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11179612 No.11179612 [Reply] [Original]

Why are we so cruel?

>> No.11179616

ducks are rapists though. what now vegans?

>> No.11179623 [DELETED] 
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Its OK, as long as you only do that kind of aggressive persecution to white men nobody cares. If its a woman, a black, a gay or a jew then woke society will speak up.

>> No.11179624

anthro is against the rules, hunny

>> No.11179634

That people are willing to treat other living beings that feel emotions like tools and inflict so much suffering on them, just to gain a bit of pleasure, is enough to convince me that humans are indeed pieces of shit. As for me, I only eat free range meat, even if I can only afford it once or twice a week.

>> No.11179640

why is having feelings the important aspect of your morality? why not cognition instead? these animals are dumb as shit, just because they feel doesn't matter.

>> No.11179649

There's a difference between intentionally killing an animal for a laugh and killing an animal for economic or food purposes.

>> No.11179650

Dunno. Hopefully the aliens kill everyone.

>> No.11179657

You kill animals for your pleasure, both the same

>> No.11179661
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>caring about something so thoroughly in the outgroup as literal birds

>> No.11179674

Plenty of humans are so stupid that they're incapable of contributing to society in a meaningful way. Yet every societal axiom tells us that they are valuable and deserve similar rights as other people.

>> No.11179677

Give me 1 good reason why we should have moral considerations for animals.

>> No.11179679

There was no material benefit for that guy, dude went out of his way to horrify onlookers. That said, a year for that is pretty steep.

>> No.11179704

It's ABOUT the mentality, vegan dumb fuck. No, rolling over a bunch of ducklings does fuck all on the grand scheme of things, but the desire to roll over them and watch them suffer is what's fucked up. He actually tried to humanize and elevate their emotional state just to get pleasure from their misery. Someone who just eats meat while being psychologically removed from the process behind getting it isn't a threat to society or psychologically deranged.

>> No.11179706

Communism 101

It's okay if the state does the murdering

>> No.11179718

We are animals too

>> No.11179722

It's not even communism, it's just ok if the law allows it

>> No.11179732

your explanation is good because you looked beyond the politicisation of the material. But people have a response of disgust towards cruelty to animals for a good reason, which is why a person who is cruel to them is regarded as a twisted psycho. The take home message is that a culture which punishes individual instances of public animal cruelty is not living up to its ideals if it at the same time removes people from the understanding of where their food is coming from and how to get good clean healthy food.
You made the point that he humanized and elevated their emotional state, which may imply that you believe that the only reason any animals should be treated well is insofar as they are like humans. But there are reasons other than that they are like humans which should prompt our feeling that they deserve respect and good life conditions. They enjoy their lives in their own way, and ought to be allowed to do so.

>> No.11179738

that is true, but it's not so easy to tell with humans which is why that axiom makes sense. even a "low iq" can contribute something meaningful, albeit unlikely. meanwhile non-human animals are an easy threshold. they're just good for their meat, as pets, or research.

>> No.11179749

The primary purpose of a human civilization is to serve its own interest, that's why it exists. Everything else is secondary. Even if the ideal platonic vegan diet works, real vegan parents keep raising malnourished kids.
The best way too deal with both problem is to focus on the desired outcome: first meat, then possibly less animal suffering. Lab grown meat serves both purposes, with theoretically less energy (and therefore money). The best way to support animal welfare is to support research into lab grown meat.

>> No.11179757

that's literally any ideology 101 you fucking brainlet
also do you think da ebil gubbiment is going and killing those chicks?

>> No.11179762

I can't think of any, but we do. Even you, you wouldn't like to see an animal suffer.

There will be some hidden advantage as to why normal human beings have empathy for animals, natural selection lead to it.

>> No.11179774

>that's literally any ideology 101 you fucking brainlet
any kind of anarchism

>> No.11179781

One provides utility in exchange for instant death. One provides nothing in exchange for pain and suffering. Which is better OP?

>> No.11179783

If the meat industry was on show for everyone all the time, it'd be cruelty. But it's neatly hidden away so it's just laziness. People are incredibly lazy ethically in general, especially when they feel like it somehow benefits them. There are very few people who have any backbone or original thought.

>> No.11179784

i'm talking about ideologies that exist, anon

>> No.11179788

Only that empathy for humans and empathy for animals aren't independent faculties. Just because you can separate them logically means little unless you're a flawlessly rational person.

