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11182283 No.11182283 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder to stop talking out your ass about a topic you know nothing about. Instead of fooling yourself you are smart, you could shut up and read the other posts and ask questions. Maybe you'd actually learn something.

If you do not pass the following requirements, do not post in the associated thread. If you do pass the requirements and have some fringe crackpot view, okay then you are allowed to shit up the thread with it. No favoritism here.

Please do not post on the associated topic if you can not at least answer the question below

What is a partition function?

>special relativity
How do you do a Lorentz transformation on an electromagnetic tensor?

>Is quantum mechanics bullshit?
What is electronic band structure?

>Space-time and extra dimensions
What is a metric?

>General relativity
What is a Christoffel connection coefficient?

>Cosmology and the big bang
How do you solve the Friedmann equations for a matter dominated universe?

>Black holes
What is a Penrose diagram?

>Quarks and gluons
What is the Lagrangian for a non-Abelian gauge theory?

>String theory
What is the central charge?

>> No.11182352
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Minimum requirements to post in physics threads

>> No.11182385

Lol I just posted in ur thread fagit. Relativity is broken bullshit

>> No.11182418

Nono. That's for math threads...
We need a /phys/ curriculum. I propose two thirds of the /mg/ curriculum unless /mg/ wants to make one custom.

>> No.11182433

I can post in 2 of these topic threads :)

>> No.11182495

I can't answer ANY of those questions and I still shitpost in physics threads

>> No.11182504

ebin trol

>> No.11182846

why are you spitting out shit you learned from your professor. say something intelligent you made

>> No.11182849

this nigga didn't do any physics! he forgot to go to lab! this nigga spilled baked beans!

>> No.11182860
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>Is quantum mechanics bullshit?
What is electronic band structure?

only question i could answer desu

>> No.11183315

Stop posting in physics threads. You are not able to contribute to the discussion

>> No.11183747

I can just Google all of this and learn it in 10 minutes

>> No.11183760

I don't think you would be able to actually, but the implication is you understand the meaning behind the questions too.

But go ahead, I encourage you to google all of it and learn as much as you can. You'll learn more than you would learn in a thread here about black holes where 90% of the posts are complete garbage and you have no way to distinguish the 10% from the rest.

>> No.11183771

>electronic band structure
Uber brainlet

>> No.11183785

Do you know what it means? Then you are allowed to have an opinion on whether quantum mechanics is real or not

>> No.11183790

I dont even know what electricity is

>> No.11183806

>If quantum mechanics is real
What the fuck are you talking about? Engineers and chemists learn this shit without really understanding qm. If you want to speak about the usual meme shit about quantum mechanics it's much more important to understand things like "what is a hamiltonian operator" or "what is the time evolution operator".

>> No.11183823

No, those are not good questions because the type of person who thinks quantum mechanics is just the double slit experiment and philosophy about dead cats will still go so far as to learn things like Schrodinger's equation and Hilbert spaces in a half-ass way. A good portion of those people fill up the threads here with garbage.

If you really understand electronic band structure you are understanding some non-sexy real world quantum mechanics. Electronic bands are the exact same phenomenon as discrete energy levels in simpler (non-periodic) potentials, and they actually have impact in the real world, so it is a good question for weeding out crackpots who think quantum mechanics is just a bunch of philosophy.

>> No.11183827

>What is a Christoffel connection coefficient?
While it actually has a lot ways you can derive it, the easiest way to to see what it is to ask what you have to add to the partial derivative to make it Lorentz invariant.

>> No.11183831

Brilliant, you are allowed in general relativity threads. However, if the subject is cosmology or black holes, you have to go slightly further

>> No.11183846

>If you really understand electronic band structure
Exactly retard. My point is that plenty of people learn that shit without a proper exposition to QM. From their answer to either of the question I gave, it should be clear if you understand the fundamental theory of qm.

>> No.11183857

>band structures are non-sexy
Chad condensed matter physicists disagree. Solid state physics is easily one of the most interesting and sexy classes I've taken so far.

>> No.11183861

I myself learned and understood what a time evolution operator was long before I really understood electronic band structure, even though I had probably heard the words "electronic band structure" in a qualitative modern physics class first. I suspect you don't know as much as you think you do and are one of the people shitting up the threads here.

In any case, the question is the requirement to post in philosophy of quantum mechanics / is modern physics all a big fraud type threads. I think you're missing the point

>> No.11183865

I agree completely. But condensed matter is not something that looks sexy to someone that hasn't learned any of it. That's why it's a great shiboleth

>> No.11183877

That depends on your school to an extent. My uni is in a semiconductor-focused market, and we get quite a bit of funding from semicon manufacturers, so band theory and materials are pretty heavily emphasized in our course contents. Personally, I could tell you quite a bit about band structures, but I don't have a very strong understanding of the time-evolution operator or Hamiltonian qm.

>> No.11183881

Okay if anyone reposts this thread, feel free to add a new question on it with regards to time-evolution operators

>> No.11183882

And you don't seem to understand what a fucking tests. If you want to talk about quantum mechanics in general and the philosophy of it, well whats important is to know the theory. My point is that knowing electronic band structure is not a good insight into your knowledge of the general fundamentals, as many non physicists learn about. In particual plenty of engineers without knowledge of the theory behind QM know electronic band structure better than many physicists (as many forget about it after they take the class, not everyone is going to SSP you retard). Hell, there were some clases in my uni that didn't covered it becauae the professor wanted to get into field theory.

>> No.11183889

>cant even prove god exists
ok call me when you got something useufl

>> No.11183891

>t. Schizo

>> No.11184175

lurk more https://4chan-science.fandom.com/wiki/Physics_Textbook_Recommendations

>> No.11184201
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I'll post the answer sheet tomorrow.

>> No.11184226

>Lorentz invariant
I think you meant coordinate invariant

>> No.11185957
