x2448, 4AF9FFB3-398B-477A-BF3A-815AAE24ED54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A person with a neurodegenerative terminal illness who can study chemistry is living walking proof of neuroplasticity

This IQ testing was done 3 years after I first became aware of my neurological illness

They cannot drive, of love independently but are still capable of studying topics too challenging for many people to understand.

Use it or lose it???

>> No.11184289

no. IQ increases and peaks at around age 25.

>> No.11185252


From personal experience, this seems to be true at least up until young adulthood. I transferred from business administration to mathematics, and I undeniably noticed an increase in my IQ or at least my analytical intelligence.

>> No.11185261

It doesn't
imagine posting this, your splits are subhuman

>> No.11185310

fluid IQ does.

>> No.11185322

Consider what I'm disagreeing with in your statement before making me reply again, nigger.

>> No.11187014

Perhaps. The 180 IQ skinny cave man autist with no social skills might find that he can compensate by making useful tools and coming up with better ways to to hunt big game, therefor he maintains his value within the group and can survive despite his lack of social skills and physical fitness.

>> No.11187024

gauss learned russian in his 60s
to a large extent it'll come down to your genes, some people have more plasticity and cognitive reserve than others
i'm sure psychedelic drugs and aerobic exercise help as well

>> No.11188290

It's just a sort of overfitting for the brain, the training doesn't transmit to other tasks as general Intelligence do

>> No.11189519


>> No.11189561

I am 14 is ther still hope
(I got 137 when i was 11 )