>> No.11179796

florida man is the type who will hurt people later

>> No.11179811

Because most people care about virtue signaling and nothing else.


>> No.11179812


The government made it a monopoly and subsidizes it with tax dollars they force from you

>> No.11179958

You should absorb plant energy and grow, animal energy makes you... Being farmed.

>> No.11180504
File: 29 KB, 624x374, Kill one man and you are a murderer kill millions of men and you are a conqueror kill them all and you are a god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11180509

carnists can't come to terms with this simple truth

>> No.11180518

>millions of baby chicks ground up alive?
why? and source

yeah except that's bullshit. that's part of how people work, or some groups of people, it applies more to left spectrum retards.
people really care about animals. a lot of people care more about animals than people.

>> No.11180524

if you can't research this yourselves your head is deeper in the sand than you realize

>> No.11180534

yeah because that's how forums work
>cant research my claims on your own heh tough luck pal your dum
fuck you

>> No.11180537

no I didn't even make the thread.
it's literally a few seconds of a google search you absolute ignoramus, I bet you're suffering from some chronic disease because of poor diet and you think "it's just bad genes."

>> No.11180555

A year for some shitty birds is quite cruel.

>> No.11180560

Yet you could have shared that info using the time you spent making useless comments that does nothing but display what a stubborn, useless fag you are.

>> No.11180566

likewise you could have searched for it yourself instead of making your similarly useless comment

>> No.11180572

My post is what forums ARE FOR, bitch.
If I wanted to use google instead of a discussion forum, I would have.

>> No.11180583

I'm done responding to you, child.

>> No.11180588

>Announcing it
top kek

>> No.11180606

>caring about someone so thoroughly in the outgroup they don't even have the same body and thoughts as you lmao

>> No.11180614

>killing wild animals/pets vs killing live stock

>> No.11180633

You should look up what they do to pigs with swine flu.

>> No.11180637

You can sympathize with animals and still eat them. Biology itself demands predation. Doing anything else is antithetical to nature itself.
Even plants respond to stimuli, by eating them you are causing "pain" as well.

>> No.11180639

>Biology itself demands predation.
what is vegan?

>> No.11180641

Predation upon plants. What, did you think that one organism eating another wasnt predation?>>11180637

>> No.11180708
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>and you are a God
or some ayy lmao

>> No.11180718
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>Predation upon plants

>> No.11180730
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>> No.11180734

because slaughterhouses are regulated and subject to regular inspection, cruelty at slaughterhouses described in the infamous book The Jungle led to the FDA's creation. All of our modern food, drug and medical regulations are borne from slaughterhouse laws.

OP, you are a retard for not knowing this because it's basic US history and basic PETA history too.

>> No.11181582
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Which creates shitty and useless regulations. They can legally abuse animals with cruel government approved procedures. Plenty of workers get PTSD from harming defenseless animals.

>> No.11181643

Those baby chicks are all male, and as we all know males are useless, which is why nobody cares if they are killed.

>> No.11182211

Go check the rules again, sweetheart.

>> No.11182265

my mother forced me to shit so badly i got varicocele as a result of doing the valsalva thing the time

>> No.11182292

>any kind of anarchism
All of which are communist.

>> No.11182307

Those Ducklings are free and that man took that from them.
The chicks that live will live a life of captivity and servitude it is a mercy to grant them death.

>> No.11182308

til that the most well respected individuals in the flat earth community deny the existence of oceans

>> No.11182311

Other animals eat each other. Why not us?

>> No.11182627

>Drug interdiction literally created to disenfranchise black people
>not a single government official has made any attempt to abolish it

>> No.11182763

Not him but we are smarter we should know better and secondly we have options unlike the other animals. In fact eating animals is wasting a lot of resources compared to other food sources.
Any more questions?

>> No.11182929

Free-roaming animals vs animals specifically raised in captivity for the purpose of being killed for human consumption. Don't see the difference?

>> No.11182931

>know better
There is nothing wrong with eating animals. Industrially torturing them is.

>> No.11182935

>Be an animal in the wild
>Often in too hot or too cold of temperatures
>Get sick or get a cut, you will get an infection
>Everything is trying to kill you
>Finally a wolf catches you
>Get your intestines torn out and feasted on while still alive and aware
>Some animals start from the ass and go up when they eat you


>Be animal in factory
>Overcrowded, shit everywhere, but
>You are fed without having to go gather, never go starving
>Temperatures are optimal for your species
>Spend all your time with all your little animal bros
>Die quick painless death once old enough

>> No.11182936

Theres nothing wrong with doing anything to animals, they're animals. If you want to project human emotions and intelligence into them and assume that you're no smarter than a dog yourself, thats your business, but you might just as well project the same emotions on a rock or a tree.

