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11181904 No.11181904 [Reply] [Original]

What's the minimum IQ to get a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics, /sci/?

>> No.11181905


>> No.11181908


>> No.11181997

IQ isn't a good measure for intelligence

>> No.11182013

Surely it can't be that low?
I feel like 130 would be more reasonable?
Is there any evidence for what the average IQ of BA or BSc Math holders is?

>> No.11182016

You said bachelors, not masters or above. So, 115 maybe? Maybe even less?

>> No.11182020

>Bachelor's Degree
You can get a Bachelors in almost any field at almost any top 30 university with a perfectly average 100 IQ. Now a Masters/Doctorate in math? Yeah you're probably looking at 120-130 minimum if you plan to be successful and not struggle for 100 hours a week. Maybe a masters at a mid-tier institution with 110 IQ is doable.
t. nothing this is pure conjecture

>> No.11182023


In terms of getting the bachelor's, would it vary a lot between people who take the hardcore 3rd and 4th year classes (I.e: Real Analysis 1 + 2, Complex Analysis 1 + 2, Topology) and people who stick to the more applied/general streams?

>> No.11182035

>I feel like 130 would be more reasonable?
For a minimum IQ? You think everyone with a bachelors in math has an IQ of at least 130?

>> No.11182050

Honestly yes

>> No.11182059
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130 is way too high

if you're talking minimum you could probably pull it off with 100 and lots and lots of hard work and good tutors

if you're talking how much you should have if you want to pull it off without inordinate amounts of suffering I'd say 115-120 is a good starting point

>> No.11182078


What would you define as "inordinate amounts of suffering"?

>> No.11182125

My IQ was tested at 94. I have a Bachelor's in math from an okay state school.
>inb4 how do you even brush your teeth in the morning

>> No.11182129

Also my GPA was okay as well. 3.45. Not great but okay.

>> No.11182138

>What's the minimum IQ to get a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics, /sci/?
you'll get a higher IQ while doing math. Tho, you shouldn't rely on IQ. Like anything, the more you do it, the better you good at it. If you did 100 IQ test you'll be good at IQ test, not math.

>> No.11182150

IQ is a meme. The average person could earn a degree a math if they practiced, but most are too lazy.

>> No.11182160

Theres tons of incredibly successful students who are dumb as a rock so I wouldn't say academic performance its that dependant in intelligence.

Theres this guy thats on senior year of EE with me that's very fucking dumb and seriously has no business studying EE but gets by and occasionally gets good grades because hes pestering the profs all day and spends from 7am to 7pm every single day studying at the library.

He fucking aced the complex analysis class after doing no joke almost 1000 exercises thorught the semester and he outright says he doesnt understand what the fuck a fourier transform is and what its for even tho we've been using it for everything ever since.

Hard work can get you very far my friend, but you'll never be recognized as anything other than an extreme grinder.

>> No.11182171

Sounds like a good hardworking lad. Respect.

>> No.11182195


This is inspiring desu. Not everyone needs to earn/win a Nobel Prize. Grinding is respectable. I'm sure he'll do well in life with that approach and attitude. Happy for him.

>> No.11182197

You didn't say what school, or that you need to do well enough to get into a good graduate program, so you could just go to some BS program and take the easiest classes, and even then you only need a 2.0 or whatever.

>> No.11182230

Less IQ and more how persistent you are in memorizing the formulas

>> No.11182231

Give me one piece of evidence for that claim

>> No.11182233

Let's say an average-tier university in North America. Say getting between a 2.7 and 3.3 GPA (4.0 Scale). No interest in GS.

>> No.11182238

Formulas? This is about a math degree.

>> No.11182245

Maybe the average 4chan user but the average human? Absolutely fucking not. Most people are mouth breathing retards. My family is in the top 8% America in terms of wealth but both my parents though that calc 1 was insanely difficult.

Don't confuse the average intelligence of your social circle with the average intelligence of the population at large.

>> No.11182249

>lots and lots of hard work and good tutors
Lets be real, neither of those happen.

>> No.11182251

Based conscientious, focussed anon btfoing high IQ creative geniuses borderline passing with sporadic moments of brilliance and constant subjection to indignity because they can see through society's lies.

>> No.11182277

Am I a brainlet if I've always been pretty smart but have no natural aptitude for math, struggling with college algebra? A lot of my issues have to do with my depression, which in high school, impaired my cognitive ability pretty badly, so I was never able to wrap my head around mathematical concepts. I also had shitty teachers.

>> No.11182284


>> No.11182371
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Anything under 115 and you're going to be working twice as hard as everyone around you for half the results, depending on your personal endurance it might burn you out. It is technically possible, I suppose, to get through an undergrad math degree at a mid tier school with an IQ of about 100-110, as long as you avoid honors/graduate courses and have excellent support networks and study habits.

>> No.11182478 [DELETED] 
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about 130, which means the minimum is probably lower

>> No.11182487

IQ is a good measure for success in math.

>> No.11182507

Yeah the dude gets results and works hard and that's definitely respectable.
But there's a huge difference between that and being actually brilliant.

