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File: 74 KB, 751x405, tao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11181906 No.11181906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is it about anime that attracts high I.Q individuals ?

>> No.11181921

what a cringelord

>> No.11181923

free artistic expression, style

>> No.11182177

someone post the (white) american guy from the math olympiad with the waifu shirt

>> No.11182180
File: 3.42 MB, 1600x1200, 800158CB-84B9-416E-B381-9EECC0D2594D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm found it

>> No.11182187


A lot of high IQ people are lonely. (Not all, and being lonely doesn't imply high IQ).

Anime provides a good TV show/storyline with endearing animations and often the shows go on for a long time and can be written well. They're just generally comfy to watch, and the aren't too gritty in general. Also fun breaking of social norms and being weird/childish is fun. Gives a break from the real world. Can also be complicated.

Its like a weird form of digital literature.

>> No.11182198

preferred form of escapism. That's an extremely broad and retarded fucking question. It's a fucking cartoon and his ching chong relatives probably exposed him to that specific genre of cartoon. Also could just be inceldom. Weebs are socially retarded animals.

>> No.11182212

Tao has nothing on Super Saiyan Blake Deakin

>> No.11182229

Actually they don't have high IQ. They just care about IQ enough to do tests and feel better about themselves for doing good on those 3x3 what's the next image shit.

They're just sad people who claim to have high IQ.

>> No.11182234

ok 130 verbal IQ 90 spatial IQ

>> No.11182242

people with autistic traits typically have a hard time reading social cues, and in 99% of anime everything is exaggerated and there's absolutely no subtlety about anything

also the themes tend to be childish which is suitable for teenagers and socially inadept hermits like many of us here

>> No.11182243

>Terence Tao
>doesn't have high IQ
PLEASE be a bait post.

>> No.11182244

Are you referring to the Maths Olympiad people? It's actually not a bad gauge of mathematical talent. A lot of mathematicians aren't good at IMO style problem, but most people who are good at IMO problems ARE good at maths and a lot of winner become world-renowned mathematicians. It other word, its not a bi-conditional, but the implication from Good at IMO => Good a pure Math is usually fairly accurate.

>> No.11182250
File: 61 KB, 700x484, villani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a big fan of anime and manga, as he mentions in his books like birth of a theorem and other interviews.

He has the Fields medal and you don't.

>> No.11182295
File: 26 KB, 485x433, 1574050173017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would this person likes something that the general population likes?

>> No.11182316
File: 65 KB, 1000x666, 1000x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Villani is /our/ guy

>> No.11182406

I'm pickle Rick!
Wubba lubba dub dub!

>> No.11182425

>they don't have high IQ they just do good on IQ tests

>> No.11182472

High IQ people are often autistic in some way and autists love anime. There you go

>> No.11182652

People like this:


are the people you're talking about, not tao.

>> No.11182676

>is a hero

>> No.11182693


>> No.11182700

because their iq is not high enough to understand rick and morty

>> No.11182716


>> No.11182718


>> No.11182739

>Anime provides a good TV show/storyline
Not nowadays. Unless you know something I don't. I used to like anime but all you see is boring "cute" trash catering to otaku tards. I don't have anything against cute girls in anime but when that's ALL the shitty show is (in annoying ways no less) with some kind of generic boring plot about some boring villains or whatever shit they come up with. It's all incredibly brainless.

>> No.11182932

This. Golden times are over. All fan service and 1000 episodes of the same story setup over and over again.

>> No.11182940

Nothing, anime fans just think they are smart while in fact they are all horny pedo retards.
Most anime are about sexualization and about being pseudointellectual which reflects in them picking random scientific terms or words from other languages (usually English and German) to appear "cool" and "smart".

>> No.11182944


>> No.11182955

Not an argument.

>> No.11182960

So isn't claiming what you did without backing it up.

>> No.11183015

I dont really watch anime but I've watched One Punch Man and Attack on Titan (normie shows, I know) and they were incredible. I'm so hyped for AoT season 4, and I'm amazed by how the show seems to get better as the seasons progress.

>> No.11183022

You know that what I said is true if you just watched anime.

>> No.11183023

>t. coping brainlet

>> No.11183182

very based

>> No.11183188
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.11183203

>only maths people watch anime
>look at this super successful guy who watches anime that means that im also gonna be super successful because i watch what is basically a glorified children cartoon
You're weaboo trash and retarded

>> No.11183261

Fantastic argument. Applause, good sir.

>> No.11183267

absolutely based

>> No.11183308
File: 166 KB, 1200x675, 116FC790-D2DB-4B21-8DD0-DA05BA5C5CA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don’t understand without an explanation you won’t understand with one,
But... here is part of it . it is less true now but back then American TV was HORRIBLE. with a few exceptions. Episodic, dumb writing, characters were the same every episode (didn’t develop). A few high budget Shows that go on forever.
Where almost every anime is based off a manga, so they already have a story arc, a beginning middle and end. And there is tons of anime series that are only 12 or 24 episodes and done. Great story, told. Honestly pleb anime fans are the ones that like shows that aired on American tv that go on forever like dragon ball, bleach, sailor moon.
This distinction is slightly less true now with the rise of premium cable drama., starting with the sopranos era. But even sopranos had tons of filler crap.
The other part of it was it was hard to get. Downloads took forever, most people did not have TVs, fans subbed it themselves and you had to get the burned dvds which was a normie filter itself.

