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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11181735 No.11181735 [Reply] [Original]

is homosexuality genetical? or at least determined since you're born

>> No.11181736

It's determined by the color of your mother's first sweater

>> No.11181737

It's looking more environmental according to new studies.

Fags need to repent.

>> No.11181743

If sex was not solely for reproduction God would have invented a switch on the body for pleasure from sex

>> No.11181759

Spermatozoa doesn't want to "fertilize" anything. It's one of the peace of mind things the masses want to believe in.

>> No.11181761
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>according to new studies.

>> No.11181785

female homosexuality is strongly determined by prenatal testosterone levels

but there may be other factors, and male homosexuality is still a big question mark

>> No.11181826
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I'm not sure if I've ever really loved a girl, not even the ones I've been with. But I have loved guys but am not really sexually attracted to them except if they're feminine.
Don't know what I am and don't really care, sexuality just seems like a total illusion at this point.

>> No.11183554


>> No.11183555

It's a combination of being a faggot and a raging homosexual

>> No.11183582

asexuality >> male homosexuality > male heterosexuality

>> No.11183586
File: 188 KB, 1096x2893, truth about homos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexuality is caused by traumatic childhood rape. It is neither genetic nor a choice.

>> No.11183601

>doesnt love women
>loves men
Dude youre gay as fuck

>> No.11183603

Most homosexuals I know have giant penises. My guess is that it's prenatal testosterone as well for them.

>> No.11183623

>not a choice
pick one

>> No.11183720

Homosexuality is from mental construction during the childhood.

>> No.11183750
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Just as there is more than one variety of pedophile, each with its own underlying cause, there is more than one variety and cause of homosexual behavior. The most common cause is almost certainly childhood molestation and early teenage "initiation" to the lifestyle by older homosexuals, but this does not rule out possible inborn factors giving rise to a less common homosexual type.

>> No.11183792

Scientific research on gender and sexuality is now heavily infiltrated by biased leftists pushing a political agenda.

>> No.11183815

Almost always, adult homosexuality comes from homosexual child molestation, or some form of manipulation into homosexual activity at an early age.

>> No.11184065

The victim does not get a choice. They are broken, and forced to become copies of their rapists. Truly monstrous.

>> No.11184710

lol ok boomer

>> No.11184723

This why Helene's efforts to make me turn out gay failed: homosexuality comes from homosexual child molestation, not asexually raping your son in the ass with an anal thermometer.

>> No.11184731

Is heterosexuality genetical? Or at least determined since you're born? Or is it an abnormality?

>> No.11184758

I wasn't raped lol

>> No.11184777

“The club type”
“The pub type”
That doesn’t mean anything

>> No.11184787

Twin studies have shown that homosexuality is not purely genetic; in about half the cases where one identical twin is gay the other one is not. My guess is that certain genes make you more susceptible to the environmental factor(s) that cause the gay, but it is a not a guarantee.

>> No.11184793

No, homosexuality is the only purely non-determinate force in the universe. It can therefore be used to produce perfect cryptography.

>> No.11184796

90-110 iq
120 iq
>feminine clean masculine logic sexual
140 iq
>asexual sexualised sexual
170 iq

>> No.11184800

sounds like the typical case of feminine clean masculine logic sexual bi-gay

>> No.11184808

My female cousin made me get naked with my siblings and we posed as if we were in playboy I think I was 4 my sister 5 and my brother was 3 and she was 5 . And I came out gay

>> No.11184819

Homosexuality doesn’t exist. No sexualities do. They’re linguistic spooks.

>> No.11184828

Nothing exists. Physical nihilism is true. You can't even define a chair, thererfore nothing reals

>> No.11184830

Studies on twins have proven that homosexuality isn't genetic. And if my memory is correct, there was a study conducted in Sweden where they examined the epigenetic difference between gays and normal humans, which they don't find anything.

The acceptiness of Homosexuality has never been about what's scientific or not in society. Whenever politics "relies" on "science" it's just a plug to get the normalfags to obey the appeal of authority.

>> No.11184962

its a mental illness usually from daddy issues

>> No.11184991
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>> No.11185004

Does the self exist? Does consciousness exist? Do seperate beings exist? Do we share a universal consciousness? Is solipsism correct? Does existence not exist? What about non-existence?

>> No.11185006

that you know of

>> No.11185008

i'm sure you're qualified to speak on the topic

>> No.11185054


>> No.11185061

Explain please.

>> No.11185069

>gets raped during childhood

>> No.11185684

Be patient and understanding with ESLs, anon. Just like you should not be patient and understanding with butt pirates.

>> No.11185747

Doesn't that often follow autism?

>> No.11185784

So there's this extremely delicate super machine inside our heads that develops speech many months after it's running.

And some people think they're beyond explaining complex mechanisms like human homosexuality or behaviour.

Dude that's like at least 3 years of constant emergence inside your learning machine before you can even spot a thing from the outside. You will not understand it.

Saying it's just one or the other would be pretty naive though.

As much as I would like to contradict this, I am unable to. If it were this easy to distinguish gays, humanity would have noticed by now and there would have been a consensus about this topic.

>> No.11185791

Nearly every phenotype is a combination of environmental and genetic factors
, especially complex things like human behaviour

>> No.11185813

strong evidence it comes from bad sexual experiences at a very young age.

>> No.11185825

inb4 you made him recall repressed memories

>> No.11185878

You may be interested in Buddhism.

>> No.11185930


This is basically the finding of a recent genome-wide association study, which however does find, unsuprisingly, a correlation to trait openness.