>> No.11182947

my sister-wife

>> No.11182951

What if he bred them specifically for the purpose of running them over?

>> No.11182954

Torturing animals is objectively wrong, future serial killer. Assuming I'm projecting human concepts instead of being able to put myself in there position shows you're drifting away from sanity.

>> No.11182957

Our sphere of compassion has yet to expand to include all sentient entities. Human culture is in a constant state of evolution and vegans are ahead of the curve. Cultured meat and plant-based alternatives will become the norm and our ancestors will look back on us with a sense of disdain.

>> No.11182958


>> No.11182961
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>animals rape each other. Why not us?

Do you look at animals that cannot even comprehend morality do to determine what you should do? What the fuck is this post?

>> No.11182962

>rails against human cruelty to animals
>eats animals killed for him to consume

>> No.11182968 [DELETED] 

That's not an argument, it's a retarded claim. Try again.

You are okay with being tortured, noted. Also it has nothing to do with projecting you utter retard.

>> No.11182972

Holy shit are you that Frank faggot who ruined /sci/ roughly 8 years ago?

>not an argument
So where's your argument, brainlet?

>> No.11182974

Effective altruists are trying to diminish wild animal suffering as of a few years ago. They have some rather interesting things to say on the subject. All suffering is bad.

>> No.11182979 [DELETED] 

>So where's your argument, brainlet?
My next argument comes after you've made one, actual brainlet.

>> No.11182983
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>> No.11182992

Ah retard found that pic and saved it, and now you wanted to try throwing it out there randomly to see if it would fit. Too bad, it didn't.
>I've still not learned to completely ignore retards on this board.
Just go and die you worthless shitposting, thread derailing piece of shit.

>> No.11183011

That might be the joke

>> No.11183024

That occurred to me but people actually say shit like this. Poe's law.

>> No.11183042

Oh, that must be why you deleted your original post.
It fits so perfectly, because all you say is "not an argument" in an attempt to distract from the fact you have none yourself. Instead of critically thinking, you resort to ad honinems. So that's a definite "no u" here.

>> No.11183057 [DELETED] 

I delete the replies to you because it's off topic.

>> No.11183077

Because libtards enable reatarded laws, that's why innosent man went to jail.

>> No.11183139

>Why are we so cruel?
The chicks are roosters. They grow into angry little shitters that claw at and injure their companion birds. The only reasonable thing to do when farming them for human consumption is to destroy the males, and to be as humanitarian about it as possible, they're usually destroyed with very high speed industrial shredders that work too quickly for the birds to feel pain.

Running over a family of ducks is wanton destruction for its own sake, and not a larger purpose. The context of why animals are destroyed matters a great deal.

>> No.11183142

You are why mankind won't survive the next century.
Also *innocent

>> No.11183147

you're so deluded it's not even funny

>> No.11183151

we build planes and spaceships, why don't other animals do this?

>> No.11183153

This is what you say when you can't argue against the fact that nature is a heartless motherfucker that couldn't care less.

>> No.11183160
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Holy fuck. Your entire post and pic sounds like a god damn 12 year old child thought of it. 18+ site you zoomer /pol/ of shit.

>> No.11183189

Not denying nature can be cruel but you're actually retarded if you can't understand that animal cruelty done by humans including all forms of factory farming is NOT NATURAL you fuckwit. It's also completely unnecessary.

Showing compassion to a lower form of life is not something that should be dismissed so pettily.

>> No.11183197

No one's advocating for cruelty. What isn't established is what treatment in livestock raised for human consumption constitutes cruelty. Keeping the animals fed, warm, healthy, and sheltered is not a small thing for them, and its to our benefit as well. For the bigger animals, like bovines, obviously there's more to do like letting them be in pasture so they aren't miserable.

>> No.11183204

>thinks the average person is buying all their meat from a local, sustainable pasture raised farm.

You're fucking deluded bro. CAFOs are evil and vile.

>> No.11183207

You're shifting the goalposts again, dingdong. I never said anything about "local, sustainable pasture" raised animals.