>> No.11182511

300k starting

>> No.11182532

Literally this

Of course it can be that low.
Most math majors end up as bottom of the barrel teachers. Besides some autistic savants the degree attracts people who couldn't cut it in engineering/cs/any other demanding degree. As such most of them fail to use their degree for any practical use (not entirely their fault, the degree is pretty useless) and fall back to being teachers.
Now a master's or a PhD is where you start to see the intelligent people.

Then you're an easily influenced retard who fell for memes. By all means major in math, it seems fitting for your intellectual level.

>> No.11182544

>people who couldn't cut it in engineering/cs/any other demanding degree.
Those are easier than a math BS.

>> No.11182559

Well Terence Tao, the smartest man in the world has an IQ of 220. I'd say a minimum IQ mathematician is about 1/3 as smart as Terence Tao, which would work out to an IQ of 73.

>> No.11182564

Brilliance is an outlier. Why the fuck should that be the benchmark for academic success.

>> No.11182592

personal experience in intelligence:

math > physics > medicine > engineering > everybody else

>> No.11182644
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11182658

I'm 89 and I hold a phd in math.

>> No.11182715

Similarly, 3 degrees celsius is three times as hot as 1 degree celsius.

>> No.11182735

I probably have an IQ of about 125. I majored in math and work as an actuary. Gonna go with roughky 115 for math majors.

>> No.11182810

Proof ?
Did you get a p.hd , how good is your research ?

>> No.11182854

I'm 105 tested and hold a Ph.D in Physics, but perhaps that's why I was able to figure out some interesting research. Intelligent people from my perspective tend to follow rules set forth. If you bring up ideas on testing for a medium for light to travel through or to see if information can travel faster than light they'll just say because Einstein's Postulates... Eventhough, they just conveniently forget about classical physics.

>> No.11182857

I won't say directly what my research is but basically imagine something very small (sub atomic) existing inside a material. Inside that material light is doing all kinds of things but from an outside the material perspective it has an effective speed less than the speed of light.

Now back to that small bit of mass, could it design an experiment to test that light can travel faster than its effective speed in the material? Who's to say light isn't constantly absorbed and readmitted by "something" on a timescale we can't comprehend yet.

>> No.11182861

Cool man , where did you study ?
I can't comment on your research since i'm not a physicist but are you cited ?

>> No.11182865


>> No.11182867

Some of my papers yes, but they deal on trying to heat up fiber optic cables.

>> No.11182871

Let me guess:

You’ve touched a fiber optic before but never one that requires the math you calculate?

>> No.11182887

>who couldn't cut it in engineering/cs/any other demanding degree
cs is the degree for the masses to be pumped into economy. My courses there are the easiest I have and can easily aim for an A with half the work I put in any of my math classes.

>> No.11182893

Engineer here.
I disagree, but the reason is because math is beautiful and interesting whereas grinding through engineering problems is absolute cancer.
Unfortunately nobody is ever going to pay me to rattle off a proof of the jordan curve theorem and I don't want to do a PhD...

>> No.11182946

Unless you're a CS major I'm going to assume you've never made it out of a basic data structures and algos class, so probably why you have that stupid opinion.

>> No.11182973

Half true maybe. That's mainly my impression from the few courses I had to take. Some others seem to be a lot more work, especially those that boil down to doing a project.

>> No.11182976

This conversation is dumb... No one knows how another's brain works

>> No.11183132

if 115 then you have to put a lot of time
below that and it'll take you forever to understand concepts and apply them in any meaningful way

>> No.11183150

Just average. I know literal retards in my class who graduated.

Anybody with an average IQ can complete any bachelors degree. The first 2 years of math is literally just practicing problems - you can ace an exam even if you don't understand the concepts on a deeper level. 3rd year is the same only with a lot more proofs - but even if you don't understand the proofs, you can just memorize sample ones off by heart. 4th year is basically 3rd year subjects with more rigor - at least that was the case for me.

What i would do is just memorize key theorems, proofs, and definitions - then practice - then once the summer came, i would read over the lecture slides of the year to actually understand the concepts.

Hope this helps

>> No.11183155

>I know literal retards in my class who graduated.
I also know people passing math courses while being retarded
the thing is - if the exam can be passed by literal mindless grinding through countless problems and memorizing steps "if...then", then theoretically almost anyone can pass
but it won't change the fact that those people are not comprehending the steps and are useless when faced with new, unorthodox problems. and yes, I've also seen that in practice

>> No.11183168

pornstar Giselle Palmer has bachelor degree in mathematics. Are you dumber than pornstar?

>> No.11183175

>pornstar Giselle Palmer has bachelor degree in mathematics. Are you dumber than pornstar?
who said a pornstar has to be dumb?

>> No.11183184

Why would she prefer taking dick in her ass if she would become quant or meme learning engineer with her degree?

>> No.11183193

>Why would she prefer taking dick in her ass if she would become quant or meme learning engineer with her degree?
and what so entertaining about those things?
most people doing so are also miserable fucks so doing that doesn't make life good. you are mistaking what's good and what's ethical. maybe she likes those dicks in her more than doing other things? it may be immoral, unethical etc. but not illogical.

