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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11176310 No.11176310 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend any other books that debunk scientism but also give you a better appreciation for science?

>> No.11177369
File: 38 KB, 640x815, 7220951E-3766-4F3A-9710-129426C1219E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Polanyi, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Karl Popper, Susan Sontag, Parmemides

>> No.11177376

Paul Feyerabend

Based Polanyi

>> No.11177385
File: 14 KB, 374x374, huh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is scientism?

>> No.11177393

a meme jesusfags made up to make scientists look dumb by false equivalence with them

>> No.11177399

An -ism made by creationists to argue that science is a cult and thus is below religion

>> No.11177401


>> No.11177404

This is a good start

>> No.11177406


>> No.11177417

Cult-like adherence to an uncritical acceptance of the dogma of logical positivism/empiricism. Espoused by people who get too wrapped up in technical minutiae to study any history or philosophy of science, semiotics, epistemology, stuff like that.

Basic problems are that observation is theory-laden, knowing is socioculturally constructed, proof/truth is elusive, and people tend to massively underestimate how constrained they are by linguistic processes.

>> No.11177433
File: 111 KB, 960x541, 1568255780055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There aren't any books which will honestly debunk something thats true (see pic).
Check out this old quote
>For them let that play the principal part which we have persuaded them to accept as the dictates of science (theory). It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals of the goyim will puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of them will put into effect all the information available from science, which our agentur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want.
Its from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, isn't that spooky?

>> No.11177438

then make a thread then, if you think you can debunk science

you are doing evangelical cope. this is the same line of reasoning that leads people to think dinosaurs went extinct because they fell off the ark

>> No.11177440

>protocols of the elders of zion
you have to go back

when will sci BUILD THE WALL???

>> No.11177446

nobody’s out to “disprove science” you fucking brainlet

failure to criticize the foundations of scientific method is unscientific, you’re closer to being an evangelical than you think

>> No.11177454

okay so i see you are alluding to some nebulous argument you didn’t state about how science is wrong and you know better than science. redpill me then, what is your method (a method superior to the empirical/scientific method)???

>> No.11177463

>giving /pol/niggers (You)s

>> No.11177474

whatever i’m drunk and like pwning them while shitfaced because then i prove they are so dumb the get pwned even by shitfaced anons

>> No.11177475

Even if The Protocols are fake, the processes to "fool the goyim" which are described in The Protocols are clearly being employed by someone

>> No.11177485

jesus christ, it’s like you’re literally illiterate

>> No.11177494
File: 78 KB, 800x500, laughing white males.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh noes, its a non-believer! a heretic! its evil, ignore it!
Theres the good ol' open minded academic scientific curiosity on display for everyone to see

>> No.11177519

A rare double cope whammy, plus
A fresh strawman / possibly just brainlet take, cont: >>11177454

Yep, this thread has it all. I seriously hope you two consider the recs made in this thread lmao

>Schitzo pol poster
>le "I pwn trumpists by using their catchphrases against them" redditor

Please give me more, /sci/

>> No.11177530

Lmao, this weird perception philosotards have about people who like science is remarkable. Most people you claim to have a "Cult-like adherence to an uncritical acceptance of the dogma of logical positivism/empiricism" actually don't care a lot of what all of that means, they simply study scientific theories and go with a framework that permits them further their own understanding. Basically, most of them aren't really interested in all the topics you mentioned, and why should them? Hell, most people in general are interested in a very limited range of topics, why the fuck do you think those topics are anything special? You could claim that at worse it's ignorance, but nowdays everyone is ignorant on a plethora of topics, as there is just too much shit too learn, and if you prefer to learn about scientific theories in certain ways, certainly you are not going to spend most time arguing about the philosophical foundations of your methods (that's why we have specialisations in philosophy of science). That humans can be stubborn and uncritical about their actions and thoughts is nothing new, and I find it pretty far streched to think this position is "cult-like".

>> No.11177537



Cringe and SJW pilled

>> No.11177549

>why should them?

To avoid ending up with hare-brained theories because they can’t unstick their heads from their own assholes?

>> No.11177604

Why are Jews and Jewslaves (Cuckstians) eternally seething?

>> No.11177795

The Scientific Attitude by Lee C. McIntyre

>> No.11178409

Tbh the entire problem is purely terminological. "Scientism" is a term madeup by Young Earth Creationists to make an evil boogeyman of Evolution.The obsession with Logical Positivism is telling. The Right uses this term to refer to people who believe garbage thebLeft believes, like Genes being vestigial or there being 978,737 genders and Science Can Prove It, but this has nothing at all to do with Science, if anything it's a purely philosophical matter as Empirical Evidence is a trick madeup by Nazis and Evidence is Whiteness.

I encourage my fellow PoBs (Persons of Bigotry is our preferred politically correct term, thank you) to not stoop to such silliness. Instead of arguing against "scientism", just point out that the crazy moron is a crazy moron.

>> No.11178466

the pic you posted hurts my soul. As if being able to change your stance on something in the face of new evidence instead of insisting you've never been wrong about something is a sign that you shouldn't be trusted.

Funny how racism and a disregard for the scientific processes always end up going hand in hand for some reason.

>> No.11178786
File: 118 KB, 500x549, we-are-enlightened-and-forward-thinking-but-not-everyone-sees-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The faggots that failed Algebra I but claim to be ""scientifically minded"" because they support the trendy memes of the moment. Examples: 2006-2014's Fedoras, 2014-2015's Solar FREAKIN' Roadways, 2014-'s Rick and Morty, 2015-'s Transgenderism/Feminist Technoscience, 2019's Nuclear Power is the cleanest safest best powar evar spammers...

They get really butthurt when they are called out.

>> No.11178829

>Tbh the entire problem is purely terminological. "Scientism" is a term madeup by Young Earth Creationists to make an evil boogeyman of Evolution

No, it's the scientismists that make up the evil boogeyman of YECs to deflect away from any actually discussion on scientism. anti-evolution and creationism only ever come up in these threads by those trying to project it on "scientism" and discredit it by ad hominem. Just like how adherents boogeyman antisemitism to deflect away from any actually discussion on the problems of Cultural Marxism/Critical Theory/Postmodernism.

>Instead of arguing against "scientism", just point out that the crazy moron is a crazy moron
>Instead of arguing against "their argument", just point out that the "attack on the person" is "attack on the person"

Posters of your esteemed intellectual caliber belong on >>>/reddit/. Please never return here.

>> No.11178869

please go back

>> No.11178909
File: 11 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientism meme explained:

>Scientists -- "You're a towel."
>Towelie -- "YOU'RE A TOWEL!"

>> No.11179166

Its basically "whats the evolutionary purpose of xyz" shitposts but unironically.

>> No.11179179

Critique of pure reason

>> No.11179187

>mad reddit fedora tipper that his kind are the new evangelics

>> No.11179210

For books I'd recommend

Zumdahl's Chemistry
Brock's Microbiology
Janeway's Immunology

Therein you will find the learned protocols that elder zionists speak of. Gird thy loins

>> No.11179272

Do they keep it in lab in that book?

>> No.11179298

Scientism isn't an argument it's a cope within a cope and that's why we make fun of you.

>> No.11179898

>t. cringy scientismist

>> No.11179905

>Can anyone recommend any other books that debunk scientism but also give you a better appreciation for science?


>> No.11179928

so basically some bullshit made up by gender studies professors?