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11180664 No.11180664 [Reply] [Original]

There is no point in bullshit like banning food on public transport. You need to figure out what makes people so fucking hungry. How much more evidence do you need before you get it?

>> No.11180712

Thank you, faith in humanity restores. Like these assholes know what it's like to be hungry on the bus. I get hungry frequently and GUESS WHAT ASSHOLES, chicken nuggets with honey are the ONLY thing that fixes it. Like, so sorry for existing. Now take your knuckle dragging redneck anti food mentality back to the trailer park you call home.

>> No.11180713

Are these posts in response to something in recent events?

>> No.11180715

>what makes people so fucking hungry
The fucking society

>> No.11180716

You guys seem to have very difficult lives.

I guess I don't know the struggles of public transport people.

>> No.11180723

No you fat fucking nigger. Act like a civilized human being around other people. You can smear Cheeto dust all over yourself in your own home

>> No.11180729
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>> No.11180731


>> No.11180748


>> No.11180751

Not to mention how it evidently is in Japan. Talking on a phone is highly frowned upon.
>Did you just fucking talk on this noisy train bro? You should fucking die. How about you make some less noise on my noise so i can noise in peace.

>> No.11180781

>You need to figure out what makes people so fucking hungry.
Snacking and empty calories. Like the ones they sell in... public transport.
They don't make you feel satiated.

>> No.11180788

>can't go 2 hours with out eating something.
Fat & diabetic much?

>> No.11180878

>You need to figure out what makes people so fucking hungry.
The fact that they are eating shitty, non nutritious food?

>> No.11180960

Eating stuff that does not stink probably doesn't bother much people, this is a simple measure against "people" eating Indian food or shit like that with their mouth open, stinking up the whole vehicle, and making a mess.

>> No.11180964


>> No.11180982

This! So much this! My wife's boyfriend sometimes brings me chikkie nuggies when he comes over to play, so I have something to do. What a great guy :) Ever since my wife gave him one of my credit cards he's been doing nice stuff like that all the time. Rednecks just don't understand our high IQ!!

>> No.11180991
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you think you're arguing in favor of food or whatever but you're actually arguing against public transport

no bus, no problem

>> No.11181011

>There is no point in bullshit like banning food on public transport

Unless you're just sick of cleaning up after messy eaters.

>> No.11181043

Sugar does make people hungrier, but only because it accelerates metabolic processes revealing nutritional deficiencies.

>> No.11181079

Got nothing particularly against food. I say we just ban smelly people.

>> No.11181126

People aren’t hungrier. There’s just never been such an abundance of food. Combine that with our culture of eating three fuckhuge meals every single day no matter what that we inherited from Europeans, and wa la, you got yourself a morbidly obese society. You don’t need to eat three times a day. Full stop. And you certainly don’t need to eat so much you have to loosen your belt at every meal.

>> No.11181283

>eating three fuckhuge meals every single day
Something I never understood, 1-2 is enough unless you are exercising heavily.

>> No.11181359

What do you mean?

>> No.11181656

The reason they forbid it is because literal retards like you can't shut their mouth while eating and spill food everywhere from your shaking hands.

>> No.11182028

dont tell me what i cant do!

>> No.11182126

if you eat processed food is is not nutrient dense and full of other stuff that harms overall makeup and uptake and so you have to eat greater quantities to sustain yourself. so when you eat processed food you have to eat more. its something like 500 calories a day more for an average man, so people put on weight.