>> No.11183331

High IQ individuals who are obsessed with a particular abstract topic (such as maths or physics) often fail to develop critical social skills and grow up socially ostracized and bullied. As a defense mechanism, they join subcultures which are very open and non-judgmental, where they'll be free to be weird and where they won't be bullied. The anime subculture is such a subculture.

Note that this only applied to those who are autistically obsessed with a topic. High IQ individuals who are not obsessed with maths or physics or computers usually become CEOs and are well integrated socially speaking (lots of friends, hot girlfriend, etc.). They, on the other hand, do not watch anime, because they have no need to find refuge in a subculture for bullied manchildren.

>> No.11183384

>Note that this only applied to those who are autistically obsessed with a topic. High IQ individuals who are not obsessed with maths or physics or computers usually become CEO
Retard, people who are smart have superior genetics and better social skills. The stereotypical nerd still dwarfs high school dropouts in social skills.
Anyways, many CEOs are typical nerds but they clearly have some confidence seeing as they're CEO's. To list a few with physics or computer science or metallurgy degrees;
>Sundar Pichai
>Oleg Deripaska/Roman Abramovich/russian oligarchs in general/Putin
>Elon Musk
>Bill Gates
>Jeff Bezos
>Google jews
>etc... and so on
if you want to be a CEO, a very difficult field like physics or computer science is much more lucrative than "business" which they will learn at a later point anyways

>> No.11183387
File: 164 KB, 1677x225, theory study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think he knows?

>> No.11183401

Who is this ?

>> No.11183404

I can tell you what he certainly doesn't know: what a vagina feels like.

>> No.11183414

>Retard, people who are smart have superior genetics and better social skills.
Bullshit. Just go to any STEM departments, it's full of socially awkward virgins.

>Anyways, many CEOs are typical nerds but they clearly have some confidence seeing as they're CEO's. To list a few with physics or computer science or metallurgy degrees;
Outliers. Most CS majors remain autistic programmers, who work their 9 to 5 job, then go home and play video games and masturbate to cartoons.

>> No.11183415

females are overrated

>> No.11183421

unquestionably based

>> No.11183434

>Bullshit. Just go to any STEM departments, it's full of socially awkward virgins.
imagine thinking university cucks are representative of the field

>> No.11183439

he works at google on robotics artificial intelligence
youre a bully!

>> No.11183442

Well... yes, they are, because you need to get a degree in a field to work in that field, you utter retard

I work in tech and I hate guys like him.

>> No.11183457

>Well... yes, they are, because you need to get a degree in a field to work in that field, you utter retard
thats not required by any law.

>> No.11183483

It's required by the law of the market, faggot.

>> No.11183529

the market says you can get a bachelors and never step food on a university
you can also go to school somewhere you like

>> No.11183749

Idiot, the post I was responding to made a universal assertion that OPs claim didn't hold and I showed the existence of a contrary example. Your ad hominem bullshit is irrelevant.

>> No.11183766


>> No.11183772

You're essentially saying that all people who watch anime are high IQ. But that's not the case. All types of people watch anime. From retarded people to high IQ. There exists no positive correlation between watching anime and IQ. IQ is mostly random.

>> No.11183775

right, how many convicted pedos who watch anime, are there again?

>> No.11183786

his name is literally right there for you to research brainlet

>> No.11183802

sex and trying to appeal with roasties who fucked 20 chads in a row is the most overrated point. It's far better to be a nerd and achieve the impossible than to settle down with a used up 2 dollar looking whore, who only cares about your money
t. Terence Tao

>> No.11184363
File: 79 KB, 312x473, Alex E. C---y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-well, I don't know man...

>> No.11184700

Yes and no.
There is much more shit nowadays, but there is few quality anime per year made still, it's just they are smaller % than it used to be.

>> No.11184706


>> No.11184952

it does not

>> No.11184957

>>11181906 I've seen him on campus multiple times and for some reason he always stands out

>> No.11185530


>> No.11185560

It's lame shit perhaps but I find that people "cringing" at shit like that are generally very insecure betas.

>> No.11185647

Who are these disgusting, ugly, incels?
I feel like they should pay a toll for being so ugly.

>> No.11185648

t. ugly chink

>> No.11185654

Whit dude looks fine , Chink needs to work out , Pajeet needs to put on weight.

>> No.11185660

ugly chink? nah, nice try

>> No.11185661

They all look ugly
White guy looks like a jew

>> No.11185680
File: 2.25 MB, 1280x1280, 6496369e8764f0a835ea24bbf17f244f-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder myself

>> No.11185699

Here we can see the braindead pseudo intelectual otaku trying to reason with an adult, failing miserably.

>> No.11185840

how does he "look like a jew"? he has blonde straight hair.

>> No.11185844
