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11176452 No.11176452[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does it feel like to be limited to a single language?

>> No.11176457

im trying to learn nip so i can go get a waifu
its going okay i think

>> No.11176463


>> No.11176482

>Needing to know multiple languages just to talk with his fellow countrymen.

Imagine being this inefficient. No wonder science only speaks English.

>> No.11176510

good, everytime I see a polyglot or a european complaining about america I grow more powerful

>> No.11176527

I feel guilty and stupid.

>> No.11176954

Pretty bad.

I want to learn French, Russian, and Mandarin, in that order. These are the most utilitarian imo.

If I had lots of time on my hands, I'd learn Scottish, Norwegian, and Swiss-German too, because I love these places very much.

>> No.11177037

But everyone can, pretty much speak English.

>> No.11177048
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Are you mocking me?
I used all my commas correctly.

>> No.11177061

No. They are always changing the rules on that stuff. We shouldn't care. I was tempted to ise another but(,) less is more.

>> No.11177101

Oh ok lol.
Yeah, most people can speak english too. The scandinavian states for instance are almost perfectly multilingual.

But I still think it's important (both psychologically and culturally) for english-speakers to commit to another language.

Language is an aspect of culture. In a culture-less environment, it's neccesary to return to your roots.
Imagine all the whites in America learning German, and feeling pride instead of guilt to be who they are.

>> No.11177362

Don't worry, the Spanish language has taken over many parts of the United States

>> No.11177379


I'm fluent in English so this causes me no distress whatever, especially since the bilingual people I interact with on a routine basis are vastly inferior to myself. Thread'll be pruned shortly.

>> No.11177380

I can speak 2 languages OK and 2 badly.
I can only read English comfortably. It's kind of sad. English is my best language and there's people way better than me at English while knowing more languages than me. Is it nature or nurture?

>> No.11177520

I be speaking Ebonics and the white man's English. So I bilingual.

>> No.11177527

based nigger

>> No.11177600

Maybe some will present interesting arguments but, as an American, it isn't easy. There is not much need to speak another language and little opportunity to practice. My blood is german but I can't read seventeenletterwords. I can pickup on conversations in other languages; Japanese and Spanish to the point that I can completely understand half the time or maybe even crack a joke. Everyone I come in contact with can speak English good enough that I don't need to speak their language. In the future, I predict one main language that is centered around English. What you say is true. I have self studied a little german but can't have no chance to strengthen it.

I'd like to hear the answer to >>11177380

>> No.11177614

French is not hard to learn. Just start learning it.

>> No.11177616

I am an American and I speak American. Fuck other languages.

>> No.11177622

Who here speaks 4 or more, like a chad?

>> No.11177672

based retard

>> No.11177683
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i don't speak any foreign languages XD

>> No.11177707

What is the difference between American and English? Besides Americans spell wrong and English can't talk right.

>> No.11177710

Same bro, just posted this on /biz/.

Hey /adv/, I have a question about girls. I am STEM major taking Japanese as a minor. We recently learned how to ask people to do things together. I want to ask one of my teachers to go to a restaurant she likes, that I also like (She's a grad student). Is it socially acceptable to ask my teacher out on a date?

>> No.11177728

Americans call a lift a "elevator"
Americans call chips "french fries"
Americans call the boot of a car the "trunk"
Americans call a jumper a "sweater"
Americans call an upsy-stairsy the "escalator"
Americans call an aeroplane an "airplane"
Americans call a bison a "buffalo"
Americans call crisps "chips"
Americans call motorized rollinghams "cars"

>> No.11177732
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It feels great.
>But I still think it's important (both psychologically and culturally)
Keep dreaming, Pierre.
What for?

>> No.11177755

Helping to prove my point.
What stupid words.

>> No.11177759

Out of curiosity what country wins the most nobel prizes in physics?

>> No.11177760

I'm an American who only spoke one language until I was 18, then learned a second language and 8 years later I am perfectly fluent.

>> No.11177764

>What does it feel like to be limited to a single language?
Depends on the language; I only speak English but that's totally fine since fucking everyone speaks English
If I was a disgusting third worlder who only spoke Portuguese or Russian or some shit then I'd feel bad about it

>> No.11177773

What languages are most useful for physics?

>> No.11177780

English is the most useful for all scientific fields.

>> No.11177784

Was the second language English? American doesn't count as a language.

>> No.11177786

I speak english and schematic diagram

>> No.11177822

We speak better English. We should take that eponym from your people.

>> No.11177825

I can't tell anon

>> No.11177876

I speak English as my first language, a bit of French and a bit of Arabic. It is completely useless to learn other languages. Why? Because you'll never reach the level of sophistication you have with your primary language. Learning new languages is only good for getting locals to do things for you, or to ask for directions.

>> No.11177907

I feel like a brainlet for only knowing two desu. Hence learning Russian currently, then maybe Chinese if there's time.

>> No.11177908

This is false. I speak English as my second language, but due to the sheer amount of exposure I've had to it I'm more proficient at it than i am my native language.
Granted i took years 10-13 at a British school.

>> No.11178262
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What's it like not knowing 20 different programming languages? Oh I'm sorry anon did you say can't even read one? Enjoy being poor anon. CS gigachads win again

>> No.11178270

Without the WWII, universal language should have been French.

>> No.11178292

Lol, all right, how's this?

I am fluent in Dutch, English, French, German and can hold basic conversations in Flemish Sign Language, Tanzanian Sign Language and Swahili. I can also make sense of most written Roman and Germanic languages.

Furthermore, I've written code in C, C++, asm, Java, Fortran77, Fortran90, php, Python, BASIC, and a few more I'm forgetting right now.

>> No.11178321

Chinese, obviously.

>> No.11178344

I don’t think so. It could harm the student-master relationship. But dunno, maybe I’m old school. You can ask her for sure when you finish your semester anon

>> No.11178380


>No wonder science only speaks English.

Good old times when science only spoke latin

>> No.11178446

The way I see it there are two useful variants;

A: Monolingual; English-speaking
B: Bilingual; Native language + English (basically everybody on earth)

The former saves a lot of time, the latter is annoying but also works

(since we're on /sci/ we only care about language as a means of obtaining knowledge, english is the standard scientific language)