>> No.11183198

Yeah no.
Not even close. Math is just math. Its straightforward. You know what you get and the only skills required are logic and mathematical skills. Meanwhile engineering/cs/chemistry/physics are far more complex in that they require multiple skill sets far and beyond math skills.

In that regard math is a far easier major. For engineering/physics/cs/chem you need to develop new skills that touch upon multiple different subjects, for math minus a few abstract classes it all builds on itself.

>> No.11183213

A lot of people who fawn over math will hate you for saying that. However, I'm in my final year of undergrad of math and I agree. I'm not necessarily an autist but I do spend a lot more time obsessing over math and philosophy than my peers, but when it comes to a degree (for undergrad anyway) I think mathematics is only as hard as you make it. You could just as easily get a good grade by grinding out practice problems without any real understanding or deeper comprehension behind concepts.

>> No.11183215

130 in a meme university, 145-150 in a real university depending on the year.

>> No.11183237

Thats exactly my point, people always think you need to be some kind of genius to study math/physics or some engineering disciplines buy you really dont, you just need to be able to work hard.
I then showed an example of someone that is far from a genius but gets by out of pure hard work.

>> No.11183251

Money is what matters, not what's entertaining.
An A list porn star might make a lot of money when they start but has to degrade themselves and then quickly watch their stock drop.
Meanwhile working as a quant guarantees stable high paying income for a few decades.
Most pornstars don't even break 500k throughout their entire career. A quant can make 100k a year after a couple years in the field.

If her degree was worth shit she wouldn't be a professional whore.

>> No.11183276

>has only taken a few intro classes
>generalizes an entire field
What a fucking retard
You're right that cs attracts the masses but if you didn't know cs also has one of the highest drop out rates.
You know why?
Because retards like you take an intro programming class think it's easy, and then drop out after you fail intro to data structures or computer organization and architecture.

>> No.11183277

>Money is what matters, not what's entertaining.
This is a subjective value judgement. If anything entertainment is more valuable than money as money is merely a means to an end. In any event, what truly matters is the flourishing of the individual. If they prefer anal to analysis who are we to judge? And let's be honest, either way you're still taking it in the ass.

>> No.11183292

>This is a subjective value judgement.
...why do you think she went into porn?
Do you think she got into it because she thought it was fun to film herself having sex with std riddled strangers she barely met and to have those videos watched by millions of people?
Do you think she did it because she wanted strangers to stop her in public telling her they jacked off to her while asking her to show her tits or give them a blowjob?

She did it for the money you retard. If her degree was worth shit she wouldn't be a pornstar.

>> No.11183304

But I did take a course about computer architecture and while being pretty hard at first, it eased up during the semester. Even then, the exam was easier than math ones.

CS has a huge drop out rate, because many don't know what to do after highschool and "something with computer" sounds very appealing to many.

>> No.11183332

Well yeah, I never said organization is insane difficulty. Just that its much harder than intro and people drop out like crazy when they take it. Data structures is when the material becomes intellectually challenging.
You took organization I'm assuming not architecture. Organization is the intro but it varies per place. Some unis combine them.

I mentioned organization because where I went the class had a requirement that if you get less than a 70% on 3 out of 10 labs or get less than 70% on the midterm or the final you fail the class.
Tons of people failed. The exams had a reputation of being quite difficult so unless you tell me what math test you're comparing it to I'll assume it varies per place. The class was how the uni weeded out the massive amount of students that applied for cs.

>> No.11184697

my math classes were mostly much easier than my cs classes, except for the honors differential equations class. i sort of wish there were more math classes like that at the school i went to.

>> No.11184759

Can a 110-115 brainlet be able to unironically handle a masters in statistics?

Fell for the pre-med meme and worked at a hospital and hated it. Wanting to switch career into something along the lines of bio-stats

>> No.11184788

Yes. You should only be concerned about intelligence if you want to be a PhD and perform very well at the same time in your field. As long as you are average and willing to work hard you can unironically do pretty much anything, just don't expect to ever be relevant in academia.

>> No.11184824
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Just needed the reassurance anon. I know my limits and I'm okay with being a "bench warmer" in the realms of science and math.

>> No.11184924

100 or so. To get ANY degree, all it takes is for you to not be a complete idiot, at least IQ-wise. Any 110 IQ average joe can make his way through an undergraduate program with good studying habits, although that doesn't mean he'll be worth shit as a mathematician.

>> No.11185063
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What's the point of majoring in mathematics if you "enjoy" it but you will never be able to comprehend abstract topics and apply them in any meaningful way? You are literally grinding thousands of mathematical problems without knowing why.

>> No.11185204

>proper capitalization
>apostrophes where they belong
>sensible comma positioning
Dude, you're ahead of at least 90% of the users here. Don't fret. You're good to go.

>> No.11185235

i don't know what you mean by "abstract topics" but math is all about understanding whatever it is you're learning about, so if you don't understand the concepts pretty well then it quickly becomes very difficult to succeed, though you gain a better understanding through doing exercises and working through the details of the textbook author's reasoning. if the problem is that you're studying something but there are no motivating examples, you can probably find plenty online.

>> No.11185565
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I don't know about the minimum, but the average is 130.