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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11178261 No.11178261 [Reply] [Original]

>120 IQ

>> No.11178266
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>130 IQ

>> No.11178274
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I did a few online tests and I score around 100.
But I think I'm a lot smarter than that.
What gives.

>> No.11178278 [DELETED] 

Virginia completed its gradual transformation into a southern Democratic stronghold. A state that was once reliably Republican red — and slowly became “purple” through the Obama years as its suburban demographics changed — is now definitely Democratic blue.

>> No.11178279
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>> No.11178280
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11178281


>> No.11178282


>> No.11178283


it's called dunning-kruger anon

>> No.11178308

my stats:

132 IQ
can beat lvl 7 chess.com computer

and you?

>> No.11178319
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Not sure you understand the point I am trying to make.
I am a lot more smarter than a 100 IQ would imply.
I am surrounded by mouthbreathers.

>> No.11178325

>I am a lot more smarter

>> No.11178337


>> No.11178342

See what I'm saying?
You answer in memes while mines are full sentences.

>> No.11178346

Why do you think that?
IQ tests impose unrealistic time limits.
I'm more of a slow thinker when it comes to problems I haven't already seen.

>> No.11178348

slow thinker = low IQ

>> No.11178349

A reminder that all online IQ tests overestimate your IQ by around 20-30 points so you will share your results with your friends and get them to click on the link for that sweet ad money. You can test this by pretending to be retarded and smashing random answers, you'll still get around a result of around 90-100.

In the case of the Mensa online test it's even more devilish since they want basically everyone to get a result of 132 IQ so that they'll pay for the real test in hopes of getting into Mensa. You basically have to be a mouthbreathing downie to get a result of under 130 in their test.

>> No.11178356

This is also the real reason why basically everyone in these threads seems to have a way above average IQ

>> No.11178360
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>by pretending to be retarded

>> No.11178485

How could that happen on a board for science and math

>> No.11178704

I think differently.

>> No.11178753

Cope some good online tests like JCTI/mensa.dk are far harsher than the official mensa test for example.

>> No.11178929

You must be an apple fan. Millennial walrus, Jobs is dead and rolling in his grave. Savior of jerusalem

>> No.11178936

A high IQ is not all it's quacked up to be.

>> No.11178956

smart people generally doubt themselves too much. You don't fall under that category anon so just accept the 100 and be thankful it's triple digits and not room temp.

>> No.11179023 [DELETED] 
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103 , why could I be born smarter ?

>> No.11179035
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103 in Wechsler scale during test on university, why couldnt I be born smarter ?

>> No.11179146

100 iq people can compete with 130 iq people. You have to trust me on this after long observation of what the differences are compared to normal people. 130 iq people just learn faster, make connections faster, because they can think laterally easier. but that doesnt mean 100 iq people cant do what 130 iq people do. They just need to work longer to make connections. Of course the difficulty of problems will be different between 100 and 130
will initially be difficult but that's where specific adaptations come into play if you work hard at a specific ability/skill you will get just as good as them you just personally have to put more resources in.

>> No.11179152

You are probably an intellectual, that's why it seems to you that way. You think about things deeply that normies don't even consider. You're what's called intellectual-yet-low-IQ.

>> No.11179251

>tfw got 124 on mensa.no
Am i a retard?

>> No.11179270

66 IQ guess I was born to be a degenerate

>> No.11179274
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>> No.11179280

That's exactly how the Drunning-Kruger effect works

>> No.11179283


Low IQ gang represent, feels good to be special

>> No.11179288

Wow not bad. My IQ has been lowered by flouridated water, there is nothing I can do to avoid it and it's causing me severe permanent brain damage and soon to be leaving me with a fully fledged calcified pineal gland. I hope everyone here can try to avoid it.

>> No.11179294
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>66 IQ

How is it possible ? I though that even normie 100 IQ is low score on this board.

>> No.11179409

t. 160 iq

>> No.11179429

this lol

my iq is 84 an life is great

>> No.11179431

190 IQ here.
Can confirm.

>> No.11179436

210 & can't say I relate.

>> No.11179692

Beats the fuck out of having an IQ of 80, doesn't it? Quit being a crybaby.

>> No.11179724

>never take IQ tests because they bore me (ADHD)
>find one that's quick (15 problems to solve)
>even this bores me and my mind starts to wander
>force myself to finish it regardless
>get to the end
>"Only $6.95 for your results!"
Fuck this gay-ass Earth and it's bullshit, just one more reason I don't bother with these things

>> No.11179741

Having an iq of 130 (Mensa online test so I am still doubtful) in a country that has an average iq of 90 is awful. I keep getting called a weirdo for having different interests (having interests in science, and talking about our human existence)

>> No.11179755

They tried to measure my IQ when I was 7 years old, but it turns out they couldn't measure accurately because I was smarter than they were. A researched can only invent a valid intelligence test for someone less intelligent than themselves, if someone more intelligent than the researcher takes the exam then the researcher will necessarily be too stupid to understand the results correctly.

