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11181032 No.11181032 [Reply] [Original]

Ok ima cut to the chase, please tell me ya nibbas are working on a time machine? My kitten died recently because the nogs behind us thought it would be funny to leave him to starve to death in their supply closet, at this point I've made peace with death and are willing to go through space and time to save him.

>> No.11181046 [DELETED] 
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mexican joker RISES

>> No.11181048
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This is a pic I took while he was sleeping a few months back, I used to tuck him in just like this, God I'm in pain right now

>> No.11181051 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11181116

At this point I'm willing to sacrifice myself to get him back as cringe as it sounds, cause fuck it im a deppressed fuck and i've lived long enough and he barely got to experience life cause he was so little.

>> No.11181145

Anon, have you considered multiple homicide?

>> No.11181181
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Been thinking about that this whole week, I also kinda wanna commit suicide, just can't live without my boy, I FUCKING miss him so much.

>> No.11181189

build a polymer80 glock and buy a real one, then provoke the nogs into getting on your lawn, shoot them dead with the bought glock and dump the polymer 80 glock next to them, then claim you were acting in self defense

>> No.11181219

Burn their house down. It'll all be ok anon. Get another cat that you like soon, you'll prob feel better even if you don't think you will

>> No.11181221

Sounds like a plan, the problem is the nogs there are pussys and stick to their hidy hole like glue, and the cops here are just trash. They fuck up almost everything they do, as Well as strait up ignore abuse victims, they've arrested people who have shot in self defence.

>> No.11181225

Fuck anon, I already replied once but this is just some sad shit. Seriously do your best to cheer yourself up. Ik shit like this is hard but life sucks ass real hard sometimes.You just have to push through it, play the hand you're dealt.

>> No.11181242
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I think what makes this the most painful thing I've felt in a while is that he was a rescue. He was abandoned, left to die in the piping hot Sun with no food or water, he was very small when we found him ,he almost looked like a new born. I sat there with him, I hand fed him and sang to him when he was feeling sick, it always worked. I watched him grow bigger and stronger each passing day, I felt utter pride and joy, I was basically his parent. There were things he would do that no other cat I had would do, he'd use his paws like a human baby and hold things when he was curious, he'd sleep next to me every night purring away.He was like my child, and I might never accept the fact his gone, out of all the things I've been through nothing hurts more than this.

>> No.11181256

>nogs are pussys
provoke them, make fun of them, do chimpanzee noises in their backyard
>they've arrested people who have shot in self defence
if this happens just escalate the case even further and sue the PD for unlawful arrest, claim copbukz and buy yourself a new car from the cash you made cucking pigs out of the taxpayers money

>> No.11181792
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blind them with science

>> No.11182330

Barely had the heart to read the whole thing. What the fuck is wrong with people

>> No.11182365

>I've made peace with death and are willing to go through space and time to save him.
Then you haven't made peace with death...
Rest assured your cat is now one with the eternal light, where there is no darkness and there are no darkies.

>> No.11182768

Can you explain exactly what happened? Your neighbors kidnapped your cat and locked him in a closet ? Why would they do that I'm lost.

>> No.11182836

you poor naive soul, bless your innocent heart

>> No.11182927

Your city probably has a bunch of unsolved deaths. A few more won't hurt. Do it fast. Do it clean.

>> No.11183126

Anon i'm so sorry for what's happened to you. You must feel really shitty right now. Just know that you gave little kitty a wonderful life and love before he went and that was the greatest gift you could have given. You are a better person for having done it and I'm sure he was grateful and loved you immensely. RIP to your boy.

Also, if you want to post the address of the people who did this, I will personally come to their house and murder every last one of them for you.

>> No.11183284

You can send the cat's DNA sample to some company that will clone it for tens of thousands of dollars.

>> No.11183306

It all started on the 17 of november, i dont know if i said this already but he was an indoor cat, I used to take him outside for walks and exercise either at small parks where there were no dogs or our backyard, but otherwise we kept him in the house. I don't know how he got out but I'm guessing he took advantage of the wind that day and ran through an open door, he was very adventurous and curious and he'd always try to jump over the backyard walls to get a scope of his surroundings but he'd always come back , I guess that was the first tip I got that something was wrong, cause he never came back. I looked everywhere for him, I put up missing poster all over the neighbourhood and stores hoping someone had seen him, I'd even went through shady neighbourhoods and almost got molested, I wasn't in the most sane of states, I mean who would be? it had been at least four days but I didn't give up, I would never give up on him, here comes the painful part, on the first day he went missing I went to my neighbours to the left and told them about it, they said they would inform the house behind them, of course now I know they didn't give a shit because the house behind them was the house he was stuck in. four days later I did a patrol around my street to ask the neighbours If they had seen him yet, in comes the nogs, you see they tell me that they heard a cat in their supply closet, they also told me that the key to the supply closet was broken and they couldn't get it open, the nogs were tenants of this house and the the land lady lived further away. I begged them to let me break the door to get to my cat, I even said that I would pay for the expenses, but they said no instead they let me in to check out the room from the outside, I was immediately suspicious about their claims because when I did my hello call he didn't answer, and he would always answer.Chances are that he was already dead but they lied about him being alive so they could get the reward money.