>> No.11183228

I'm not shifting the goalposts I'm pointing out the fact that
> What isn't established is what treatment in livestock raised for human consumption constitutes cruelty. Keeping the animals fed, warm, healthy, and sheltered is not a small thing for them, and its to our benefit as well.

is just pure and utter BS that typical hypocrites like you use to justify the enslavement and torture of animals on a massive scale. Have you ever been to a factory farm? Slaughterhouse?

If you think animals raised in contemporary environments (not small-scale farms) are HEALTHY, you're actually quite stupid. Do some reading.

>> No.11183234

>actory farm? Slaughterhouse?
Extermination camp for animals

>> No.11183236

Food is different from killing for fun. What is hard about this for you?

>> No.11183239

karma is a bitch

>> No.11183241

You don't need meat

>> No.11183243

People gotta eat, brah. There are some minimum standards that should be met. That is not an objective statement that they are being met. At the end of the day though, people are better and more important than animals.

>> No.11183244
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Enjoy your hellworld

>> No.11183247
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>animals = food hurr durr i am strong h00man

>> No.11183249

who's moving the goalposts now shithead? :D
what's a matter I made you have some feelings of sadness for the animals? Good! time to wake up

>> No.11183256

Honestly I don't even know what we're arguing about. I'm not in favor of ending factory farming. I am in favor of showing some kindness to the animals and making sure they're healthy. At the end of the day, though, they're food.

>> No.11183262

some nonhuman animals are of higher value than some humans

>> No.11183263

>I am in favor of showing some kindness to the animals and making sure they're healthy.

HINT HINT, you can do that by not EATING them and not supporting industries that show zero compassion to the animals and treat them as if they were tin cans. If you want to buy from a local farm that shows some compassion for their lifestock, good for you but that's a lot easier said than done. It has never been easier to thrive on a vegan diet if you choose to.

>> No.11183264

lol nah, I'm gonna keep eating them.

>> No.11183269

I agree, but don't believe that means cruelty should be inflicted upon the humans in question. Karma is already taking care of them with regards to their health. Nearly everyone is fat and sick and depressed.
t.vegan for 4 years

>> No.11183274
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>ahaha I'm edgy and i'll tell him Ill just keep eating the animals!

>> No.11183346

Nah, you're just unconvincing.

>> No.11183374

is heart disease unconvincing?

>> No.11183378


>> No.11183382

Not all meat causes heart disease. You listen to too much popsci P-hacking news articles.
Do you own pets?

>> No.11183408
File: 91 KB, 750x742, 1574406101514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a plethora of deficiency sicknesses in addition to guaranteed heart problems convincing?

I know you are pozzed and brainwashed, I just want you to know it instead of clogging up the board even more with your bs. Go have a nap, you are probably anemic right now.

>> No.11183424

>Go have a nap, you are probably anemic right now.
>actually believes people eating a healthy vegan diet are anemic and tired all the time.

Bro i've had my blood tested every year, my doctor wishes she had more patients like me. You're just spouting the same misinformation that I did 5 years ago before I went vegan.

>> No.11183622

If you actually read some credible material you'd know there are much less deficiencies among vegans than meat eaters. This that exist are worse in meat eaters.
Only exceptions are B12 and iodine. Unless you live in your mother's basement, then also vitamin D.

>> No.11183705

> there are much less deficiencies among vegans than meat eaters.
That's because vegans are rich white kids, you absolute retard

>> No.11183726

Nice argument you fucking mong. Vegan is the future.

>> No.11183730

Can't make adequate vitamin D even with sun exposure if you have cholesterol deficiency.

>> No.11183738

Oh no you called me a name and changed the subject, I cannot possibly muster the strength to debate such an opponent.

>> No.11183858

As long as there is utility in harming animals then it's ok to harm animals.

>> No.11184181

>Pictured: /pol/ resorts to false flag posting after their dumbass views gain no traction in the one mildly intelligent board on this Chinese cartoon fansite.

>> No.11184474
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Whats your ARGUMENT FOR THE THEAD though? Greentext and sperg irony doesn't cut it on the
>smartest board

>> No.11184482

How could a mad scientist-type theoretically kill all humans? Engineered plague wouldn't get everyone. Nukes or redirecting asteroids would bring too much attention.

>> No.11184570

Lady chicks are useful, male chicks less so.

>> No.11184577

>Engineered plague wouldn't get everyone
Literally your only bet besides somehow wiping the entire face of the plantet

>> No.11184583

The crows in my yard are smart, keep the seagulls at bay, and occasionally bring me gifts like coins.

