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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 576 KB, 720x759, EAqGAWGWsAEpz_G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11175527 No.11175527 [Reply] [Original]

category theory is based

>> No.11175531

women's brains are on average 15% smaller than men's brains

>> No.11175533

What is category theory?

>> No.11175542
File: 482 KB, 1228x1236, 1570096112014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11175546

Please answer honestly: what's your education level and how much math do you know? Are you an undergraduate?

>> No.11175548

Highschool diploma
Im in the first semester of my undergrad

>> No.11175550

Ok, and what would you say is the most advanced topic in math that you understand?

>> No.11175575


>> No.11175579

Your lack of ability to provided non-meme answers suggests to me that your mathematical sophistication is really low.

>> No.11175581
File: 211 KB, 976x906, undergradcattheorist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are literally the meme.

>> No.11175586

this whole thread is toppest of keks, include me in the screencap

>> No.11175590

I graduated 2 years ago with a major in math. My answer would probably be either differential forms, homotopies, Galois theory, or Lebesque integrals. I'm not proud of it but at least it's the truth.

>> No.11175591
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>> No.11175592
File: 307 KB, 1024x681, bonglice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be no screencaps, everybody go home. We're closing the thread.

>> No.11175603
File: 80 KB, 1026x743, qhi6wf88ah921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it

>> No.11175624


>> No.11175633

more category theory memes pls

>> No.11175635

btw, what is so great about category theory? i'm honestly clueless. is it worth learning or it's just a meme?

>> No.11175643
File: 57 KB, 604x453, e1c2c341e6a1e95c47606fdfd2498bb1cbf42bcf174de840f6b8307641d23c0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11175645
File: 60 KB, 580x350, morpheus-category-theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11175647
File: 103 KB, 938x584, undergradcattheorists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11175705
File: 394 KB, 1249x933, 1573255262060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another roastie postie

>> No.11175728


>> No.11175757

>Your lack of ability to provided

This guy has so much mathematical sophistication he's starting to become illiterate

>> No.11175759

It has many practical applications in computer science, definitely worth learning

>> No.11175807

Are you stating truths or are you lying

>> No.11175919

a bit of both desu

>> No.11175938

Oh no, OP's picture features women, how terrible.
I must comment on this: my opinion must be known!

>> No.11175944

proving everything by drawing diagrams

>> No.11175948

Thanks for the 4. 1 in 5 odds

>> No.11175954

square the fuck up nigga we're sick of your shit

>> No.11175985

Thanks for the 4 again. Rare 1 in 2 odds

>> No.11175995


>> No.11175997

I love you buddy

>> No.11176027

That's cool, just use nigger next time and not nigga.

>> No.11177202

why though? it's just not as satisfying to say, or am I not pronouncing it right? nig-GER... nig-AH... idk man the -GER just doesn't sit right I dunno what to say...
Seriously, even if I was a racist the -AH just feels inherently funny and the -GER doesn't. What gives man?

>> No.11177237
File: 7 KB, 250x243, 1574580303851s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do attractive women have to exist?

>> No.11177249

What is the original pic from?

>> No.11177265

I study mechanical engineering. My mathematical abilities include basic linear algebra, ordinary and partial differential equations, Laplace and Fourier analysis, and complex analysis. That is, I don't know a lot about math.
OP: convince me that category theory isn't a complete fucking waste of time.

>> No.11177284

why are you fuckers even on /sci/?

if you are that interested in the source pic this anon made his meme with, then regardless of how unsauceable the pic is, you need to admit to yourself that you have nothing to say about category theory and furthermore you probably have nothing to say about science or math. therefore, you should just go to >>>/r/

>> No.11177550

Category theory is a complete waste of time for mechanical engineering. Category theorists analyzed our bond graphs, only they threw away what makes them useful in their abstraction of it.

>> No.11177556

Why would anybody study it?

>> No.11177564

Category theory is like study linguistic, start as common rules for work with intersections math areas algebra, topology algebraic geometry, homology.

Study pure Category theory is like learn a lot weird rules about languages but unable say anything interesting.

>> No.11177594
File: 18 KB, 597x168, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11177703

I am every first meme I experience.
>It can get only get worse for all those around me.

>> No.11177770

category theory is mental wankery. it's useful for nothing pratical and provides no insight into the natural world. it's just a system for organizing your brain which is stupid because you only need such a device if your'e a brainlet to begin with

>> No.11177804

I have to lend my brain out to everyone otherwise you guys get butthurt for me hogging the universal source of knowledge brain all the time.

>Transferred/gifted to reader upon their reading this.

>> No.11177858

nice digits

>> No.11177880

I think I've heard about category theory only a handful of times at most during my bachelor. Once or twice being used in a proof.

>> No.11178128
File: 379 KB, 1536x2048, EFpQJR_U8AAQtc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11178136
File: 432 KB, 1536x2048, EF4w1x5U0AAmRJO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11178147

LMAO SAVED. This is what your average category theorist looks like.

>> No.11178164

Has anyone else noticed that all the trans people you see are, for lack of a better word, oversexualized? It's like sexual fetishism and the subversion of traditional values and morals are at their core. Their expressions, their poses, hair, tatoos, makeup, everything screams sex. I have never seen a trans person who could be described as healthy, normal human being by people living traditional, healthy lives (irrespective of how well they pass). What's the deal with that? Is it really just a fetish?

>> No.11178166

meanwhile in the twitter universe:
>”she looks beautiful”
>”so strong”

>> No.11178169
File: 1.17 MB, 633x475, 1574319758336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're only attractive on the outside. Women who are attractive on the inside don't exist.

>> No.11178171

Sadly I'm starting to believe this too.

>> No.11178183

Ah, you're a brainlet. The oversexualized trannies are the ones advertising their expressions, their poses, hair, tatoos, makeup, right? Obviously you should expect to see far more of them than "undersexualized" trannies who do not advertise themselves.

>> No.11178211


>> No.11178219
File: 383 KB, 570x495, fear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11178226

I jerk off to trannies but God are they attention whores, worse than biological females.

>> No.11178242

who is that guy? I recognize his face

>> No.11178250


>> No.11178307

Name of girl on the right now

>> No.11178404
File: 126 KB, 691x587, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11178589

Most of the trannies are just boys with an out of hand sissy fetish.
They are oversexualized because they try to compensate for their lack of natural assets.

>> No.11179051

joke's on you, faggot - my mother is the mother planet

>> No.11179127

I guess first just tried if they get imitated and it went out of hand.

>> No.11179462

>I jerk off to trannies
youre even worse, you all deserve to be burned at the stake you sodomite fags

>> No.11179486

Who is this faggot? Im guessing it's Solivagus' new moniker because of the immense amount of faggotry emanating from these posts.

>> No.11179685

yes it’s solischizus

>> No.11179703