>> No.11183316

The next day come and after heckilng the land lady the whole morning she finally gives us permission to break the fucking door, botch cared more about a door than the cat stuck behind it, what a cunt. But when we got there the land lady greeted us instead of the tenants, she said to our faces that the key that was supposedly broken was actually fine, I felt pissed but all I could think about was my boy. When we got the door open I felt my heart stop, there was my boy , cold and lifeless, it almost looked like he was sleeping, it hurt so much. I broke down crying and screaming , I was fucking done, I tried doing my hello calls to him, no answer just silence.

>> No.11183325

They didn't even try to help him, they left him in there to die, before they opened the door they were fucking smiling and joking, they knew the cat was dead they couldn't fool me. I honestly don't know whether laugh or be pissed about this but when I was crying over his body, the land lady proceeded to ask if I was acting like that because I was autistic, what the actually fuck.

>> No.11183337
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This thread should be shown to bleeding-heart leftists. Show them something real, maybe that will pry them off the "we are all equal:)" bullshit vanitypoint they derived from absolutely nothing.

I am sorry for your loss, OP. Grieve, and get a new kitty. I bet you are a good catdad.

>> No.11183343


What resources do you have availible? i’ll assume you live in a castle law state for now since luring them to your house was mentioned. The niggers probably captured the cat for fun, or in the hope that they could scam some finders fee pit of the owner, depending on the group makeup. How many of them are there and what demographics? a bunch of young males will be harder to deal with than a family, for example. By knowingly torturing an innocent animal to death these creatures have waived their humanity, and deserve nothing but death and pain. If the justice system does not recognise this it has failed you, and you must become a vigilante. I’m guessing the house in question is a villa converted into a tenement with only the perpetrators living there, which would let you break in and deal with them without worrying about innocents. If you went there around 23:30 armed you should have ample time to punish the subhumans and avenge your buddy. Don’t expect to get away though, since you have a known motive and live nearby. The police WILL raid your house and the glows have probably already gotten your IP unless you use proxies. Bring a funnel and pour detergent down their filthy throats, then watch them convulse and die.

On the off chance that this isnt just LARPing or venting, i am obligated to say: dont actually do this, it is a criminal act and the consequences of your actions will probably go out over your family. Talk to your neighbors and make sure they know exactly what these pieces of shit did to collect a finders fee, and do everything you can to LEGALLY make their lives hell

>> No.11183354

They wont call the cops so you can do shit like mess with their breaker box or put broken glass by their tires

>> No.11183355

I guess I'm naive but I don't know if I've ever run into people as terrible as the ones in your story. Let's be honest, you really can't start shit with these guys as far as revenge goes, they would eat you alive. You could try legal action though, and I suspect you would win. But I would simply move. Seriously, move.

>> No.11183368

>the land lady proceeded to ask if I was acting like that because I was autistic
Who the fuck are these people?

>> No.11183371

There were definitely three tenants, all were young black dudes, the land lady was an old black subhuman piece of fuckin filth that I doubt has a conscience of any form. When we sent an animal abuse inspector there she strait up denied the fact that the cat was dead, at this point Im thinking about drive by shooting that bitch not gonna lie. Worst part is that the inspector was black and he believed her, we would've had her ass in court by now.

>> No.11183373

Cancer cells given human form, they're the reason why we've got big ass walls

>> No.11183377

Follow them at a distance. Learn their routine. If you must kill them it should be somewhere where they cant directly tie you to the murder. The landlady will go out for groceries or to shop. The three thugs will go into town to fuck with actual humans or beat other subhmans. What physical abilities do you posses? what vehicles and weapons can you get ahold of?

>> No.11183381

Sadly you cant do much to the cunts in court. Without the landlady testify about the key being intact its your words against theirs, and even if you won the punishment for animal cruelty or mistmanagement usually doesnt go beyond losing custordy of all animals and a moderate fee

>> No.11183409

In the physical strength department I have the strength of a hooker with aids, but i have practiced with a pistol and rifle on multiple occasions, those occasions being people trying to break into the house. Already know the basics of driving just need to get a disposable car,if I go down I go down alone, my family's gone through enough

>> No.11183422

Just get matches, gasoline, and a box of klenex

>> No.11183425

That's not even the worst part, in the country I live in, if your skin is even the slightest shade of white they assume your loaded with cash and the court would turn against you in a second, its a lose/lose scenario

>> No.11183436

Gotta be careful with the fire, there's a stray cat that roams that street, she's white with gray spots and she pretty fucking cool. I once got exhausted and sat down to rest, the cat came up to me and sat next to me, purred and even let me scratch her belly, she unfortunately chills in their front garden and I'm afraid she might get caught in the crossfire.

>> No.11183523

I assumed the US, but i suppose you could be one of the five remaining boers in south africa. Either way, when the court is biased against you, you solve the problem yourself. Good luck, anon

>> No.11183549

Thank, it's gonna take some time but justice will come, by the court or by my own hands.

>> No.11183567

This thread has helped me some what cope with my loss, being able to talk has helped me empty out some thoughts that just sat cooped up in my noggin. Those fuckers will get what they deserve, but for now thanks for showing support, my boys name was Wesker, and when I do end up dieing from some gay ass illness or getting jumped and stabbed, i'm gonna find his ass and give him the biggest hugs known to man, peace out my dudes

>> No.11183570

Time doesn't exist. Causality happening at apparent rates is a condition of perception caused by the rates in which the human brain processes information. There is no quantitative measure of time outside a mathematical function of determining rates compared to other rates.