I would crucify 1,000 niggers to save the life of one of these crows, which bring infinitely more joy to my life.

>> No.11184613

Because if you don't I will beat the shit out of you
Morality is subjective, so this is the only reason.

>> No.11184914

Is the moral superiority of veganism even an open question anymore? Factory farming perpetuates the suffering of our fellow sentient creatures, on a nightmarish scale.

If you're not convinced, at least take a peek at the simplified argument:


Unless you're completely and utterly convinced that animals are mechanical, non-sentient automata - a characterization of animal-life that is demonstratably NOT the case - this needs to change.

I am completely confident in stating that our descendants will look back in absolute horror at this whole phenomenon.

>> No.11185214


Maybe. No problem for anyone on a proper diet though.

>> No.11185269

>muh deficiencies
That argument completely btfo under "health aspects":


>> No.11185277

post the .webms already, need my daily dose of ground up baby chicks

>> No.11185399

>Effective altruists are trying to diminish wild animal suffering as of a few years ago. They have some rather interesting things to say on the subject.

Since many animals must eat other animals to live and those animals that are preyed upon will overpopulate and exhaust the food supply if they aren't preyed on by carnivores, that isn't happening period...unless all life on Earth is wiped out and there are no more animals left to suffer.

>> No.11185721


Because it's possible animals have conscious experiences, even if they're simpler than ours. We don't know exactly how animals feel, how they experience pain but as long as we don't know for sure, we'd have to assume they can actually feel and understand pain. And this gives us an obligation to treat these creatures with respect.

>> No.11185751

>Keeping the animals fed, warm, healthy, and sheltered is not a small thing for them
It's no small thing for humans either, but you wouldn't know cause you live in your mom's basement. Might as well live in a prison, they give people all that too, and are beaten/tortured less and don't have their babies taken away.

>> No.11185984

Hah! You think that's cruel? Make some yoghurt! A bacterial genocide in every pot! :D

>> No.11186111

You're on an image board sweetie.

>> No.11186127

Sadist are more likely do seek positions of power so that they can abuse innocent people like that guy that just killed some filthy animals.

>> No.11186145
File: 45 KB, 323x500, The Lucifer Principle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read The Lucifer Principle

>> No.11186146

most people unaware whats going on in factories/slaughterhouses
stuff like that rarely seen in the news

>> No.11186159

Harder for bovines, but its not hard to treat chickens and stuff decently. I live in farm, we have hens and cocks, we kill and eat cocks (with axe, quick kill), hen are for eggs. They live fine lives, they go all they wherever they want, they eat earthworms, they have sex (so in some ways they have better lives than me). If you guys care, you should just buy eggs and meat from "ecological farms"

>> No.11186169
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It is you frail zombies who are unable to accept the truth.

>> No.11186340

>frail zombie

8 pack, v shape, decent quads/calves. u wat bro? built all the muscle while vegan too

t.vegan for ~4 years

>> No.11186502

>rape someone
>have consensual sex with partner
both are done for pleasure, so there's no difference

>> No.11186654

One thing i agree with vegans is that most meat eaters in the west are hypocrites. If you're not aware of the fact that animals have to be killed for sustenance and you're not totally unbothered by it then how do you justify your worldview.

>> No.11186665

I feel like this was made by someone that doesn't quite get the meme.

>> No.11186666


>> No.11186685
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Because categorization op, it's the reason why humanity has often displayed so many forms of cruelty.

The reason why the guy in pic is punished for killing ducklings and the farm/corporation is rewarded for killing chicks is because one is categorized as "wild" and the other as "livestock". Similar to the categorization of "first" and "third" world, "freeman" and "slave" or "domestic" and "foreign". Before the individual is even born to prove their worth, society has already categorized them thus filtering out potential avenues they possibly could have had in life. By doing this cruelty arises since through no fault of the individual coming into the world their life is dictated by rules they had no consent to.

>> No.11186709

Chickens die against their will regardless faggot.

>> No.11186725

>there are unironic objective moralist brainlets proselytizing on /sci/ right now
If your best argument for veganism is appeal to emotion and muh feefees/suffering/cruelty you're as primitive as theists and should get the fuck back to /pol/ or /his/

>> No.11186756
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>> No.11187078

Looks like he doesn't have to, snowflake.