>> No.11179770

>all these high IQ scores
Hah! If you are so smart, then why are you wasting away your precious life and intelligence in this cesspool of degeneracy, huh?

>> No.11179826

Do you suffer from hypoxia from having your nose up at such a high altitude all the time like that? Not good for your brain, you know.

>> No.11179831
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Oh look, one of the dog-whistle catch-phrases for the /pol/ board tourists.

>> No.11179835

IQ tests for the most part are just another Dominance Game, they have little meaning in the real world. What you actually know, what you can actually *do* is more important. There are plenty of people in the world with high IQs who are pretty much useless, lacking any ambition, and never contribute anything to the world commensurate with their alleged IQ.

>> No.11179868

well you must've been pretty dumb to begin with if you fell for the fluoride meme so no big loss

>> No.11179914

You haven't answered my question, genius.

>> No.11179922

so you're probably at about 110 on a real test, not bad

>> No.11179941

Which is the comfiest iq, /sci/?

>> No.11179953
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>120i IQ

>> No.11179965

You're in the trough. Genuinely smart people have confidence in their abilities.

>> No.11179976

I have an average IQ but with an inferiority complex. I have the obscure privilege of being able to LARP as the self-doubting Dunning-aware "smart" guy, but I'm just effectively stupid because of my cowardice and lack of initiative.

>> No.11180048

128 tested at 14 y/o but I say 130 because I feel like I was particularly retarded at 14

>> No.11180074

Objectively around 120.
>gives a decent boost, not low enough to prevent you from doing anything except the most abstract stuff which you realistically wouldn't be doing even if you were a 145+ genius
>not high enough as to develop a complex, either hubris or inferiority, nor feel indebted to do something profound
>if you buy into the meme +/- 15 IQ point conversation thing, you can still be social with the vast, vast majority of people
130's is the worst.

>> No.11180076

i have depression and social anxiety but not because im in the 130s lol

imo higher is better you just gotta dodge all the shitty depression and autism genes

>> No.11180163

Your IQ is purely imaginary.

>> No.11180164

I'm in the dead zone of IQ. I'm smart enough to be successful but not smart enough to be remembered.

>> No.11181597

Another IQ thread. If it was an accurate way that result of 120 would make you a brainlet. 120 is brainlet tier

>> No.11181602

>online tests
That means you would score around 75 at most on an actual IQ test.

>> No.11181610
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>140 iq

>> No.11181636

i imagine people that posts on /gif/, /b/ or /pol/ have 80-100 IQ there is something special in the way they write

>> No.11181638

I am so high IQ I dont have dunning, I just know I am based

>> No.11181644
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[math]120 IQ \angle{-89.2039^{\circ}}[/math]

>> No.11181706

Thats actually completely incorrect. Dumb people recognize smarter people all the time you dumb dumb

>> No.11181800

>Tested at 148 IQ when I was in the 7th grade
>Finish my math BS at 19, get into a top phd program
>depression gets worse
>drop out and become a suicidal NEET

>> No.11182546
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That moment when a lot of super IQ geniuses are wasting their time posting on this board.

Or perhaps they are just brainlets larping.

>> No.11182966
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>70 IQ

>> No.11183592

How much have you played chess?

>> No.11183599

101 IQ

I smoke weed everyday

I regularly blow away everyone with my vast knowledge of anime and 4chan. Can't wait to update them at family dinner tonight

>> No.11183602

>another superiority complex thread

>> No.11183756
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>148 IQ

>> No.11183763

>exp(160*pi*i) IQ
See you later, brainlets

>> No.11183779

100 iq neet here
discrete math btfod me in college so im a neet now and smoke weed and watch hentai everyday
feels actually good tho

>> No.11183787

highschool dropout here

140 iq

i support my family and found fulfillment in my work

>> No.11184146

Explain students who study more than anyone of their peers and fail three times their exams and get kicked out.
Because I know several such cases. And they never did anything except studying.

IQ is the biggest scientifically proven fact about intelligence there is and there is a direct correlation (one of the biggest there is to be exact) between your IQ and life quality, education and income.

>> No.11184501
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>tfw 110-115 IQ-let

These IQ threads make me feel depressed bros

I was going to do a masters in statistics but /sci/ made me realize that I'm too much of a brainlet to understand higher level math.

>> No.11184503

I was originally tested on the WAIS at 144+ but now test at 122 on the same test. Should I kill myself?

>> No.11184666

have sex

>> No.11184671
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*takes another bite*
120 huh, that's pretty comfy. I believe in you op. You just gotta study hard.

>> No.11184691

You can still indirectly make contributions to science. For instance, you could be the janitor or the coffee boy at a research institute :)