>> No.11186308

What evidence do you knew of? Not that I doubt you, but it's hard to find research on this forbidden topic.

>> No.11186347

Infographics, they're over the chans

>> No.11186922

It depends on what homosexuality means, and how it is defined, and it is defined. Homosexuality can be learned, logically deduced, or form of rape. Induced used psychological tricks or hypnosis.

It depends on what homosexual means in sex, it's like same genitals coupled? Or everybody is having same sex? Like you mean missionary on a stadion where people fuck with same coordinates to each other?

It's like homogenous perception of sex? All sex is same? All sex has homogenous distribution?

Wasn't "homo" human, therefore it would mean you are not zoophile?

>> No.11186955


>> No.11186960
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Homosexuality quite literally doesn't exist. It's not an individual trait, it's a post hoc descriptor.

>> No.11188069

post studies

>> No.11188088


>In the new study, a team led by Brendan Zietsch of the University of Queensland, Australia, mined several massive genome data banks, including that of 23andMe and the UK Biobank (23andMe did not fund the research). They asked more than 477,000 participants whether they had ever had sex with someone of the same sex, and also questions about sexual fantasies and the degree to which they identified as gay or straight.

>The researchers found five single points in the genome that seemed to be common among people who had had at least one same-sex experience. Two of these genetic markers sit close to genes linked to sex hormones and to smell—both factors that may play a role in sexual attraction. But taken together, these five markers explained less than 1 percent of the differences in sexual activity among people in the study. When the researchers looked at the overall genetic similarity of individuals who had had a same-sex experience, genetics seemed to account for between 8 and 25 percent of the behavior. The rest was presumably a result of environmental or other biological influences. The findings were published Thursday in Science.

He's wrong about it being "new", btw. Scientists have "known" this for a long time, because that's what literally all studies have shown us. Faggots seethe because this shows that they can be whipped into becoming normal again, hence why it's not very popular research.

>> No.11188145

It happens when your pheromone receptors get wired for the same gender instead of the opposite one, for whatever reason.

>> No.11188214

It happens when you spend too much time on /gif/.

>> No.11188272

I've heard theories that it's actually spread by childhood sexual abuse. Though we need to differentiate homosexuality and fetishised degenerate stuff like bisexuality, pansexuality, traps, etc.

>> No.11189114

I didn't get raped :/

>> No.11189123

>nsfw image
>garbage thread
>I actually go out of my way to report it
>half a week later it's still up
What do jannies even do in this board? Does it have jannies at all?
I'm not even angry, just deeply confused.

>> No.11189151

it’s this

regards, bi with 23 cm

>> No.11189639

Big if true

>> No.11189658

this post gave me an aneurysm

>> No.11190300

Cringe. Also, whether its genetic or environmental is a red herring. Even if genetics played no role, that doesnt mean its a choice or that you can change it. Even diseases like autism arent fully gentic, but when the environmental factors that cause it are impossibly complicated, and likely occur during the first 12 years of someones life, trying to use the fact that "its not genetic" to prove that it can be cured makes no sense.

>> No.11190323

This thread is truly awful but it has made me want to watch Code Geass again. Good times.

>> No.11190508

>says nothing about study with almost half a million participants
lol, muslims will teach you how to behave in due time, just wait :)

>> No.11190532

>genetic contributions to the phenotype increase with higher resolution analysis
This almost always means that more genetic contibutions will be ferreted out with time. The environmental theory doesn't make sense, no identifiable common pathogens nor chemotoxins are available that can be isolated as causally connected with homosexuality but only broad groups of developmental and behavioral abnormalities. Its almost certainly a mix of genetics and environment, but probably more genetics. Homosexual uncles and grandfathers beget homosexual males later down the line almost invariably.

>> No.11190536

Nice fantasies that are not supported by any form of research whatsoever. 8 to 25 percent, MAX.

>> No.11190570

>8 to 25% max
we don't have the ability to discern the effect of many allleles on complex traits with sufficient accuracy, there's no way to put a cap on genetic contributions and until someone can isolate environmental mechanisms that directly cause homosexuality in developing individuals there's no way to rule anything out or make valid hypotheses for what the environmental influence could stem from. I know that there must be some relationship with hormonal influences in the womb, from sexual abuse during childhood and possibly drug abuse/pharmaceutical regimens during adolescence, but that's not enough.

>> No.11190573

I've heard the argument for pathogens and endocrine disruptors, sex abuse etc. before, its not convincing. Its probably genetic, and the environmental causes would need to be extremely stable across human evolutionary history since widespread homosexuality has been observed at least in historical research across cultures and over long periods of time. This conflicts with the notion of endocrine disruptors unless you want to argue for like grains causing it, which is interesting, but the incidence rate has to be compared rigorously in cultures with high grain consumption, and the other argument, pathogens, requires an actual pathogen to be worthwhile.

>> No.11191120

homosexuality as a concept doesn't exist to begin with

>> No.11192040


Nope it's learnt behavior

>> No.11192059

Why not just make this a multi-purpose thread and talk about abortion while you're at it, OP, and about whether non-white people are really fully humans, too?
Or better yet why don't you go back to >>>/pol/ and stop shitting up the only board on 4chan that shouldn't have dumbass troll threads in it?

>> No.11192141


Remember the Catholic Church sex abuse victims? They all turned gay

>> No.11192142

you are not your genes, brainlet.

>> No.11192143

its obviously not genetic brainlet. gay people have different souls.

>> No.11192154


Found the homosexual

>> No.11192225


>> No.11192523

>outing yourself
y i k e s

>> No.11192527

unironically this