>> No.11187084

That's why you eat supplements every day.
My bloodwork is perfect as well, but I take 0 supplements - the natural way. Stay s o y

>> No.11187167

The later exists, and only, for our own desires. They are a domestic species that we keep alive purely for a purpose we gave them, and if we tell them to die, then so be it.
stop being a fucking incel.

>> No.11187175

Doom is a pussy

>> No.11187176

>Cognitive dissonance

>cop shoots criminal
>nazi shoots jew
>nigger shoots nigger
>kid shoots sister in back seat

>> No.11187219

you guys are all autistic retards who cant into law

Running over duckling without any intent to eat them or other productive activity show sadistic behavior in the individual, behavior that could later manifest itself against another person and now you got a murderer or a the very least a potential assaulter, which is why that man needed the recieve prison time

grinding up chicks is just so humans can eat and does not constitute sadistic or potentially criminal behavior

t. lawyer

>> No.11187228

Kill all lawyers and revoke all laws.

>> No.11187277

Wrong. See

Also, where do you think the B12 in your meat comes from, brainlet?

>> No.11188073
File: 28 KB, 320x427, vegan incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single body posted ITT

Till someone posts a body of someone who was raised completely vegan and doesn't look like some sub-human who barely dodged the gas chambers at Auschwitz I'll continue eating meat. It's what Allah wants for me. Try to tell me IRL that Allah is wrong about this and see what happens to your infidel existence.

>> No.11188138
File: 100 KB, 960x960, Nimai-Delgado-Profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raised vegan

>> No.11188154

>Growing up, my diet has always been about 95% vegan
Great example of how no one can get a good body without animal proteins. Do you have an actual example?

>> No.11188363

bitch please, stfu and let the vegans take over

>> No.11188393

I kill them for my health. Meat is very nutritious.

>> No.11188622


Name one nutrient naturally not found in any plants brainlet

>> No.11188624

how does he still mange to look so sickly and malnourished?

>> No.11188628

(bioavailable) vitamin A
essential fats, connective tissues and amino acids required for brain health

>> No.11188693

Cruelty and the like are the vehicle that enables Collectivism. We cannot be cruel to something not in our in-group, but punishing perceived offenders, not even necessarily actual offenders, ensures the group idea of cruelty being being bad continues. People as a result don't step out of line. Though things slip through if it's done slower over a period of time. Like desensitizing people to other groups in the whole.

TL;DR: You cannot be cruel to animals.

>> No.11188809

>95% vegan
5% non-vegan doesn't mean meat, brainlet.

>> No.11188813

B12 is also not found in meat. Shiitake mushrooms produce it. Rest is just bullshit.

>> No.11188896

>B12 is also not found in meat.
found the vegan with B12 deficiency anemia

>> No.11188987

Animal protein doesn't mean meat you retard. Maybe you weren't born retarded and it's just your diet :/

>> No.11189099
File: 7 KB, 250x280, Marty-Hart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math. Game theory.
>Hard to be Jew in 33.
>Hard to be Nazi now.
Not moral, pragmatic.
Roman if in Rome.

>> No.11189116
File: 2 KB, 125x94, 69AA73E0-866B-4B19-A919-876E2E3349A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True if the paramount aim of the species coincides with the scientific one, namely, absolute control.

>> No.11189125
File: 480 KB, 3840x2160, 3840x2160_Wallpaper_Gluk02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steroids aren't natural.

>> No.11189131

We all know you are vegan, you keep looking at other men, homo.

>> No.11189673

>B12 in meat doesn't come from supplements
I wonder what it's like to live with sub-100 iq.

>5% non-vegan means 5% animal protein
lol, no, it's still you.

>> No.11189815

It’s not the state tho?

>> No.11189826

thousands of the male chicks are wasted. no difference.

>> No.11189834

>grinding up chicks is just so humans can eat
wrong. There's no good reason to kill them.

>> No.11189835

>No one's advocating for cruelty.
I am.

>> No.11190097

Wrong. Your feelings don't dictate biology.

>> No.11190175

What if some animals are in our in-group.

>> No.11190191

It's not about biology, the chicks are killed for purely economical reasons.

>> No.11190997

Fuck other animals. As the apex predators of this shitty planet, we own them and their lifes. We have just to make sure not to completely deplet the ecosystem, otherwise, we should do as we please.

>> No.11191036

>i am retarded
Yes I know, you're vegan, it's a given.

>> No.11191575

Survival of the fittest