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11177900 No.11177900 [Reply] [Original]

Do antidepressants really make masturbation (and sex) feel slightly worse permanently, even if taken for a few days?

>> No.11177903

this is a bad thing how? cure depression and cumbrainery with one pill. sign me up if true.

>> No.11177904


>> No.11177938

all psychiatric drugs are posons, don't take them and all psychiatrists should be hanged.

>> No.11177951

Some people get lucky and don't have any side effects, you should still take them if you want to kill yourself.

>> No.11177959
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>taking destructive ssri's and thinking artificially induced sexual dysfunction is a good thing
>not pursuing enlightenment by inducing asexuality through meditation and other lifestyle methods

>> No.11177963

Masturbation and sex are a distraction, focus on what is important!

>> No.11177967

Take natural antidepressants, brainlet.

>> No.11178140
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I was on a SSRI and while sex still felt good my sex drive was destroyed, going from wanting it twice daily to a couple of times a week.
Now I'm on a NRI (Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor) which leaves my sex drive intact while making me less suicidal.

>> No.11178162

I had a month or two where I could not come at all after starting on them. It went back to normal after a while.

>> No.11178200

Depression fag here. Any other side effects were temporary or could be ascribed to placebo. Sex drive was the only really noticeable side effect. I went from masturbating 3-4 times a week to maybe once every 2 weeks, and that was more done out of a sort of grudging sense of trying to keep being semi sexual. Sex with partners were no problem, just lasted way longer than normally, and one case of inability to ejaculate after 3 hours while very drunk.

The side effect lessened markedly after a period of 2-3 months which coincided with a marked lessening in tiredness and slight nervousness. It's most likely anhedonia is a side effect that is worsened by other side effects (tiredness, nervousness, anxiety).

The best thing you can do is just not stress about it. They prescribe these meds for a reason. Not that they'll magically fix everything without problems, but because they do more benefit than harm. Most medicine is a trade-off and in most cases when prescribed by a good psykiatrisk it's a good one.
Give your mind time to rest. Sleeping and eating is your friends right now. Don't sweat it. Take what time you need. Say no to that get-together with friends, take a nap, go for a walk, stargaze and cook. You're on the road to health, but right now you're just taking the first few steps.

If it helps you I'm now off my meds and have not had any problems. Lasting or otherwise. Found the energy to pursue my Ph.D, life is good.

Good luck pal.

>> No.11178203

Since this is a shitty thread I'm going to tell you about something fucked-up that happened last week. I live with my mother and teenage sister, Bella, in a working class Italian-American neighborhood. We're uncomfortably close to a black ghetto and I'm always worried about crime. When Bella woke me in the night I assumed we were being burgled, heart pounding I grabbed the metal baseball bat I keep by the bed. "Is someone in the house" I whispered. She hesitated "No..." "So what's going on?" I replied.

She hesitated again, then sidled forwards and pressed herself against me, I could feel her pert young breasts separated from my bare midriff only by the thin cotton of her nightdress. She stretched up on her, put her lips close to my ear and said softly "Do you know what they say about Italian men? They say you make love to your own sisters" Suddenly I was scared for a different reason. My mamma is deaf as a post and wouldn't hear it if the roof fell in. Knowing this put a terrible temptation in my heart.

>> No.11178253

sertraline made it impossible to cum.

>> No.11178459

Nigger what? SSRI makes it great to fap because you automatically edge, it's harder to cum but it's a massive load when you finally get there

>> No.11179440

No you shouldn't, especially considering antidepressants increase suicide risk and thoughts significantly

>> No.11179451

Until you discontinue Prozac and develop Pleasureless Orgasms and Anhedonia that are still present 7 years later. I can only blame myself for going against my own instincts in taking this artificial poison

>> No.11179461

Antypsychotics are even worse...

You feel like it didn't happened.

I think antidepresants are : It's not happening
And antipsychotics: It has not happened.

>> No.11179908
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i would love to not have a sex drive, how is that a downside. such a waste of time

>> No.11180952

I used to take Prozac and now I'm paranoid. I felt like my orgasms weren't as strong since then. I took Prozac like 6 years ago.

>> No.11180994

Permanent side effects from any prescription medication are VERY rare (they do exist, and you will have proof when they do because somebody will have sued the company up the ass). Anything you read online is almost guaranteed to be a hypochondriac delusion.
Most erectile issues of any kind are purely psychological, and when you start obsessing over every minutiae about your cock because you're paranoid something's off, you're going to GIVE yourself ED. Lots of nocebo effect studies have been done proving this exact thing; people experience high rates of sexual dysfunction on sugar pills if you warn them it's a possible side effect, because they start looking for it and the anxiety harms their performance.

>> No.11181241

My girlfriend dumped me for having very little sex drive, which was a bummer. nb4 the only reason to have a girlfriend is sex.